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Table Of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................3
1.2 Regulatory Information .........................................................................3
1.3 Abbreviations.............................................................................................5
2. PERFORMANCE ...................................................................... 7
2.1 H/W Features ..............................................................................................7
2.2 Technical Specification ...........................................................................9
3. TECHNICAL BRIEF ................................................................ 14
3.1 Digital Main Processor ......................................................................... 14
3.2 Power Management ............................................................................ 18
3.3 FEM with integrated Power Amplifier Module
(SKY77550, U301) .................................................................................. 30
3.4 Crystal(26 MHz, X102) .........................................................................32
3.5 RF Subsystem of PMB8810 (U101) .................................................32
3.6 MEMORY(FM25Q32, U102) ............................................................... 36
3.7 SIM Card Interface ................................................................................. 38
3.8 Display Interface .................................................................................... 39
3.9 Battery Charger Interface ................................................................... 41
3.10 Keypad Interface ................................................................................. 42
3.11 Audio Front-End .................................................................................. 44
3.12 KEY BACLKLIGHT LED Interface .................................................... 50
3.13 Vibrator Interface ................................................................................ 51
3.14 Torch LED Interface ............................................................................ 52
4. TROUBLE SHOOTING .......................................................... 53
4.1 RF Component ....................................................................................... 53
4.11 SIM Card Interface Trouble .............................................................. 80
4.12 KEY backlight Trouble ....................................................................... 82
5. DOWNLOAD ......................................................................... 85
6. BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................98
7. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM .............................................................. 99
9. PCB LAYOUT .......................................................................104
10. ENGINEERING MODE ......................................................106
11. AUTO CALIBRATION ........................................................107
11.1 Overview ..............................................................................................107
11.2 Directory structure of Tachyon ....................................................107
11.3 Description of Folder & File...........................................................108
11.4 Procedure .............................................................................................109
11.5 Tachyon Main UI ................................................................................110
11.6 AGC .........................................................................................................111
11.7 APC .........................................................................................................111
11.8 ADC .........................................................................................................111
11.9 Target Power .......................................................................................111
12.1 EXPLODED VIEW ................................................................................112
12.2 Replacement Parts ...........................................................................113
12.3 Accessory .............................................................................................123
4.2 RX Trouble ................................................................................................ 54
4.3 TX Trouble ................................................................................................. 58
4.4 Power On Trouble .................................................................................. 62
4.5 Charging Trouble ................................................................................... 65
4.6 Vibrator Trouble ..................................................................................... 67
4.7 LCD Trouble ............................................................................................. 69
4.8 Speaker Trouble ..................................................................................... 72
4.9 Earphone Trouble .................................................................................. 75
4.10 Microphone Trouble .......................................................................... 78

1.1 Purpose
This manual provides the information necessary to repair, calibration, description and download the features of
this model.
1.2 Regulatory Information
A. Security
Toll fraud, the unauthorized use of telecommunications system by an unauthorized part (for example, persons
other than your company’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or person working on your company’s behalf)
can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. System users are responsible
for the security of own system. There are may be risks of toll fraud associated with your telecommunications
system. System users are responsible for programming and configuring the equipment to prevent unauthorized
use. The manufacturer does not warrant that this product is immune from the above case but will prevent
unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication service of facilities accessed through or connected to
it. The manufacturer will not be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
B. Incidence of Harm
If a telephone company determines that the equipment provided to customer is faulty and possibly causing
harm or interruption in service to the telephone network, it should disconnect telephone service until repair can
be done. A telephone company may temporarily disconnect service as long as repair is not done.
C. Changes in Service
A local telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities or procedure. If these changes
could reasonably be expected to affect the use of the this phone or compatibility with the network, the
telephone company is required to give advanced written notice to the user, allowing the user to take
appropriate steps to maintain telephone service.
D. Maintenance Limitations
Maintenance limitations on this model must be performed only by the manufacturer or its authorized agent.
The user may not make any changes and/or repairs expect as specifically noted in this manual. Therefore, note
that unauthorized alternations or repair may affect the regulatory status of the system and may void any
remaining warranty.
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E. Notice of Radiated Emissions
This model complies with rules regarding radiation and radio frequency emission as defined by local
regulatory agencies. In accordance with these agencies, you may be required to provide information such as
the following to the end user.
