LG 31MU97Z Schematic

Internal Use Only
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MODEL : 31MU97 31MU97-BD
Printed in KoreaP/NO : MFL63731189 (1408-REV00)
CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 2
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................ 3
SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................... 4
ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTION ................................................................ 5
TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ................................................................. 9
BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................................. 14
EXPLODED VIEW .................................................................................. 15
SCHEMATIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ..............................................................
Only for training and service purposes
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To Instrument's exposed METALLIC PARTS
Good Earth Ground such as WATER PIPE, CONDUIT etc.
AC Volt-meter
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These parts are identified by in the Schematic Diagram and Exploded View. It is essential that these special safety parts should be replaced with the same components as recommended in this manual to prevent Shock, Fire, or other Hazards. Do not modify the original design without permission of manufacturer.
General Guidance
An isolation Transformer should always be used during the servicing of a receiver whose chassis is not isolated from the AC power line. Use a transformer of adequate power rating as this protects the technician from accidents resulting in personal injury from electrical shocks.
It will also protect the receiver and it's components from being damaged by accidental shorts of th e circuitry that may be inadvertently introduced during the service operation.
If any fuse (or Fusible Resistor) in this TV receiver is blown, replace it with the specified.
When replacing a high wattage resistor (Oxide Metal Film Resistor, over 1 W), keep the resistor 10 mm away from PCB.
Keep wires away from high voltage or high temperature parts.
Before returning the receiver to the customer,
always perform an AC leakage current check on the exposed metallic parts of the cabinet, such as antennas, terminals, etc., to be sure the set is safe to operate without damage of electrical shock.
Leakage Current Cold Check(Antenna Cold Check)
With the instrument AC plug removed from AC source, connect an electrical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place the AC switch in the on position, connect one lead of ohm-meter to the AC plug prongs tied together and touch other ohm-meter lead in turn to each exposed metallic parts such as antenna terminals, phone jacks, etc. If the exposed metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the measured resistance should be between 1 MΩ and 5.2 MΩ. When the exposed metal has no return path to the chassis the reading must be infinite. An other abnormality exists that must be corrected before the receiver is returned to the customer.
Leakage Current Hot Check (See below Figure)
Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet.
Do not use a line Isolation Transformer during this check. Connect 1.5 K / 10 watt resistor in parallel with a 0.15 uF capacitor between a known good earth ground (Water Pipe, Conduit, etc.) and the exposed metallic parts. Measure the AC voltage across the resistor using AC voltmeter with 1000 ohms/volt or more sensitivity. Reverse plug the AC cord into the AC outlet and repeat AC voltage measurements for each exp ose d metallic par t. Any voltage measured must not exceed 0.75 volt RMS which is corresponds to
0.5 mA. In case any measurement is out of the limits specified, there is possibility of shock hazard and the set must be checked and repaired before it is returned to the customer.
Leakage Current Hot Check circuit
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NOTE : Specifications and others are subject to change without notice for improvement
1. Module General Specification
No Item Content Remark
1 Customer BRAND
2 User Model Name 31MU97
3 Sale region Refer to Sufx standard
4 Feature 31” LCD MONITOR(UHD)
5 Chassis Name LM41C
6 General Scope External SW &Adj.
◄, ►,▲,▼,(push)
Function PBP, Picture Mode Ratio, Gamma Calibration, ECO,
Six Color, 5W speaker x 2, TCP, Screen split, USB hub(USB3.0 x 3)
7 Power Code Length : 1.55±0.05 M
Shape : Wall-out Color : Black Weight : 0.16kg
8 Cable USB Length : 1.5m
Shape : A-B Color : Black Pin Weight : 0.1kg
HDMI Length : 1.8m
Shape : Detachable Type Color : black Weight : 0.11kg
DP to Mini DP Length : 1.8m
Shape : Detachable Type Color : black Weight : 0.105kg
9 Power Input: AC100~240V 50~60Hz,1.5A Max
Output: DC 19V 6.2A 120W PSU Weight : 0.365kg
10 Mechanical
11 Manual ass’y 0.086kg Refer to BOM
12 Handling guide 0.006kg Refer to BOM
13 Factory calibration report 0.006kg Refer to BOM
14 Applying module list P/No Specication
Stand body 1kg AAN750088
Stand base 0.9kg AAN750089
Cable holder 0.008kg AGF775993
Screw 0.004kg (1ass’y : screw 2ea) AGF767026
EAJ62968501 LM310UH1-SLA2
5-way joystick switch
Refer to Sufx stand­ard and power cord table
P/N : EAD61273120
P/N : EAD00926103
P/N : EAD63127601
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1. Application Range
This document is applied to LM41C chassis 31” LCD Monitor which is manufactured in Monitor Factory or is produced on the basis of this data.
