LG Gizmopal 2 User Guide

User Guide
MFL69311801 (1.0)
User Guide
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Ta bl e of C on te n t s
What You’ll Find in the Box .......................................................2
About Your GizmoPal 2 .............................................................3
Charging the Battery ..................................................................4
Turning Your GizmoPal 2 On and Off ......................................5
Linking Your GizmoPal 2 to Your Smartphone ........................6
Caregivers and Contacts ............................................................9
The GizmoHub App .................................................................. 11
Using GizmoPal 2 ....................................................................21
LED Colors and GizmoPal 2 Status ...................................... 23
Safety ........................................................................................ 24
Limited Warranty Statement .................................................. 49

What You’ll Find in the Box

What You’ll Find in the Box
Check that all of the following components are included in the GizmoPal 2 box:
GizmoPal 2 in its Wristband
Charging Cord
Charging Adapter
Get to Know Your Device Guide
Product Safety & Warranty Brochure
NOTE If any component is missing, please contact the store from which you bought it.

About Your GizmoPal 2

Fro nt Vi ew
GizmoPal 2
About Your GizmoPal 2
Wristband (Holder)
Battery, Call, and Communication Icons
Rear View
Call Button
Play Button
USB/Charger Port

Charging the Battery

Charging the Battery
To c ha rg e th e ba tt er y, o pe n th e US B/ ch a rg er p or t co ve r an d:
1. Plug the charging cord into the GizmoPal 2.
2. Plug the other end of the cord into the charging adapter.
3. Plug the charging adapter into an electrical outlet. The battery charging light will blink red while your GizmoPal 2 is charging and turn green when it is fully charged.
USB/Charger Port
NOTES s Don’t use the GizmoPal 2 while it’s being charged.
s Only use the charging cord and adapter included in the box to charge your GizmoPal 2.
s Make sure that you close the USB/charger port cover completely to keep out dirt and

Tu r n i n g Yo u r G i z m oP a l 2 O n a n d Of f

Tu r n i ng Yo u r G i z mo P a l 2 On a nd O f f
Tu r n in g y o ur G i z m oP a l 2 on :
Press and hold the Play button
GizmoPal 2 says “Hello”.
Tu r n in g y o ur G i z m oP a l 2 of f :
Press and hold the Play button
the Play button
You c a n a l so u se th e G i z mo H ub a pp to tu r n o f f t h e G iz m o Pa l 2 fr o m y o ur
again to turn off your GizmoPal 2.
until all of the icons light up and your
until the voice prompts you to press

Linking Your GizmoPal 2 to Your Smartphone

Linking Your GizmoPal 2 to the GizmoHub App
To use your GizmoPal 2, it must be registered with the GizmoHub smartphone app. The app is available for Android OS 4.0 (or higher) or iOS7 (or higher) in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
The first person who installs the GizmoHub app on their smartphone and completes the registration will automatically become the primary caregiver. The primary caregiver can register up to 3 additional phone numbers as caregivers or contacts. Caregivers will also need to install and register with the GizmoHub app.
NOTES s The smartphone must have Internet access to complete registration.
s The GizmoHub app is free but data usage may apply when downloading and using the
Using the GizmoHub App on a Tablet
Caregivers can use the GizmoHub app on a tablet instead of a smartphone, but the tablet app can’t call or receive calls from gizmos. You may want to use the tablet app if your phone is a not a smartphone or if it’s a Windows or Blackberry smartphone. If you use the app on a tablet, you can still register your phone as a contact so you can call and get calls from your gizmo. See Caregivers and Contacts on page 9 for more information.
Linking Your GizmoPal 2 to Your Smartphone
Step 1: Download and install the GizmoHub app on your smartphone
Decide who you want to be the primary caregiver. Then download and install the GizmoHub app on their smartphone from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Apple App StoreGoogle Play Store
NOTE Data usage may apply for app download and use.
Step 2: Activate your GizmoPal 2
1. Your GizmoPal 2 should start activating automatically the first time you turn it on. Your GizmoPal 2 should say, “I’m setting up. This could take a few minutes.”
2. Then, your GizmoPal 2 will turn off and on by itself.
3. When activation is complete, your GizmoPal 2 will say, “Yay! I’m ready.”
NOTE Once your GizmoPal 2 is activated, the up and down arrows will blink green every 20
seconds. If activation fails, your GizmoPal 2 will tell you something went wrong and the up and down arrows will blink red every 2 seconds. You can try to activate again by pressing the Call button
Linking Your GizmoPal 2 to Your Smartphone
Step 3: Register as a caregiver using the GizmoHub app
Open the GizmoHub app on your smartphone and follow the instructions in the app and the voice instructions on your GizmoPal 2 to:
Register as the primary caregiver
Add additional contacts
You will be asked for your GizmoPal 2’s mobile number. You can find the mobile number on your customer receipt or by pressing either button (
) on your GizmoPal 2 after it has been activated.
NOTES s If you previously registered with the GizmoHub app and want to register a new
smartphone that has your same mobile number, register your new phone as described above. Then you'll receive a text message with a security code that you'll need to enter to register the new smartphone. Entering the code will unregister the previous device.
s Descriptions and screen images in this user guide may differ due to GizmoHub app

