The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with
states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement
may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to
the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the
products or the programs described may be made at any time.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer intends to
make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program, or service is not
intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent
product, program, or service that does not infringe any existing intellectual property right may be used instead.
Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, programs, or services, except those
expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
Lexmark, Lexmark with diamond design, MarkNet, MarkVision, and Optra are trademarks of Lexmark
International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries. MarkTrack and OptraImage are
trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.
PCL® is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company.
PostScript® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This software and any accompanying documentation provided under this agreement are commercial computer
software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
Licensing Notice
This product contains software developed and copyrighted by Lexmark.
In addition, the product software may contain:
•Software licensed under the provisions of the GNU General P ublic License version 2 and/or the GNU
Lesser General Public License version 2.1
•Software licensed under other licenses
Click the title of the document you want to review:
•Third-party licenses
The third-party software covered by these third-party licenses is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the licenses referenced above. These licenses do not provide you any rights to
Lexmark copyrighted software.
Software source code
This product includes software, JmDNS 0.2, developed and distributed by Arthur van Hoff and Ric Blair and
distributed according to the GNU Lesser General Public License, v2.1
( The sourcecode is available locally at:
How do I get to the server after installing?................................................. 124
How do I discove r p rinters?..... .. ............. .. .............. .. ............. .. ... ............. .. . 125
Is IPX supported?....................................................................................... 126
Is there any way to speed up device discoveries?..................................... 126
What are the differences between the Application and the Web Client?... 127
What do the lines through some devices mean?....................................... 127
Why are some devices displayed in red text?............................................ 127
How do I create a filter and apply it to a folder?......................................... 128
What is MarkVision Messenger?................................................................ 129
How do you crea te ac tions?............. .. ............. .. ............. ... ............. .. .......... 130
Where is the README file?....................................................................... 131
How do I change the MarkVision Web Server port?.................................. 132
Where can I find additional Tivoli support for Mar kVision? ...................... .. 132
Are sensitive files displayed when viewing encrypted hard disk drives?.... 133
Introduction to MarkVision Professional
MarkVisionTM Professional (MVP) is a Web-enabled device management utility designed f or IT staff.
MarkVision works as a client-serv er applica tion. The serve r component is r esponsible for discovering
and communicating with devices on the network and providing information about them to a client.
The client is then responsible for displaying information about the devices to a user and providing
them with an interface to manage those devices.
The ability to use MarkVision through a Web Client provides the convenience of accessing all of
MVP's management options from virtually any location. While MarkVision's built-in security
provisions help to prevent unauthorized access to devi ces on your network, an authorized user can
access an instance of the W eb Client by con necting to the Mar kVision Ser ver through suppor ted web
browsers. After logging on, all of the information being managed by MarkVision becomes instantly
available to authorized users anywhere with web access.
MarkVision's highly customizable format and various tasks also provide highly versatile options for
managing devices. You can configur e MarkVision to display specific device i n formation to see only
the information of interest to you. By using Quick Find or by creating Discovery Profiles, you can
quickly and efficientl y locate specific devices on your network. Exte nsive Folders and Filters can then
be used to group devices based on one or multiple characteristics (such as color capability, input
capacity, and speed) or conditions (such as cover open, low toner, low paper, and paper jam).
The goal of MarkVision Professional is to provide the most comprehensive and efficient device
management capabilities available. Here are a few examples of what MarkVision can do:
MarkVision helps to:
•Quickly troubl eshoot printing issues on the network and fix them before they become cr itical
and disruptive.
•Remotely perform printer and printer adapter maintenance and routine updates.
With MarkVision Professional , you can:
•Diagnose and fix printing problems using Quick Find to locate a specific device on the
•Use extensive Filt ers to find and group devices based on one or more characteristics (such
as color capability, input capacity, speed, and multifunction capabilities) or conditions (such
as cover open, low toner, low paper, and paper jam).
•Configure settings on multiple devices simultaneously with customizable device policies.
Introduction to MarkVision Professional
•Display devices that meet predefined criteria (such as Toner Low) so you can fix problems
before they affect user produc tivity.
