LG GB107 Service Manual

Service Manual
LG Electronics
Table Of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION………………..3
1.1 Purpose………………………………..3
1.2 Regulatory Information……………….3
2. PERFORMANCE………………...5
2.1 H/W Features………………………….5
2.2 S/W Features…………………………..6
3.1 Digital Main Processor(PMB7780)…..11
3.2 Power Amplifier Module(SKY)……...18
3.3 26 MHz Clock (DCXO)……………...21
3.4 RTC (32.768KHz Crystal)………...….22
3.5 LCD Interface……………………..….23
3.6 SIM Card Interface…………………...25
3.7 KEYPAD Interface……………………26
3.8 Battery Charging Block Interface……..27
3.9 RF Interface……………………….......28
3.10 Audio Interface………………………30
4.10 LCD Trouble…………………………..67
4.11 Microphone Trouble…………………...69
4.12 Receiver Trouble……………………….71
4.13 Speaker Trouble………………………..73
4.14 Headphone Trouble…………………….75
4.15 Charging Trouble……………………….79
4.16 FM Radio
5. DOWNLOAD……………………….86
5.1 Download setup…………………………86
5.2 Download process ……………………..87
6. BLOCK DIAGRAM………………..91
8. BGA IN PIN Check………………....98
9. PCB LAYOUT………………………100
3.11 Key LED Interface…………………..34
3.12 Vibrator Interface……………………35
3.13 Memory Interface…………………...36
3.14 Power Block Interface………………37
3.15 FM Radio Interface……………….…39
4.1 RF Trouble……………………………41
4.2 TX Trouble……………………………47
4.3 Power On Trouble………………….…51
4.4 SIM Card Trouble…………………….54
4.5 Vibrator Trouble………………………56
4.6 Keypad Trouble…………………….…58
4.7 RTC Trouble…………………………..60
4.8 Key Backlight Trouble………………..62
4.9 LCM Backlight Trouble………………65
11.1 Test equipment setup…………..……….105
11.2 Calibration steps ……………………....105
12. Stand alone test……………………107
12.1 Test Program Setting…………………...107
12.2 TX Test ………………………………..111
12.3 RX Test………………………………...112
13.1 Exploded View…………………………...113
13.2 Replacement Part………………………...115
This manual provides information necessary to repair, description and download the features of this
1.2 Regulatory Information
A. Security
Toll fraud, the unauthorized use of telecommunications system by an unauthorized part(for example ,
persons other than your company’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or person working on your
company’s behalf) can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
system users are responsible for the security of own system. There are may be risks of toll fraud
associated with your telecommunications system. System users are responsible for programming and
configuring the equipment to prevent unauthorized use .The manufacturer dose not warrant that this
product is immune from the above case but will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier
telecommunications service of facilities accessed through or connected to it.
The manufacturer will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
B. Incidence of Harm
If a telephone company determines that the equipment provided to customer is faulty and possibly
causing harm or interruption in service to the telephone network, it should disconnect telephone
service until repair can be done. A telephone company may temporarily disconnect service as long as
repair is not done.
C. Changes in Service
A local telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities or procedure. If these
changes could reasonably be expected to affect the use of the this phone or compatibility with the
network, the telephone company is required to give advanced written notice to the user, allowing the
user to take appropriate steps to maintain telephone service.
D. Maintenance Limitations
Maintenance limitations on this model must be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized
agent . The user may not make any changes and/or repairs expect as specifically noted in this manual.
Therefore, note that authorized alternations or repair may affect the regulatory status of the system and
may void any remaining warranty.
E. Notice of Radiated Emissions
This model complies with rules regarding radiation and radio frequency emission as defined by local
regulatory agencies. In accordance with these agencies, you may be required to provide information
such as the following to the end user.
F. Pictures
The pictures in this manual are for illustrative purposes only; your actual hardware may look slightly
G. Interference and Attenuation
Phone may interfere with sensitive laboratory equipment, medical equipment, etc. Interference from
unsuppressed engines or electric motors may cause problems.
H. Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
Boards, which contain Electrostatic Sensitive Devices(ESD),are indicated by the sign .
Following information is ESD handing:
. Service personnel should ground themselves by using a wrist strap when exchange system boards.
. When repairs are made to a system board , they should spread the floor with anti-static mat which is
also grounded .
. Use a suitable, grounded soldering iron .
. Keep sensitive parts in these protective packages until these are used.
. When returning system boards or parts like EEPROM to the factory, use the protective packages as
H/W Features
Item Specifications etc
Solution EGOLD voice PMB7880 (ULC2) Infineon
pe Bar type
Antenna Type Internal (dual-Band)
Main Display 1.5" 128x128 CSTN/65k
Battery 950mAh Li-ion inner pack 950mAh: 55x34x50mm
Audio player MIDI ring tone, 16poly MIDI ring tone
Loud Speaker Yes
Memory Size 32Mb+4Mb No user memory
LMT (Lost Mobile Tracker) Yes
Weight 70g
Vibrator Shall support in built vibration alert
SIM Card Shall support SIM card both 1.8V and 3V.
KEY Back Light Yes
KEY Back Light color Blue
Standby Time
850 MHz/class 4 (2W)
900 MHz/class 4 (2W)
1800 MHz/class 1 (1W)
1900 MHz/class 1 (1W)
Shall support minimum test minutes as [min]
based on battery capacity of [mAh]
(GB101a, GB107a)
(GB101a, GB107a)
440 hrs & 2.1mA @ 950mAh (P.P.:
Talk Time Shall support minimum test hours as [hrs] based on
battery capacity of [mAh]
RTC The real time clock shall be able to sustain for at least
[#hrs] after removing the battery.
6 hrs30min@950mAh (PCL: 10)
(Talk time = 95% Capacity / Talk
LGE confirm to put 22uf capacitor for
RTC backup time
S/W Features
Feature Detail Item Description
OS OSE Operating System Y
Speech Code FR,EFR,HR,AMR-NB Y
AMR code GSM Full Rate
3GPP Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR-NB)
FM Radio Only GB105,GB105a,GB105b,Gb107,GB107a,GB107b -
MP3 Ring Tone MP3 decode N
Integrated hands free
Key Tone Volume 6 Level (Include Mute) Y
Ring Tone Volume 6 Level (Include Mute) Y
Ring Tone 10 Midi Y
Call Alert type Ring, Vibrate, Ring & Vibrate, Ring after vibrate, Silent Y
Earpiece Volume 6 Level (Include Mute) Y
Mute Y
GSM dual band MS
PCS dual band MS
Speaker phone mode Y
N Frequency Bands
Configuration is during software compile time. Y
Voice Function
Circuit N Date Service
Packet N
Infrared (IrDA) N
Bluetooth N
USB Mass storage N
RS232(UART) Only for Phone tool & download Y
Voice Recording N
Voice Command N
Answering machine N
RSSI 6 level (0~5Level) Y
Battery level 4 level (0~3Level) Y
RTC Date & Time Display Y
PLMN/Service Indicator Y
Quick Access Mode In
Profile/ SMS + Voice Mail Y
Dimming Clock N
Dual Clock N
Home shortcut Display Shortcut icon in Idle Y
Call History
Call Management
Last Dial Number Max : 20 records Y
Last Received Number Max : 20 records Y
Last Missed Number Max : 20 records Y
Scratch Pad Memory N
Call Duration Last Call time, Total Call Time Y
Last Call Charge Units N Call Cost
Total Charge Units N
Call Waiting Y
Call Swap Y
Call Retrieve Y
Auto Answer Y
Auto Redial Y
Calling Line Y
Full Call Divert Y
Speed Dialing Y
Last Number Redial Y
Cell Broadcast
Multi Party Call Y
ECT Explicit Call Transfer (4 + Send) Y
Automatic Network
Manual Network Y
Preferred Network Y
Network Service Status Y
DTMF Signaling Y DTMF
DTMF Enable & Disable Y
Read Cell Broadcast Y
On/Off setting Receive On/Off Y
Alert setting Y
Language setting Y
Topics Setting Y
