Lexmark MARKVISION PROFESSIONAL 10.1 Data Export [fi]

MarkVision Professional 10.1
Data Export
September 2, 2003
Lexmark International, Inc.
740 New Circle Road
Lexington, KY 40550


This document focuses on the technical issues surrounding MarkVision Professional (MVP)’s database support. The intent of this document is to cover the structure of the data and provide details concerning the content.

Edition: December 2002

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MarkVision Professional 10.1
Abstract............................................................................................................................................ 2
Edition: December 2002 .................................................................................................................. 2
Trademarks...................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Overview............................................................................................................................... 5
2. Configuring Database Driver ................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Supported Databases .................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Windows .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 UNIX........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Creating Windows System DSN .................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Microsoft Access........................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 SQL Server ................................................................................................................ 9
2.3 Oracle........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 CSV .............................................................................................................................. 10
3. Printer Inventory ................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Configuring MarkVision Professional ........................................................................... 12
3.2 Table and Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 RAWPRNINV........................................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 RAWPIEMULATOR ................................................................................................. 17
3.2.3 RAWPIPHYSICALPORT ......................................................................................... 18
3.2.4 RAWPIINTERPRETER............................................................................................ 18
3.2.5 RAWPISUPPLY ....................................................................................................... 20
3.2.6 RAWPIFONTOPTION.............................................................................................. 21
3.2.7 RAWPICODELEVEL................................................................................................ 22
3.2.8 RAWPIOPTION ....................................................................................................... 22
3.2.9 RAWPIINPUTOPTION............................................................................................. 23
3.2.10 RAWPIINPUT .......................................................................................................... 24
3.2.11 RAWPIOUTPUTOPTION......................................................................................... 24
3.2.12 RAWPIOUTPUT ...................................................................................................... 25
3.2.13 RAWPIDEVICESTATUS.......................................................................................... 27
3.2.14 RAWPISTATSJOBS ................................................................................................ 27
3.2.15 RAWPISTATSPAPER ............................................................................................. 28
3.2.16 RAWPISTATSSIDES............................................................................................... 30
3.2.17 RAWPISTATSSUPPLIES........................................................................................ 31
3.2.18 RAWPISTATSINSTALL........................................................................................... 33
3.3 Field Relationships ....................................................................................................... 34
4. Job Statistics....................................................................................................................... 35
4.1 Configuring MarkVision Professional ........................................................................... 35
4.1.1 Job Statistics (Trend Analysis) ................................................................................ 35
4.1.2 Job Statistics: Collect From Disk ............................................................................. 37
4.2 Table and Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 40
4.2.1 RAWJAFAXJOB ...................................................................................................... 41
4.2.2 RAWJASCANJOB ................................................................................................... 43
4.2.3 RAWJAPRINTJOB................................................................................................... 44
4.2.4 RAWJAPRINTJOBINPUT........................................................................................ 49
4.2.5 RAWJAPRINTJOBSUPPLY .................................................................................... 49
4.2.6 RAWJAPRINTJOBPAPER ...................................................................................... 50
4.3 Field Relationships ....................................................................................................... 51
5. Device Status...................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 Configuring MarkVision Professional ........................................................................... 52
5.2 Table and Field Descriptions........................................................................................ 52
5.2.1 RAWDEVICESTATUS............................................................................................. 52
5.2.2 RAWDSDEVICESTATUS........................................................................................ 53
5.3 Field Relationships ....................................................................................................... 54
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6. Data Type Conversion ........................................................................................................ 54
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1. Overview
MarkVision Professional allows you to collect comprehensive data on the physical devices (Printer Inventory) and on submitted jobs to the devices (Job Statistics). The MarkVision Professional database consists of a number tables, each prefixed with the word RAW. The next prefix determines the table’s function:
JA Job Statistics
PI Printer Inventory
DS Device Status
DeviceStatus Device Status
PRN Master Printer data table
Device Master Device data table
2. Configuring Database Driver
2.1 Supported Databases
2.1.1 Windows
Oracle (8.0.3)
SQL Server (6.5, 7.0, 2000)
Microsoft Access (97, 2000, 2002)
Comma-separated variable (CSV)
NOTE: The ‘Oracle’ database option is only available after installing the Oracle JDBC Driver plug­in.
2.1.2 UNIX
Oracle (8.0.3)
Comma-separated variable (CSV)
NOTE: The ‘Oracle’ database option is only available after installing the Oracle JDBC Driver plug­in.

