LG LGC399 Owner’s Manual [ar]

LG LGC399 Owner’s Manual




ةيراطبلانحشوSIM ةقاطبتيبثت








SIM ةقاطبتيبثت










)نميلأارايتخلااحاتفم/ رسيلأارايتخلااحاتفم( رايتخلااحيتافم

.كلذريغوةرفوتمةيرايتخاتامدخيأوPIN زمرلثم،ككارتشالوحليصافتبةبوحصمSIM ةقاطببكديوزتمتي،يولخلافتاهلاةكبشبكرتشتامدنع


ةيسيئرلاLCD ةشاش

لكءاقبابجي, اهجارخاوأاهلاخدادنعوأاهعملماعتلادنعارذحنكاذلينثلاوأشدلخاقيرطنعSIM ةقاطببررضقالحاةلوهسبنكيم› ! ماه


SIM ةقاطبرشؤم




.لافطلأالوانتمنعاديعبSIM تاقاطب


.SIM ليدبتةلاحرشؤملااذهرهظي




ةدمتعمتياباجيج2/2.5 ةعسSIM ةقاطباهدحو›



قفاومحاتفم/ ديكأتلاحاتفم












SIM ةقاطبليدبتحاتفم







.يفلخلاءاطغلاحتفا1 .1







.ةيراطبلاجرخأ2 .2







.SIM تاقاطبلخدا3 .3






.ةيراطبلالخدا4 .4







.يفلخلاءاطغلاقلغأ5 .5

.ةيلودتاملاكمءارجلإ’+‘ زمرلالخدأ-






.ةيراطبلانحشا6 .6































)رارمتسابطغضلا( ليغشتفاقيإ/ليغشت








































تنرتنإنم‏LG لوملمحافتاهلاجمانربثيدتح


Twitter ةمدخ)ةيعامتجلااةكبشلاتامدخ( SNS ىلإلوصولاكنكمي












.ةنرتقملابيولاةحفصىلإلوصولاوURL تامولعملاعقاومددحمناونعىلإ





Safety care







ةكبش( Wi-Fi ربعتنرتنإتلااصتاةرادإيكلسلالاليغشتلاريدمكلحيتي




.كبةصاخلائراوطلاتلااحىلعكلوحنمسانلاSafety Care فرعي

























FM ويدار












”LG PC Suite IV“ رتويبمكلاقيبطتتيبثت




ةلضفملاكتاطحمطبضكنكميثيحبFM ويدارةزيمزاهجلايفرفوتت


.ةعرسبةبولطملاةمئاقلارتخاوةفاضإىلعطغضا2 .2





.LG بيوةحفصنم”LG PC Suite IV“ رتويبمكلاقيبطتليزنتنكمي





.FM ويدارىلإعامتسلاليوديلالصوملاخدإبمق:ةظحلام


.كدلبرتخاوwww.lg.com عقوملاىلإلقتنا1 .1







.)LG-C399( زارطلاددح> لومحملافتاهلامعد> معدلاىلإلقتنا2 .2






Windows Live Messenger

WINDOW PC ليزنتقوفرقناو،ليزنتنمرتويبمكلاةنمازمقوفرقنا3 .3






.”LG PC Suite IV“ رتويبمكلاجمانربليزنتلSync






وأةديدجءامساةفاضلإWindows Live Messenger ىلإلوصولاكنكمي
















ةيبرعلا-مدختسم ليلد LG-C399‏


.كفتاهىلعةدوجوملاتازيملل رفوموأفتاهلاجمانربىلإًادانتساكلذوكفتاهنعليلدلااذهيفةدوجوملاتايوتحملاضعبفلتختدق





MFL67848403 (1.1)







