LG A1LV200EF5C User's Guide [pt]


LG Digital



Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.



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USER SETTINGS......................


--Main Menu Settings..................................


Picture Settings


Sound Settings


Network Settings


General Settings




--Using Multimedia Features.....................


Connecting USB/SD Storage Devices


--Photo & Video.........................................


Supported Photo & Video Files


Viewing Photos and Videos


Scheduled Playing








Supported Music Files


Playing Music




--SuperSign Contents...............................




--Local Contents Scheduler......................


Setting a Scheduled Playing


--Screen Share..........................................


--Group Manager......................................


--Leveler Tool............................................


--Control Manager.....................................


How to Use


Follow the steps below if you encounter

issues with your security certificate while

attempting to access.




--PICTURE ID Settings.............................


IR CODES................................






--Connecting the Cable.............................


--Communication Parameter.....................


--Command Reference List.......................


--Transmission/Reception Protocol...........


To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL, MPL, and other open source licenses, that is contained in this product, please visit http://opensource.lge.com.

In addition to the source code, all referred license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright notices are available for download.

LG Electronics will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping, and handling) upon email request to opensource@lge.com. This offer is valid for three (3) years from the date on which you purchased the product.



software-related contents may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of the product functions.

yySome features described in the User Guide may not be supported in certain models. yySNMP 2.0 is supported.


Main Menu Settings

Picture Settings


Picture Picture Mode Settings Picture Mode

Select the picture mode that is best suited to the video type.

yyVivid: adjusts the video image for a retail environment by enhancing the contrast, brightness, and sharpness.

yyStandard: adjusts the video image for a normal environment.

yyAPS: APS (Auto power saving ) mode reduces power consumption by dimming control. yyCinema: optimizes the video image for watching movies.

yySports: optimizes the video image for watching sports. Even fast actions such as kicking or throwing a ball are rendered clearly on the screen.

yyGame: optimizes the video image for playing videogames.

yyPhoto: Optimizes the screen for viewing photos. (This feature is available only with certain models.)

yyExpert/Calibration: allows an expert, or anyone interested in high quality pictures, to manually tune the picture for the best picture quality.

yyDepending on the input signal, the available Picture Modes may differ.

yyExpert is an option that allows a picture quality expert to fine-tune the picture quality using a specific image. Thus, it may not be effective for a normal picture.

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To fine-



Picture Picture Mode Settings Customize

yyBacklight/OLED LIGHT: adjusts the brightness of the screen by controlling the LCD backlight. The closer the value is to 100, the brighter the screen is.

yyContrast: adjusts the difference between the light and dark areas of the picture. The closer the value is to 100, the greater the difference is.

yyBrightness: adjusts the overall brightness of the screen. The closer the value is to 100, the brighter the screen is.

yySharpness: adjusts the sharpness of the edges of objects. The closer the value is 50, the clearer and the sharper the edge becomes.

yyH Sharpness: adjusts the sharpness of the contrast edges on the screen from a horizontal point of view. yyV Sharpness: adjusts the sharpness of the contrast edges on the screen from a vertical point of view.

yyColor: softens or deepens the tints on the screen. The closer the value is 100, the deeper the colors become.

yyTint: adjusts the balance between red and green levels displayed on the screen. The closer the value is to Red 50, the deeper the color red becomes, and the closer the value is to Green 50, the deeper the color green becomes.

yyColor Temperature: adjusts the tints of the screen to evoke feelings of warmth or coolness. yyAdvanced Controls/Expert Control: customizes the advanced options.

–– Dynamic Contrast: Optimizes the difference between the light and dark parts of the screen according to the brightness of the image.

––Super Resolution: Sharpens the blurry or indistinguishable parts of the picture.

––Color Gamut: Selects the range of colors to display.

––Dynamic Color: Adjusts the tint and saturation of the image for a more vivid and lively display.

––Edge Enhancer: Provides much sharper and clearer edges to the picture.

––Color Filter: Accurately adjusts color and tint by filtering a specific color area of RGB space.

––Preferred Color: Adjusts the skin tint, grass tint, and sky tint to your preference.

––Gamma: Adjusts the medium brightness of the image.

––White Balance: Adjusts the overall tint of the picture to your preference. In Expert mode, you can fine-tune the

picture using the Method/Pattern options.

