Owner's Manual
Manual del Propietario
Canister Vacuum Cleaner
Model, Modelo 721.21295
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A
PART No. 3828FI3763K Printed in KOREA

Before Using Your New Vacuum ................... 2
Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Warranty ............ 2
important Safety Instructions ....................... 3
Parts and Features 4
Assembly 5_6
Use and Care 6
How Your Vacuum Works ................................ 6
How to Start Your Vacuum ............................... 7
Attachments 8o-,9
Attachments Use Chart ................................. 9
Vacuuming Tips.............................................. 10
Performance Features .................................... 10
Changing The Dust Bag ............................ 11
Please read this guide, tt will help you assemble and operate your new Kenmore vacuum in the
safest and most effective way.
For more informalion about the care and o_ratJon, call your nearest Sears store.
Your will need the complete model and serial numbers when requiting information,
Your vacuum's model and serial numbers are I_ated on the Model and Serial Number Plate,
Use the space betow to reco_ the model number and serial number ot your new Kenmore vacuum.
Serial No
Date of Purchase
Cleaning Motor Satety Filter ........................... 11
Cleaning Exterior and Attachments ................ 12
Stonng Your Vacuum ............................ 12
Cleaning Sani-Punch Nozzte .......................... 13
Power-Mate _Care .......................................... 14
Belt Changing and Brush C_eaning..........14_15
Brush Servicing 16
Brush Assembly ....................................... 16
Trouble Shooting ...............................................17
Parts List ................................................. 18,421
EspaRol ......................................................... 22
Service ............................................ Back Cover
K_p this book and your sales check (receipt) in a safe place for fulure reference.
When used for private household pur_ses, if this vacuum cleaner fails due _o a defect in material
or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, Sears will repair it free of charge.
For warranty service, return this vacuum cleaner to the nearest Sears Service Center in The
United States,
This warranty gives you s_cific legal rights, and you may atso have other rights which vary from
state tostate.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Your safety is important to us. To reduce the risk of fire, electrical sh_k, injury to
persons or damage when using your vacuum cleaner, follow basic safety precautions
including the following:
Readthis manualbefore assemblingor using your
vacuum deaner.
Use your cleaner ontyasdescribed in this manual
Useonly wiUisuppliedattachments.
To reducethe risk ofe_clrieal shock - Donot use
outdoors or on wet surfaces.
Disconnect electrical supply before servicingor
cleaning outbrush area. Failureto do socouki
result ineJectricaJshock or brush suddenly
Always turncleaner off beforeconnectingor
disconnectingthe hose.
Always turncleaner off beforeueplugging.
Do not unplugby puliing oncord.To unplug,
gra_ theplug, not the cord.
Hold plug when rewindingontocord reel.
Do not aibw plugtowhip when rewinding.
Do not use with damagedcordor p_ug.If cteaner
is not wod,,ingas it sbould, h_ been drepped,
damaged, left outdoors,or dropped intowater,
return itto a Sears Sewice Center,
Do not pall or carry bycord, usecord as a
handle, close dooroncord, or pull cord around
sharp edges or come_. Do notrun cleanerover
cord, Keep cord away fromheated surfaces,
Do not leave cleaner whenp_uggedin,Ueplug
from outlet whennotin use andbeforeservicing.
Do not albw to be usedas atoy. Close attention
is necesca_ when usedby or near children.
Do not handleplug er cleaner w_h wet hands.
Do notoperatethe cleanerwith a punctured hose.
R_lace if cut or worn. Avoidvacuumingsharp
Do not use with any opening blocked;keep freeol
dust,lint, hair andanything that may reduceair
Keep hair, looseclothing,fingers,andall parts of
body away Irom epenings andmoving paris.
Do not use cleanerwi_lout dust bag andJorfilters
in plac&
Alwayschangethe dust bagafter vacuuming
carpet cleaners or froshener,powders andfine
dust. Theseproducts cbg the bag, reduce airflow
and can causethe bag toburst, Failureto change
bog could cause permanentdamage tothe
Do not use the cleanerto pick @ sharp hard
objects, small toys, pins, paper,etc. They may
damage the cleaneror dust bag.
Donot pickup ar_ythingthat s burningor smoking,
such asciigaret[es,,matches,or he1ashes.
Do notuse vacuumcleanerto pick upflammable
or combustibleliquids (gasoline,cfeaning fluids,
perfumes, etc.),or use inareas where they may
be present, The fumesfromthesesubstances can
create a fire hazardor explosion_
Use extra care when cleaningon stairs.Do not
put on chairs, tables, etc. Keepon floor.
You are responsible for making surethat your
vacuum cleaner is notused byanyone unableto
eperate it proper_y.
Proper aeaembly and safe use d your vacuum cleaner are your responsibilities. Your cleaner is
intended only for household use. Read this Owner's Manual carefully for impertant use and safety
information, This guide contains safety statements under warning and caution symbols Please
pay special attention to these boxes and follow any instrudions given. WARNING statements
alert you to such dangers as fire, electrical shock, burns and personal injury. CAUTION
statements alert you to such dangers as personal injury and/or property damage