.اهترادإوةيعامتجلااةكبشلابعاتمتسلااكلحيتيSNS ـبدوزمزاهجلانإ





.كئاقدصأبةصاخلاSN تاثيدحتضرعوSN عضومةلاحثيدحتكنكمي






.ليغشتلاديقكفتاهنأنمدكأت1 .1

مهسلاىلعطغضامقرفذحل.حيتافملاةحولمادختساكنكمي2 .2










طغضا3 .3








ىلعطغضا،ةملاكملاءاهنلإ4 .4




.0‏ ىلعرارمتسابطغضا،ةيلودةملاكمءارجإدنع+ لاخدلإ!حيملت





.اريماكلارتخاواريماكلاددحوةمئاقلاىلعطغضا1 .1




ةشاشلاطسويفطاقتللاازمرددح،ضرغلاىلعاريماكلازكرتّ امدنع2 .2

،)ةريصقلاةلاسرلاةمدخ( SMS لئاسربةقلعتمفئاظوزاهجلانمضتيّ


ةمدخلئاسركلذكو،)ةددعتملاطئاسولاةلاسرةمدخ( ‏MMS لئاسرو















SIM يثلاث



.طيشنتللاهلكSIM تاقاطبوأةدحاوSIM ةقاطبرايتخاكنكمي






.ةدايقلاىلعهابتنلاالماكزيكرتامودً كيلع• اذإةملاكملاىلعةباجلإاوأةملاكمءارجإلبققيرطلابناجدنعفقوتّ•

.كلذيعدتستةدايقلافورظتناك لثمةبكرملايفةينورتكللإاةمظنلأاضعبىلعRF ةقاطرثؤتدق•

.ةرايسلايفةملاسلاتادعموويريتسلاةزهجأ هلمعةقاعإمدعكيلع،يئاوهسيكبةدوزمةبكرملانوكتامدنع• كلذلطبيدقف.ةلومحموأةتبثمةيكلسلاتازيهجتةطساوب ءادأببسبةريطختاباصإبكلذببستيدقوأيئاوهلاسيكلالمع

.حيحصريغ ىوتسمنوكنمدكأتف،كلقنتءانثأىقيسوملاىلإعمتستتنكاذإ• يفةياغرملأااذه.كبطيحياملاكردمً نوكتثيحبًلاوقعمتوصلا

.تاقرطلانمبرقلاباصوصخً ةيمهلأا




ةفلاتلا مكارملا/تايراطبلا نم صلختلا

)Hg( قبئزلا لثم ةيئايميكلا زومرلا عم زمرلا اذه دحتي دق .1 ةيراطبلا تناك اذإ )Pb( صاصرلا وأ )Cd( مويمداكلا وأ رثكأ ىلع يوتحت

0.002% وأ قبئز 0.0005% نم

.0.004% صاصر وأ مويمداك لصفنم لكشب مكارملا/تايراطبلا عيمج نم صلختلا بجي .2 ةصصخملا عيمجتلا تآشنم ربع ةيلزنملا تايافنلا نع

.ةيلحملا تاطلسلا وأ ةموكحلا لبق نم ةددحملاو لكشب ةميدقلا مكارملا/تايراطبلا نم صلختلا دعاسيس .3 ةحصو ةئيبلل ةلمتحملا ةيبلسلا تاعبتلا نم دحلا يف حيحص

.ناويحلاو ناسنلإا /تايراطبلا نم صلختلا لوح ةلصفملا تامولعملا نم ديزمل .4 كتنيدم يف ةكرشلا بتكمب لاصتلاا ىجري ةميدقلا مكارملا تيرتشا يذلا لحملاب وأ تايافنلا نم صلختلا ةمدخ وأ

.جتنملا هنم

لكشبفجيلّهنعةقاطلالصفباًروفمق،للبللفتاهلاضرعتّ اذإ• فيفجتردصممادختسابفيفجتلاةيلمععيرستلواحتلا.لماك

.رعشلاففجموأفيووركياملاوأنرفلالثميجراخ لا.فتاهلالخادجتنملاةيمستنولللبملافتاهلايفلئاسلاريغيّ•




.اهئادأىلعرثؤيدقامم،شيوشتللةلومحملافتاوهلالكضرعتتّ دق بلطنودنمةيبطلاةزهجلأانمبرقلابلومحملافتاهلامدختستلا• ،ًلاثم،ضبنلاطبضةزهجأىلعفتاهلاعضوبنجتّ.كلذبمايقللنذلإا