2. Designation
(1) Th e ad justm ent is accord ing to the order whic h is
designated and which must be followed, according to the
plan which can be changed only on agreeing. (2) Power Adjustment: Free Voltage (3) Magnetic Field Condition: Nil. (4) Input signal Unit: Product Specification Standard (5) Reserve after operation: Above 5 Minutes (Heat Run)
Temperature : at 25 °C ± 5 °C Relative humidity : 65 % ± 10 % Input voltage : 100 V~ 240 V, 50/60Hz
(6) Adju stment equ ipments: Color Ana lyzer (CA-210 or
CA-110), DDC Adjustment Jig equipment,
3. Main PCB check process
* APC - After Manual-Insult, executing APC
3.1. ADC Process
(1) 31MU97 doesn’t need ADC process because it has only
digital input like DisplayPort and HDMI.
3.2. EDID Process
3.2.1. EDID Download
F/W includes default EDID for All input ports, aging on Mode If AC ON, default EDID is automatically loaded to EEPROM. Update serial number in EDID of HDMI1.
- EDID Ver. 1.3 FOR HDMI1/2 Data ( 256 Bytes )
- EDID Ver. 1.4 FOR DP/MiniDP Data ( 256 Bytes )
- DisplayID FOR DP/MiniDP Data ( 128 Bytes )
* Caution : Never connect HDMI Cable when execute NVRAM
Init and AC On at first for downloading HDMI EDID automatically.
** Protocol : DDC 2AB
3.2.2. Single EDID Information
(do not support Thunderbolt)
No Item Content 16 Data
1 Manufacturer ID GSM 1E 6D
2 Product ID HDMI : 30438
Display Port : 30439 Thunderbolt : 30441
3 Year 2015 TBD
4 Version 1 1
5 Revision HDMI : 3
DP : 4
6 Serial Number * *
7 Week ** **
8 Model Name 31MU97 --
9 Check Sum **** ****
10 Special Item
Only for training and service purposes
E676 E776 E976
HDMI : 3 DP : 4
3.2.3. PBP EDID Information
No Item Content 16 Data
1 Manufacturer ID GSM 1E 6D
2 Product ID HDMI1/2 : 30442
DP/MiniDP : 30443 Thunderbolt : 30444
3 Year 2015 TBD
4 Version 1 1
5 Revision HDMI : 3
DP : 4
6 Serial Number * *
7 Week ** **
8 Model Name 31MU97 --
9 Check Sum **** ****
10 Special Item
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EA76 EB76 EC76
HDMI : 3 DP : 4
- EDID Ver. 1.3 FOR HDMI1/2 PBP Data ( 256 Bytes )
- EDID Ver. 1.4 FOR DP/MiniDP PBP Data ( 256 Bytes )
4. Total Assembly line process
4.1. Write HDCP Key
- Write HDCP Key into EEPROM by using DDC2AB protocol & HDCP Adjustment Jig equipment.
- If error is occurred, try to write again.
4.2. White balance adjustment
- Adju st PRESET Warm(650 0K) Col or coordinates an d Gamma calibration .
■ Input Gamma calibration Pattern (R,G,B, Grey 20 )
■ Set as Warm(6500K) by commanding COLOR_MODE_
CHANGE Command code.
■ Gamma calibration and verify
Start - Read Elapsed time - Measure - Verify - Output Report - End
■ Warm(6500K) Color adjustment.
Adjust to meet x/y color coordinate as below.
2~4 min 4~8min 8~10min 10~25min 25~40min 40min~
x 0.318 0.318 0.317 0.316 0.314 0.313
y 0.339 0.338 0.337 0.334 0.332 0.329
3.3. Function Check
3.3.1. Check Screen
■ Check input and signal items. (cf. work instructions)
1. HDMI1/2 (4096 x 2160 @24Hz)
2. DisplayPort1.2 (4096 x 2160 @60Hz) - using PC
* Save Warm(6500K) Color by commanding COLOR SAVE
Command code.
Insert HDMI Jack which is connected with PC for White
Balance or equivalent device.
-> Total Assembl y line shoul d check whether the co lor
coordinate(x,y) data refer to below table were meet or not.
