Drawn Approved
Yoonjeong.Oh Jongok.Kim
Oct/01/2014 Oct/01/2014
98LS95A LG MBM64776901
W/WIDE LG Digital Signage (1508-REV02)
To add note sentence about optical port
[98LS95A] Change LG logo and apply EU battery regulation
“This part contains Eco-hazardous substances (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, PBB, PBDE, etc.) within LG standard level,
Details should be followed Eco-SCM management standard[LG(56)-A-2524].
Especially, Part should be followed and controlled the following specification.
(1) Eco-hazardous substances test report should be submitted when Part certification test and First Mass Production.
(2) Especially, Don’t use or contain lead(Pb) and cadmium(Cd) in ink.
2. Printing Specification
:7. Number of pages 2:2. Printing colors
Uncoated, wood-free paper 80 g/㎡