.عمسللةدعاسملاتاودلألجاعزلإاةلومحملافتاوهلاضعبببستّ دق• ويدارلاونويزفلتلاةزهجأىلعشيوشتلانمىندلأادحلارثؤيدق•

.يصخشلارتويبمكلاو ةجرد40 و0 نيبةرارحلاةجردهيفحوارتتناكميففتاهلامدختسا• وأةعفترمةرارحتاجردىلإفتاهلاضيرعتيدؤيدق.نكمأاذإ،ةيوئم ثودحىلإىتحوأهلطعتوأجتنملابررضقاحلإىلإادجً ةضفخنم

. راجفنا




كب ةصاخلا ةميدقلا ةزهجلأا نم صلختلا

اهنم صلختلا بجي ةينورتكللإاو ةيئابرهكلا ةزهجلأا عيمج .1 عيمجتلا تآشنم ربع ةيلزنملا تايافنلا نع لصفنم لكشب

.ةيلحملا تاطلسلا وأ ةموكحلا لبق نم ةددحملاو ةصصخملا نم دحلا يف حيحص لكشب ميدقلا كزاهج نم صلختلا دعاسيس .2

.ناسنلإا ةحصو ةئيبلل ةلمتحملا ةيبلسلا تاعبتلا كزاهج نم صلختلا لوح ةلصفملا تامولعملا نم ديزمل .3 ةمدخ وأ كتنيدم يف ةكرشلا بتكمب لاصتلاا ىجري ،ميدقلا

.جتنملا هنم تيرتشا يذلا لحملاب وأ تايافنلا نم صلختلا


.قيرحعلادناىلإكلذيدؤيدقوًانخاسفتاهلا مدختستلا( جراخلانمةدحولافيظنتلةفاجشامقةعطقمدختسا•


.معانثاثأىلعاعوضومً نوكيامدنعفتاهلانحشتلا•


.دئازلارابغلاوأناخدللةدحولاهذهضرعتّ لا• رثؤيدقف؛لقنلاركاذتوأنامتئلااتاقاطبنمبرقلابفتاهلاعضتلا•

.ةيندعملاةطرشلأاىلعةدوجوملاتامولعملاىلعكلذ قاحلإىلإكلذيدؤيدقذإداحءيشةطساوبةشاشلاىلعطغضتلا•


.ةبوطرلاوألئاوسللفتاهلاضرعتّ لا• نودنميئاوهلاسملتلا.رذحبنذلأاتاعامسلثمتاقحلملامدختسا•

.كلذىلإكوعديببسدوجو اذإهحلاصإوأهتلازإلواحتوأهسملتوأروسكملاجاجزلامدختستلا• فلتةلافكلالمشتلا.امطحتمً وأاياظشىلإًلاوحتموأاًروسكمناك

.مادختسلااءوسةجيتنةيجاجزلاةشاشلا مادختسلااءانثأةرارحلادلويينورتكلإزاهجنعةرابعفتاهلااذه• يفةليوطةرتفلوةرشابمةرشبلابجتنملاكاكتحايدؤيدق.يداعلا قورحبببستلاوأةحارلابروعشلامدعىلإةبسانملاةيوهتلابايغ



LG-C399‏جتنملااذهنأراعشلإااذهبجومبLGElectronicsنلعت هيجوتلابةصاخلاةلصلاتاذىرخلأاماكحلأاوةيساسلأاتابلطتملاعمقفاوتييلاتلاناونعلاىلعقفاوتلانلاعإنمةخسنىلعروثعلانكمي.