–– Color Management System: Experts use the color management system when they adjust the colors by using the test pattern. The color management system allows you to make an adjustment by selecting from among 6 different color spaces (Red/Yellow/Blue/Cyan/Magenta/ Green) without affecting other colors. You may not see tints change in a normal picture even after adjustment.


yyPicture Options: customizes the picture options.


Noise Reduction: Removes irregularly generated tiny dots for a clear picture.

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MPEG Noise Reduction: Reduces the noise produced while creating digital video signals.



Black Level: Adjusts the black level of the picture to correct the brightness and contrast of the picture.



Real Cinema: Optimizes the video image for a cinematic look.



Motion Eye Care: Reduces eye fatigue by adjusting brightness levels and lessening blurriness based on the dis-



played image.



LED Local Dimming: Brightens the brighter parts of the image and darkens the darker parts, maximizing contrast.



Turning this feature off may lead to increased power consumption. (Only applies to certain





–– TruMotion: Reduces image shaking and image sticking that can occur with moving images.

yyYou can adjust advanced settings only in the User mode.

yyDepending upon the input signal or the selected picture mode, the available options may differ.

To set the aspect ratio,



(Some features

be supported in certain models.)



Aspect Ratio

Changes the aspect ratio to view the image in its optimal size. yy16:9: displays the image with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

yyJust Scan: displays the image in the original size without cutting off the edges.

Original is available in HDMI (720p or higher) mode. (On 58:9 models, this option can be selected regardless of the input signal.)

yyOriginal: automatically changes the aspect ratio to 4:3 or 16:9 depending on the input video signal. yy4:3: displays the image with a 4:3 aspect ratio.

yy58:9: Displays the screen with a 58:9 aspect ratio.

yyVertical Zoom: Adjusts the height and vertical position of the displayed image.

yyAll-Direction Zoom: Adjusts the horizontal/vertical/diagonal dimensions and horizontal/vertical position of the displayed image.


yyIf a fixed image is displayed on the screen for a long period of time, it will be imprinted and become a permanent disfigurement on the screen. This image burn or burn-in is not covered by the warranty.

yyIf the aspect ratio is set to 4:3 for a long period of time, image burn may occur on the letterboxed area of the screen.

yyThe options may differ depending on the model.

yyDepending on the input signal, the available aspect ratio may differ.

yyWhen you adjust Vertical Zoom or All-Direction Zoom, the screen may flicker for some input signals.


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To use the Energy





Energy Saving

Reduces power consumption by adjusting peak screen brightness.

yyAuto: adjusts the brightness of the monitor according to ambient light. (This feature is available only with certain models.)

yyOff: disables the Energy Saving mode.

yyMinimum/Medium/Maximum: uses the Energy Saving according to the Energy Saving level specified for your monitor.

yyScreen Off: turns off the screen. You will only hear audio. You can turn on the screen again by pressing any button on the remote control except the power button.

To use the Smart Energy Saving function






Smart Energy Saving

According to picture brightness, the brightness of the monitor will be adjusted automatically to save energy. yyOff: disables the Smart Energy Saving function.

yyOn: enables the Smart Energy Saving function.

Configuring the OLED Display

[For OLED models


Picture OLED Panel Settings

yyClear Panel Noise: Corrects issues that may arise when the screen is turned on for a long period of time.

To use the SCREEN(RGB-PC) function





Customizes the PC display options in RGB mode.

yySet Automatically: Sets to adjust the screen position, clock, and phase automatically.

The displayed image may be unstable for a few seconds while the configuration is in progress.

yyResolution: Selects a proper resolution.

yyPosition/Size/Phase: Adjusts the options when the picture is not clear, especially when characters are shaky, after the auto configuration.

yyReset: Restores the options to the default setting.


Sound Settings

yyOnly applies to certain models.

To select a Sound Mode


Sound Sound Mode

The best sound quality will be selected automatically depending on the video type currently being watched. yyStandard: this sound mode works well for content of all types.

yyCinema: optimizes sound for watching movies.

yyClear Voice III: Enhances voices so they can be heard more clearly. yySports: optimizes sound for watching sports.

yyMusic: optimizes sound for listening to music. yyGame: optimizes sound for playing videogames.

To use the Sound Effects function



Sound Mode Settings

yyEqualizer: manually adjust sound by using the equalizer.

yyBalance: adjust the output volume for the left speaker and the right speaker. yyReset: reset the sound settings.

