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Edition: May 2000
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Lexmark and Optra are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United
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The following laser notice labels may be affixed to this printer as
Laser Advisory Label
Notices and Safety Information vii
Class 1 Laser Statement Label
viii Service Manual
Laser Notice
The printer is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of
DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1) laser products, and
elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the
requirements of IEC 825.
Class I laser products are not considered to be hazardous. The
printer contains internally a Class IIIb (3b) laser that is nominally a 5
milliwatt gallium arsenide laser operating in the wavelength region of
770-795 nanometers. The laser system and printer are designed so
there is never any human access to laser radiation above a Class I
level during normal operation, user maintenance, or prescribed
service condition.
Der Drucker erfüllt gemäß amtlicher Bestätigung der USA die
Anforderungen der Bestimmung DHHS (Department of Health and
Human Services) 21 CFR Teil J für Laserprodukte der Klasse I (1).
In anderen Ländern gilt der Drucker als Laserprodukt der Klasse I,
der die Anforderungen der IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) 825 gemäß amtlicher Bestätigung erfüllt.
Laserprodukte der Klasse I gelten als unschädlich. Im Inneren des
Druckers befindet sich ein Laser der Klasse IIIb (3b), bei dem es
sich um einen Galliumarsenlaser mit 5 Milliwatt handelt, der Wellen
der Länge 770-795 Nanometer ausstrahlt. Das Lasersystem und der
Drucker sind so konzipiert, daß im Normalbetrieb, bei der Wartung
durch den Benutzer oder bei ordnungsgemäßer Wartung durch den
Kundendienst Laserbestrahlung, die die Klasse I übersteigen würde,
Menschen keinesfalls erreicht.
Avis relatif à l’utilisation de laser
Pour les Etats-Unis : cette imprimante est certifiée conforme aux
provisions DHHS 21 CFR alinéa J concernant les produits laser de
Classe I (1). Pour les autres pays : cette imprimante répond aux
normes IEC 825 relatives aux produits laser de Classe I.
Notices and Safety Information ix
Les produits laser de Classe I sont considérés comme des produits
non dangereux. Cette imprimante est équipée d’un laser de Classe
IIIb (3b) (arséniure de gallium d’une puissance nominale de 5
milliwatts) émettant sur des longueurs d’onde comprises entre 770
et 795 nanomètres. L’imprimante et son système laser sont conçus
pour impossible, dans des conditions normales d’utilisation,
d’entretien par l’utilisateur ou de révision, l’exposition à des
rayonnements laser supérieurs à des rayonnements de Classe I .
Avvertenze sui prodotti laser
Questa stampante è certificata negli Stati Uniti per essere conforme
ai requisiti del DHHS 21 CFR Sottocapitolo J per i prodotti laser di
classe 1 ed è certificata negli altri Paesi come prodotto laser di
classe 1 conforme ai requisiti della norma CEI 825.
I prodotti laser di classe non sono considerati pericolosi. La
stampante contiene al suo interno un laser di classe IIIb (3b)
all’arseniuro di gallio della potenza di 5mW che opera sulla
lunghezza d’onda compresa tra 770 e 795 nanometri. Il sistema
laser e la stampante sono stati progettati in modo tale che le
persone a contatto con la stampante, durante il normale
funzionamento, le operazioni di servizio o quelle di assistenza
tecnica, non ricevano radiazioni laser superiori al livello della classe
Avisos sobre el láser
Se certifica que, en los EE.UU., esta impresora cumple los
requisitos para los productos láser de Clase I (1) establecidos en el
subcapítulo J de la norma CFR 21 del DHHS (Departamento de
Sanidad y Servicios) y, en los demás países, reúne todas las
condiciones expuestas en la norma IEC 825 para productos láser de
Clase I (1).
Los productos láser de Clase I no se consideran peligrosos. La
impresora contiene en su interior un láser de Clase IIIb (3b) de
arseniuro de galio de funcionamiento nominal a 5 milivatios en una
longitud de onda de 770 a 795 nanómetros. El sistema láser y la
impresora están diseñados de forma que ninguna persona pueda
verse afectada por ningún tipo de radiación láser superior al nivel de
x Service Manual
la Clase I durante su uso normal, el mantenimiento realizado por el
usuario o cualquier otra situación de servicio técnico.