يبرعلاقرشملا– تاينورتكللإليجلاةكرش

ةمسبةريملااعراش-بيطخلاماصععمجم نودبع– ثلاثلاقباطلا


مادختسلالةدمتعلماتاقحللماونحاوشلاوتايراطبلامدختسا:ريذتح يألاطبإىلإيدؤيدقىرخأعاونأيأمادختسانإ.طقفاذهددلمحافتاهلازارطعم ،لوملمحافتاهلااريطخنوكيدقو, لوملمحافتاهلاىلعقبطنتةقفاوموأةلافك



.اهحلاصإىلإةجاحبنوكتامدنع وأتاحولLG لًاقفوةلافكلابةلومشملاتاحلاصلإانمضتتدف• ةيزاومفئاظوبزيمتتنأىلعةددجموأةديدجتناكأءاوسرايغلاعطق

.اهلادبتسامتيتلاءازجلأافئاظول ةزهجألثمةينورتكللإاةزهجلأانعديعبناكميفةدحولاهذهعض•

.يصخشلارتويبمكلاةزهجأو،ويدارلاو،زافلتلا وأةئفدتلاةزهجألثمةنوخسلارداصمنعةديعبةدحولاءاقبإبجي•



.تامدصلاوأيكيناكيملازازتهلالةدحولاهذهضرعتّ لا• ةصاخلانيناوقلابلاطتامثيحةقطنميأيففتاهلاليغشتفقوأ• دقذإتايفشتسملايففتاهلامدختستلا،لاثملاليبسىلع.كلذب

.ةساسحلاةيبطلاتادعملاىلعرثؤي رملأااذهببستيّ دقف.هنحشءانثأنيتبطرنيديبفتاهلاكسمتلا•


.سامتثودحلاهضيرعتوأةيراطبلاكيكفتىلعلمعتلا• نكمملانمف.لوبقمريغاهؤادأحبصيامدنعةيراطبلالدبتسا• ىلإةجاحبحبصتنألبقتارملاتائمةيراطبلاةمزحنحشةداعإ

.لادبتسلاا ةدايزلكلذوةليوطةرتفلاهمادختسامدعلاحيفةيراطبلانحشدعأ•

.اهمادختساةيحلاصةرتف يفهمدختستلاوأرشابملاسمشلارونلةيراطبلانحاشضرعتّ لا•

.مامحلالثم،ةبوطرلاةيلاعنكامأ ىلإكلذيدؤيدقف،ةدرابلاوأةنخاسلانكاملأايفةيراطبلاكرتتلا•

.ةيراطبلاءادأيفعجارت عوننمىرخأةدحاوبةيراطبلالادبتسامتاذإراجفنلاارطخكانه•

.حيحصريغ ةكرشلاتاداشرإقفوةلمعتسملاتايراطبلانمصلختلابجي• صلختتلا.ًانكممكلذنوكيامدنعريودتلاةداعإىجري.ةعنصملاّ

.ةيلزنمتلامهمكاهنم وأةنايصللعرفبرقأىلإاهذخ،ةيراطبلالادبتساىلإةجاحبتنكاذإ•

.ةدعاسملاىلعلوصحللLG Electronics نمدمتعمليكو لماكلابفتاهلانحشدعبسبقملانعنحاشلالصفبًامئادمق•

.ةيرورضريغةقاطنحاشلاكلاهتسايدافتل جتنملاتادادعإوةكبشلانيوكتىلعفقوتييلعفلاةيراطبلارمعنإ•

.ةيئيبلاعاضولأاوةيراطبلاومادختسلااطامنأو باينأكفارطلأاةداحّ ضارغأبةيراطبلاكاكتحامدعىلعصرحا•


عاعشلإانمةيامحللةيلودلاةنجللاهبيصوتيذلاSAR دح•

Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation نيؤملاريغ وحنىلعمسقمّ دحوهومجك/طاو 2 وهProtection (ICNIRP)‎

.يوضعلاجيسنلانمتامارج10 ىلإبسانتم اهرابتخامتيتلاواذهفتاهلازارطلاعافتراً رثكلأاSAR ةميقغلبت• لمحلادنعو)تامارج10( مجك/طاو 0.914 نذلأاىلعمادختسلال