F. Pictures
The pictures in this manual are for illustrative purposes only; your actual hardware may look slightly different.
G. Interference and Attenuation
Phone may interfere with sensitive laboratory equipment, medical equipment, etc.Interference from
unsuppressed engines or electric motors may cause problems.
H. Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
Boards, which contain Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD), are indicated
by the sign. Following information is ESD handling:
• Service personnel should ground themselves by using a wrist strap when exchange system
• When repairs are made to a system board, they should spread the floor with anti-static mat
which is also grounded.
• Use a suitable, grounded soldering iron.
• Keep sensitive parts in these protective packages until these are used.
• When returning system boards or parts like EEPROM to the factory, use the protective
package as described.

1.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this manual, following abbreviations apply:
Offset Phase Locked LoopOPLL
Light Emitting DiodeLED
Low Drop OutputLDO
Liquid Crystal DisplayLCD
Intermediate FrequencyIF
International Portable User IdentityIPUI
Global System for Mobile CommunicationsGSM
General Purpose Interface BusGPIB
Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGMSK
Flexible Printed Circuit BoardFPCB
Electrostatic DischargeESD
Electrical Erasable Programmable Read-Only MemoryEEPROM
Digital Signal ProcessingDSP
dB relative to 1 milli wattdBm
Digital Communication SystemDCS
Digital to Analog ConverterDAC
Constant Current – Constant VoltageCC-CV
Bit Error RatioBER
Automatic Power ControlAPC
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Wireless Application Protocol
Voltage Control Temperature Compensated Crystal OscillatorVCTCXO
Voltage Controlled OscillatorVCO
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/TransmitterUART
Time Division Multiple AccessTDMA
Time Division DuplexTDD
Travel AdapterTA
Side Tone Masking RatingSTMR
Static Random Access MemorySRAM
Sending Loudness RatingSLR
Subscriber Identity ModuleSIM
Surface Acoustic WaveSAW
Real Time ClockRTC
Root Mean SquareRMS
Receiving Loudness RatingRLR
Radio FrequencyRF
Public Switched Telephone NetworkPSTN
Phase Locked LoopPLL
Programmable Gain AmplifierPGA
Printed Circuit BoardPCB
Power Amplifier ModulePAM
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2.1 H/W Features
Item Feature Comment
Standard Battery Lithium-ion , 3.7V 950mAh
Stand by TIME Up to 950 hrs : Paging Period 9, RSSI 85dBm
Talk time Up to 9 hrs : GSM Tx Level 10
Charging time Approx. 3.5 hours
RX Sensitivity GSM, EGSM: -108dBm, DCS: -108dBm
TX output power
GSM, EGSM: 32.5dBm(Level 5),
DCS , PCS: 29.5dBm(Level 0)
SIM card type 3V Small
Display MAIN : 1.5” TFT 128 Ý 128 pixel 65K Color
Status Indicator
Hard icons. Key Pad
0 ~ 9, #, *, Up/Down Left/Right Navigation Key
Send Key,
PWR Key ,Soft Key(Left/Right)
ANT Internal
EAR Phone Jack Yes
PC Synchronization Not Support
Speech coding EFR/FR/HR
Data and Fax Yes
GPRS compatibility Not Support
Vibrator Yes
Loud Speaker Yes
Voice Recoding Not Support
Microphone Yes
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2.2 Technical Specification
Item Description Specification
1 Frequency Band
TX: 880 ~ 915MHz
RX: 925 ~ 960 MHz
TX: 1710 ~ 1785 MHz
RX: 1805 ~ 1880 MHz
2 Phase Error
RMS < 5 degrees
Peak < 20 degrees
3 Frequency Error < 0.1 ppm
4 Power Level
Level Power Toler. Level Power Toler.
6 31dBm ·3dB 14 15dBm · 3dB
7 29dBm ·3dB 15 13dBm · 3dB
8 27dBm ·3dB 16 11dBm · 5dB
9 25dBm ·3dB 17 9dBm · 5dB
10 23dBm ·3dB 18 7dBm · 5dB
11 21dBm ·3dB 19 5dBm · 5dB
12 19dBm ·3dB
5 33dBm ·2dB 13 17dBm · 3dB
Level Power Toler. Level Power Toler.
