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Copyright 2007 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
LGE Internal Use Only
7. White Balance
* Test Equipment
Color Analyzer (CA-210/CH.9)
-> When you adjust LCD color temperature, on Color
analyzer (CA-210), you should use Channel 9 which is
Matrix compensated (White, Red, Green, Blue revised) by
CS-1000 and adjust in accordance with White balance
adjustment coordinate which is specified on the next.
* Color temperature standards according to CSM and Module
Cool : 9,300k
Medium : 8,000k
Warm : 6,500k
* White balance adjustment coordinate and color temperature
- PC (for communication through RS-232C)
-> UART Baud rate : 115200 bps
- Luminance Y AV : upper 100 cd/m
(Typ : 250 cd/m2)
-> Applying to Cool, Medium, Warm mode
* Connecting picture of the measuring instrument (On
Automatic control )
Inside PATTERN is used when W/B is controlled. Connect to
auto controller or push control R/C IN-START
-> Enter the mode of White-Balance, the pattern will come
* Auto adjustment Map (RS-232C)
* Auto-control interface and directions
1) Adjust in the place where the influx of light like floodlight
around is blocked. (illumination is less than 10ux).
2) Adhere closely the Color Analyzer ( CA-210 ) to the
module less than 10cm distance, keep it with the surface
of the Module and Color Analyzer’s Prove
3) Aging time
- After aging start, keep the power on (no suspension of
power supply) and heat-run over 15 minutes.
- Using ‘no signal’ or ‘full white pattern’ or the others,
check the back light on.
7.1. Auto white Balance (Set:RS-232,
Host:PC, Baud Rate:115200bps,
- Inside pattern is used when balance is controlled. Connect
as below figure and click the start button on W/B execution
program. W/B is automatically processing Cool -> Medium ->
Warm in order.
When W/B is completed, you can see ‘OK’ on PC monitor.
7.2. Manual white Balance
- One of R Gain / G Gain / B Gain should be kept on 80, and
others are controlled lowering from 80
1) Press ‘power on’ of the control R/C, set heat run to white by
G , and heat run over 15 minutes. (Set : RS-233
Host : PC, Baud Rate : 115200bps, Download : Cortez)
2) Zero Calibrate CA-210, and when controlling, stick the
sensor to the center of LCD module surface.
3) Double click In-start key on Controlling R/C and get in
‘white balance’.
Cool CS-1000 CA-210(CH 9)
x 0.285 0.285±0.002
y 0.293 0.293±0.002
∆uv 0.000 0.000
Medium CS-1000 CA-210(CH 9)
x 0.295 0.295±0.002
y 0.305 0.305±0.002
∆uv 0.000 0.000
Warm CS-1000 CA-210(CH 9)
x 0.313 0.313±0.002
y 0.329 0.329±0.002
∆uv 0.004 0.004
<Fig. 2> Connecting picture (On Automatic Control)
Type LD73B
Baud Rate Data bit Stop bit Parity
115200 8 1 None
Index Cmd 1 Cmd 2 Data Min Value Max Value
R-Gain_Normal j a 00(00) 128(80)
G-Gain_Normal j b 00(00) 128(80)
B-Gain_Normal j c 00(00) 128(80)
R-Gain_Warm j d 00(00) 128(80)
G-Gain_Warm j e 00(00) 128(80)
B-Gain_Warm j f 00(00) 128(80)
R-Gain_Cool j g 00(00) 128(80)
G-Gain_Cool j h 00(00) 128(80)
B-Gain_Cool j i 00(00) 128(80)
R-Offset_Normal l j 00(00) 128(80)
G-Offset_Normal l k 00(00) 128(80)
B-Offset_Normal l l 00(00) 128(80)
R-Offset_Warm l m 00(00) 128(80)
G-Offset_Warm l n 00(00) 128(80)
B-Offset_Warm l o 00(00) 128(80)
R-Offset_Cool l p 00(00) 128(80)
G-Offset_Cool l q 00(00) 128(80)
B-Offset_Cool l r 00(00) 128(80)
Internal Pattern signal w b 00 Starting W/B ADJ
Internal Pattern signal w b 10 Using internal Pattern
Internal Pattern signal w b ff Ending W/B ADJ