.)تامارج10( مجك/طاو 0.641 دسجلاىلع دنع)RF( يكلسلالاددرتللضرعتلاتاداشرإبزاهجلااذهيفي• هعضودنعوأنذلأاىلعيداعلامادختسلااعضوميفهمادختسا لمحةبلعمادختسادنع.مسجلانملقلأاىلعمس 1.5 دعبىلع ،مسجلاىلعهلمحءانثأزاهجلاليغشتللماحوأمازحللكبشموأ مس 1.5 دعبىلعجتنملاعضوبجيوندعميأىلعيوتحتلاأبجي ،لئاسرلاوأتانايبلاتافلملاسرإلجأنمو.مسجلانملقلأاىلع ضعبيف.ةكبشلابةدوجلايلاعاًّيعونًلااصتازاهجلااذهبلطتيّ نأىلإلئاسرلاوأتانايبلاتافلملاسرإريخأتمتينأزوجي،تلااحلا ةقلعتملاّ تاميلعتلاعابتاىلعصرحا.احاتمً لاصتلاااذهحبصُي





.ةرئاطلايفشيوشتثودحبببستتّ نأةيكلسلالاةزهجلأاةعاطتساب

.ةرئاطيأنتمىلعدوعصلالبقلومحملافتاهلاليغشتفقوأ• مقاطلبقِنمنذإىلعلوصحلانودنمضرلأاىلعهلمعتستلا•




.قانتخلاابببستتوّ هنعلصفنتدقةريغص


يلاتلابو.لوملمحافتاهلاتاكبشعيمجىلعةرفوتمًئراوطلاتالماكمنوكتلادق رفومعجار.ئراوطلاتالماكمءارجلإطقفلوملمحاكفتاهىلعدمتعتلاأكيلع



.اهنحشةداعإلبقلماكلكشبةيراطبلاغارفإىلإةجاحبتسل• هنكميةركاذللريثأتنمكانهسيل،ىرخلأاتايراطبلاةمظنأفلاخبو

.ةيراطبلاءادأضيفخت ةلاطلإةممصمّ LG نحاوشف.طقفLG نحاوشوتايراطبمدختسا•



ًارمأنوكيدقتاداشرلإاهذهبديقتلاّ مدع.ةطيسبلاتاداشرلإاهذهةءارقىجري



ددحملاّ صاصتملاالدعموةيكلسلالاتاجومللضرعتلاّ لوحتامولعم


يفيثيحباذهLG-C399 لومحملافتاهلازارطميمصتمتدقل•

.ةيكلسلالاتاجومللضرعتلابّ ةقلعتملاةعبتملاةملاسلاتابلطتمب ةملاسشماوهنمضتتّ ةيملعتاداشرإىلإتابلطتملاهذهدنتستو ةحصلاورمعلاذخأنود،صاخشلأالكلةملاسلانامضلةممصمّ

.رابتعلاانيعب ةفورعمسايقةدحوةيكلسلالاتاجومللنيابتلاتاداشرإمدختست• مادختسابSAR تارابتخايرجتو.)SAR( ددحملاصاصتملاالدعمب ىوتسمىلعأبلاسرلإاةيلمعفتاهلاذفنياميفةيسايقبيلاسأ

.اهرابتخامتيتلاددرتلاتاقاطنلكيفهبحومسمةقاط تازارطفلتخملSAR تايوتسمنيبتافلاتخادوجونممغرلاىلعو• ةقلعتملاتاداشرلإابيفتثيحبةممصماهلكيهف،LG فتاه


.كعمسبررضلاقالحإىلإةليوطتقوتارتفلةيلاعتاوصأىلإكضرعتّ يدؤيدق

.كنذأنمابيرقً نوكيامدنعهفاقيإوأفتاهلاليغشتبموقتلاأبيلاتلابيصونو


لاتنكاذإتوصلاىوتسمضفخا،سأرلاتاعامسمادختسادنع• نكمتُّةلاحيفوأكنمبرقلابنوثدحتينيذلاصاخشلأاعمست





عقولاحيفجاجزلارسكنيدق.جاجزلانمةعونصملوملمحازاهلجاعطقضعب هسملتلا،جاجزلارسكنالاحيف.ةيوقةبرضىقلتوأبلصحطسىلعزاهلجا نمجاجزلالادبتسامتينأىلإلوملمحازاهلجامادختسانعفقوت.هتلازإلواتحوأ








LG-C399 User Guide- English

This guide will help you understand your new mobile phone. It will provide you with useful explanations of features on your phone.