•Schedule time-intensive activities, such as company-wide device discovery or updating print
server firmware when network use is at a minimum.
•Prevent unauthorized access to devices on the network.
•Download plug-ins for additional device support at runtime.
Note: This book is written for administrators. To complete these tasks successfully, you
should have a working knowledge of your network hardware and software.
Terms used in this document
MarkVision Professio nal (also refer red to as MarkV ision or MVP) ref ers to the compone nts that make
up MarkVision Professional : the MarkVision Server, the MarkVision Web Client, and the Web site
files that enable remote installat ion of MarkVision Professional.
MarkVision Web Client refers to MarkVision Professional running through a browser.
MarkVision Server refers to a server that collects data from network-attached pri n ters and provides
information to MarkVision Clients.
Note: Within this document, printers and print servers are in some instances referred to
as "devices."
What’s new in MarkVision Professional 11.0
MarkVision Professional 11.0 includes several new features and enhancements to provide even
greater control of your network device s.
•Secure communication
MVP 11.0 provides the option to implement secure communic ation between the MarkVision
Server and devices that support the same security protocol, reducing the possibility of either
user information or device commands from being compromised when administrators work
with the devices over the network.
•Bookmark Management
The Bookmark Management feature lets a user save links or “bookmarks” i n pri n ter
permanent memory. These bookmarks point to printable documents that are stored on
remote servers or on the Internet, and can then be accessed through the printer operator
panel of a supported device. MVP’s Bookmark Management feature also allows a user to
organize bookmarks into folders and to protect access to bookmarks with a secure PIN
access number .
•Wireless device suppor t
MVP 11.0 provides the capabilit y to configure the wireless settings for the Lexmark™ N8050
wireless print server.
Terms used in this document
•Confidential print job settings
New settings have been added to the General Settings (Printer) task for MVP 11.0 that help
protect confidential print jobs. The Confidential Print Job Expiration setting lets an
administrator set a specific t ime interval tha t a confidential print job will remai n idle in a pri nter
queue before it is deleted. The Confidential Print Job Lockout sett ing lets an administrator set
the number of times that a PIN access number can be entered at the printer operat or panel
when printing a confidential print job before the job i s deleted.
•Device policy opti ons
Several new device policy options have been added to the Device Policies Create/Manage
task to provide enhanced configuration capabilities for new MVP features including
Confidential Print Job Expira tion, Confidential Pr int Job Lockout, and wirel ess device support.
•Expanded PIN access number range
The range of digits for PIN access numbers has been expanded from 1—6 to 0—9 for
supported tasks and devices.
•More supported devices
MarkVision Professional 11.0 supports even more devices. For a complete list of supported
devices, see Supported devices.
MarkVision components
The MarkVision Client
The MarkVision Client is a Java program that provides the user with an interface for managing
devices. The client can exist in two forms: as a standalone Java application or as a browser-based
Java applet.
MarkVision Client Application
The standalone application can be installed lo cally on a user’s workstation. MarkVi sion Client files
are then copied onto the user’s computer during the installation process.
MarkVision W eb Clie nt
The browser-based client is a version of the client that can be accessed through a supported web
browser by using the URL http://<yourserver>/markvision. If the MarkVision Server is not the
default server on your machine, you can use the URL http://<yourserver>:9180/markvision.
In order to run the Web Client, you must first enable your web browser to support Sun’s Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) by installing the Java plug-i n.
Note: In Windows environments, the plug-in is provided and the user will automatically
be prompted to install it the first time they run the MarkVision Web Client . For
information on the Java plug-in soft ware and to download available vers ions of the
MarkVision components
plug-in for UNIX and ot her platforms, go to:
The MarkVision Client applicati on and the Web Client are essentially the same program. All
information that is being managed by the MarkVision Server is available to users of either the
application or We b Client. The only dif ferences ar e that th e application does not require installat ion of
the Java plug-in and may require less startup time because some files are stored locally on the
user’s workstation. However, anyone who does not run MarkVision Professional on a regular basis,
or who is not currently working from their workstation, should use the Web Client version of MVP. In
this case, there is no need to install any MarkVision files in order to use the client.
MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger works with MarkVision Professional to provide technicians with e-mail
notification or command line execution when a network printer triggers a pre-defined event (such as
Paper Tray Missing, Toner Low, and many more). The heart of MarkVision Messenger is a “service”
that runs inside the MarkVision Server. To use this service, the user creates “actions” using a
browser-based interface. Users can access MarkVision Messenger either by launching it from the
Action menu in the MVP application, or by using the URL http://<yourserver>/messenger in your
browser. For more information, see the MarkVision Messenger section of this User’s Guide.
MarkVision Server
The MarkVision Server is the engine that powers MarkVision. The MarkVision Server is the single
point of contact between an instance of the MarkVision Client and all of the devices that MVP
manages. The first time a client requests information, the MarkVis ion Server gathers the new
information from the device and stores it in a cache. Each subsequent request for the same
information is then retrieved from the cache. This saves valuable network resources by eliminating
redundant network traffic from duplicate requests.
The MarkVision Server also eli minates the complex ity of talk ing to a wide variet y of network devic es.
Client programs only need to send a single protocol to the server, which in turn knows how to
communicate with the devices.
In order for the system archit ect ure to work, at l east one Mark V isi on Serv er must exis t on a net work .
It is possible to install multiple instances of the MarkVision Server on a network, however, a client
can only connect with one server at a time.
MarkVision We b Server
MarkVision Professional provides a web server for the browser-based components of the product
(MVP Web Client and MarkVision Messenger ) as part of the MarkVision Professional package. The
MVP Web Server is autom atically installed along with the MarkVision Server.
During installation, you are give n the option t o make the Mar kVis ion web server the defaul t server on
the machine. This allows the browser-based application to access the server from the standard por t
(80), which requires no additional numbering in the URL. If this opt ion is not selected, the MVP Web
MarkVision components
Server accepts HTTP requests on a non-standard port (9180) that does not interfere with any other
existing web servers.
System requirements
The following are minimum requirements for installing and running MarkVision Professional. These
requirements are for both the server and the client, and should be in place before you install
Client system:
•Windows 98 SE/Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Mac
OS X 10.2.8 (or higher), or a supported UNIX Client system
•30MB available hard disk space
•Internet or TCP/IP connection
•A supported web browser, such as Windows Internet Explorer 6.x or later, Netscape
Navigator 6.x or later, or the Mozilla version that shipped with your operating system.
•Java 1.4 software update (see table for specific operating systems)
Server system:
•Windows NT (Service Pack 4.0 or late r), Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2,
Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2003 Server SP1, Mac OS X server 10.2.3 (or higher),
Novell 6 or 6.5, or a supported UNIX server system
•70MB available hard disk space
•Internet or TCP/IP connection
•Java 1.4 software update (see table for specific operating systems)
Minimum RAM and processor configurations for multiple devices
HP 4345 MFPIBM InfoPrint 20
HP 8550 MFPIBM InfoPrint 21
HP 8550GNIBM Infoprint 1145 MFP
HP Business InkJet 2250TNIBM Infoprint 1145L MFP
HP Color LaserJet 3550NIBM InfoPrint Color 8
HP Color LaserJet 3700DTNIBM LaserPrinter 4039
HP Color LaserJet 4500IBM Network Printer 12
HP Color LaserJet 4550 SeriesIBM Network Printer 17
HP Color LaserJet 4650 DTNKonica KL-3015
HP Color LaserJet 5550DTNKyocera FS-C5016N
HP Color LaserJet 8500Kyocera FS-1700
HP Color LaserJet 9500nKyocera FS-1750
HP LaserJ et 1320 NWKyocera FS-1800
HP LaserJet 2100 SeriesKyocera FS-3750
HP LaserJet 2200Kyocera FS-3800
HP LaserJ et 2420 DNKyocera FS-3820N
HP LaserJet 2430 TNKyocera FS-3830N
HP LaserJet 3300 MFP SeriesKyocera FS-7000
HP LaserJet 4000 SeriesKyocera FS-9000
HP LaserJet 4050 SeriesKyocera FS-9100DN
HP LaserJet 4100 MFP SeriesLexmark™ 4079 plus
HP LaserJet 4250 DTNLexmark C510
HP LaserJet 4350 DTNLexmark C750
HP LaserJet 5000 Series Lexmark C752
HP LaserJet 5/5MLexmark C760
HP LaserJet 5siLexmark C762
HP LaserJet 8000 SeriesLexmark C910
HP LaserJet 8100 SeriesLexmark C912
HP LaserJet 8150 SeriesLexmark C920
HP LaserJet 9000 SeriesLexmark E230
HP LaserJet 9050NLexmark E232
HP Mopier 320Lexmark E234
1Make sure you have 70MB of hard disk space available for a complete installation.