Field Name, Mobile, Home, Office Y
Phone 300 + SIM
Copy ME <-> SIM Y
Move ME <-> SIM Y
Email Entry N
Picture ID N
Video Caller ID N
vCard N
Business Card Y
Delete Delete, Delete All(SIM or Phone), Multi Delete Y
Supplementary Services
Short Message
CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional Y
CFB Call Forwarding on Mobile Subscriber Busy Y
CFNRy Call Forwarding on No Reply Y
CFNRc Call Forwarding on Mobile Subscriber Not Reachable Y
BAOC Barring of All Outgoing Calls Y
BOIC Barring of Outgoing International Calls Y
BOICexHC Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed
to the Home PLMN Country
BAIC Barring of All Incoming Calls Y
BICRoam Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming Outside the/Home
PLMN Country
Conference Call
Plug in Type 3V & 1.8 V Y
SIM Lock Service Provider / Network Lock / Hard Lock Y
SIM Toolkit Class 3 Y
Read Message Y
Up to 5 calls + 1 Waiting Call
Write and Edit Message Y
Send and Receive
Reply to Message Y
Forward Message Y
Extract Number from
Message Status Y
Message Unread Y
Settable Message
Center Number,
Reply Path and Validity
Visible and Audible
Message Receive
Voice Mail Y
Settable Voice Mail
Center Number
Message Protocol Normal, Fax, National Paging, X400,
ERMES, Voice
Message Overflow
Message Center Number Y
Nokia Smart Message
Development & Test
Field Test Facility Y
Display Software Version Y
Restore Factory Setting Y
Battery Charging Mode Y
Language Selectable Auto Language Y Text Input
Predictive word input T9 Y
Calendar MAX: 20 records (18 chars) Y
Not supported.
[Can be supported based on operator request]
To Do N
Memo MAX: 10 records (80 chars) Y
World Time
Unit converter Length, Weight, Volume, Surface,
Stop Watch Y
Calculator + - * / Y
Game Will use Ruby's Game, 1 game Y
Setting Local Time Y
Display Two
Cities Time
Daylight saving
Phone Book Sync Only For service Center Y PC Sync
Message Sync N
Emergency Call Y
Handset Lock Y
Dual Clock N
Velocity, Temperature, User-defined
Security Code When Delete All Y
SIM Lock Y
Keypad Lock Y
Real Time Clock
12/24 Hour Y
Calendar Y
Time Zone Y
Daylight saving Y
Alarm Manager Y
Dimming Clock N
Power-off Alarm Y
On Alarm Event Y
Mobile Tracking
M-DOG For China Y
Micro SD Adapter N Accessory
Stereo Ear-mic without
hook switch
For India, Asia Y Others
Ear-mic type Stereo without hook key.
Only FM play supports Stereo.
Digital Main Processor
3.1.2 Features
• High performance fixed-point TEAKlite DSP
• C166S high performance microcontroller
• There are several Interfaces:
– I2S interface for DAI connections (for Tape Approval)
– High Speed SSC Interface for connection of external peripherals
– SIM Interface
– Keypad Interface (6x4 or 5x5 keys)
– EBU for external RAM/FLASH connection
– Asynchronous serial interface (incl. IrDA support capability)
– JTAG Interface
– Black & white and color displays are supported
– PWM source to drive vibrator
– Keypad and display backlight supported.
• Constant gain, direct conversion receiver with fully integrated blocking filter
• Two integrated LNAs
• No need of interstage and IF filter
• Highly linear RF quadrature demodulator
• Programmable DC output level
• Very low power budget.
• Digital Sigma-Delta modulator for GMSK modulation, typical -163.5 dBc/Hz @ 20 MHz
• Single ended outputs to PA, Pout = +3.5 dBm
• Very low power budget.
ΣΔSynthesizer for multi-slot operation
• Fast lock-in times (< 150 μs)
• Integrated loop filter
• RF Oscillator
• Fully integrated RF VCO.