Some of the contents in this manual may differ from your phone depending on the software of the phone or your service provider.

Getting to know your phone































Soft keys (Left soft key / Right soft key)


Main LCD



























These keys perform the function Indicated in the bottom


























of the display.
























Send key




























SIM indicator





























This indicator showing state of SIM swiching.


Dials a phone number and answers a call.








































Confirm key / OK key


In standby mode: Shows the history of calls.








































SIM Switching key


























Selects menu options and confirms actions.























Navigation key
































Alpha numeric keys

























In standby mode:


In standby mode: Input numbers to dial. Hold down






















Press Up Navigation Key: Widget when it was set.























Press Down Navigation Key: MP3 player


below keys.






















Press Right Navigation Key: Messaging


- Insert‘+’symbol to make international calls.











































- Connect voice mail centre.






















Press Left Navigation Key: My stuff


To - Speed dials.






















In menu: Scroll up, down, Right & left.


- SOS Mode.






















Camera hot key
























In editing mode: Enter numbers & characters




















End key


Lock/Customise key
























Switch on/off (hold down)




















Short press to access customise key.























End or reject a call.




















Long press to Lock in any screen.




















- Hold the key down to activate or deactivate silent



















































































Making a call

1.Make sure your phone is on.

2.You can use the keypad. To delete a digit press back arrow.

3.Press to begin the call.

4.To end the call, press .

TIP! To enter + when making an international call, press and hold 0.


Your device includes functions related to SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service) as well as the network’s service messages.


Press Menu and select Logs. You can check the record of all logs, calls only, missed, outgoing, incoming logs and messages only.

3.Click PC Sync from Download, and click WINDOW PC Sync Download to download“LG PC Suite IV”PC software.

Guidelines for safe and efficient use

Please read these simple guidelines. Not following these guidelines may be dangerous or illegal.

Exposure to radio frequency energy

Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information.

This mobile phone model LG-C399 has been designed to comply with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves.These requirements are based on scientific guidelines that include safety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.

The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).Tests for SAR are conducted using standardised methods with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all used frequency bands.

When using headphones, turn the volume down if you cannot hear the people speaking near you, or if the person sitting next to you can hear what you are listening to.

NOTE: Excessive sound pressure from earphones and headphones can cause hearing loss.

Glass Parts

Some parts of your mobile device are made of glass.This glass could break if your mobile device is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If the glass breaks, do not touch or attempt to remove it. Stop using your mobile device until the glass is replaced by an authorised service provider.

Blasting area

Do not use the phone where blasting is in progress. Observe restrictions and follow any regulations or rules.

Potentially explosive atmospheres

Do not use your phone at a refueling point.

Do not use near fuel or chemicals.

Do not transport or store flammable gas, liquid or explosives in the same compartment of your vehicle as your mobile phone or accessories.


Your device has SNS that lets you enjoy and manage your social network. You can update your own SN place status and view your friend’s SN updates.



1.Press Menu and select Camera and choose Camera.

2.When the camera has focused on your object, select the Capture icon on the bottom-centre of the screen and press OK to take a photo.

My stuff

View the images, sounds, videos and others in your My stuff.

Triple SIM

You can choose one or all of SIM cards you would like to activate.

While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various LG phone models, they are all designed to meet the relevant guidelines for exposure to radio waves.

The SAR limit recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is 2 W/kg averaged over 10g of tissue.

The highest SAR value for this model phone tested for use at the ear is 0.914 W/kg (10g) and when worn on the body is 0.641 W/Kg (10g).

This device meets RF exposure guidelines when used either in the normal use position against the ear or when positioned at least 1.5 cm away from the body. When a carry case, belt clip or holder is used for body-worn operation, it should not contain metal and should position the product at least 1.5 cm away from your body. In order to transmit data files or messages, this device requires a quality connection to the network. In some cases, transmission of data files or messages may be delayed until such a connection is available. Ensure the above separation distance instructions are followed until the transmission is completed.