2Decide where to install the MarkVision Server.
You must install at least one MarkVision Server on the network.
Note: You may install any of the other packages on the same workstation running the
MarkVision Server, although this is not necessary.
Where to install MarkVision components
If your devices are distributed across a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN),
network traffic inc reases as users try to access them. With MarkVis ion, you can choose where to
install components, letting you reduce network traffic.
To minimize network traffic and improve perfo rmance, install the MarkVision Server on a host that
offers relativel y high-speed access to users and to the devices you want to monitor.
Installable components
MarkVision supplies several installable components
•MarkVision Application–Installs the primary client application that is used to manage your
devices. This application requires a MarkVision Server to be available on the network.
•MarkVision Server–Installs the necessary files to set up the MarkVision Server.
•MarkVision Messenger–Installs the MarkVision Messenger Web-based utility.
•MarkVision Web Client–Installs a Web browser-based version of the MarkVision Cli ent to
the MarkVision Server, al lowing you to access MVP from a remote location using a browser.
Because the installation process is operating system-specific, ther e a re different install
packages that can be used for this version of th e cli ent. These files include:
Using MarkVision Professional
•Windows Web package
•Mac OS X Web package
•UNIX Web package (Java runtime environment is required)
When you are installing the MarkVision components, a dialog will appear that shows th e hiera rchy in
which the different components can be installed. You can install the MarkVision application and the
MarkVision Server separately; the application only requires that one instance of the MarkVision
Server be installed somewhere on the network, not necessarily on the same machine.
Note: For Windows based operating systems, you must also be sur e to select the par ent
branches in the hierarchy i f you want to include a ny items located i n a sub-branch.
Installation notes
In order to run the Web Client, you must first enable your web browser to support Sun’s Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) by installing the Java Plug-in. In Windows environments, the plug-in is
provided and the user is automatically prompted to install it the first time they run the MarkVision
Web Client.
Note: The MarkVision Client program does not r equire the installation of the browser
The MarkVision Web Server is automatically installed along with the MarkVision Server.
MarkVision Professional rel ies on technology that i s specific to the web server that it prov ides, so it is
not possible to use other web servers to make MarkVision available. During installation, you are
given the choice to make the MarkVision web server the default server on the machine. This allows
the browser-based application to acces s the server from the standard port (80), which require s no
additional numbering in the URL. When t his option i s rejected, the MarkV ision W eb Server li stens for
HTTP requests on a non-standard port (9180) that should not int erfere with any other existing web
Note: If another web server is listening on port 80, the option to have the MVP Server
listen on the default web port (80) is not present.
As an administrator, if you already have a department or corporate web server on which you want to
publish the URL to access MarkVision Professional or Mess enger, we recommend that you create a
URL on your current web server that automatically forwards the user’s browser to the URL used by
either tool.
Installing MarkVision Professional for Windows and Mac OS X systems
To install MarkVision Professional 11.0:
1Go to
2Click Products and Supplies.
Installing MarkVision Professional
3Click Software.
4Click MarkVision Professional.
5Download the MarkVision Professional 11.0 package.
6Open the MarkVision Professional Installation package, and follow the instructions on the
For a successful installation
•The operating system must be supported by MarkVision Professional.