1 28dBm ·3dB 9 12dBm · 4dB
2 26dBm ·3dB 10 10dBm · 4dB
3 24dBm ·3dB 11 8dBm · 4dB
4 22dBm ·3dB 12 6dBm · 4dB
5 20dBm ·3dB 13 4dBm · 4dB
6 18dBm ·3dB 14 2dBm · 5dB
7 16dBm ·3dB 15 0dBm · 5dB
0 30dBm ·2dB 8 14dBm · 3dB
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Item Description Specification
Output RF Spectrum
(due to switching
Offset from Carrier (kHz). Max. dBm
1,200 -24
1,800 -27
7 Spurious Emissions Conduction, Emission Status
8 Bit Error Ratio
BER (Class II) < 2.439% @-102 dBm
BER (Class II) < 2.439% @-100 dBm
9 RX Level Report Accuracy ·3 dB
10 SLR 13·4 dB
11 Sending Response
1,000 -6
2,000 -6
3,000 -6
Frequency (Hz)
100 -
200 -
3,400 -9
12 RLR 2·3 dB
Max.(dB) Min.(dB)
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Item Description Specification
13 Receiving Response
1,000 -5
3,000 -5
100 -
200 -
3,400 -10
14 STMR 17 dB 㢨ㇵ
* Mean that Adopt a straight line in between 300 Hz and
1,000 Hz to be Max. level in the range.
15 Stability Margin > 6 dB
System frequency
(13 MHz) tolerance
˺ 2.5 ppm
17 32.768KHz tolerance ˺ 30 ppm
18 Ringer Volume
At least 65 dBspl under below conditions:
1. Ringer set as ringer.
2. Test distance set as 50 cm
19 Charge Current
Fast Charge : Typ. 400 mA
Total Charging Time : < 3.5 hours
Frequency (Hz) Max.(dB) Min.(dB)
Over 17 dB

Item Description Specification
2 -> 1
Bar Number Power
4 -> 2
-101· 2
-93 · 2
20 Antenna Display
2 -> 1
1 -> 0
Battery Bar Number Voltage
3 -> 2
3.75 · 0.05 V
21 Battery Indicator
Low Voltage Warning
( Blinking Bar)
1 time per 1 minute (Receiver)
1 time per 3 minute (Speaker)
Forced shut down
3.3 · 0.05V
24 Battery Type
Lithium-Ion Battery
Standard Voltage = 3.7 V
Battery full charge voltage = 4.2 V
Capacity: 950mAh
25 Travel Charger
Switching-mode charger
Input: 100 ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz
Output: 4.8 V, 400 mA
> 3.75· 0.05 V
3.67 · 0.05 V
3.6 · 0.05 V
5 -> 4
-106 · 2
1 -> 0
-104 · 2
-92 · 2
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3.1.1 General
– SoC, Monolithic, 65 nm CMOS
• Package:
– WFWLB, 8x8x0.8 mm
– 0.5 mm pitch
– 217 balls
3.1.2 RF Transceiver
• Dual-band direct conversion receiver
• Tri/Quad-band possible with external circuitry
• Fully integrated digital controlled X0
• Additional buffer for 2 external system clocks
• Fully digital RF-Synthesizer incl. ȭȟ-Transmitter
3.1.3 Baseband
• High performance fixed-point TEAKlite DSP
• C166S-V2 high performance microcontroller with a 16KB Instruction Cache and a Data cache Buffer.
• FM Stereo Radio Receiver with RDS
• There are several Interfaces:
– I2S interface for DAI connections (for Tape Approval) and external Audio component connection.
– High Speed SSC Interface for connection of companion chips (like Serial SD Cards)
– High Speed SSC Interface dedicated to Display control
– USIM Interface with support of Protocol T=1 and Dual USIM support.
– Keypad Interface (6x4 or 5x5 keys)
– External Memory Controller (EBU) for external RAM/NOR FLASH/Busrt Flash/NAND Flash/Serial Flash
(SPI/SQI) and Parallel Display connection
– Asynchronous serial interface.
– Asynchronous serial interface for WLAN/BT/GPS control (incl. IrDA support capability) .