In aircraft

Wireless devices can cause interference in aircraft.

Turn your mobile phone off before boarding any aircraft.

Do not use it on the ground without permission from the crew.


Keep the phone in a safe place out of the reach of small children. It includes small parts which may cause a choking hazard if detached.

Emergency calls

Emergency calls may not be available on all mobile networks.Therefore you should never depend solely on your phone for emergency calls. Check with your local service provider.

Battery information and care

You do not need to completely discharge the battery before recharging. Unlike other battery systems, there is no memory effect that could compromise the battery’s performance.

Use only LG batteries and chargers. LG chargers are designed to maximise the battery life.

Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery.

Replace the battery when it no longer provides acceptable performance.The battery pack may be recharged hundreds of times before it needs replacing.


You can launch the internet browser and access the homepage of the activated profile on web settings. You can also manually enter a URL address and access the associated Web page.


Choose the profile you want to edit. Using flight mode - Flight mode will not allow you to make calls, connect to the internet or send message.

FM radio

Your device has an FM radio feature so you can tune into your favorite stations and listen on the move.

NOTE: Insert handsfree connector to listen to a FM Radio.

Windows Live Messenger

You can access Windows Live Messenger to add contacts or open dialogs with your contacts.

Product care and maintenance

WARNING: Only use batteries, chargers and accessories approved for use with this particular phone model. The use of any other types may invalidate any approval or warranty applying to the phone and may be dangerous.

Do not disassemble this unit.Take it to a qualified service technician when repair work is required.

Repairs under warranty, at LG’s discretion, may include replacement parts or boards that are either new or reconditioned, provided that they have functionality equal to that of the parts being replaced.

Keep away from electrical appliances such asTVs, radios and personal computers.

The unit should be kept away from heat sources such as radiators or cookers.

Do not drop.

Do not subject this unit to mechanical vibration or shock.

Switch off the phone in any area where you are required to by special regulations. For example, do not use your phone in hospitals as it may affect sensitive medical equipment.

Recharge the battery if it has not been used for a long time to maximise usability.

Do not expose the battery charger to direct sunlight or use it in high humidity, such as in the bathroom.

Do not leave the battery in hot or cold places, as this may deteriorate battery performance.

There is risk of explosion if the battery is replaced with an incorrect type.

Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Please recycle when possible. Do not dispose as household waste.

If you need to replace the battery, take it to the nearest authorised LG Electronics service point or dealer for assistance.

Always unplug the charger from the wall socket after the phone is fully charged to save unnecessary power consumption of the charger.

Actual battery life will depend on network configuration, product settings, usage patterns, battery and environmental conditions.

Make sure that no sharp-edged items such as animal’s teeth or nails, come into contact with the battery.This could cause a fire.


Set up your device for Bluetooth use. You can adapt your visibility to other devices or search through devices your phone is paired with.


Wireless Manager allows you to manage Internet connections via Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) on your device. It allows the phone to connect to local wireless networks or access the Internet wirelessly.

Games & apps

You can install new games and applications on your phone to keep you amused when you have spare time. Press Menu and select.


You can add new memo, view and manage saved memos.

Do not handle the phone with wet hands while it is being charged. It may cause an electric shock and can seriously damage your phone.

Do not charge a handset near flammable material as the handset can become hot and create a fire hazard.

Use a dry cloth to clean the exterior of the unit (do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner or alcohol).

Do not charge the phone when it is on soft furnishings.

The phone should be charged in a well ventilated area.

Do not subject this unit to excessive smoke or dust.

Do not keep the phone next to credit cards or transport tickets; it can affect the information on the magnetic strips.

Do not tap the screen with a sharp object as it may damage the phone.

Do not expose the phone to liquid or moisture.

Use accessories like earphones cautiously. Do not touch the antenna unnecessarily.

Do not use, touch or attempt to remove or fix broken, chipped or cracked glass. Damage to the glass display due to abuse or misuse is not covered under the warranty.