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Selecting Sound Output Device



Sound Out

yySignage Speaker: You can output sound through the signage monitor’s internal speakers. This feature is available only for models with built-in signage speakers.

yyLG Sound Sync / Bluetooth: You can connect Bluetooth audio devices or Bluetooth headsets wirelessly to enjoy richer sound from the signage monitor conveniently.


yySome recently connected devices may automatically attempt to reconnect to the Signage monitor when it is turned on.

yyIt is recommended that you set LG audio devices that support LG Sound Sync to LG TV mode or LG Sound Sync mode before connecting.

yyThis feature is only available on certain models.

yyPress Device Selection to view the devices that are or that can be connected and connect other devices. yyYou can use the signage remote control to adjust the volume of the connected device.

yyIf the audio device fails to connect, check that it is switched on and available for connection.

yyDepending on the type of Bluetooth device, the device may not connect correctly or a malfunction such as unsynchronized video and audio may occur.

yySound may stutter or sound quality may be reduced if:

-The Bluetooth device is too far from the signage monitor.

-There are objects obstructing the Bluetooth device and signage monitor.

-The device is used in proximity to other radio devices such as a microwave oven or wireless LAN router.

To select a Volume Increase Rate,





Volume Mode Volume Increase Amount

You can set the volume range by selecting any of Low/ Medium/ High.

To sync







AV Sync Adjustment

yySignage Speaker: adjusts the sync between video and audio coming from external speakers, such as those connected to the digital audio output port, LG audio equipment, or headphones. From the default value, the closer the value is to -, the faster the sound output becomes, and the closer the value is to +, the slower the sound output becomes.

yyBypass: audio coming from external devices without delay. Audio may be outputted earlier than video due to the processing time for video that is inputted into the monitor.


Network Settings

To Set a Signage Monitor Name


Network Signage Name

You can set a name for Signage Monitor that will be used on the network by using the on-screen keyboard.

To Set Your Wired Network





Wired Connection (Ethernet)

yyConnecting to a wired network: Connect your monitor to a local area network (LAN) via the LAN port,




and configure the network settings. Only wired network connections




are supported. After making a physical connection, a small number of




networks may require the display network settings to be adjusted. For




most networks, the display will automatically make a connection without




any adjustments. For detailed information, contact your Internet provider




or consult your router manual.





Setting a Wireless Network









Wi-Fi Connection

If you have set the monitor up for a wireless network, you can check and connect to the available wireless Internet networks.

yyAdd a Hidden Wireless Network: If you input the name of network directly, you can add a wireless network.

yyWPS PBS connection: Press the button on the wireless router that supports PBC to easily connect to the router.

yyWPS PIN Code connection: Enter the PIN  number in the web page of the PIN-supporting wireless router to connect to the router in a simple manner.

yyWi-Fi advanced settings: Manually input the network information to connect to a wireless network. When a usable wireless network does not appear, press Wi-Fi advanced settings. You will be able to add a network.

Setting up a SoftAP







If you set up a SoftAP, you can connect many devices via a Wi-Fi connection without a wireless router and use wireless Internet.

yyTo use SIGNAGE, you must have an Internet connection.

yyYou cannot use the SoftAP feature and the Screen Share feature at the same time.

yyOn models that support Wi-Fi dongles, the SoftAP menu is enabled only when a Wi-Fi dongle is connected to the product.

yySoftAP connection information

––SSID: A unique identifier necessary to make a wireless Internet connection

––Security key: The security key you enter to connect to the desired wireless network

––Number of connected devices: Shows the number of devices currently connected to your Signage device via a

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Wi-Fi connection. Up to 10 devices are supported.

Tips for Network Setting

yyUse a standard LAN cable (Cat5 or higher with a RJ45 connector) with this display.

yyMany network connection problems during set-up can often be fixed by re-setting the router or modem. After connecting the display to the home network, quickly power off and/or disconnect the power cable of the home network router or cable modem, then power on and/or connect the power cable again.

yyDepending on the Internet Service Provider (ISP), the number of devices that can receive Internet service may be limited by the applicable terms of service. For details, contact your ISP.

yyLG is not responsible for any malfunction of the display and/or the Internet connection feature due to communication errors/malfunctions associated with your Internet connection, or other connected equipment.

yyLG is not responsible for problems with your Internet connection.