It is important to know your vacuum cleaner's parts and features to assure its proper and
safe use, Review these before using your clea_r,
Sli_ Switch
Power=Mate _
C_rd Holder
Wand Storage Clip
Telescopic Wand 3ord Reel
Wand B_Jtton Button
Performance indicator
(Not Shown)
Sani-PunchNozzle Brush/CreviceTool
UpholsteryNozzle AccessoryHolder
-4 -

Before assembling your vacuum cleaner,
_re you have all the parts shown in PARTS
HoEdspring latch and pull out or _sh inw_d
to required length,
Spnng La_i_
3. Connect Power Cord Plug to top of wand as
shown, DO NOT force. Raised side of plug
must face out
Power-Mate ®
1. insert wand into Power-Mate_until the wand
button snaps into ptace_
2. Connect Power=Mateeplug to Power Cord as
shown. DO NOT force. Raised side of plug
must face out.
4, Insert handle into wand until handle button
snaps into place,
To remove handle: Press handle button and
pull up on handle,
To Remove Power-Mate _
1.Steady Power-Mate_ with foot.
2, Disconr_ct Power-Mate_'Plug from Power Cord
& Press Wand Button and pult upon war_,

Clamp Accessory Holder around Telescopic
Wand as shown
3. Check to see that the motor safety filter is
propady installed. See CLEANING MOTOR
SAFETY FILTER for instructions,
Accessories can be stored inthe holder.
1, Open the canister hood,
2, Cheek to see that the dust bag is properly
for instructions.
Motor Safe_y _
1. Insert hose into canister un_l it snaps into
place, Be sure hose is not twisted,
To remove hose: Pushfitting hookdown and
pull out,
The vacuum cleaner creates suction '[ha_picks up dirt. Rapidly moving _r_
air carries the dirt to the dust bag through the air flow passages_ z-_,_,-/__
The dust bag lets the air pass through_ while it traps the dirt, E_'-_,V
For best cleaning r_uEts, keep the airflowpassage open. _
Check the starred areas occasionally for clogs. _o_7
Unplug from outlet before checking, _//_ .._

, DO NOTpluginif switchis in ON position,
Personalinjuryorproductdarn_e couldresu_.
• Thecordmovesr_idly whenrewinding,
Keepchi_renawaya_ provideaclearpathwhen
• DO NOTuseou_etsabovecounters_Damageto
1. Pull out the power cord to the desired [en£th.
NOTE: To reducethe riskel electricshock, this
vacuum eles_er has e po afized plug; oneblade is
wider thanthe other,This piugwiti Iit in s polarized
outletonlyoneway. Ifthepug does notfit fullyin the
outlet,reversethe plug.tf itstill _es not fit contact a
quaified etectricisn to instellthe proper outlet,Do not
changethepiug in s_y way
2. P_ugthe polarized power cord into a 120 Volt
outletlocated near the floor
To r_ind: Unplug the cleaner, Hotd the plug
while rewinding to prevent damage or injury
from the moving cord. Press on the cord ree_
button to rewind the _rd.
4. Push slide switch forward toward MAX for
max suction, backward loward MIN for Iess
5 Toturnon Power-Mate_ press the Power-Mate*
ON/OFF switch downward.
: PoweroMate_'ON/OFF switch
Attention: Turn on Power-Mate _ on_ywhen
vacuuming. Refer to your carpet
manufacturers cleaning recommendations,
Some more delicate carpets may require
that they be vacuumed with the Power°Mate _
agitator tur_d off, to prevent carpet
3. To lower Telescopic wand,
hold Power-Mate _ down
w_h foot and pull back
on upper part of
Telescopic wand.