Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These parts are identified by in the
Schematic Diagram and Exploded View.
It is essential that these special safety parts should be replaced with the same components as recommended in this manual to prevent
Shock, Fire, or other Hazards.
Do not modify the original design without permission of manufacturer.
General Guidance
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the
servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not isolated from the AC
power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this
protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury
from electrical shocks.
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being
damaged by accidental shorts of the circuitry that may be
inadvertently introduced during the service operation.
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown,
replace it with the specified.
When replacing a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor,
over 1 W), keep the resistor 10 mm away from PCB.
Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature parts.
Before returning the receiver to the customer,
always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed
metallic parts of the cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, etc., to
be sure the set is safe to operate without damage of electrical
Leakage Current Cold Check(Antenna Cold Check)
With the instrument AC plug removed from AC source, connect an
electrical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place the AC
switch in the on position, connect one lead of ohm-meter to the AC
plug prongs tied together and touch other ohm-meter lead in turn to
each exposed metallic parts such as antenna terminals, phone
jacks, etc.
If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the
measured resistance should be between 1 M
When the exposed metal has no return path to the chassis the
reading must be infinite.
An other abnormality exists that must be corrected before the
receiver is returned to the customer.
Ω and 5.2 MΩ.
Leakage Current Hot Check(See below Figure)
Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet.
Do not use a line Isolation Transformer during this check.
Connect 1.5 K / 10 watt resistor in parallel with a 0.15 uF capacitor
between a known good earth ground (Water Pipe, Conduit, etc.)
and the exposed metallic parts.
Measure the AC voltage across the resistor using AC voltmeter
with 1000 ohms/volt or more sensitivity.
Reverse plug the AC cord into the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage
measurements for each exposed metallic part. Any voltage
measured must not exceed 0.75 volt RMS which is corresponds to
0.5 mA.
In case any measurement is out of the limits specified, there is
possibility of shock hazard and the set must be checked and
repaired before it is returned to the customer.
This spec. sheet applies to LA1EZ Chassis applied LCD TV
all models manufactured in TV factory
2. Specification
(1) Because this is not a hot chassis, it is not necessary to
use an isolation transformer. However, the use of isolation
transformer will help protect test instrument.
(2) Adjustment must be done in the correct order.
(3) The adjustment must be performed in the circumstance of
25 ±5 °C of temperature and 65±10% of relative humidity if
there is no specific designation.
(4) The input voltage of the receiver must keep 100~240V,
(5) The receiver must be operated for about 5 minutes prior to
the adjustment when module is in the circumstance of over
In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of 0°C, it
should be placed in the circumstance of above 15°C for 2
In case of keeping module is in the circumstance of below
-20°C, it should be placed in the circumstance of above
15°C for 3 hours.
(6) Adjustment equipments : Color Analyzer (CA-210 or
CA-110), SVC remote controller.
(7) Push The “IN STOP KEY” – For memory initialization.
Case1 : Software version up
1) After downloading S/W by USB , TV set will reboot
2) Push “In-stop” key
3) Push “Power on” key
4) Function inspection
5) After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
Case2 : Function check at the assembly line
1) When TV set is entering on the assembly line, Push
“In-stop” key at first.
2) Push “Power on” key for turning it on.
=> If you push “Power on” key, TV set will recover channel
information by itself.
3).After function inspection, Push “In-stop” key.
When still image is displayed for a period of 20 minutes or
longer (especially where W/B scale is strong.
Digital pattern 13ch and/or Cross hatch pattern 09ch), there
can some afterimage in the black level area
3. Adjustment items
3.1 Board Level Adjustment
(1) Adjust RGB (ADC)
(2) EDID/DDC download
● Above adjustment items can be also performed in Final
Assembly if needed. Both Board-level and Final assembly
adjustment items can be check using In-Start Menu (1.
Adjust Check). Component 1080p and RGB-PC Adjust will
be calculated by 480i adjust value.
3.2. Final assembly adjustment
(1) White Balance adjustment
(2) RS-232C functionality check
(3) Factory Option setting per destination
(4) Shipment mode setting (In-Stop)
3.3. Etc
(1) Ship-out mode
(2) Service Option Default
(3) USB Download (S/W Update, Option and Service only)
(4) ISP Download (Optional)
4. Automatic Adjustment
4.1. ADC Adjustment
4.1.1. Overview
▪ ADC adjustment is needed to find the optimum black level
and gain in Analog-to-Digital device and to compensate RGB
4.1.2. Equipment & Condition
(1) Protocol: RS-232C
(2) Inner Pattern
- Resolution : 1080p (Inner Pattern)
- Resolution : 1024*768 RGB (Inner Pattern)
- Pattern : Horizontal 100% Color Bar Pattern
- Pattern level : 0.7±0.1 Vp-p
4.1.3. Adjustment Adjustment method
- Using RS-232, adjust items listed in 3.1 in the other shown
in “”
* RS-232C Connection Method.