yyYou may experience undesired results if the network connection speed does not meet the requirements of the content being accessed.

yySome Internet connection operations may not be possible due to certain restrictions set by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) supplying your Internet connection.

yyAny fees charged by an ISP including, without limitation, connection charges are your responsibility.


yyIf you want to access the Internet directly on your display, the Internet connection should always be on. yyIf you cannot access the Internet, check the network conditions from a PC on your network.

yyWhen you use Network Setting, check the LAN cable or check if DHCP in the router is turned on. yyIf you do not complete the network settings, the network may not function correctly.


yyDo not connect a modular telephone cable to the LAN port.

yySince there are various connection methods, please follow the specifications of your telecommunication carrier or Internet Service Provider.

yyNetwork Setting menu will not be available until the display is connected to a physical network.

Tips for Wireless Network Setting

yyWireless networks can be subject to interference from other devices operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz (wireless phones, Bluetooth devices or microwave ovens). There may also be interference from devices with a frequency of 5 GHz, same as other Wi-Fi devices.

yyThe surrounding wireless environment can cause the wireless network service to run slowly.

yyIf you do not turn off the entire local home network, network traffic may occur on some devices.

yyFor an AP connection, an access point device that supports wireless connection is required and the wireless connection feature must be enabled on the device. Contact your service provider regarding availability of wireless connection on your access point.

yyCheck the SSID and security settings of the AP for AP connection. Refer to the appropriate documentation for SSID and security settings of the AP.

yyInvalid settings on network devices (wired/wireless line sharer, hub) can cause the monitor to run slowly or not operate properly. Install the devices correctly according to the appropriate manual and set the network.

yyConnection method may differ according to the AP manufacturer.

LG A1LV200EF5C User's Guide

General Settings

To language


General Menu Language

Select one of the languages on the menu displayed on the screen. yyMenu Language: sets a language for Signage.


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Setting up

keyboard language





Keyboard Languages

Select the language you wish to show on the keyboard. yyKeyboard Languages: Sets the keyboard language.

To set the time/date



Time & Date

You can check or change the time.

yySet Automatically: You can set Time and Date.

yyDaylight Saving Time: You can set Start Time and End Time for Daylight Saving Time. The DST start/end settings work only when you set them more than one day apart from each other.

yyTime zone: You can change the settings for Continent, Country/Territory, and City.

To turn

or off automatically




You can set the On/Off Timer for your monitor.

yyOn Timer: you can set the time when your monitor turns on. yyOff Timer: you can set the time when your monitor turns off.

yyNo Signal Power Off (15Min): When there is no input source, the monitor will automatically turn off after 15 minutes. If you don’t want it to turn off automatically, set No Signal Power Off to Off.

yyAuto Power Off: When there is no key input, the monitor will automatically turn off.

yyOn Time/Off Time can be saved for up to seven schedules; the monitor is turned on or off at the preset time in the schedule list. If multiple preset times are stored in the schedule list, this function works at the nearest time from the current time.

yyOnce the on or off time is set, these functions operate daily at the preset time.

yyThe scheduled power-off function works properly only when the device time is set correctly.

yyWhen the scheduled power-on and power-off times are the same, the power-off time has priority over the power-on time if the set is turned on, and vice versa if the set is turned off.


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General Set ID

yySet ID (1 to 1000): Assigns a unique Set ID number to each product when several products are connected for display. Assign numbers ranging from 1 to 1000 and exit the option. You can control each product separately by using the Set ID you assigned to each product.

yyAuto Set ID: Automatically assigns a unique Set ID number to each set when several products are connected for display.

yyReset Set ID: Resets the Set ID of the product to 1.


yyWhen using automatic ID settings, the IR signal only needs to be transmitted to the first set. Malfunctions could occur when the IR signal is transmitted to other sets.


Using Tile Mode






General Tile Mode

You can configure the integrated screen in the same way as each screen is configured. yyRow (1 to 15): Sets the number of tile rows.

yyColumn (1 to 15): Sets the number of tile columns.

yyTile ID (1 to 225): Sets the Tile ID. The ID you selected will be displayed on the screen.

yyNatural: For a more natural display, the image is partly omitted to account for the distance between the screens.

yyNatural Size: Sets the distance between screens for Natural mode. yyReset: Resets the tile settings to 2 x 2.


yyIf Tile mode is set to On, Smart Energy Saving mode will be disabled to provide the same picture quality as other displays.

yyOnly 4 x 4 is available for certain models. (For 1080p or higher.) yyTo use this function, the product:

-Must be displayed with other products.