Crystal Oscillator
• Fully digital controlled crystal oscillator core with a highly linear tuning characteristic.
Mixed Signal and Power Management Unit
• DC/DC boost for voltages up to 15 V for driving White or Blue LEDs
• 8-Ohm loud speaker driver (250/350 mW)
• 16-Ohm earpiece driver
• 32-Ohm headset driver
• 4 measurement interfaces (PA temperature, battery voltage, battery temperature, and ambient
• Differential microphone input
• System start up circuitry
• Charger circuitry for NiCd, NiMh and LiIon cells
• Integrated regulators for direct connection to battery.
3.1.3 GSM System Description
The E-GOLDvoice is suited for mobile stations operating in the GSM850/900/1800/1900 bands.
In the receiver path the antenna input signal is converted to the baseband, filtered, and then
amplified to target level by the RF transceiver chip set. Two A-to-D converters generate two 6.5
Mbit/s data streams. The decimation and narrowband channel filtering is done by a digital
baseband filter in each path. The DSP performs:
1. The GMSK equalization of the received baseband signal (SAIC support available)
2. Viterbi channel decoding supported by an hardware accelerator.
The recovered digital speech data is fed into the speech decoder. The E-GOLDvoice supports
fullrate, halfrate, enhanced fullrate and adaptive multirate speech CODEC algorithms.
The generated voice signal passes through a digital voiceband filter. The resulting 4 Mbit/s data
stream is D-to-A converted by a multi-bit-oversampling converter, postfiltered, and then amplified
by a programmable gain stage.
The output buffer can drive a handset ear-piece or an external audio amplifier, an additional
output driver for external loud speaker is implemented.
In the transmit direction the differential microphone signal is fed into a programmable gain
amplifier. The prefiltered and A-to-D converted voice signal forms a 2 Mbit/s data stream. The
oversampled voice signal passes a digital decimation filter.
The E-GOLDvoice performs speech and channel encoding (including voice activity detection
(VAD) and discontinuous transmission (DTX)) and digital GMSK modulation.
In the RF transceiver part, the baseband signal modulates the RF carrier at the desired frequency
in the 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1.8 GHz, and 1.9 GHz bands using an I/Q modulator. The
E-GOLDvoice supports dual band applications.
Finally, an RF power module amplifies the RF transmit signal at the required power level. Using
software, the E-GOLDvoice controls the gain of the power amplifier by predefined ramping curves
(16 words, 11 bits).
For baseband operation, the E-GOLDvoice supports:
• Making or receiving a voice call
• Sending or receiving an SMS.
3.1.4 PMU Details
The E-GOLDvoice includes battery charger support (various sensor connections for temperature,
battery technology, voltage, etc.) and a ringer buffer.
E-GOLDvoice avoids the need for an external power management component because its
internal power management unit contains:
• Voltage regulators for the On-chip and Off-chip functional blocks
• Charger circuitry for NiCd, NiMh and LiIon cells.
3.1.5 Bus Concept
The E-GOLDvoice has two cores (a microcontroller and a DSP), each with its own bus.
There is an interconnection between the TEAKlite bus and the C166S X-Bus.
3.1.6 C166S Buses
The C166S is connected to three buses:
1. Local Memory (LM) bus
2. X-Bus
3. PD-Bus.
3.1.7 TEAKLite Bus
The TEAKlite is connected to the TEAKlite bus.
3.1.8 Bus Interconnections
The interconnection between the X-Bus and the TEAKlite Bus uses:
• Multicore Synchronization
• Shared Memory.
3.1.9 Clock Concept
The E-GOLDvoice has a flexible clock control.
3.1.10 Interrupt Concept
The C166 MCU carries out the E-GOLDvoice interrupt system.
3.1.11 Debug Concept
The E-GOLDvoice includes a multi-core debug. The C166 and TEAKlite cores can be debugged
in parallel with:
• A single JTAG port (that is, on a single host)
• Mutual breakpoint control.