•You must use a supported web browser.
To uninstall MarkVision Professional
To remove MVP from a Windows system, select MarkVision Professional in the Add/Remove
Programs application, or go to Start
Mac OS X system, run the MarkVision Professional Uninst aller application located in Appli cations/
Utilities. This will shut down both servers that are running and then remove all aspects of MarkV ision
Æ Programs Æ Lexmark Æ Lexmark Software Uninstall. For a
/Applications/Utilities/MarkVision Pro Server Control
Installing MarkVision Professional for UNIX systems
MarkVision Professional supports multiple UNIX operating systems.
Installing MarkVision Professional
1Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site into the /tmp directory, and
extract the package file:
# /usr/contrib/bin/gunzip /tmp/markvision-pro-hpux11.pkg.gz
2Start the System Administration Manager by typing /usr/sbin/sam &.
3On the SAM areas screen, click Software Management.
4Click Install Software to Local Host. The SD Install-Software Selection screen and Specify
Source dialog appear. If these dialogs do not appear, go to the Actions menu and click
Change Source to open the Specify Source dialog.
5Make sure that the hostname of the computer that you are installing on appears in the Host
Name text box. If it does not, enter the hostname or select it from the list.
6In the Source Depot Path field, enter the full path to the HP-UX package file:
7Mak e sure C h a ng e So ftware View is set to All Bundles. If it is not:
aClick Change Software View.
bOn the Soft ware View screen, click All Bundles, and then click OK.
8On the Specify Source screen, click OK.
9Select the bundles you want to install. There are two ways to mark the packages: for
installing all the MarkVision packages at once or installing individual packages.
To install all the MarkVision packages at once
aClick the MarkVisionPro bundle.
bGo to the Actions menu, select Mark for Install. This marks all the MarkVision
Professional packages for install.
cSkip to step 10.
To install individual packages
aDouble-click the MarkVisionPro bundle. This displays the serv er and client packages.
bDouble-click each package bundle to view its contents.
cFor each package that you want to install, click the package, and then go to the Actions
menu and select Mark for Install. A “Yes” appears beside each package that you have
selected to install.
10Go to the Actions menu and select Install (analysis).
11Click OK. A confirmation message appears.
Installing MarkVision Professional
12Click Yes to start the installati on.
Note: If the HOME variable was not set for root when y ou started SAM, an error message
appears. Ignore the message and click OK.
13During Installation, select Logfile to view the installation log.
Note: Make sure there are no errors or warnings during installation.
14When installation is finished, select Done to return to the SD Install -Software Selection
15Click File, and then click Exit to return to the Software Management screen.
16Enter the following in the command line and answer any questions that may appear:
This file will set up the MarkVision Serve r users for use with the MarkVision Professional
1Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site and place the package fil e in t he
/tmp directory.
2Type the following in the command line and press Enter:
smit install_latest
3When prompted to enter the input device directory for software, enter:
4All packages are normally installed by default, though you can choose to install some
packages individually. To install only the packages you want:
aUnder the Software to Install option, select List.
bSelect the packages you want to install.
cSelect Do.
5Specify any other install options, such as COMMIT.
6Select Do to begin installing MarkVision Professional. A message is displayed when
installation is finished.
7Enter the following in the command line and answer any questions that appear:
Installing MarkVision Professional
RedHat Linux; SuSE Linux
1Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site and place the package fil e in t he
/tmp directory.
2Unzip and untar the file:
$ tar zxvf /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86.tar.gz
3cd to the package directory:
$ cd /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86
4Install either all or individual MarkVision components:
•To install all MarkVision components, issue the command:
rpm -ivh *.rpm
•To install individual MarkVision Professional components, specify the file name of the
MarkVision Professional component that you want to install. For example, to install just
the MarkVision Professi onal Server, issue the command:
rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJserver-*.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJclient-*.i386.rpm
5Type the following on the command line and answer any questions that appear:
Solaris SPARC systems
1Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site and place the package fil e in t he
/tmp directory.