-Must be operated by connecting to each display via a distributor or DP daisy chain.

-Tile Mode: Horizontal x Vertical (Horizontal = 1 to 15, Vertical = 1 to 15)

-15 x 15 is available



Configuring the Dual-View Screen



[For double-sided

models only]



Dual-View Screen Setting

yyFront Screen Name: Sets the name of the front screen. yyBack Screen Name: Sets the name of the back screen.

yyScreen Swap: Swaps the images on the front and back side of the screens.

yyScreen Mirroring: Copies the image of the current screen to the opposite screen. yyScreen Off: Turns off the front or back screen.

yyClone All Settings: Copies all settings for the front screen to those for the back screen. This option is only



enabled for the front screen.

To reset







Reset to Initial Settings

Resets all monitor settings.





Using UHD Deep Color



[For Ultra







UHD Deep Color

If you connect an HDMI or DP device to one of the Deep Color adjustable ports, you can select between Ultra Deep Color On (6G) or Off (3G) in the UHD Deep Color settings menu.

If a compatibility issue occurs with the graphics card when the Deep Color option is set to On at 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz, set the Deep Color option to Off.

yy HDMI and DP specifications may vary depending on the input port. Check the specifications of each device before connecting.

yyHDMI input ports 1 and 2 are best suited for specifications for high definition 4K @ 60 Hz (4:4:4, 4:2:2) video. However, video or audio may not be supported depending on the specifications of the external devices. If this is the case, please connect to a different HDMI port.

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Using Multimedia Features

Connecting USB/SD Storage Devices

Connect a USB storage device such as a USB flash memory, SD storage devices or an external hard drive to the display and use multimedia features.


yyDo not turn the monitor off or remove the USB storage device while Photo & Video or Music is playing.

yyBack up files you have saved on a USB storage device frequently, as loss or damage to the files may be not covered by the warranty.


Tips for using USB/SD storage devices

yyOnly a USB storage device can be recognized.

yyA USB device does not work effectively when it is connected via a USB hub.

yyA USB storage device using an automatic recognition program may not be recognized. yyA USB storage device using its own driver may not be recognized.

yyThe recognition speed of a USB storage device may depend on each device.

yyPlease do not turn off the display or unplug the USB storage device when the connected device is working. If the USB storage device is suddenly disconnected, the stored files or the device itself may be damaged.

yyPlease do not connect a USB storage device which was modified to work on a PC. The device may cause the monitor to malfunction or the content fail to be played. Use only a USB storage device which contains normal music, image or video files.

yyA USB storage device formatted as a utility program not supported by Windows may not be recognized.

yyA USB storage device (over 0.5 A) which requires an external power supply must be connected to a power supply separately. If it is not, the device may not be recognized.

yyPlease connect the USB storage device using the cable provided by the device manufacturer. yySome USB storage devices may not be supported or operate smoothly.

yyFile alignment method of USB storage devices is similar to that of Window XP and filenames can recognize up to 100 English characters.

yyBack up important files regularly as data stored on a USB storage device may be damaged. We will not be responsible for any data loss.

yyIf the USB HDD does not have an external power source, the USB device may not be detected. To ensure the device is detected, connect the external power source.

- Please use a power adapter for an external power source. We do not provide a USB cable for an external power source.

yyIf your USB storage device has multiple partitions, or if you use a USB multi-card reader, you can use up to four partitions or USB storage devices.

yyIf a USB storage device is connected to a USB multi-card reader, its volume data may not be detected. yyIf the USB storage device does not work properly, disconnect and reconnect it.

yyDetection speed differs from device to device.

yyIf the USB storage device is connected in Standby Mode, the specific hard disk will automatically be loaded when the display is turned on.

yyThe recommended capacity is 1 TB or less for a USB external hard drive and 32 GB or less for USB memory stick.

yyAny device with more than the recommended capacity may not work properly.

yyIf a USB external hard drive with an “Energy Saving” function does not work, try turning the hard drive off and on again.

yyUSB storage devices below USB 2.0 are also supported but may not function correctly in the Videos. yyA maximum of 999 sub-folders or files can be recognized under one folder.

yyThe SDHC type for SD cards is supported. To use an SDXC card, format it to the NTFS file system first. yyThe exFAT file system is not supported for SD cards and USB storage devices.

yyCertain models do not support SD cards.