2.2 Creating Windows System DSN

Before you can enable MarkVision Professional to collect printer inventory or Job Statistics information on windows systems, you must first configure the ODBC data source. The system ODBC settings can be accessed from the system control panel.
Example 1: StartSettingsControl Panel Data Sources (ODBC) for Windows NT 4.0 Example 2: StartSettingsControl Panel Administrative ToolsData Sources (ODBC for Windows 2000 and beyond
Once in the ODBC settings dialog box, click on the System DSN tab. The following box should appear.
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2.2.1 Microsoft Access
From the System DSN dialog box, click “Add” and the following dialog box will appear. Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and click “Finish.”
After clicking “Finish”, the following dialog box will appear. Think of a name for your connection and type it into the “Data Source Name” (DSN) field, and then type a description for the data
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source. For the example, MVP has been chosen for the name, and the description is “connection for MVP printer inventory”.
After the name and description for the connection has been entered, you must specify a database in which to store the data coming from MarkVision Professional. You may either “Select” a database already created for this purpose, or choose “Create” to define a new database and location. Click on “Create” and the following dialog box will appear.
Browse to the desired directory, and specify a name to be used for your database. Make a note of the name and location; you may need this information to configure MarkVision Professional or to design reports in MS Access later. NOTE: “Format” depends upon which version of
Access you will be using to view the database. Version 4.x is for Access 2000 and higher, Version 3.x is for Access 97 and 95. Click “OK” and a confirmation dialog box should appear.
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Click “OK” for the confirmation, and then “OK” again on the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box to return to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
The name you specified for your connection (DSN) is now listed under System DSN. Click “OK”. You are now ready to configure MarkVision Professional to start sending the data.
In MarkVision Professional, after selecting the “Access” database selection, the URL field should become enabled.
In the URL field, type the name of the System DSN you created earlier. It is not necessary to specify the path to the actual database file; this was defined while creating the connection. For the example just described, enter jdbc:odbc:MVP. If you have enabled security features while creating the database, enter the user name and password and click on “OK.” Locating an Access Database on a Different Server
It is possible to store an Access database on a different server than the machine on which the MarkVision server resides. By default, the MarkVision server service accesses network resources using the Administrator account. You may have to alter the account used to enable the appropriate network access. To enable the MarkVision server to access the alternate location, some changes must be made to the MarkVision Server service. On the services dialog box, select the MarkVision Server service.
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Access the properties of the service by either double-clicking the service in Windows NT, or clicking the properties button in Windows 2000 and beyond.
Select “This Account” to log on to the new machine as a user with appropriate network access privileges and click “OK.”
2.2.2 SQL Server
The method for creating a DSN under Windows for Microsoft’s SQL Server is nearly identical to Access. Simply substitute “SQL Server” for the system DSN. See Microsoft Access
for more
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2.3 Oracle
MarkVision Server’s install package no longer contains an Oracle JDBC driver by default. As a result of modified licensing agreements, Lexmark is no longer able to directly distribute Oracle JDBC (database) support. If out-of-date drivers existed on your system from a previous release of MarkVision Professional, they have been removed. If you require Oracle support, you will need to register and download the Oracle JDBC Driver v1.0.mvp plug-in from the following web page:
After downloading and installing in the appropriate plug-in, the “Oracle” database selection will become available. In MarkVision Professional, after selecting the “Oracle” database selection, the URL field should become enabled.
In the URL field, change the “localhost” value to the hostname or IP address of the machine running your Oracle database. The URL must use the following format:
<database driver>@<database server's IP address>:<database port>:<database instance (memory area)>
For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@ If you have enabled security features while creating the database, enter the user name and password and click on “OK.”
2.4 CSV
Users may elect to export database information to a CSV format. In MarkVision Professional, after selecting the “CSV” database selection, the ‘Directory’ field should become enabled.
Due to the multi-dimensional aspect of the data being collected, multiple CSV files are generated. Each file represents a table and the primary/foreign key relationship, as described below, is how information in these files should be correlated.
Database insertions (including CSV file manipulation) are handled by a separate thread to reduce I/O impact of such insertions on the rest of the system. This thread, by default, has a 2 minute time-out, so database insertions and CSV file manipulation will not occur immediately after task completion. In other words, the printer inventory task may say complete, but the CSV files will not be modified until the database insertion timeout is breached. Modify the
queueWriter.pollingRate parameter to change the default behavior of this thread.
3. Printer Inventory
You can use the MarkVision Server to gather and store information about the devices in your organization. You can then view the collected information (printer inventory) using a database tool or an application, such as MarkTrack, specifically designed to interpret and display the information. See Configuring Database Driver for a description of supported databases.
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Use the information gathered by the printer inventory process to answer questions such as:
How many printers do we have on our server(s) / network?
What types of printers do we have?
What options are installed on our printers?
What is the lifetime page count of our printers?
What are the addresses of our printers?
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3.1 Configuring MarkVision Professional