– JTAG Interface, OCDS, Multi-Core Debug and Real Time Trace facilities.
– Black & white and 128x160 - 16bit color displays are supported
– PWM source to drive vibrator
– Keypad and display backlight supported.
– HASH Unit support for hashing.
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Crystal Oscillator
• Fully digital controlled crystal oscillator core with a highly linear tuning characteristic
Mixed Signal and Power Management Unit
• Embedded stepdown converter (1.8V)
• DC/DC boost for voltages up to 15 V for driving White or Blue LEDs
• 8-ȳ loud speaker driver (700 mW)
• 16-ȳ earpiece driver
• 32-ȳ headset driver
• Measurement interfaces (PA temperature, battery voltage, battery temperature, and ambient temperature)
• Accessory Detection
• PCB ID detection as part of measurement interface.
• Differential microphone input
• System start up circuitry
• Charger circuitry for NiCd, NiMh and LiIon cells with integrated Control Current/Voltage Charging.
• Integrated regulators for direct connection to battery.
C166S-V2 Buses
The C166S-V2 is connected to four buses:
1. IMB (Internal Program) bus (64b - 0 cycle instruction bus))
2. DPMI (Data-Program) Bus (16b - 0 cycle data bus)
3. X-Bus (16b - 3 cycle peripheral bus)
4. PD-Bus (16b 0 cycle peripheral bus)
Bus Interconnections
The interconnection between the X-Bus and the TEAKlite Bus uses:
• Multicore Synchronization
• Shared Memory.

3.1.4 FM Radio
• Not supported
3.1.5 Display
• Type
– 128*128, QQVGA, 65k color (parallel)
• Interface
– Parallel 8/9bit MIPI-DBI Type B
– Interf. voltage at 1.8V or 2.8V
• gRacr - Display Controller (Hardware)
– 30 fps Display update without DMA (up to 60 fps) (full or partial)
– Video post processing Scaling, Rotation (90¶ steps), Mirroring
– Overlay with alpha blending
– Color conversion YUV -> RGB
– 2D vector graphics (Lines, filled rectangles, Bit block transfer (e.g. sprites, scrolling, antialiased bitmap fonts)
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3.2 Power Management
A mobile platform requires power supplies for different functions. These power supplies are generated in the
integrated power management Unit (PMU). The PMU is designed to deliver the power for a typical standard
Figure. 3-2-1 Block Figure of the PMU Modules X-Gold tm 110
DC/DC Step Down Converter for 1.8V (SD1)
The DC/DC converter generates a 1.8 V supply rail. This voltage rail is used to supply main parts of the
system, like the digital core of the chip (via LDO LCORE), parts of the mixed signal macro, parts of the RF
macro and the external memory if a 1.8V memory is used.

Linear voltage Regulators (low dropout) LDOs
The LDOs are used to generate the supply for the different supply domains not directly supplied out of the
DC/DC converter.
The LCORE LDO provides the VCORE supply used for most of the digital parts of the chip
The LPMU provides VPMU sued for the PMU supply, e.g. for the startup state machine and analog parts like ADC,
sense amplifier etc.
The LAUX generates VAUX. It is a general purpose LDO and can be used for different functions depending on the
phone application, e.g. for the display or Camera.
The LSIM LDO generates the VSIM supply for the SIM card and interface. It is designed to supply Standard SIM
Other LDOs
The RF module has implemented several LDO’s for different RF Power domain.
The mixed signal module has some LDO’s for the audio driver and microphone supply.
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3.2.1 Power on and startup
Analog startup Circuit
Because the POR circuit and the LPBG are directly connected to the battery, it is not possible to switch them
off. If the battery voltage exceed the power on reset threshold (2.5V), the power on reset is released, the LPMU
regulator and the LRTC voltage regulator are switched on. The LPMU regulator starts in its ultra-low power
The LPMU regulator generates a control signal (lpmu_OK) that enables the 50KHZ PMU oscillator. The output
clock of the oscillator is checked with a fully coded counter. A counter overflow releases the reset
(vpmu_rst_n) signal for the small PMU state-machine.
Small first digital State-Machine
The small PMU state-machine is always connected to VPMU After starting from reset the small startup state
machine enters the SYSTEM OFF state and only continuous the startup procedure if a switch on event like first
connect, on-key, wake up or charge detect occurs.
