* The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by LGE Inc. Furthermore, LGE Inc. reserves the right, without
notice, to make changes to equipment design as advances in engineering and manufacturing
methods warrant.
This manual provides the information necessary to install, program, operate and
For the purposes of this manual, following abbreviations apply:
APC Automatic Power Control
BB Baseband
BER Bit Error Ratio
CC-CV Constant Current – Constant Voltage
CLA Cigar Lighter Adapter
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DCS Digital Communication System
dBm dB relative to 1 milli-watt
DSP Digital Signal Processing
EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EL Electroluminescence
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FPCB Flexible Printed Circuit Board
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
IPUI International Portable User Identity
IF Intermediate Frequency
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDO Low Drop Output
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGE LG Electronics
OPLL Offset Phase Locked Loop
PAM Power Amplifier Module
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PGA Programmable Gain Amplifier
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PSTN Public Switc hed Te lephone Network
RF Radio Frequency
RLR Receiving Loudness Rating
RMS Root Mean Square
RTC Real Time Clock
SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SLR Sending Loudness Rating
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
STMR Side Tone Masking Rating
TA Travel Adapter
TDD Time Division Duplex
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
This manual provides the information necessary to repair, calibration, description and
download the features of the
1.2. Regulatory Information
1.2.1. Security
Toll fraud, the unauthorized use of telecommunications system by an unauthorized part (for
example, persons other than your company’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or person
working on your company’s behalf) can result in substantial additional charges you’re your
telecommunications services. System users are responsible for the security of own system.
There are may be risks of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications system. System
users are responsible for programming and configuring the equipment to prevent unauthorized
use. LGE does not warrant that this product is immune from the above case but will prevent
unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication service of facilities accessed through
or connected to it. LGE will not be responsible for any charges that result from such
unauthorized use.
1.2.2. Incidence of Harm
If a telephone company determines that the equipment provided to customer is faulty and
possibly causing harm or interruption in service to the telephone network, it should disconnect
telephone service until repair can be done. A telephone company may temporarily disconnect
service as long as repair is not done.
1.2.3. Changes in Service
A local telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities or procedure.
If these changes could reasonably be expected to affect the use of the
with the network, the telephone company is required to give advanced written notice to the
user, allowing the user to take appropriate steps to maintain telephone service.
KC560 or compatibility
1.2.4. Maintenance Limitations
Maintenance limitations on the KC560 must be performed only at the LGE or its authorized
agents. The user may not make any changes and/or repairs expect as specifically noted in this
manual. Therefore, note that unauthorized alternations or repair may affect the regulatory
status of the system and may void any remaining warranty.
1.2.5. Notice of Radiated Emissions
The KC560 complies with rules regarding radiation and radio frequency emission as defined
by local regulatory agencies. In accordance with these agencies, you may be required to
provide information such as the following to the end user.
The pictures in this manual are for illustrative purposes only; your actual hardware may look
slightly different.
1.2.7. Interference and Attenuation
The KC560 may interfere with sensitive laboratory equipment, medical equipment, etc.
Interference from unsuppressed engines or electric motors may cause problems.
1.2.8. Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
Boards, which contains Electrostatic Sensitive Device(ESD), are indicated by the sign.
Following information is ESD handling: Service personnel shou ld ground themselves by using
a wrist strap when exchange system boards.
When repairs are made to a system b oard, they should spread the floor with anti-static mat
which is also grounded. Use a suitable, grounded soldering iron . Keep sensitive parts in these
protective packages until these are used. When returning system boards or parts such as
EEPROM to the factory, use the protective package as described.
- Using Test mode on DSP Sleep function ≤ 6mA
GSM900/Level7 (Battery 900mA):230 Min
GSM900/Level12(Battery 900mA):390 Min
PCS1800/Level5 (Battery 900mA):340 Min
PCS1800/Level10(Battery 900mA):430 Min
Under conditions, at least 250 hours:
Brand new and full 900mAh battery
Full charge, no receive/send and keep GSM
in the mode. Broadcast set off.
Signal strength display set at 3 level above.
Backlight of phone set off.