2Start the package installation program :
pkgadd -d /tmp/markvision-pro-solari s2-sparc.pkg
3When a list of available packages appears:
aIf you want to install all the packages, type all and then press Enter.
bI f you want to install individual packages, ty pe each package number separated by a
comma and then press Enter. For example: 1,2,3.
4Follow the prompts and answer any questions that appear on the screen:
aTo accept the defaults, press Enter.
bTo answer yes/no questions, type y, n, or ?, and then press Enter.
Installing MarkVision Professional
cWhen a message appears telling you the installation was successful, type q to quit.
Note: You must install all the packages in the same location.
5Type the following on the command line and answer any questions that appear:
/usr/mv_pro/bin (executable files)
/usr/mv_pro/etc (configur able files)
/usr/mv_pro / lib (a rc h iv e /library (JAR ) fil e s)
Setting up the MarkVision Professional UNIX Server
Once the MarkVision Professional package is installed on a system, a setup script must run to
complete the installati on process. This script is installed at:
The MarkVision Server must be run as a standard system daemon. It collects information about
network attached devices, such as printers and print servers. For security reasons, this daemon
must be run as a normal user with no special privileges. Ther efore, we reco mmend using an existing
user ID or to create a special user ID for this daemon to run as.
The default user ID is user nobody. Most modern UNIX systems ship with this ID pre-inst alled. If you
want to change it and use a different ID (for example markvision), create the user ID before running
the setup script.
The setup script checks if the Mark Vision Serve r is currently runni ng, and if so will exit, prompting the
user to stop the server using t he appropriat e command. If the se rver is not running, it prompts for t he
user ID and verifies its validity. Once the user ID is verified, the MarkV ision Server starts.
The following shell scripts are used during the MarkVision Server setup and startup process:
•/usr/mv_pro/bi n/findJava
•/usr/mv_pro/bi n/MvService
Installing MarkVision Professional
This script is used by multiple script s to locat e the appropr iate version of Java V irtual Machine on t he
system. This script attempts to find the path to the “java” binary in standard system locations. If the
JVM is not found in standard system locations, it tries to search the PATH environment variable for
the JVM. If the search for the a ppropr iate JVM fa ils, it exits with an e rror message inf orming the user
that a suitable JVM was not found. It also indicates the appropriate JVM version(s) required to run
the MarkVision Server softwar e.
If you believe a suitable JVM is on the system, make sure it is i n your PATH and run the /usr/mv_pro/
bin/findJava script again. Thi s creates a sy mbolic link fr om /usr/mvp_java t o the Java home dire ctory
For example, if the full path to the appropriate “java” binary is:
The Java home directory is “/usr/local/java.”
Therefore, the link can be created as follows:
# /bin/ln -s /usr/local/java /usr/mvp_java
The /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvService command is used to star t and stop the MarkVision Professional
Server as a UNIX daemon.
$ man MvService
The /usr/mv_pro/bin/MvWebService command is used to start and stop the M arkVision Web Server.
The MvWebService process is used to provide the following services over HTTP:
•Serve the MarkVision Professional Web Client
•Provide access to MarkVision Messenger
•Provide browser-based access to MarkVision Professional documentation
To access the above features, point your browser to port 9180 of the machine where you installed
MarkVision Professional Server with the following URL:
To uninstall the MarkVision Professional UNIX Client
1Run the uninstall script which removes the symbolic links to the mounted directory from /usr/
Installing MarkVision Professional
2Unmount the MarkVision Professional directory. Refer to your operating system
documentation for unmounting instructions.
Removing MarkVision Professional packages
With root authority, you can remove MarkVision Professional using these utilities:
Operating systemPackage removal tool
RedHat; SuSE Linuxrpm -e
Sun Solaris SPARCpkgrm
Depending on the utility on your system, either mark the packages for removal after you start the
program, or provide the names of the packages you want to remove in the command line. Refer to
your operating system documentation for more i n formation.
Removing remaining directories
Package removal utilities usually do not remove directories shared by more than one package. The
following two software packages share the same direct ory structure (install-directory>markvision)
•Enhanced Printer Drivers
•MarkVisi on Professional
After removing all the previously mentioned MarkVision packages (if one or more were installed),
some directories may need to be removed manually.