Your phone is an electronic device that generates heat during normal operation. Extremely prolonged, direct skin contact in the absence of adequate ventilation may result in discomfort or minor burns. Therefore, use care when handling your phone during or immediately after operation.


Hereby, LG Electronics declares that this

LG-C399 product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found at http://www.lg.com/global/declaration


Abdoun, Princess Basmah St. Issam Al - Khatib complex, 3rd Floor

Installing the SIM Card and Charging the Battery

Installing the SIM Card

When you subscribe to a cellular network, you are provided with a SIM card loaded with your subscription details, such as your PIN, any optional services available and many others.

Important! › The SIM card can be easily damaged by scratches or bending, so be careful when handling, inserting or removing the card. Keep all SIM cards out of the reach of small children.

› only 2G/2.5G SIM supported



Open back cover.





Remove the battery.




Insert your SIM Cards.





Insert your battery.





Close the back cover.





Charge your battery.




WARNING: Do not remove the




battery when the phone is switched on, as this may damage the phone.


You can access SNS(Social network services) service Twitter to write new tweets or read tweets of those who you’re following. You can search people to follow, or manage your followers.

Safety Care

Safety care let people around you know your emergency situations.


Quick menu

1.Press Menu and select Tools, then choose Quick menu.

2.Press Add and choose the menu you want to quickly approach.

If your phone gets wet, immediately unplug it to dry off completely. Do not attempt to accelerate the drying process with an external heating source, such as an oven, microwave or hair dryer.

The liquid in your wet phone, changes the color of the product label inside your phone. Damage to your device as a result of exposure to liquid is not covered under your warranty.

Efficient phone operation

Electronics devices

All mobile phones may receive interference, which could affect performance.

Do not use your mobile phone near medical equipment without requesting permission. Avoid placing the phone over pacemakers, for example, in your breast pocket.

Somehearingaidsmightbe disturbedby mobile phones.

Minor interference may affectTVs, radios, PCs etc.

Use your phone in temperatures between 0ºC and 40ºC, if possible. Exposing your phone to extremely low or high temperatures may result in damage, malfunction, or even explosion.

Road safety

Check the laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones in the area when you drive.

Disposal of your old appliance

1 All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.

2The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.

3For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.

Phone Software update

LG Mobile Phone Software update from internet

For more information on using this function, please visit the http://update.lgmobile.com or http://www.lg.com/ common/index.jsp →select country.

This feature allows you to update the Software of your phone to the latest version conveniently from the internet without the need to visit a service centre.

As the mobile phone Software update requires the user’s full attention for the duration of the update process, please make sure to check all instructions and notes that appear at each step before proceeding. Please note that removing the USB data cable or battery during the upgrade may seriously damage your mobile phone.

Installing “LG PC Suite IV” PC application

“LG PC Suite IV”PC application can be downloaded from the webpage of LG.

1.Go to www.lg.com and select a country of your choice.

2.Go to Support > Mobile Phone Support > Select the Model (LG-C399).

Do not use a hand-held phone while driving.

Give full attention to driving.

Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require.

RF energy may affect some electronic systems in your vehicle such as car stereos and safety equipment.

When your vehicle is equipped with an air bag, do not obstruct with installed or portable wireless equipment. It can cause the air bag to fail or cause serious injury due to improper performance.

If you are listening to music whilst out and about, please ensure that the volume is at a reasonable level so that you are aware of your surroundings.This is of particular importance when near roads.

Avoid damage to your hearing

To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.

Damage to your hearing can occur if you are exposed to loud sound for long periods of time. We therefore recommend that you do not turn on or off the handset close to your ear. We also recommend that music and call volumes are set to a reasonable level.

Disposal of waste batteries/accumulators

1 This symbol may be combined with chemical symbols for mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) or lead (Pb) if the battery contains more than 0.0005% of mercury, 0.002% of cadmium or 0.004% of lead.

2All batteries/accumulators should be disposed separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities.

3The correct disposal of your old batteries/ accumulators will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment, animal and human health.

4For more detailed information about disposal of your old batteries/accumulators, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