Figure 3 Top level block diagram of the S-GOLD3TM (PMB8877)
3.2.1. General Description
S-GOLD3TM is a GSM/EDGE single chip mixed signal Baseband IC containing all analog and digital
functionality of a cellular radio. Additionally S-GOLD3
software MIDI, MP3 sound. It is designed as a single chip solution, integrating the digital and mixed
signal portions of the base band in 0.09um, 1.2V technology.
The chip will fully support the FR, EFR, HR and AMR-NB vocoding.
application (up to class 12) and EGPRS (up to class 12) without additional external hardware.
support multi-slot operation modes HSCSD (up to class 10), GPRS for high speed data
Provides multimedia extensions such as camera,
3.2.2. Block Description
Processing core
ARM926EJ-S 32 bit processor core for controller functions. The ARM926EJ-S includes an MMU, and
the Jazelle Java extension for Java acceleration.
- TEAKLite DSP core
- 32k Byte Boot ROM on the AHB
- 96k Byte SRAM on the AHB, flexibly usable as program or data RAM
- 8k Byte tightly coupled memory for Program(internal)
- 8k Byte Cache for Data(internal)
- 8k Byte tightly coupled memory for Data(internal)
- 104K x 16bit Program ROM
- 8k x 16bit Program RAM
- 60k x 16bit Data ROM
- 37k x 16bit Data RAM
- Incremental Redundancy(IR) Memory of 35904 words of 16bit
Shared Memory Block
1.5K x 32bit Shared RAM(dual ported) between controller system and TEAKLite.
Controller Bus system
The processor cores and their peripherals are connected by powerful buses.
Multi-layer AHB for connecting the ARM and the other master capable building blocks with the internal
and external memories and with the peripheral buses.
Clock system
The clock system allows widely independent selection of frequencies for the essential parts of the
S-GOLD3. Thus power consumption and performance can be optimized for each application.
Functional Hardware block
- CPU and DSP Timers
- MOVE coprocessor performing motion estimation for video encoding algorithms
(H.263, MPEG-4)
- Programmable PLL with additional phase shifters for system clock generation
- GSM Timer Module that off-loads the CPU from radio channel timing
- GMSK / 8-PSK Modulator according to GSM-standard 05.04 (5/2000)
- GMSK Modulator: gauss-filter with B*T=0.3
- EDGE Modulator: 8PSK-modulation with linearized GMSK-Pulse-Filter
- Hardware accelerators for equalizer and channel decoding.
- Incremental Redundancy memory for EDGE class 12 support
- A5/1, A5/2, A5/3 Cipher unit
- GEA1, GEA2, GEA3 Cipher Unit to support GPRS data transmission
- Advanced static and dynamic power management features including TDMA-Frame
synchronous low power mode and enhanced CPU modes(idle and sleep modes)
- Pulse Number Modulation output for Automatic Frequency Correction(AFC)
- Serial RF Control interface: support of direct conversion RF
- A Universal Serial Interface(USIF) enabling asynchronous (UART) of synchronous (SPI)
serial data transmission
- 3 USIF with auto baud detection, hardware flow control and integrated
- A dedicated Fast IrDA Controller supporting IrDAs SIR,MIR and FIR standards
(up to 4Mbps)
- I2C-bus interface (e.g. connection to S/M power)
- A fast display interface supporting serial and parallel interconnection
- An ITU-R BT.656 compatible Camera interface.
- Programmable clock output for a camera
- An multimedia/Secure Digital Card Interface (MMCI/SD:SDIO capable)
S-Gold3 uses this interface to control RF IC and Per ipherals. 13 signals are provided switch on/off RF
ICs Periodically each TDMA frame.
Table 2. RF Interface Spec.
LGIT 16bit access
8bit data Interface
Resource Interconnection Description
T_OUT1 FE2 FEM control
T_OUT2 PA_BAND TX RF band select
T_OUT3 FE1 FEM control
T_OUT4 Other operation -
T_OUT5 Other operation -
T_OUT6 PA MODE PAM Mode select
BBP ADC block is composed of 7 external ADC channel. This block operates charging process and
other related process by reading battery voltage and other analog values.