Declaração sobre Laser
A impressora está certificada nos E.U.A. em conformidade com os
requisitos da regulamentação DHHS 21 CFR Subcapítulo J para a
Classe I (1) de produtos laser. Em outros locais, está certificada
como um produto laser da Classe I, em conformidade com os
requisitos da norma IEC 825.
Os produtos laser da Classe I não são considerados perigosos.
Internamente, a impressora contém um produto laser da Classe IIIb
(3b), designado laser de arseneto de potássio, de 5 milliwatts
,operando numa faixa de comprimento de onda entre 770 e 795
nanómetros. O sistema e a impressora laser foram concebidos de
forma a nunca existir qualquer possiblidade de acesso humano a
radiação laser superior a um nível de Classe I durante a operação
normal, a manutenção feita pelo utilizador ou condições de
assistência prescritas.
De printer voldoet aan de eisen die gesteld worden aan een
laserprodukt van klasse I. Voor de Verenigde Staten zijn deze eisen
vastgelegd in DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J, voor andere landen in
IEC 825.
Laserprodukten van klasse I worden niet als ongevaarlijk
aangemerkt. De printer is voorzien van een laser van klasse IIIb
(3b), dat wil zeggen een gallium arsenide-laser van 5 milliwatt met
een golflengte van 770-795 nanometer. Het lasergedeelte en de
printer zijn zo ontworpen dat bij normaal gebruik, bij onderhoud of
reparatie conform de voorschriften, nooit blootstelling mogelijk is
aan laserstraling boven een niveau zoals voorgeschreven is voor
klasse 1.
Notices and Safety Information xi
Printeren er godkendt som et Klasse I-laserprodukt, i
overenstemmelse med kravene i IEC 825.
Klasse I-laserprodukter betragtes ikke som farlige. Printeren
indeholder internt en Klasse IIIB (3b)-laser, der nominelt er en 5
milliwatt galliumarsenid laser, som arbejder på bølgelængdeområdet
770-795 nanometer. Lasersystemet og printeren er udformet
således, at mennesker aldrig udsættes for en laserstråling over
Klasse I-niveau ved normal drift, brugervedligeholdelse eller
obligatoriske servicebetingelser.
Huomautus laserlaitteesta
Tämä kirjoitin on Yhdysvalloissa luokan I (1) laserlaitteiden DHHS
21 CFR Subchapter J -määrityksen mukainen ja muualla luokan I
laserlaitteiden IEC 825 -määrityksen mukainen.
Luokan I laserlaitteiden ei katsota olevan vaarallisia käyttäjälle.
Kirjoittimessa on sisäinen luokan IIIb (3b) 5 milliwatin
galliumarsenidilaser, joka toimii aaltoalueella 770 - 795 nanometriä.
Laserjärjestelmä ja kirjoitin on suunniteltu siten, että käyttäjä ei
altistu luokan I määrityksiä voimakkaammalle säteilylle kirjoittimen
normaalin toiminnan, käyttäjän tekemien huoltotoimien tai muiden
huoltotoimien yhteydessä.
VARO! Avattaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina
näkymättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso säteeseen.
VARNING! Osynlig laserstrålning när denna del är öppnad och
spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
Denna skrivare är i USA certifierad att motsvara kraven i DHHS 21
CFR, underparagraf J för laserprodukter av Klass I (1). I andra
länder uppfyller skrivaren kraven för laserprodukter av Klass I enligt
kraven i IEC 825.
xii Service Manual
Laserprodukter i Klass I anses ej hälsovådliga. Skrivaren har en
inbyggd laser av Klass IIIb (3b) som består av en laserenhet av
gallium-arsenid på 5 milliwatt som arbetar i våglängdsområdet 770795 nanometer. Lasersystemet och skrivaren är utformade så att det
aldrig finns risk för att någon person utsätts för laserstrålning över
Klass I-nivå vid normal användning, underhåll som utförs av
användaren eller annan föreskriven serviceåtgärd.
Skriveren er godkjent i USA etter kravene i DHHS 21 CFR,
underkapittel J, for klasse I (1) laserprodukter, og er i andre land
godkjent som et Klasse I-laserprodukt i samsvar med kravene i IEC
Klasse I-laserprodukter er ikke å betrakte som farlige. Skriveren
inneholder internt en klasse IIIb (3b)-laser, som består av en
gallium-arsenlaserenhet som avgir stråling i bølgelengdeområdet
770-795 nanometer. Lasersystemet og skriveren er utformet slik at
personer aldri utsettes for laserstråling ut over klasse I-nivå under
vanlig bruk, vedlikehold som utføres av brukeren, eller foreskrevne
Avís sobre el Làser
Segons ha estat certificat als Estats Units, aquesta impressora
compleix els requisits de DHHS 21 CFR, apartat J, pels productes
làser de classe I (1), i segons ha estat certificat en altres llocs, és un
producte làser de classe I que compleix els requisits d’IEC 825.