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Photo & Video

yyThe photo feature is not supported in OLED models.

Supported Photo & Video Files

Supported External Subtitle Format

yy *.smi, *.srt, *.sub (MicroDVD, SubViewer 1.0/2.0), *.ass, *.ssa, *.txt (TMPlayer), *.psb (PowerDivX), *.dcs (DLP Cinema)


yySubtitles are not supported in certain models. yyEmbedded subtitles are not supported.

Supported Video Codecs






VC-1 Advanced Profile (excluding WMVA), VC-1 Simple and Main Profiles



WMA Standard (excluding WMA v1 / WMA Speech)



Xvid (excluding 3 warp-point GMC), H.264/AVC, Motion Jpeg, MPEG-4



MPEG-1 Layer I, II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), Dolby Digital, LPCM, ADPCM, DTS








Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, AAC, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3)






H.264/AVC, MPEG-4






MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264/AVC, VP8, VP9, HEVC



Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, AAC, PCM, DTS, MPEG-1 Layer I, II, MPEG-1 Layer III














MPEG-1 Layer I, II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, AAC, PCM














MPEG-1 Layer I, II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3)









Dolby Digital, MPEG-1 Layer I, II, DVD-LPCM




Supported Photo File

File Format




jpeg, jpg, jpe



Minimum : 64 x 64








- Normal Type: 15360 (W) x 8640 (H)




- Progressive Type: 1920 (W) x 1440 (H)




Minimum : 64 x 64




Maximum: 5760 (W) x 5760 (H)




Minimum : 64 x 64




Maximum: 1920 (W) x 1080 (H)


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Photos and Videos

1Select your desired storage device.

2Select and view your desired photo or video.

Tips for Playing Video Files

yySome user-created subtitles may not work properly. yySome special characters in subtitles are not rendered. yyHTML tags are not supported in subtitles.

yySubtitles in languages other than the supported languages are not available.

yyThe screen may suffer temporary interruptions (image stoppage, faster playback, etc.) when the audio language is changed.

yyA damaged video file may not play correctly, or some player functions may not be usable. yyVideo files produced with some encoders may not be played correctly.

yyIf the video and audio structure of a recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted. yyVideo files other than the specified types and formats may not play correctly.

yyMaximum bit rate of playable video file is 20 Mbps. (Motion JPEG: 10 Mbps only)

yyWe cannot guarantee smooth playback of files encoded level 4.1 or higher in H.264 / AVC. yyVideo files more than 30 GB in file size are not supported.

yyA video file and its subtitle file must be located in the same folder. A video file name and its subtitle file name must be identical in order to display the subtitle properly.

yyPlaying a video via a USB connection that does not support high-speed connection may not function correctly.

yySubtitles on a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device may not be supported depending on the manufacturer and model.

yyStreaming of files encoded by GMC (Global Motion Compensation) or Qpel (Quarterpel Motion Estimation) is not supported.

yy[For Ultra HD models only] Ultra HD image: 3840 X 2160

Some HEVC-encoded Ultra HD videos other than the content officially provided by LG Electronics may not be played. Some codecs can be used after upgrading software.











Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, AAC, HE-AAC







yyPlayable file sizes may vary depending on the encoding condition. yyThe AAC Main profile is not supported.

yyVideo files created by some encoders may not play.


Scheduled Playing

yyOnly applies to certain models.

You can schedule your selected content to play at a certain time. (Scheduled playing is available with external inputs.)


1Select your desired storage device.

2Enter the folder that contains the file you wish to schedule.

3Click the NEW SCHEDULED PLAYING button in the upper right.

4Select the content that you would like to schedule to play.

5Enter schedule details to create a new schedule.

6Watch your selected content play at the set time.


yyOnly applies to certain models.


1Select your desired storage device.

2Enter the folder that contains the file you wish to export.

3Click the EXPORT button in the upper right.

4Select the file you wish to export.

5Click the COPY / MOVE button in the upper right and select the device to which you would like to export the file.

6Check that the file has been copied or moved to the selected device.



1Select your desired storage device.

2Enter the path to the file you wish to delete.

3Click the Delete button.

4Select the file you wish to delete.

5Click the Delete button at the top right.

6Check that the file has been deleted from the list.

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