Color Temperature Luminance(cd/m2)
Cool Medium Warm Cool Medium Warm
9,300k 8,000k 6,500k Min :
°K °K °K
*Note : x,y coordinates are drifted about 0.007 after 30 mins
<Test Signal>
Inner pattern
heat-run. So checking color coordinate within 5-min at total assembly line, consider x,y coordinates might be up to 0.007 than x,y target of each color temperature.
Min :
<Test Signal>
Inner pattern
Min : 260
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* Note : Manual W/B process
1) Power off => Power on ( ‘<-’ 3 times, ‘->’ 1 time and push ‘◎’)
2) and push the “<-” or “->”.
3) In Service Menu.
* When doing Adjustment, Please make circumstance as
5. Signal composition for adjustment
5.1. I2C (100K BPS)
# Until ACK BIT goes LOW, Repeat it.
5.3. Command form.
Command form use DDC2AB standard communication protocol.
a. LEN : DATA BYTE number to send. b. CMD : Command language that monitor executes. c. VAL : FOS DATA d. CS : Dada’s CHECHSUM that transmit e. DELAY : 50MS f. A : Acknowledge
4.3. DPM Operation check
■ Measurement Condition: 100 ~ 240 V @ 50/60Hz
(1) Set Input to DVI-D, DisplayPort, HDMI1, HDMI2 (2) Turn off the source device. (3) Check DPM operation refer to the below table.
Operating Condition
Sleep mode
Off mode
Sync (H/V) or Video
Off/Off Off White
- - Off 0W Mech.
EUT (MSPG6100)
Off 0.5W DC
Wattage (W)
Switch off
Switch Off
5.4. Screen adjust command (LENGTH = 84)
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5.5. EEPROM Data Write
5.5.1 Siganl TABLE
LEN : 84h+Bytes CMD : E8h ADH : E2PROM Slave Address(A0,A2,A4,A6,A8,AA,AC,AE),
Not 00h(Reserved by Buffer To EEPROM) ADL : E2PROM Sub Address(00~FF) Data : Write data Delay : 20ms
5.5.2. Command Set
2 (84+n) n-byte Write
* Use
FOS Default write : <14mode data> write
SyncFlags,HPeriodH, HPeriodL, VtotalH,VtotalL, SrcHTotalH, SrcHTotalL SrcHStartH, SrcHStartL, SrcVStartH,SrcVStartL, HsyncPhase
Temporary Data write: Write to particular address of EEPROM.
CMD(hex) LEN Explanation
E8 94 16-Byte Write
5.6. E2PROM Data Read
5.6.1. Signal TABLE
No. Adjustment
2 80 0-Page 80~FF Read
3 A2 0 1-Page 0~7F Read
4 80 1-Page 80~FF Read
5 A4 0 2-Page 0~7F Read
6 80 2-Page 80~FF Read
7 A6 0 3-Page 0~7F Read
8 80 3-Page 80~FF Read
9 A8 0 4-Page 0~7F Read
10 80 4-Page 80~FF Read
11 AA 0 5-Page 0~7F Read
12 80 5-Page 80~FF Read
13 AC 0 6-Page 0~7F Read
14 80 6-Page 80~FF Read
15 AE 0 7-Page 0~7F Read
16 80 7-Page 80~FF Read
E7 A0 0 0-Page 0~7F Read
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5.6.3. Use
Read E2PROM’s specic area as unit of 128(80h)-byte. (84h)
5.6.4 EDID Write
EEPROM access by using DDC2B protocol
1-Byte write
L : 0x00~0x7F D : data
8-byte write
L : 0x00,0x10,….0x70
5.6.5. EDID Read
- DDC2B Command.(A0/A1)
- 128 Byte transfer of EDID Buffer of MICOM
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1. No Power (Power Board)
Is Input signal timing
and format in spec?
Does DP Cable have no prob lem ?
Does DP Jack (JK100) have no
problem ??
Change Main Scaler (IC100).
Change DP jack.
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2. No Power (Main Board)
Is 3.3V at IC702 output
Is 3.3V at IC706 output
Is 1.2V at IC701 output
Is 1.2V at IC707 o utput
Is 112MHz of X200/X300
frequency ?
Change IC702 and check
Change IC706 and check
Change IC701 and check
Change IC507 and check
Change X200/X300 and
check again.
Change IC205 Serial flash
DC-DC converter block
DC-DC converter block
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