Open the MarkVision Professional client. Select “Actions” on the toolbar and then “Printer Inventory” from the drop-down list, or “Printer Inventory” from the “All Tasks” list.
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The Printer Inventory screen should be displayed.
Select the appropriate database. Follow database specific instructions in the Configuring
Database Driver section.

3.2 Table and Field Descriptions

The tables and descriptions of each field are listed below. The data types listed for each field listed are specific to Oracle databases. Please reference the Data Type Conversion section for converting to Microsoft Access or SQL Server data types.
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This is the master table for Printer Inventory. It contains data such as address, protocol, capability of the device, revision level, RAM size, etc.
Field Name Data Type
Note: All printers may not support some fields. For more specific information, please contact Lexmark Customer Support at
MVP Release
Time at which this printer inventory was initiated, in seconds elapsed since 0:00:00, Jan 1, 1900,
GMT. String identifier Granite uses to identify this
Version of the data format
used in this table.
Year in which this device
inventory was initiated. Month in which this device inventory was
initiated. Day of the month in which this device inventory was
initiated. Day of week on which this device inventory was
initiated. Hour of the day in which this device inventory was
initiated. Minute of the hour in which this device
inventory was initiated. Seconds of the minute in which this device
inventory was initiated. Offset from GMT of the current time zone, in seconds. This is an integer from -43200 to
43200. Does the current time zone use Daylight Savings Time? Possible values = "Y" for true, "N"
for false. Offset from Standard Time of the current time
zone, in seconds. Where did this record come from? Possible
Values: 'Granite V.x.x’
MarkVision Professional 10.1 Page 14
RMIPORTNUMBER NUMBER(10) MVP 10.1 Marvision Sever’s RMI
service Port Number
SERVER_IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(20) MVP 10.1 IP Address of the host
m/c on which Markvision server is running
MANUFACTURER VARCHAR2(32) MVP 7.1 Device manufacturer.
Specifies if the device operator panel is currently locked from
accepting button presses. Currently, the value "Characters" is always
returned. Width of device's remote operator panel in
characters. Height of device's remote operator panel in
characters. Lifetime page count of this device at the time of
this inventory. MODEL_NAME VARCHAR2(64) MVP 7.1 Model name of device. SERIAL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(32) MVP 7.1 Device serial number.
Total amount of main RAM_SIZE NUMBER(10) MVP 7.1
memory on this device.
Speed at which this SPEED NUMBER(10) MVP 7.1
device prints.
Units in which print speed
is measured (e.g. Sheets SPEED_UNITS VARCHAR2(45) MVP 7.1
Per Minute)
The language in which
the panel data lines and
function strings are DISPLAY_LANGUAGE VARCHAR2(32) MVP 7.1
Technology used by this
device to transfer MARKING_TECHNOLOGY VARCHAR2(45) MVP 7.1
electronic data to paper.
Possible Values:
Unknown, CMY Color,
Monochrome, Spot Color
PRODUCT_REVISION VARCHAR2(32) MVP 7.1 The product revision.
This is a general purpose
string used to identify this
device; The user may set
this to anything they BRASS_TAG VARCHAR2(40) MVP 7.1