Caregivers and Contacts

Caregivers and Contacts
The primary caregiver can use the GizmoHub app to register up to 3 additional phone numbers as contacts or caregivers. GizmoPal 2 contacts and caregivers can call the GizmoPal 2 from their registered phone number and receive calls from the gizmo. Caregivers can also use the app.
Primary Caregiver
Make calls to and receive calls from gizmo
Use the GizmoHub App to locate gizmo
Use the GizmoHub app to change gizmo settings
Use the GizmoHub App to turn off gizmo
Use the GizmoHub app to manage caregivers and contacts
To v ie w Gi zm oP al 2 's l is t o f ca re gi ve rs a nd c on t ac ts , ta p SETTINGS >
Other Caregiver
v v v
v v
Caregivers and Contacts
Adding Contacts
1. From the primary caregiver’s GizmoHub app, tap SETTINGS > Contacts.
2. Tap th e Add icon
3. Enter the contact’s name and the phone number and what your child calls the contact.
4. Select Caregiver if you also want the contact to be able to use the GizmoHub app to locate the gizmo.
5. Enter the contact's information.
6. Tap SAVE.
NOTE Caregivers will have to download and install the app on their smartphone or tablet.
Caregivers using a tablet may also want their phone number registered as a contact so they can receive and make calls to the gizmo.
Deleting Contacts
1. From the primary caregiver’s GizmoHub app, tap SETTINGS > Contacts.
2. Touch and hold the contact that you want to delete (except Primary Caregiver).
3. Tap REMOVE to delete it.
NOTE Deleting the primary caregiver will cause the GizmoPal 2 to reset and all contacts and
caregivers will be deleted from the gizmo and have to be registered again by a new primary caregiver.