Table 4. S-Gold3 ADC channel usage
ADC channel
Resource Interconnection Description
M0 BAT_ID Battery temperature measure
M1 RF_TEMP RF block temperature measure
M2 REMOTE_ADC Remote Control
M3 JACK_TYPE Accessory type detect
M4 N.C
M52V62_VIO PCB revision
M6 N.C
M7 N.C
M8 VSUPPLY Battery supply voltage measure
M9 LOAD Current consumption measure
M10 N.C
3.2.7. GPIO map
Over a hundred allowable resources, KC560 is using as fo llows except dedicated to SIM and Memory.
KC560 GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output) Map, describing application, I/O state, and enable level, is
shown in below table
I2C_SCL SCL For FM/BT/Amp/Camera
Not used
UART_BT_RX Bluetooth RX
UART_BT_TX Bluetooth TX
CLK32k For FM Radio, BT CLK32K
Not used
CIF_D0 Camera DATA[0]
CIF_D1 Camera DATA[1]
CIF_D2 Camera DATA[2]
CIF_D3 Camera DATA[3]
CIF_D4 Camera DATA[4]
CIF_D5 Camera DATA[5]
CIF_D6 Camera DATA[6]
CIF_D7 Camera DATA[7]
CIF_PCLK Camera pixel clock
CIF_HSYNC Camera H sync
CIF_VSYNC Camera V sync
CIF_MCLK Camera main clock
CIF_PD Camera power down(active high)
CIF_RESET Camera reset
RCV_N For Receiver
RCV_P For Receiver
BBP_SND_L For Speaker
BBP_SND_R For Speaker
HS_MIC_N For Headset Mic
HS_MIC_N For Headset Mic
VMIC_P Power for MIC
VMIC_N Power for MIC
BAT_ID Battery temperature measure
RF_TEMP RF block temperature measure
REMOTE_ADC Remote Control
JACK_TYPE Accessory type detect
H/W VERSION S-Gold H/W version detect
VSUPPLY Battery supply voltage measure
LOAD Current consumption measure
MEM _AD[1]
MEM _AD[2]
MEM _AD[3]
MEM _AD[4]
MEM _AD[5]
MEM _AD[6]
MEM _AD[7]
MEM _AD[8]
MEM _AD[9]
MEM _AD[10]
MEM _AD[11]
MEM _AD[12]
MEM _AD[13]
MEM _AD[14]
MEM _AD[15]
DATA (1)
DATA (2)
DATA (3)
DATA (4)
DATA (5)
DATA (6)
DATA (7)
DATA (8)
DATA (9)
DATA (10)
DATA (11)
DATA (12)
DATA (13)
DATA (14)
DATA (15)
MEM _BC1_n
MEM _A[0] ADD(0)
MEM _A[1]
MEM _A[2]
MEM _A[3]
MEM _A[4] ADD (4)
MEM _A[5]
MEM _A[6]
MEM _A[7]
MEM _A[8]
MEM _A[9]
MEM _A[10]
MEM _A[11]
MEM _A[12]
MEM _A[13]
MEM _A[14]
MEM _A[15]
MEM _A[16]
MEM _A[17]
MEM _A[18]
MEM _A[19]
MEM _A[20]
MEM _A[21]
MEM _A[22]
MEM _A[23]
MEM _A[24]
ADD (1)
ADD (2)
ADD (3)
ADD (5)
ADD (6)
ADD (7)
ADD (8)
ADD (9)
ADD (10)
ADD (11)
ADD (12)
ADD (13)
ADD (14)
ADD (15)
ADD (16)
ADD (17)
ADD (18)
ADD (19)
ADD (20)
ADD (21)
ADD (22)
ADD (23)
ADD (24)
TP103 Not used
N.C Not used
SDCLKO For Burst mode
SDCLKI For Burst mode
N.C For Burst mode
SM-POWER is a highly integrated Power and Battery Management IC for mobile handsets. It has been
specially designed for usage with S-Gold3. Although optimized for usage with the Infineon S-GOLD
baseband device it is suitable for the S-GOLD lite and the E-GOLD+ baseband devices as well. It also
supports the cellular RF devices like SMARTi-DC, SMARTi-DC+, SMARTi-SD and the Bluemoon
Single, Infineon’s single chip solution for Bluetooth. If used with S-GOLD3 it provides all power supply
functions (except for the RF PA) for a complete advanced GSM Edge smart phone minimizing external
device count.