Possible Values: "true" DUPLEX_SHORT_EDGE_BIND VARCHAR2(1) MVP 7.1
or "false".
Possible Values: "true" DUPLEX_LONG_EDGE_BIND VARCHAR2(1) MVP 7.1
or "false". REMINDER_DAY NUMBER(2) MVP 7.1 Possible Values: 31 >= n
MarkVision Professional 10.1 Page 15
>= 0; 0 = not set.
Possible Values: 12 >= n REMINDER_MONTH NUMBER(2) MVP 7.1
>= 0; 0 = not set.
Possible Values: 255 >=
n >= 0; offset from 1996: REMINDER_YEAR NUMBER(4) MVP 7.1
0 = 1996, 1 = 1997, etc.
Possible Values: Bit
encoded: bits 0-3 = type,
bit 0 = supplies, bit 1 =
toner/ink, bit 2 =
maintenance, bit 3 =
other, bits 4-7 = status,
bit 4 = reserved, bit 5 =
acknowledged, bit 6 =
assigned, bit 7 = REMINDER_STATUS NUMBER(3) MVP 7.1
Percent of the disk used
by the buffering partition.
WARNING: Only valid
with job buffering version
1. (See the device's
capability list.)
Percent of buffering
partition currently free.
This information is not
available on certain older
printers. WARNING: Only
valid with job buffering
version 1. (See the DISK_SPOOLER_FREE NUMBER(10) MVP 7.1
device's capability list.) IS_COMMUNICATING VARCHAR2(1) MVP 7.1 Always set to "Y".
The MAC address for the
print server in MSB form.
(This value will equal the
LAA, if it’s being used;
otherwise, it will equal the MAC_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(12) MVP 7.1
The print server's IP IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(15) MVP 7.1
The print server's network SUBNET_MASK VARCHAR2(15) MVP 7.1
DNS Name for this DNS_NAME VARCHAR2(255) MVP 7.1
The IP address of the GATEWAY_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(15) MVP 7.1
print server's gateway.
Network Number of this NOVELL_NETWORK_NUM VARCHAR2(8) MVP 7.1
The nickname assigned
to the print server for the LEXLINK_NICKNAME VARCHAR2(25) MVP 7.1
LexLink protocol.
The print server's NETWARE_LOGIN_NAME VARCHAR2(44) MVP 7.1
NetWare login name. APPLETALK_NAME VARCHAR2(33) MVP 7.1 The network name. APPLETALK_ZONE VARCHAR2(33) MVP 7.1 The network zone.
MarkVision Professional 10.1 Page 16
APPLETALK_TYPE VARCHAR2(33) MVP 7.1 The network type.
The code level of the
copier option.
VARCHAR2(16) MVP 7.1
The code level of the
panel. CONTACT_NAME VARCHAR2(255) MVP 7.1 Contact for this device.
Location of contact for CONTACT_LOCATION VARCHAR2(255) MVP 7.1
this device.
SNMP System device SYSTEM_NAME VARCHAR2(255) MVP 7.1
"Y" or "N". A value of "N"
indicates that the
secondary tables have
not yet been updated with
the data corresponding to
this row. Any utility which
performs SQL queries on
the printer inventory data
should check the
before displaying that
data to the user. If
DATA_READY = "N" this
row should be ignored
along with any data
corresponding to it that is
found in the secondary DATA_READY VARCHAR2(1) MVP 7.1
Is this device's adapter WEB_ENABLED VARCHAR2(1) MVP 7.1
The family id specifying to
which family this device FAMILY_ID NUMBER(10) MVP 7.1
This table contains records pertaining to the type of emulation available on the device.
Field Name Data Type
Note: All printers may not support some fields. For more specific information, please contact Lexmark Customer Support at
MVP Release
String identifier
MarkVision uses to DEVICE_ID VARCHAR2(255) MVP 7.1
identify this device.
Time at which this device
inventory was initiated, in
seconds elapsed since
0:00:00, Jan 1, 1900, START_TIME_UTC NUMBER(10) MVP 7.1
GMT. VERSION NUMBER(5) MVP 7.1 Version of the data format
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