Els productes làser de classe I no es consideren perillosos. Aquesta
impressora conté un làser de classe IIIb (3b) d’arseniür de gal.li,
nominalment de 5 mil.liwats, i funciona a la regió de longitud d’ona
de 770-795 nanòmetres. El sistema làser i la impressora han sigut
concebuts de manera que mai hi hagi exposició a la radiació làser
per sobre d’un nivell de classe I durant una operació normal, durant
les tasques de manteniment d’usuari ni durant els serveis que
satisfacin les condicions prescrites.
Notices and Safety Information xiii
Japanese Laser Notice
Chinese Laser Notice
xiv Service Manual
Korean Laser Notice
Safety Information
• This product is designed, tested and approved to meet strict
global safety standards with the use of specific Lexmark
components. The safety features of some parts may not always
be obvious. Lexmark is not responsible for the use of other
replacement parts.
• The maintenance information for this product has been
prepared for use by a professional service person and is not
intended to be used by others.
• There may be an increased risk of electric shock and personal
injury during disassembly and servicing of this product.
Professional service personnel should understand this and take
necessary precautions.
Consignes de Sécurité
• Ce produit a été conçu, testé et approuvé pour respecter les
normes strictes de sécurité globale lors de l'utilisation de
composants Lexmark spécifiques. Les caractéristiques de
Notices and Safety Information xv
sécurité de certains éléments ne sont pas toujours évidentes.
Lexmark ne peut être tenu responsable de l'utilisation d'autres
pièces de rechange.
• Les consignes d'entretien et de réparation de ce produit
s'adressent uniquement à un personnel de maintenance
• Le démontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant présenter
certains risques électriques, le personnel d'entretien qualifié
devra prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires.
Norme di sicurezza
• Il prodotto è stato progettato, testato e approvato in conformità a
severi standard di sicurezza e per l’utilizzo con componenti
Lexmark specifici. Le caratteristiche di sicurezza di alcune parti
non sempre sono di immediata comprensione. Lexmark non è
responsabile per l’utilizzo di parti di ricambio di altri produttori.
• Le informazioni riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto
sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di assistenza autorizzato.
• Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto, il
rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni alla persona è più
elevato. Il personale di assistenza autorizzato, deve, quindi,
adottare le precauzioni necessarie.
• Dieses Produkt und die zugehörigen Komponenten wurden
entworfen und getestet, um beim Einsatz die weltweit gültigen
Sicherheitsanforderungen zu erfüllen. Die sicherheitsrelevanten
Funktionen der Bauteile und Optionen sind nicht immer
offensichtlich. Sofern Teile eingesetzt werden, die nicht von
Lexmark sind, wird von Lexmark keinerlei Verantwortung oder
Haftung für dieses Produkt übernommen.
• Die Wartungsinformationen für dieses Produkt sind
ausschließlich für die Verwendung durch einen
Wartungsfachmann bestimmt.
• Während des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des
Geräts besteht ein zusätzliches Risiko eines elektrischen
Schlags und körperlicher Verletzung. Das zuständige
xvi Service Manual
Fachpersonal sollte entsprechende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen
Pautas de Seguridad
• Este producto se ha diseñado, verificado y aprobado para
cumplir los más estrictos estándares de seguridad global
usando los componentes específicos de Lexmark. Puede que
las características de seguridad de algunas piezas no sean
siempre evidentes. Lexmark no se hace responsable del uso de
otras piezas de recambio.
• La información sobre el mantenimiento de este producto está
dirigida exclusivamente al personal cualificado de
• Existe mayor riesgo de descarga eléctrica y de daños
personales durante el desmontaje y la reparación de la
máquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este
peligro y tomar las precauciones necesarias.
