Drawn Approved
Mira.woo Jongok.kim
JAN/22/2016 JAN/22/2016
15/16Y Commercial TV
LG MFL69413403
2. Printing Specification
:6. Number of pages 4:2. Printing colors
Uncoated, wood-free paper 60 g/㎡
“This part contains Eco-hazardous substances (Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr6+, PBB, PBDE, etc.) within LG standard level,
Details should be followed Eco-SCM management standard[LG(56)-A-2524].
Especially, Part should be followed and controlled the following specification.
(1) Eco-hazardous substances test report should be submitted when Part certification test and First Mass Production.
(2) Especially, Don’t use or contain lead(Pb) and cadmium(Cd) in ink.
Made by LG Electronics (Only TW Suffix)