LG 21HK512D-B User Guide





1.1 Introduction

1.2. Minimum​ system requirements

1.2.1.PerfectLum​ client is supported on the following operating​systems:​

1.2.2.PerfectLum​ Remote server is supported on the following operating systems:

1.2.3.Your​ web browser should be one of the following:

1.3.Hardware​ requirements

1.3.1.Displays​ and Graphic boards 1.4. Installation Procedure Overview

1.4.1.Pre​ -installation conditions 1.4.2. Installation

1.4.3. Measurement Device​Installation 1.5. The Main Window

1.5.1.Calibration​ and QA Tab

1.5.2.Scheduler​ Tab

1.5.3.History​ Tab

1.6.Do​ my first calibration

1.7.Do​ my first QA Acceptance test


2.1.​Application​ Settings: 2.1.1. Language:

2.1.2.Software​ Update:

2.1.3.Password​ Protection:

2.1.4.Export/Import​ Common Settings: 2.1.5. Backup/Recover:

2.2.Workstation​ Settings: 2.2.1. Workstation name:

2.2.2.Ambient​ light:

2.2.3.Task​ Delay:

2.2.4.Sleep​ Mode:

2.3.Calibration​ Settings:

2.3.1.Calibration​ Type:

2.3.2.Color​ Temperature:​ 2.3.3. Gamut:

2.3.4.White​ Level:​ 2.3.5. Black Level:​ 2.3.6. ICC/ICM Profile

2.4.QA​ Settings:

2.4.1. Regulation:

2.4.2. Import Acceptance Values

2.4.3.Workstation​ Location:

2.4.4.Person​ Responsible:

2.5.Remote​ and Network Settings:

2.5.1.Enable​ Remote:

2.5.2.Remote​ Database Synchronization:

2.5.3.Proxy​ Server:


3.1.Remote​ License:

3.2. PerfectLum Suite License:


4.1.Ignore​ Display:

4.2.LUT​ Upload:

4.3.Used​ Sensor:

4.4. Sensor Correlation:

4.5.Display​ Model:

4.6.Display​ Serial Number:

4.7.Display​ Manufacturer: 4.8. Inventory number:

4.9.Type​ of Display:

4.10.Display​ Technology:

4.11.Screen​ Size:

4.12.Resolution​ (h/v):

4.13.Backlight​ Stabilization:

4.14.Installation​ Date:


5.1. Free and Additional Features

5.2.Licenses​ Functionality

5.3. License Activation


6.1. Software Update

6.2. About us

6.3. Measure Color

6.4. Display Test-Pattern

6.5. 3D Gamut Viewer

6.6. Notification

6.7. Report


7.1.Matching Multiple Displays

7.2. Mass Installation of PerfectLum Suite version 3 7.3. PerfectLum Remote: System Administrator Guide 7.4. Acronyms

7.5. Qubyx Software License Agreement



When it comes to medical imaging, the ability to see the whole image is important. With a standard workstation configuration using an uncalibrated display, the user runs the risk of missing fine details. Missing fine details can represent a health risk to the patient, which may lead to a misdiagnosis or an expensive lawsuit. The problem is not the image or the practitioner’s eye; it is the ability of the display to represent all information accurately.

PerfectLum Suite is a software solution which enables the​ user to modify display output to meet DICOM part 14 GSDF and other key industry standards. After calibration your workstation will allow you to see the finest details of every image displayed. With PerfectLum Suite medical display calibration software installed on all of your computers, you are assured that no matter which image you are looking at, it will be the same on every display.

PerfectLum Suite is not only a DICOM calibration tool, but also a medical monitor QA application, that verifies the display’s conformance to medical standards AAPM TG18, DIN 6868-57, DIN 6868-157, JESRA X-0093, IEC 62563-1, the New York state Primary​ Diagnostic Monitor (PDM) Quality Assurance Program​and performs acceptance and conformance tests for these standards.

This document provides details on installation and use of the PerfectLum Suite application.

About PerfectLum Suite

PerfectLum Suite is a medical monitor quality assurance suite based on the medical standards NEMA DICOM part 14 GSDF, AAPM TG18, DIN 6868-57, DIN 6868-157, JESRA X-0093, IEC 62563-1 and NY PDM. The medical monitor QA tool performs calibration, acceptance test, conformance test and maintains consistency to all medical workstations. The use of this software enables healthcare professionals to maintain international standards of quality in terms of their displays performance.

PerfectLum Suite Features

Calibration of all displays to DICOM part 14 GSDF, CIE L*, BT.709 and BT.1886 standard

Update of video card LUT or display LUT for displays that comply with the DDC/CI standard

Calibration of multi-head display systems

White level and black level calibration

Version 4 ICC profile generation

Calibration to a certain color temperature and XY coordinates

Verification of conformance to the major regulations: AAPM TG18, DIN 6868-57, DIN 6868-157, JESRA X-0093, IEC 62563-1 and the New York state Primary​ Diagnostic Monitor (PDM) Quality Assurance Program

Automated QA - performing acceptance and conformance tests

Scheduling conformance test automatically and reminders to perform tests

Remote quality control

Convenient and user-friendly calibration and QA reports

Color measurement capability

Diversified auto backup

History log for comparing and checking results of calibrations

Briggs, SMPTE, AAPM test patterns to visually check calibration results

Wide OS compatibility, including Windows​ 10 and Mac OS X 10.9.4

Many brands of photometer support

License supports all users on the installed workstation

1.2. Minimum system requirements

1.2.1.PerfectLum client is supported on the following operating systems:


Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)

Win 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Win 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Win 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Processor: Pentium or AMD K7

Minimum RAM: 512MB.