PMU-main State-Machine
The main PMU state-machine is always connected to VPMU also. The power up sequence driven by the PMU
state-machine can be seen in Figure18. After enabling the reference (HPGB) and waiting for the settling time,
the battery voltage is measured and compared with the power on threshold. If the battery voltage is high
enough, the SD1 DC/DC converter and the LCORE LDO are started. A timer ensures that the supply voltage
will be stable before the DCXO is enabled. The DCXO settling time is ensured using a fixed timer. After an
overflow of this timer, the reset is released for the rest of the system. The PMU state machine remains in this
System-ON state until the system is switched into the OFF state. For example the system sleep mode is
completely configured by software( for example switching off the LDO’s, switching of the DCXO etc.) and
controlled by the VCXO_enable signal. The reason for the startup is stored in the ResetSourceRead register.
Battery Measurement
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3.2.2 Switching on due to first connect
If the battery voltage is connected the first time, that means the system enters the first time the SYSOFF state,
this is stored in a first connect flag. If the first connect flag is set, the system will start immediately and not wait
for any other system on event in the SYSOFF state.
3.2.3 Switching on due to on-Key event
The on key is connected to the ONKEY pad. The ESD protection and the input structure of this pad are
connected to VRTC. If the ONKEY pad is forced to VRTC by an external key or similar circuit, the system starts.
The ONKEY is sampled with the PMU clock. It has to be sampled four times high before a valid on event is
generated. The status of the ON key can be read in the PMU registers, so it can be used as a functional key
during phone operation also
3.2.4 Switching on due to RTC alarm
The real time clock can generate a wakeup signal called RTC alarm. This signal is sampled from the statemachine and after successfully detecting a high, the system is switched on.
3.2.5 Switching on due to charging
When a battery with a voltage below the SSONLEV level is inserted, the state machine will not start the system.
As long as the battery voltage stays lover than SYSONLEV the system will stay off. The only possibility to start
up the system is due to an external charger.
If an external charger is connected and detected and the battery is charged above the SYSONPRE voltage level
the system will start up.
The PMU main state machine waits in the Check battery state until the battery voltage condition is fulfilled.
The charger state machine provides the necessary pre-charge indication signal. This pre-charge signal is
denounced in a small counter to have a stable signal. This is important, especially in half/full-wave charging
where the charger detection is switching between charger detected/not detected according the AC supply
frequency. reasons

For details on pre-charging see the charger chapter. The charger is controlled by an independent state
machine. The pre-charge signal is used to trigger the pre-charge signal is used to trigger the pre-charge
functionality. The charger state machine fully control the pre-charge, the PMU-state machine now changes to
state HPBG on state and the system starts. This state change is indicated to the charger state-machine to
enable the charger watchdog for safety
3.2.6 Power Supply Start-up sequence
In order to avoid an excessive drop on the battery voltage caused by in-rush current during system power-on,
possibly leading to system instability and “hick-ups” a staggered turn-on approach for the regulators is
implemented. The regulators are turned on in a well defined sequence, thus spreading the in-rush current
transients over time.
The IO’s of X-GOLD TM 213 are isolated in OFF mode (core supply is off). The isolation signal is controlled by
the PMU state machine. This ensures that the PADs are in a well defined state during core supply settling. This
allows to power up the LCORE core regulator and wait for the core to reach reset state before powering up the
I/O supply regulators.
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3.2.7 Sysclock Switching
The PMU controls the rf_sysclk_en signal of the DCXO in the RF macro. During startup the PMU enables the
DCXO. After the system is running the DCXO is controlled by the SCU of the baseband by using the
vcxo_enable signal. This is handled by a dedicated logic in the PMU, see Figure 21. As long as
rf_sysclk_en_pmu, the output of the PMU state-machine is high, vcxo_enable controls the rf_sysclk_en signal
to the RF. If rf_sysclk_en_pmu is low, the DXCO is switched off, independent from vcxo_enable.
