5. Caution for DMD
(Digital Micro-mirror Device)
5-1. Caution for DMD ESD
(1) Connector the grounding to prevent a damage of ESD
(Electrostatic Discharge) when handing the DMD.
(2) Wear a wrist strap to connect the ESD grounding in flesh
(3) Connect the ESD ground to workstation and an electric
(4) Save the DMD after getting rid of a static electricity. Keep
it at an exclusive case when moving it When grounding,
open the case.
(5) Put on gloves for preventing static electricity.
(6) All work is done at static free location. Attach the tape or
remove a dust on the DMD front or DMD back pin
5-2. Caution for DMD Clean
(1) Follow the procedure and caution to prevent the screen
from being scratched.
(2) When DMD glass stains with dust, polish the front and
back DMD glass with soft cloth. Then, do it again after
rotating 180 degree the DMD. If necessary, keep under
(3) Don’t clean the DMD with the high pressure. The static
electricity and pressure will damage the DMD.
6. EDID Data input
6-1. Required Test Equipment
(1) PC, DDC adjustment Jig(PC serial to D-sub connection
(2) DDC record S/W (EDID Data Write & Read)
(3) D-sub terminal, DVI_D
Preparation for Adjustment & Setting
of the device
(1) Set like <Fig. 6>, PC and JIG
(2) Press “FRONT-AV” key of the adjustment remote
controller to release EDID Write Protection.
(3) Practice of DDC record S/W(EDID Data Write & Read)
(4) Make sure that the OK signal and the checksum are equal
to the values given at the record file.
(5) When any fail is occurred at the DDC record S/W, because
the EDID Write Protection may not be released, perform
(2) ~ (4) again.
7. Check the EDID
(1) Configure the equipment same to <Fig. 6>.
(2) Select [Read Data & Verify] of the DDC record S/W.
- Be sure that it is not [Write Data & Verify] of the substrate
(3) Make sure that the OK signal and the checksum are equal
to the values given at the record file.
- Because it is the process to read and check the EDID, it
is not necessary to release the EDID Write Protection.
8. RGB Offset/Gain Adjustment
8-1. Required Test Equipment
(1) Pattern Generator 1EA(Analog RGB)
(2) Remote control 1EA
8-2. Setting of the Device
Set the equipment as <Fig. 7>.
8-3. Preparation for Adjustment
(1) Connect the Pattern Generator as shown at <Fig. 6>
Device Setting Diagram.
(2) Set the output of the Pattern Generator to XGA 60Hz.
(1024 X 768 60Hz)
(3) Press the ‘Select Input’ key to select the RGB input.
8-4. Sequence of Adjustment
(It is entered into No. 99 pattern (pattern created: OPT->
(1) Select the ‘white/black pattern’ of <Fig. 8> as the pattern
of Pattern Generator. (XGA 60Hz)
(2) Select ADJ -> 2. RGB Gain/Offset ->
A (Enter) -> G (Vol+)
at the adjustment remote controller.
(The actual adjustment is automatically performed by the
system Micom.)
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