3.1.12 C166 Debug Concept
The debugging of the C166 uses the OCDS and the Cerberus.
3.1.13 TEAKLite Debug Concept
TEAKlite debugging uses the OCEM and the SEIB.
3.1.14 Power Management
The E-GOLDvoice provides the power management unit (PMU) for the complete mobile phone
application. The integrated PMU is directly connected to the battery and provides a set of linear
voltage regulators (LDO’s). These LDO’s generate all required supply voltages and currents
needed in a low feature mobile phone.
A charger control circuit charges NiCd, NiMH and LiIon batteries. The charger control supports
hardware controlled pre-charging and software controlled charging. It offers a wide charger
voltage range, making halfwave/ full-wave charging with cheap transformers possible.
White/blue backlight generation is supported with a special driver for very a low external parts
Power consumption during operation phases is minimized due to flexible clock switching
In the Standby Mode most parts of the device are switched off, only a small part is running at
32kHz and the controller RAM is switched to a power saving mode. The TEAKLite ROM can be
switched off during Standby via SW.
3.1.15 On-Chip Security Concept
Secure boot is based on a public/private key approach. Flash images that are not signed with the
private key during phone manufacture cannot be loaded. Verification of the Flash code is done
with the public key. The public key as well as hash and verify algorithms are stored in the ROM,
which ensures a hardware secured boot procedure.
The following security features are supported:
• Prevention of illegal Flash programming
• Flash programming makes use of the E-GOLDvoice ID for personalization checks with IMEI and
SIM-lock protection
The security features use the following mechanism:
• Boot ROM flow:
– Controls the boot transition to external flash
– Controls the flash update
• Flash tied to the individual chip via an ID using e-fuses, that is, each E-GOLDvoice chip has its
own fused ID.
Further details on the E-GOLDvoice security concept are not publicly documented.
3.1.16 Asynchronous Operation Mode Concept
The E-GOLDvoice can operate in either:
• The traditional synchronous mode with the 26 MHz system clock synchronized on the base
• A special asynchronous mode (XO concept).
In the asynchronous mode the 26 MHz clock input is not synchronized with the base station; the
residual frequency offset is compensated in the digital signal processing domain. This processing
includes frequency and timing compensation of the baseband and voiceband signals.
Power Amplifier Module(SKY77517/ SKY77518)
3.2.1 GB100/GB100b/GB105/GB105b (SKY77518)
The SKY77518-21 is a transmit and receive front-end module (FEM) with Integrated Power Amplifier Control (iPAC) for dual-band cellular handsets comprising GSM900 and DCS1800 operation. Designed in a low profile, compact form factor, the SKY77518-21 offers a complete Transmit VCO-to- Antenna and Antenna-to-Receive SAW filter solution. The FEM also supports Class 12 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) multi-slot operation. The module consists of a GSM900 PA block and a DCS1800 PA block, impedance-matching circuitry for 50 Ω input and output impedances, TX harmonics filtering, high linearity and low insertion loss PHEMT RF switches, diplexer and a Power Amplifier Control (PAC) block with internal current sense resistor. A custom BiCMOS integrated circuit provides the internal PAC function and decoder circuitry to control the RF switches. The two Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) PA blocks are fabricated onto a single Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) die. One PA block supports the GSM900 band and the other PA block supports the DCS1800 band. Both PA blocks share common power supply pads to distribute current. The output of each PA block and the outputs to the two receive pads are connected to the antenna pad through PHEMT RF switches and a diplexer. The GaAs die, PHEMT die, Silicon (Si) die and passive components are mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate.
The assembly is encapsulated with plastic overmold. Band selection and control of transmit and receive modes are performed using two external control pads. Refer to the functional block diagram in Figure.3-2-1 below. The band select pad (BS) selects between GSM and DCS modes of operation. The transmit enable (TX_EN) pad controls receive or transmit mode of the respective RF switch (TX = logic 1). Proper timing between transmit enable (TX_EN) and Analog Power Control (VRAMP) allows for high isolation between the antenna and TXVCO while the VCO is being tuned prior to the transmit burst. The SKY77518-21 is compatible with logic levels from 1.2 V to VCC for BS and TX_EN pads, depending on the level applied to the VLOGIC pad. This feature provides additional flexibility for the designer in the selection of FEM interface control logic.