Minimum free space on hard disk: 150 MB.

Mac OS X


Processor: Intel only. No PowerPC support.

Minimum RAM: 512MB.

Minimum free space on hard disk: 150 MB.

1.2.2.PerfectLum Remote server is supported on the following operating systems:

Windows hosts:

Windows XP, all service packs (32-bit)

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)

Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit).

Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows Server 2012

Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Mac OS X hosts:

10.6 Snow Leopard (Intel 32-bit and Intel 64-bit)

10.7 Lion

10.8 Mountain Lion

10.9 Mavericks

10.10 Yosemite

Linux hosts (32-bit and 64-bit). Among others, this includes:

Ubuntu 6.06 ("Dapper Drake"), 6.10 ("Edgy Eft"), 7.04 ("Feisty Fawn"), 7.10 ("Gutsy Gibbon"), 8.04 ("Hardy Heron"), 8.10 ("Intrepid Ibex"), 9.04 ("Jaunty Jackalope"), 9.10 ("Karmic Koala"), 10.04 ("Lucid Lynx"), 10.10 ("Maverick Meerkat), 11.04 ("Natty Narwhal"), 11.10 ("Oneiric Ocelot"), 12.04 ("Precise Pangolin"), 12.10 ("Quantal Quetzal"), 13.04 ("Raring Ringtail"), 13.10 ("Saucy Salamander"), 14.04 ("Trusty Tahr")

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 ("sarge"), 4.0 ("etch"), 5.0 ("lenny"), 6.0 ("squeeze"), 7.0 (“Wheezy”)

Oracle Enterprise Linux 4 and 5, Oracle Linux 6

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5 and 6

Fedora Core 4 to 20

Gentoo Linux

SUSE Linux 9, 10 and 11, openSUSE 10.3, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1

Mandriva 2007.1, 2008.0, 2009.1, 2010.0 and 2010.1

1.2.3.Your web browser should be one of the following:

Mozilla Firefox, version 3.5 or higher

Safari, version 4 or higher

Google Chrome, version 3 or higher

Internet Explorer 8 or higher

1.3. Hardware requirements

1.3.1. Displays and Graphic boards:

-All LCD, CRT Displays and Projectors

-All currently commercially available graphic boards

1.4. Installation Procedure Overview

1.4.1. Pre-installation conditions:

In order to install PerfectLum Suite client you must have Administrator privileges or Administrator’s password if required when installing to the user profile.

Before installing PerfectLum Suite software in your system:

Power on the workstation with all display(s) attached that you intend to use.

Check if the screen settings are correctly configured:

Vista​- Go to Settings -> Control panel and click on “Adjust screen resolution” under the

Appearance and Personalisation Icon.

Windows 7, 8, 10​– Go to Control panel -> Display -> Adjust resolution.

Mac OS X​- System Preferences -> Displays and choose resolution radio box “Best for display”.

Ensure that the screen resolution is set to the native resolution of the display with color quality of 32 bit “True color” or higher. Ensure that the correct graphics card display driver is installed.

Repeat these checks for each display attached to your system. Your system is now ready to start the installation process.

IMPORTANT: Before starting the installation process, please make sure that the USB measurement device is NOT connected. The measurement device will be added later, after PerfectLum Suite is successfully installed.

PerfectLum Suite can be operated as a client only or as a client-server combination.

Complete installation consists of several components.

PerfectLum Suite Client

PerfectLum Suite Client is the client application that runs on each of the workstations. It provides a number of actions that can be performed locally on the workstations, including calibrating the displays, viewing test patterns or performing full QA (Quality Assurance) and acceptance tests (QA tests available only in PerfectLum Suite). Even when PerfectLum Suite Client is not connected to PerfectLum Remote Server it can still run all QA tasks on the workstation.

PerfectLum Remote Server

All PerfectLum Suite clients can be connected to PerfectLum Remote Server. No special license is required. QA managers can connect to PerfectLum Remote Server via internet/intranet connection and take full control over the performance of connected workstations from any location at any given time.

1.4.2. Installation

Windows Vista/7/8/10:

Double click on the installer:

Follow the instructions presented in the installer and click on the QUBYX software license agreement after reading it carefully.

If you don’t want to install PerfectLum Suite into the default directory, browse your computer and choose another one.

Windows will present a driver message for a few times during PerfectLum Suite installation. This is normal behavior as drivers to support measurement devices are loaded. Please click the „Install this driver software anywaybutton when prompted.

LG 21HK512D-B User Guide

1.4.3. Measurement Device Installation

Now that you have the software installed, it is time to install the measurement device. Plug the device into an unused USB port and refer to the following depending on which OS you have installed the software:

Vista to Windows 10

Vista and Windows 7 will automatically install your device driver. Wait until you receive the “Device driver software installed successfullymessage, and jump ahead to the end of this section.

Windows XP:

The “Found new Hardware Wizard” will start. Click the “Yes, this time only” radio button followed by “Next”.

Check the “Install the Software Automatically (Recommended)” radio button and click “Next”.

The software is installed automatically.

When all drivers have been loaded and configured, the wizard will prompt you to click on​the“Finish” button.

Windows will notify you when the measurement device is ready to use, by momentarily displaying the “Found New Hardware” message balloon in the lower right corner of the screen.

Mac OS:

Double click on the installer

Proceed by double clicking on the “box”.

Follow the instructions presented in the installer and click on the QUBYX software license agreement after reading it carefully.

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