To see if any directories remain after removing all the MVP packages, check the direc tory where you
installed MarkVision. By default, MVP installs in either /opt/lexmark/ or /usr/local/lexmark/.
Installing MarkVision Professional into CDE
You can integrate MVP into the Common Desktop Environment (CDE). Integrating installs CDE
icons, actions, and online Help.
To integrate MarkVision Professional into the CDE:
1Make sure you have root user authority.
2Type the following in the command line:
On some CDE systems, the MarkVision Professional CDE icons may not appear after installing the
MarkVision Professional CDE snap-in. T he icons appea r after loggin g out a nd loggi ng back in agai n.
If you encounter problems whi le running mar k2cde manuall y, try running it again usin g the Kor n shell
(ksh) rather than the Bourne shell (sh).
Installing MarkVision Professional
Removing the MarkVision Professional CDE:
When removing the MarkVision Professional Client package, you must manually remove the CDE
To uninstall the CDE snap-in, as root, type the following in the command li ne:
# /usr/mv_pro/bin/mark2cde -d
Installing MarkVision Professional into KDE
You can integrate MVP into the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Integrating installs KDE icons,
actions, and online Help.
To integrate MarkVision Professional into the KDE:
1Make sure you have root user authority.
2Type the following in the command line:
You must restart KDE after installing the KDE snap-in to see the icons.
Removing the MarkVision Professional KDE:
When removing the MarkVision Professional Client package, you must manually remove the KDE
To uninstall the KDE snap-in, as root, type the following in the command line:
# /usr/mv_pro/bin/mark2kde
Installing MarkVision Professional into GNOME
You can integrate MVP into the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME). Integrating
installs GNOME icons, actions, and onlin e Help.
To integrate MarkVision Professional into the GNOME:
1Make sure you have root user authority.
2Type the following in the command line:
On some GNOME systems, the MarkVision Professional GNOME icons may not appear after
installing the MarkVi sion Professional GNOME snap-in. The icons appear after logging out and
logging back in again.
Removing the MarkVision Professional GNOME:
When removing the MarkVision Professional Client package, you must manually remove the
GNOME snap-in.
Installing MarkVision Professional
To uninstall the GNOME snap-in, as root, type the following in the command line:
# /usr/mv_pro/bin/mark2gnome
Finding space to install MarkVision Professional
Some operating systems require you to inst all MarkV isio n Professional in a particula r director y. If the
file system containing that directory is full, you can create a symbolic link t hat points to a directory in
another file system. The symbolic li nk appears to be a real directory, but the files are actually
installed in the location the link points to.
For example, to appear to install MarkVision Professional in /disk2/lexmark, do the following:
1Create a directory in the location where you want the packa ges to be installed. For example,
to install the /disk2 file system:
mkdir /disk2/lexmark
2Create a symbolic link pointing to the directory you created. For example:
ln -s /disk2/lexmark /opt/lexmark
Installing MarkVision Professional for a Novell NetWare server
MarkVision Professional 11.0 supports the use of Novell NetWare 6 and 6.5 as a server platform.
The Novell server must have a Java 1.4.2 VM installed in order for the MarkVision Server to work
properly. The MVP Client system is currently not supported on Novell systems.
1Login to your NetWare Server from a Windows system.
2Run the installer and extract the installation files to a directory on a volume that you can
access from your system console.
3If you have an existing version of MarkVisi on Professional installed, you will need to stop the
MVP Server processes before upgrading. To stop the MVP Server processes, enter the
following command at the server console:
4At the server console, load NWCONFIG.
5Choose Product Options.
6Choose Install a product not listed.
7Specify the path to the directory determined in step 1.
Press ESC to cancel the installation.
Press F3 to specify the directory path.
8At the installation prompt, press Enter to continue the package installati on.
Installing MarkVision Professional
To stop the MarkVision Server
To save the MarkVision Server settings during a Novell Serv er shutdown or reset, add the following
commands to the SYS:\SYSTEM\SHUTDOWN.NCF file.