Informações de Segurança
• Este produto foi concebido, testado e aprovado para satisfazer
os padrões globais de segurança na utilização de componentes
específicos da Lexmark. As funções de segurança de alguns
dos componentes podem não ser sempre óbvias. A Lexmark
não é responsável pela utilização de outros componentes de
• As informações de segurança relativas a este produto
destinam-se a profissionais destes serviços e não devem ser
utilizadas por outras pessoas.
• Risco de choques eléctricos e ferimentos graves durante a
desmontagem e manutenção deste produto. Os profissionais
destes serviços devem estar avisados deste facto e tomar os
cuidados necessários.
Notices and Safety Information xvii
Informació de Seguretat
• Aquest producte està dissenyat, comprovat i aprovat per tal
d'acomplir les estrictes normes de seguretat globals amb la
utililització de components específics de Lexmark. Les
característiques de seguretat d'algunes peces pot ser que no
sempre siguin òbvies. Lexmark no es responsabilitza de l'us
d'altres peces de recanvi.
• La informació pel manteniment d’aquest producte està
orientada exclusivament a professionals i no està destinada a
ningú que no ho sigui.
• El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personals pot augmentar
durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei d’aquest producte.
El personal professional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre les
mesures convenients.
xviii Service Manual
Chinese Safety Information
Korean Safety Information
Notices and Safety Information xix
xx Service Manual
1. General Information
The Lexmark OptraTM M410 and M412 laser printers are letterquality laser page printers designed to attach to an IBM compatible
Personal Computer and to most computer networks.
The M410 printer is capable of printing at speeds of 12 pages per
minute. The M412 is capable of printing at speeds of 17 pages per
minute. Both models print with a true 600 x 600 dpi resolution or
1200 x 1200 dpi Image Quality resolution. Each model of the base
printer comes with 4MB of memory and is expandable to 132MB
using both SDRAM DIMM slots. User flash memory is also available
up to 16MB.
General Information 1-1
The following options are available. Some options are not available
in every country. Contact your point of purchase for options available
Tri -Po rt Car d
Hard Disk - 2.1GB
Coax/Twinax Adapter for SCS
External Network Adapter: Marknet Pro 1 and 3 series
1-2 Service Manual
Printer Specifications
AcousticsOperating: <50 dBA
SensorsPaper Present Sensing (MPF) Tray 1 inserted (only when
EnvironmentOzone free Blue Angel Energy Star
Warm-upless than 70 seconds (from power on to Ready)
First page timeTray 1: Less than 12 seconds from standby
DimensionsWidth - 405 mm (15.9”)
Weight14.8 Kg (32.6 lbs.) with supplies installed
Idle: <30 dBA
Sleep: background noise
Tray 2 option is installed)
Input/Exit sensors Rear Exit sensor
Tray 2: Less than 13 seconds from standby
MPF: Less than 12 seconds from standby
Height - 314 mm (12.4”)
Depth - 435 mm (17.1”)
Height of Tray 2 - 130 mm (5.1”)
Footprint - 246 square inches
General Information 1-3
Maintenance Approach
The diagnostic information in this manual leads you to the correct
field replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the service error codes,
user status messages, user error messages, service checks, and
diagnostic aids to determine the printer problem and repair the
failure. After you complete the repair, perform tests as needed to
verify the repair.
Tools Required For Service
Flat-blade screwdriver
#1 Phillips screwdriver
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Needlenose pliers
Diagonal pliers
Spring hook
Analog or digital multimeter
Parallel wrap plug 1319128
Serial wrap plug 1329048
Twinax/serial debug cable 1381963
Coax/serial debug cable 1381964
1-4 Service Manual
CSU Customer Setup
DIMMDual In-Line Memory Module
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
EDOEnhanced Data Out
EP Electrophotographic Process
EPROMErasable, Programmable Read-Only
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FRU Field Replaceable Unit
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LVPSLow Voltage Power Supply
MROMMasked Read Only Memory
NVRAM Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PC Photoconductor
PORPower-On Reset
POST Power-On Self Test
RIPRaster Imaging Processor
ROMRead Only Memory
SIMMSingle In-Line Memory Module
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
UPR Used Parts Return
V acVolts alternating current
V dcVolts direct current
General Information 1-5
1-6 Service Manual
2. Diagnostic Information
CAUTION: Remove power from the printer before you connect or
disconnect any cable or electronic board or assembly for personal
safety and to prevent damage to the printer. Use the handholds on
the side of the printer. Make sure your fingers are not under the
printer when you lift or set the printer down.