3.2.2 GB100a/GB105a (SKY77517)
The SKY77517–21 is a transmit and receive front-end module (FEM) with Integrated Power Amplifier Control (iPAC.) for dual-band cellular handsets comprising GSM850 and PCS1900 operation. Designed in a low profile, compact form factor, the SKY77517–21 offers a complete Transmit VCO-to-Antenna and Antenna-to-Receive SAW filter solution. The FEM also supports Class 12 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) multi-slot operation. The module consists of a GSM850 PA block and a PCS1900 PA block, impedance-matching circuitry for 50 Ω input and output impedances, TX harmonics filtering, high linearity and low insertion loss PHEMT RF switches, diplexer and a Power Amplifier Control (PAC) block with internal current sense resistor.
A custom BiCMOS integrated circuit provides the internal PAC function and decoder circuitry to control the RF switches. The two Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) PA blocks are fabricated onto a single Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) die. One PA block supports the GSM850 band and the other PA block supports the PCS1900 band. Both PA blocks share common power supply pads to distribute current. The output of each PA block and the outputs to the two receive pads are connected to the antenna pad through PHEMT RF switches and a diplexer. The GaAs die, PHEMT die, Silicon (Si) die and passive components are mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate. The assembly is encapsulated with plastic overmold. Band selection and control of transmit and receive modes are performed using two external control pads. Refer to the functional block diagram in Figure.3-2-2 below. The band select pad (BS) selects between GSM and PCS modes of operation. The transmit enable (TX_EN) pad controls receive or transmit mode of the respective RF switch (TX = logic 1). Proper timing between transmit enable (TX_EN) and Analog Power Control (VRAMP) allows for high isolation between the antenna and TX-VCO while the VCO is being tuned prior to the transmit burst. The SKY77517 is compatible with logic levels from 1.2 V to VCC for BS and TX_EN pads, depending on the level applied to the VLOGIC pad. This feature provides additional flexibility for the designer in the selection of FEM interface control logic.
26MHz Clock (DCXO)
Figure.3-3 Crystal Oscillator Functional Overview The XO_TUNE register holds the digital correction value for the crystal oscillator frequency. The XOMODE bits of XO_INIT1 register contain setup informations for the crystal oscillator (for example, current programming, etc.).See Figure .3-3 Crystal Oscillator Functional Overview. The registers XO_INIT2 and XO_INIT3 contain the coefficients information for the linearization unit of crystal oscillator (LUXO) This linearization unit computes the required digital control word out of the programmed AFC bits in order to have a linear pulling curve ppm vs. AFC word. The resulting digital control word DIG is filtered by a digital lowpass filter, which can be scaled or deactivated using the bits DIGFILT0 and DIGFILT1 of the XO_INIT3 register. The frequency correction splits into 2 parts:
1. The XOCAL bits in the XO_INIT1 register are used for the coarse frequency adjustment and are set once for a mobile lifetime (during production test)
2. The XO_TUNE register contains the information for frequency correction when the mobile is used (correction of temperature drift, crystal aging)
RTC(32.768KHz Crystal)
Figure.3-4 E-GoldVoice RTC Interface
3.5 LCD Interface(3 wire SPI interface)
Figure.3-5-1 LCD Interface
Figure.3-5-2 Charging PUMP Interface
3.6 SIM Card Interface
Figure.3-6 SIM CARD Interface
3.7 KEYPAD Interface
Figure.3-7 KEY MAXTRIX Interface
3.8 Battery Charging Block Interface
Figure.3-8 Charging IC Interface
3.9 RF Interface
Figure.3-9 RF Module/SAW Filter Interface
3.10 Audio Interface
Figure.3-10-1 Audio Interface
+ 85 hidden pages