At the server console, enter the following commands:
Note: If you want to save the MarkVision Server set tings, do not remove the
SYS:\LEXMARK\MVPS directory.
Upgrading from previous versions of MarkVision
Prior versions of MarkVi sion for Windows a re easily upgrade d by running the i nstallation program. All
prior folders, filters, devices, and so on are retained with the new version. If you are upgrading from
an earlier release of MarkVision Professional for UNIX syst ems, make sure you upgrade your
MarkVision Clients and server(s) together.
Note: When upgrading MarkVision Prof essional for Unix systems, you should remove t he
currently installed package.
Installing MarkVision Professional
For versions earlier than MarkVision Professional 6.0, such as MarkVision for Intranets, or classic
MarkVision, we recommend that you uninst all the old version before attempting a new installation.
To export devices from classic MarkVision:
1In Classic MarkVision, under the Configure - TCP/IP opti on, click the Manage Print Server
List button, and then click Export to File.
2Enter the location where you want the file stored.
3Once you have exported the file, you need to edit the file to accommodate the current MVP
format. Configure the file path to match the followi ng naming convention:
IP <Ip address or hostname> <read community name> <write community name>
4Install your new version of MVP 11.0, and then click Load in the Device Discovery task.
5Select your updated file. Click OK. The list is imported for discovery.
Getting started
Once MarkVision has successfully installed, you are ready to access the the MarkVision Client.
Invoking the MarkVision Client
Select which version of the MarkVisi on Client you want to use. You can use either the MarkVision
Client Application or the MarkVision Web Client.
Opening the MarkVision Application
In the application form, t he client is inst alled locall y, so it can be launched just like any other program.
For example, in Windows environments, you c an doubl e-click t he MarkV i sion Pr ofessional ic on on
the desktop, or go to Start
Accessing the MarkVision Web Client
Since the MarkVision Web Client is browser-bas ed, you will need t o open your browser and point it to
the MarkVision URL:
http://<your server>/markvision
In this URL <your server> is the IP address or hostname of the machine that is running the
MarkVision Server.
Æ Programs Æ Lexmark Æ MarkVision Professional.
Note: If during installation you did not mak e MarkVision Professional the default server
on your machine, you must use the non-standard port number (9180) in the URL:
http://<your server>:9180/markvision.
Getting started
Opening the MarkVision Application on a UNIX system
If you are using MarkVision Professional from a UNIX system, you can access MVP from either a
command line or the MarkVision Professional Web Client.
Using the MVP UNIX Client from the command line:
If it is supported by your workstation, you can use the X Window system. To use MarkVision with X,
you must set the display variable.
1Set the DISPLAY environment variable.
•Korn (ksh) and Bourne (sh) shell users type the following:
export DISPLAY
Where hostname is the name of your workstation.
•C shell users type the fol lowing:
setenv DISPLAY disphost:0.0
2If you are running the MarkVision Professional UNIX Client on a dif f eren t host comp uter than
your X server, make sure the remote host has permission to access your display. For
example, if the MVP UNIX Client is running on the host flora, type the following in the
command line:
xhost + flora
3Type mvp in the command line, and then press Enter.
Using the MVP UNIX Client from a Web browser:
Once the MarkVision We b serv er is c onfigur ed, a MarkV is ion Web Client starts when you connect to
/markvision on that server with your br owser.
For example, to start a MarkV ision Web Cli ent on a W eb server whose IP addre ss is,
point your browser to the following URL:
Starting MarkVision Professional
When you open MarkVision Professional for the first time, select the server you want t o use. Enter
the computer/hostname or IP address of the machine runni ng the MarkVision Server, or click
Browse to locate it, and then click Connect.
If you click Browse to locate a supported MarkVision Server, the display will list several server
details. This provides you the opportuni ty to select which in stance of the MarkV ision Server you want
to use based on each individual server’s current status. For example, If you have multiple instances
of the MarkVision Server on your networ k, and multiple clients are currently active, you can select
Getting started
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