Block Description
Highly efficient step-down converter for main digital baseband supply including Core, DSP and
Memory interface (External Bus Unit).
Support of S-GOLD standby power-down concept
Low-drop-out (LDO) regulators for Flash and mobile RAM memory devices
Voltage independent switching of two SIM cards
LDO regulators for baseband I/O supply
LDO regulator for analog mixed-signal section of S-GOLD
Low-noise LDO regulators for RF devices
Supply for Bluemoon Single, Infineon’s single chip solution for Bluetooth
Audio amplifier 8 Ohms for Handsfree operation and ringing
Charge Control for charging Li-Ion/Polymer batteries under software control
Pre-charge current generator with selectable current level
RTC regulator with ultra-low quiescent current
USB interface support for peripheral and mini-host mode
Backlight LEDs driver with current selection and PWM dimming function
Two single LED driver outputs for signaling
Vibrator driver with adjustable voltage
Fully controllable by software via I2C – Bus
Temperature and battery voltage sensors
Interrupt channels for peripherals
System debug mode
VQFN 48 package with heat sink and non-protruding leads
Compatible with the Infineon E-GOLD+ V2 and V3
SM-POWER is a further step on the successful E-Power product line with enhanced and optimized
SM-POWER features a baseband supply concept with a DC/DC step-down converter cascaded by two
linear regulators
SM-POWER’s DC/DC converter makes up to 40 % reduction of battery current for smart phone
functions (e.g. organizer functions, games, MP3 decoding) possible.
SDBB has high efficiency up to 95% and also a power save mode.
Memory Interface is directly supported by the SDBB
SDBB can also act as main supply voltage for E-GOLD+ or S-GOLDlite baseband devices.
For S-GOLD two linear regulators for DSP and Core are cascaded after the SDBB.
SM-POWER supports the standby power-down concept of S-GOLD by temporarily switching off the
linear regulator for the DSP during mobile standby whenever this subsystem is not used. In this phase
the ARM controller and most peripherals including parts of the on-chip SRAM are kept powered-up with
power being supplied by the other linear regulator.
SM-POWER includes a fully differential audio amplifier able to drive loads down to a nominal value of 8
Ohm for usage in hands-free phones and for ringing
450 mW maximum output power
adjustable gain
mute switch SM-POWER also integrates a charging function for Li-Ion, Li-Polymer batteries
click and pop -protection SM-POWER also integrates a charging function for Li-Ion, Li-Polymer batteries
Precharge current source with two current levels
Constant current / constant voltage charging with 3 different termination voltages
Programmable charge current limitation for use with different batteries
Freely programmable pulse charging to reduce the thermal power dissipation in the constant voltage
charging phase
op-off charge current sensing SM-POWER completes the USB interface of S-GOLD
Regulated voltage for S-GOLD USB interface including reverse current and overvoltage protection
Switch to supply USB pull-up resistor
ni-host pull down resistor functionality
Charge pump with internal switching capacitor for USB host VBUS supply voltage SM-POWER fully
supports LED and Vibra Motor functionality
no external components needed
driver for backlight LEDs adjustable in steps up to 140mA and with soft turn on and off by PWM dimming
wo driver outputs for single LEDs for precharge indication and signaling with i.e. change of color
driver for Vibra Motor with adjustable voltages, soft startup / shutdown and current limitation
SM-POWER offers several control functions
Power-on Reset Generator with logic state machine
I2C bus interface
I2C bus configurable mode control logic with ON (push-button or RTC), VCXOEN and LRF3EN (wake-up
by Bluetooth) inputs
Programmable interrupt channels to handle peripherals like SIM, MMC and USB
onitoring of charging functions
Under voltage Shut-Down
Error flags (volatile or non-volatile) from many power-supply functions and thermal sensor in order to debug
Over temperature Shut-Down
Over temperature Warning
Support of S-GOLD standby power-down concept
Support of S-GOLD Power-Down Pad Tristate Function