Connection : PCBA (USB Port) -> USB to Serial Adapter
(UC-232A) -> RS-232C cable -> PC(RS-232C port)
● Product name of USB to Serial Adapter is UC-232A.
=> Caution: LA1E* chassis support only UC-232A driver.
( only use this one.)
xb 00 40
Begin 00 10
Return adj. resultOKx (Case of Success)
Read adj. data(main)
ad 00 20
(sub )
ad 00 21
Conrm 00 99NG 03 00x (Fail)
End adj.aa 00 90a 00 OK90x
Ref.) ADC Adj. RS232C Protocol_Ver1.0 Adj. order
▪ aa 00 00 [Enter ADC adj. mode]
▪ xb 00 60 [Change input source to RGB(1024*768)]
▪ ad 00 10 [Adjust 1024*768 RGB]
▪ ad 00 90 End adj.
Ref) ADC adj. RS232C Protocol_Ver1.0
b 00 OK40x (Adjust 1080i Comp1 )
b 00 OK60x (Adjust 1024*768 RGB)
NGx (Case of Fail)
NG 03 01x (Fail)
NG 03 02x (Fail)
OK 03 03x (Success)
5. Manual Adjustment
5.1 ADC Adjustment
5.1.1 Overview
▪ ADC adjustment is needed to find the optimum black level
and gain in Analog-to-Digital device and to compensate RGB
5.1.3 Adjust method ADC RGB
(1) Press the In-start Key on the ADJ remote after at least 1
min of signal reception. Then, select 4.ADC Calibration.
And Press OK Button on the menu “Start”. The adjustment
will start automatically.
(2) If ADC RGB is successful, “ADC RGB Success” is
displayed and ADC RGB is completed. If ADC calibration
is failure, “ADC RGB Fail” is displayed.
(3) If ADC calibration is failure, after rechecking ADC pattern
or condition, retry calibration
5.2. EDID/DDC Download(EDID PCM)
5.2.1. Overview
- It is a VESA regulation. A PC or a MNT will display an
optimal resolution through information sharing without any
necessity of user input. It is a realization of “Plug and Play”.
5.2.2. Equipment
(1) Adjust remocon.
(2) Since embedded EDID data is used, EDID download JIG,
HDMI cable and D-sub cable are not need
5.2.3. Download method
(1) Press Adj. key on the Adj. R/C.
(2) Select EDID D/L menu.
(3) By pressing Enter key, EDID download will begin
(4) If Download is successful, OK is display, but If Download is
failure, NG is displayed.
(5) If Download is failure, Re-try downloads.
[Caution] : When EDID Download, must remove RGB/HDMI
5.1.2. Equipment & Condition
(1) Adjust Remocon
(2) 801GF(802B, 802F, 802R) or MSPG925FA Pattern
(1) 42CQ610H-UA (FHD)
* HDMI1_EDID table [CHECK SUM : 3/4]
* HDMI2_EDID table [CHECK SUM : 3/F4]
5.3. White Balance Adjustment
5.3.1. Overview W/B adj. Objective & How-it-works
(1) Objective: To reduce each Panel’s W/B deviation
(2) How-it-works: When R/G/B gain in the OSD is at 192, it
means the panel is at its Full Dynamic Range. In order to
prevent saturation of Full Dynamic range and data, one of
R/G/B is fixed at 192, and the other two is lowered to find
the desired value.
Wb0000Begin White Balance adj.
Wb00ffEnd White Balance adj.
(internal pattern disappears )
Ex) wb 00 00 -> Begin white balance auto-adj.
wb 00 10 -> Gain adj.
ja 00 ff -> Adj. data
jb 00 c0
wb 00 1f -> Gain adj. complete
*(wb 00 20(start), wb 00 2f(endc)) -> Off-set adj.
wb 00 ff ->End white balance auto adj.
(2) Adjustment Map
Applied Model : 26LQ630H -UA,
Adj. item
CoolR Gainjg00C0TBD
G Gainjh00C0TBD
B Gainji00C0TBD
MediumR Gainja00C0TBD
G Gainjb00C0TBD
B Gainjc00C0TBD
WarmR Gainjd00C0TBD
G Gainje00C0TBD
B Gainjf00C0TBD
(lower case ASCII)
Data Range
5.3.5. Adjustment method Auto adj. method
(1) Set TV in adj. mode using POWER ONLY (P-ONLY) key
(2) Zero calibrate probe then place it on the center of the
(3) Connect Cable(RS-232C)
(4) Select mode in adj. Program and begin adj.