Use the service error code, user status message, user error
message, symptom table, service checks, and diagnostic aids in this
chapter to determine the corrective action necessary to repair a
malfunctioning printer.
Service error codes are indicated by a three-digit error code. If a
service error code is displayed, go to the “Service Error Codes” on
page 2-2.
User status messages provide the user with information on the
current status of the printer. Ready is displayed on the first line of the
display unless Power Saver is invoked, and then Power Saver is
displayed. If a user status message is displayed, go to the “User
Status Messages” on page 2-5.
User error messages are indicated by a two or three-digit error code
that provides the user with information that explains a problem with a
print cartridge, paper jam, option, port, and so on. If a user error
message is displayed, go to the “User Error Messages” on page 2-9.
If your machine completes the without an error, and you have a
symptom, go to the “Symptom Tables” on page 2-15. Locate your
symptom and take the appropriate action.
If a service error code appears while you are working on the
machine, go to the “Service Error Codes” on page 2-2 and take the
indicated action for that error.
Diagnostic Information 2-1
Service Error Codes
Service Error Codes are generally non-recoverable except in an
intermittent condition when you can POR the printer to temporarily
recover from the error condition.
Error CodeAction
900 RIP SoftwareReplace the controller board.
Engine Software
920 Fuser ErrorIndicates that the fuser is below temperature when
921 Fuser ErrorIndicates that the fuser is below standby temperature
922 Fuser ErrorFuser failed to reach standby temperature. Go to the
923 Fuser ErrorFuser is too hot during printing or when printer is idle. Go
924 Fuser ErrorAn open circuit has been detected in the Fuser
Printhead Error
931 - Printhead:
no first Hsync
932 - Printhead:
Lost Hsyncs
Indicates an unrecoverable engine software error.
Replace the engine board.
printing. Go to the “Cold Fuser Service Check” on
page 2-23.
when the printer is idle. Go to the “Cold Fuser Service
Check” on page 2-23.
“Cold Fuser Service Check” on page 2-23.
to the “Hot Fuser Service Check” on page 2-25.
Thermistor Circuit. Go to the “Hot Fuser Service Check”
on page 2-25.
These errors represent a problem with the printhead. Go
to the “Printhead Service Check” on page 2-36.
935 - Mirror Motor
unable to reach
operating speed.
Transport Motor
2-2 Service Manual
Indicates a problem with the main drive motor. Go to the
“Main Drive Service Check” on page 2-29.
Error CodeAction
939 Controller Engine
941 Controller
Code CRC
941 Controller
Font CRC
943 Controller
Font Version
944 Controller
Board Failure
945 Controller
Board Failure ASIC Failure
The controller board and the engine board cannot
communicate with one another. The controller board,
engine board or interconnect board is defective. Check
each board for correct installation and secure ground. If
no problem is found, replace the FRUs in the following
controller board
engine board
interconnect board
Note: The controller software also can cause a 939 error
code. Contact your next level for software support.
Replace the controller board.
Replace the controller board.
Indicates that the controller code and FONT ROM are
Replace the controller board.
Replace the controller board.
946 Controller
Board Failure SRAM Failure
947 Engine
960 RAM
Memory Error
Replace the controller board.
Replace the engine board.
Indicates the NVRAM chip on the engine board has
failed. Replace the engine board.
Indicates the NVRAM experienced a CRC failure.
Replace the engine board.
Indicates a DRAM Memory Error on the controller board.
Replace the controller board.
Diagnostic Information 2-3
Error CodeAction
961 RAM in Slot
1 is Bad.
962 RAM in Slot
2 is Bad.
964 Emulation
965 Emulation
975 - 979
Network Card
Replace the SIMM in Slot 1. If this does not fix the
problem, replace the controller board.
Replace the SIMM in Slot 2. If this does not fix the
problem, replace the controller board.
Indicates a failure within the Download Emulation which
is programmed into the code overlay SIMM. The specific
error is as follows:
964 - Download Emulation CRC Failure. Checksum
965 - Download Emulation Outdated, The Download
Emulation and the controller code are incompatible. Go
to “Download Emulation” on page 3-3.
The following errors indicate a failure with the network
card. 975 - Unrecognizable Network Card. Replace
Network Card.
976 - Unrecoverable software error in Network Card.
978 - Bad checksum while programming Network Card.
Replace Network Card.
979 - Flash parts failed while programming Network
2-4 Service Manual
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