Figure 3.2.4 How sysclock Enable is Routed in the PMU
3.2.8 Undervoltage Shutdown
In active mode the PMU periodically measures the battery voltage using the ADC from the charger unit. If the
battery is measured to be below the programmable shut-down level (called SYSOFF), the system changes to
OFF mode. This is done via the SHUTDOWN state of the PMU state machine. (see chapter switch OFF)
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3.2.9 Silent Reset
WDT-reset and software-reset shall happen silently to ending customer: SIM card and interfaces have to stay
powered and not reset by neither WDT-reset or C166s SRST instruction. To allow this, some LDO settings and
some registers (as e.g. USIM_pad control register) are reset only by system-reset (HW-reset or power-on reset)
Figure 3.2.5 PMU Reset
3.2.10 PMU Clock
During the first startup (for example plugging in a battery) a PMU internal oscillator is used for generation of
the PMU clock (pmu_clock). The frequency is slightly above 32 kHz (typ. 50 kHz) to be out of the audio band
also for worst case devices. After first startup the software shall enable the 32 kHz crystal oscillator. It is not
possible to use the 32 kHz oscillator during first startup, because the settling time of the oscillator can be
quite long. After the 32 kHz oscillator is running and settled the software shall switch the PMU clock to the 32
kHz clock and disable the internal PMU oscillator for power saving reasons. The 32 kHz oscillator shall never
be disabled after the PMU clock has been switched. The ADC in the charger unit has it’s own oscillator
generating a frequency of about 10 MHz. This oscillator is running during charging and during battery
measurements triggered by the PMU. It is off otherwise.

3.2.11 System Sleep Mode
The sleep mode is controlled by using the VCXO_enable signal (dcxo_en_i) and gsm_sleep_i. These signals are
used to deactivate the HPBG and setting LDO LPMU in the ultra-low-power mode. In addition the DCXO is
switched off by the VCXO_enable signal. The VCXO_enable signal is also used to switch some LDO’s (software
configured) to sleep and/or off mode or to change the output voltages of said LDO’s. The state of the main PMU
state machine is not changed due to VCXO_enable.
3.2.12 DC/DC Pre-Load Register Handling
The DC/DC converter works in different modes. If the mode is switched from PFM to PWM the pulse-width of
the DC/DC converter depends on the current battery voltage (and on the output voltage). The PMU state-
machine knows the battery voltage because of the battery supervision function. Depending on this value it
selects a startup pulse-width for the DC/DC converter out of a register table. (4-values)
3.2.13 Power Down Sequence
Setting bit OFF in the GeneralControl register switches the system into OFF mode. After the turn off event, the
state-machine switches to the SHUTDOWN state. The reset_pmu_n_o signal changes to low, the I/O pads are
isolated using the padisolation_n signal, the LCORE LDO and the SD1 DC/DC converter are switched off, the
LPMU LDO is switched to ultra-low power mode, the DCXO is turned off and the bandgap buffer is disabled.
Before switching OFF the software shall have enabled the 32 kHz oscillator and has switched the PMU clock to
the 32 kHz clock to archive the target OFF current
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3.3.1 Internal Block Diagram
3.3 FEM with integrated Power Amplifier Module (SKY77550, U301)
3.3.2 General Description
SKY77550 is a transmit and receive Front-End Module (FEM) with Integrated Power Amplifier Control (iPAC™)
for Dual-band cellular handsets comprising GSM850/900 and DCS1800/PCS1900 operation. Designed in a low
profile, compact form factor, the SKY77550 offers a complete Transmit VCO-to-Antenna and Antenna-to-
Receive SAW filter solution. The FEM also supports Class 12 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) multi-slot
operation. The module consists of a GSM850/900 PA block and a DCS1800/PCS1900 PA block,
impedancematching circuitry for 50 ohm input and output impedances, Tx harmonics filtering, high linearity
/ low insertion loss RF switch, and a Power Amplifier Control (PAC) block with internal current sense resistor.
The two Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) PA blocks, a BiFET PAC and switch control circuit are
fabricated onto a single Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) die. One PA block supports the GSM850/900 bands and the
other PA block supports the DCS1800/PCS1900 bands. Both PA blocks share common power supply pads to
distribute current. The output of each PA block and the outputs to the two receive pads are connected to the
antenna pad through an RF switch. The GaAs die, Switch die and passive components are mounted on a
multi-layer laminate substrate. The assembly is encapsulated with plastic overmold.