(5) When adj. is completed (OK Sing), check adj. status of pre
mode (Cool, Medium, Warm)
(6) Remove probe and RS-232C cable to complete adj.
▪ W/B Adj. must begin as start command “wb 00 00” , and
finish as end command “wb 00 ff”, and Adj. offset if need Manual adj. method
(1) Set TV in Adj. mode using POWER ON
(2) Zero Calibrate the probe of Color Analyzer, then place it on
the center of LCD module within 10cm of the surface..
(3) Press ADJ key -> EZ adjust using adj. R/C -> 6. White-
Balance then press the cursor to the right (KEY►).
(When KEY(►) is pressed 204 Gray(80IRE) internal
pattern will be displayed)
(4) One of R Gain / G Gain / B Gain should be fixed at 192,
and the rest will be lowered to meet the desired value.
(5) Adj. is performed in COOL, MEDIUM, WARM 3 modes of
color temperature.
▪ If internal pattern is not available, use RF input. In EZ Adj.
menu 6.White Balance, you can select one of 2 Test-pattern:
ON, OFF. Default is inner(ON). By selecting OFF, you can
adjust using RF signal in 204 Gray pattern.
▪ Adj. condition and cautionary items
(1) Lighting condition in surrounding area
Surrounding lighting should be lower 10 lux. Try to isolate
adj. area into dark surrounding.
(2) Probe location : Color Analyzer (CA-210) probe should be
within 10cm and perpendicular of the module surface (80°~
(3) Aging time
- After Aging Start, Keep the Power ON status during 5
- In case of LCD, Back-light on should be checked using no
(1) Execute ISP program “Mstar ISP Utility” and then click
“Config” tab.
(2) Set as below, and then click “Auto Detect” and check “OK”
message. If “Error” is displayed, Check connection
between computer, jig, and set.
(3) Click “Read” tab, and then load download file (XXXX.bin)
by clicking “Read”
(4) Click “Connect” tab. If “Can’t ” is displayed, Check
connection between computer, jig, and set
9. USB S/W Download
(optional, Service only)
(1) Put the USB Stick to the USB socket
(2) Automatically detecting update file in USB Stick
- If your downloaded program version in USB Stick is lower
than that of TV set, it didn’t work. Otherwise USB data is
automatically detected.
(3) Show the message “Copying files from memory”
(4) Updating is staring.
Please Check the Speed
To use speed between
from 200KHz to 400KHz
(5) Click “Auto” tab and set as below
(6) Click “Run”.
(7) After downloading, check “OK” message
(5) Updating Completed, The TV will restart automatically
(6) If your TV is turned on, check your updated version and
Tool option.
* If downloading version is more high than your TV have, TV
can lost all channel data. In this case, you have to channel
recover. If all channel data is cleared, you didn’t have a DTV/
ATV test on production line.
* After downloading, TOOL OPTION setting is needed again.
(1) Push "IN-START" key in service remote controller.
(2) Select "Tool Option 1" and Push “OK” button.
(3) Punch in the number. (Each model has their number.)
(1) b_LAN Checker: UTC-1000 (with Cable accessory)
(2) Computer(for test result monitoring)
(3) Connection JIG
10.3. Equipment connection map & b_LAN Check Power on JIG : Switch on front of the JIG Test Start Checking b-LAN MAC Address
UTC-1000 LAN <- -> PC LAN Port
UTC-1000 TOP1 <- -> Game port(RJ21)
-> TV-LINK CFG (Phone Jack)
UTC-1000 RF1 <- -> b_LAN RF IN
UTC-1000 TOP2 <- -> JIG 11pin Connection
Check whether it is same their address numbers or not
between B-LAN Label and on the pc address numbers
10.4. Check
10.4.1. Setting Procedure Setting JIG
(1) Connect UTC-1000 Equipment to JIG device as a like left
- Connection Line:
UTC-1000 TOP1 <- -> Game port(RJ21)
-> TV-LINK CFG (Phone Jack)
UTC-1000 TOP2 <- -> JIG 11pin Connection
UTC-1000 RF1 <- -> b_LAN RF IN
UTC-1000 LAN <- -> PC LAN Port
※ Checking JIG contents
(1) Check whether displaying all “Pass” or not at the number contents of UTC-1000 on the PC
(2) Check “Version 6.0” of the 1. b_LAN Application version
(3) Check whether it is same their address numbers or not
between B-LAN Label and 2. MAC Address on the pc.
11. Serial number download
Connect Bar Code scan equipment and TV set by RS-232C
(1)E2PROM Data Write