The GizmoHub App

The GizmoHub App
GizmoPal 2 caregivers use the GizmoHub app to connect and communicate with GizmoPal 2.
GizmoHub App Home Screen
GizmoHub Options for Your GizmoPal 2
From the menu , you can see the following options:
Set up PIN for security
Send feedback
Add another gizmo
Privacy Policy
Ter ms & C on di ti on s
Versi on n umbe r
From the drop down (See page 13 for information on Adding Another Gizmo.)
you can switch to viewing other linked gizmos.
The GizmoHub App
Home Screen /Maps Tab
The GizmoHub Home screen is the Maps tab. From here you can tap the Find icon location on page 14.)
to locate your gizmo. (See Checking GizmoPal 2’s current
Setting Up a PIN for Security
You can create a security PIN so that others can’t open the GizmoHub app on your smartphone.
1. From the GizmoHub app on the caregiver’s smartphone, go to Menu > Set up PIN for security.
2. Read the information and tap SET PIN.
3. Read the PIN security information and tap OK.
4. Enter the 4-digit PIN and tap SAVE PIN.
5. Enter the 4-digit PIN once more and tap CONFIRM PIN.
NOTE To change the security PIN, remove the existing PIN using the same menu, then create
a new PIN.
GizmoHub Help
GizmoHub Help includes Help information for different gizmos. The GizmoPal 2 Help information includes:
Setting up your GizmoPal 2
Using your GizmoPal 2
Checking your GizmoPal’s location
About caregivers and contacts
Managing caregivers and contacts
GizmoPal 2 status icons
The GizmoHub App
Send Feedback
Tap Send feedback to email Gizmo Support directly from your smartphone.
Adding Another Gizmo
You can link multiple gizmos (including GizmoPals, GizmoPal 2s and GizmoGadgets) to the GizmoHub app. The app will show you information on each gizmo, one at a time and all the tabs will relate to the gizmo shown.
To l in k an ot he r gi zm o to yo ur a pp , go t o Menu
To view information for other linked gizmos, open the list of linked gizmos by tapping the name of the gizmo you’re viewing at the top of the Home screen or the Menu
. Then select the gizmo you want to view.
> Add another gizmo.
GizmoHub App Home Screen GizmoHub App Menu Screen
The GizmoHub App
Making Calls From the GizmoHub App
From the GizmoHub app on the caregiver’s smartphone, tap the Call icon
to call the GizmoPal 2.
Call ScreenGizmoHub App Home Screen
NOTE When the Auto-answer calls setting is turned on, GizmoPal 2 will automatically answer
the call in 10 seconds even if the Call button automatically end after 1 minute.
on the Gizmo isn't pressed. The call will
Checking GizmoPal 2's Current Location
From the Home screen or MAPS tab, tap the Find icon to search for your gizmo's current location. While the GizmoHub app searches, the Find icon
will show a progress indicator, the accuracy bubble will fade in and out, and search information will be shown. When your gizmo is located, the new location marker will be shown on the map along with the latest location information.
NOTE For additional location features such scheduling location checks and setting alerts, see
pages 16-18.
GizmoHub App Home Screen
The GizmoHub App
About Location Information and Accuracy
Your GizmoPal 2's location will usually be shown as a place name or an address. When a place name or address can't be determined for a location, GPS coordinates will be shown.
The GizmoPal 2's location is primarily determined using Google’s GPS location service. If unsuccessful, the GizmoHub app will attempt to locate the GizmoPal 2 using a different method.
When the GizmoPal 2 is located in a place where GPS or Wi-Fi isn’t
available (or if the GizmoPal 2 is turned off), the GizmoHub app won’t be able to display location information.
Location information may be unavailable, inaccurate, or incomplete
depending on your gizmo's surroundings.
Note that it may take up to 3 minutes to get your gizmo's location
A location error of up to several miles can occur.
If the GizmoPal 2 is indoors, the location can be inaccurate or
NOTE The Wi-Fi connection for this GizmoPal 2 is reception only. (There's no Wi-Fi signal
From the GizmoHub app on the caregiver’s smartphone, tap SETTINGS. From here, you can see and control these settings on your GizmoPal 2:
Auto-Answer Calls
Battery Life
Tur n Of f Gi zm o
About Gizmo
The GizmoHub App
Gizmo's Name and Mobile Number
The top of the Settings screen shows the name of the gizmo user and the gizmo's mobile number. Tap the name to edit it.
NOTES s All settings are available to primary caregivers. Other caregivers can use only
Auto-answer calls and Battery life.
s For detailed settings information see page 19.
GizmoHub App Settings Screen
Using Location Settings
The primary caregiver can set alerts and location checks to keep track of your gizmo’s location, and name places your child visits for easy identification.
Go to SETTINGS > Location.
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