Understanding the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system...........................................................................9
System components ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Reliability, scalability, and disaster recovery .................................................................................................... 10
Installing a workgroup system.................................................................................................................27
Configuration type for workgroup systems ...................................................................................................... 27
Installation overview for a workgroup system .................................................................................................27
Installing system components in a workgroup system..................................................................................... 27
Installing an enterprise system...............................................................................................................28
Configuration types for enterprise systems...................................................................................................... 28
System sizing guidelines ...................................................................................................................................31
Installation overview for an enterprise system ................................................................................................ 32
Using Oracle database with Lexmark Intelligent Capture................................................................................. 33
Installing the database and load balancer without clustering (configurations 1, 1‑N, and 1‑1‑N)................... 34
Installing the database and load balancer with clustering (configurations X‑N, and X‑Y‑N) ............................35
Changing the administrator user name ............................................................................................................ 45
Changing the administrator password..............................................................................................................45
Enabling LDAP server authentication for LMC ..................................................................................................45
Assigning privileges to groups .......................................................................................................................... 46
Device Groups tab tasks ................................................................................................................................... 48
Software Client Groups tab tasks......................................................................................................................49
System tab tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 52
Understanding the Home tab ...........................................................................................................................52
Understanding the status bar ...........................................................................................................................53
System status information on the status bar and Home tab............................................................................ 53
Viewing information summaries for Lexmark Intelligent Capture elements .................................................... 54
Viewing jobs or system logs..............................................................................................................................54
Customizing columns for jobs and system logs ................................................................................................ 55
Viewing device group profile settings...............................................................................................................55
Viewing software client group profiles .............................................................................................................55
Viewing forms associated with a solution ........................................................................................................ 55
Viewing version information.............................................................................................................................56
Managing the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system.................................................................................56
Viewing and changing server status ................................................................................................................. 56
Viewing and managing scheduled tasks ...........................................................................................................56
Configuring the confirmation page................................................................................................................... 58
Adding servers to the system after initial installation ...................................................................................... 58
Changing the IP address on a configuration 1 system ...................................................................................... 59
Rebooting the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system .........................................................................................59
Restarting the Lexmark Solutions Application Server.......................................................................................60
Updating the Advanced Prompting Bundle ......................................................................................................62
Managing the e‑mail watcher service...............................................................................................................62
Managing system performance...............................................................................................................63
Accessing the System Health dashboard .......................................................................................................... 63
Monitoring system health.................................................................................................................................63
Adjusting limits on concurrent jobs .................................................................................................................. 64
Tuning the load balancer for unequal servers ..................................................................................................65
Assigning servers to only run LMC or process jobs........................................................................................... 65
Configuring chunk size for device discovery and policy updates...................................................................... 66
Finding the host ID............................................................................................................................................ 68
Viewing or downloading existing licenses ........................................................................................................68
Upgrading the license of an existing server ...................................................................................................... 69
Adding an MFP, e‑forms virtual printer, or software client license to an existing server ................................ 71
Using the Solution Status Page................................................................................................................74
Accessing the Solution Status Page ..................................................................................................................74
Understanding status information.................................................................................................................... 74
Repairing common server problems.................................................................................................................77
Adding printers to a server ...............................................................................................................................77
Adding licenses to a server ...............................................................................................................................78
Running a report ............................................................................................................................................... 79
Scheduling a report...........................................................................................................................................80
Using built‑in reports........................................................................................................................................81
Adding a report ................................................................................................................................................. 82
Removing a report ............................................................................................................................................ 83
Recovering backup data with a new installation ..............................................................................................87
Installing new servers during recovery .............................................................................................................88
Connecting existing servers during recovery .................................................................................................... 88
Recreating Lexmark Intelligent Capture printer ports after an address change...............................................89
Manually backing up databases........................................................................................................................ 90
Managing device groups and devices.........................................................95
Creating and populating device groups...................................................................................................95
Understanding device groups ........................................................................................................................... 95
Creating a device group .................................................................................................................................... 95
Creating a device group from an existing device group....................................................................................96
Creating a new discovery profile ...................................................................................................................... 96
Importing a list of printers to a device group ................................................................................................... 97
Creating and populating software client groups...................................................................................113
Creating a software client group ....................................................................................................................113
Adding software clients to a software client group........................................................................................113
Importing software clients to a software client group ................................................................................... 113
Assigning solutions to a software client group......................................................................................114
Installing client software on a Microsoft Cluster Server.......................................................................115
Adding Lexmark Intelligent Capture printers on a client workstation or print server..........................115
Configuring a Lexmark Document Server port in Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server
2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2................................................................................................ ....117
Increasing Lexmark Intelligent Capture print queue availability using printer pooling........................118
Testing and using Intelligent Capture solutions.........................................119
Using a solution from a printer.............................................................................................................119
Using Lexmark Intelligent Capture print queues...................................................................................120
Using Select'N'Send...............................................................................................................................120
Using the Select'N'Send GUI ...........................................................................................................................120
Using Select'N'Send from the command line ................................................................................................. 123
Solving problems with LMC...................................................................................................................127
The browser displays a 5yy error when accessing LMC .................................................................................. 127
LMC responds very slowly ..............................................................................................................................127
LMC does not finish loading or data is missing............................................................................................... 128
An error occurs when uploading a formset .................................................................................................... 128
Reports are not displayed when run .............................................................................................................. 128
User cannot access some tasks in LMC........................................................................................................... 128
User can still access tasks even after privileges are removed ........................................................................128
The Solutions tab and the eSF Configuration task for device groups do not function ................................... 128
Jobs do not respond after an error occurred .................................................................................................128
Solving problems with discovery...........................................................................................................129
Discovery and policy updates running slowly .................................................................................................129
Discoveries frequently time out .....................................................................................................................129
Some printers on the network cannot be discovered .................................................................................... 129
Solving server and printer problems.....................................................................................................130
One or more servers cannot be set online .....................................................................................................130
One or more servers cannot be set offline .....................................................................................................130
Error in importing a license............................................................................................................................. 130
LDSS Server is unavailable message appears on the printer control panel ................................131
The server log contains Quartz errors ............................................................................................................ 131
Kerberos authentication is not working ......................................................................................................... 132
An expected icon does not appear on the home screen after solution deployment .....................................132
Policy updates failed for a printer ..................................................................................................................133
The printer only returns to the home screen after attempting to execute an Lexmark Intelligent
The solution stops responding........................................................................................................................135
The solution cannot connect to the network .................................................................................................135
Solving problems with client software..................................................................................................135
Cannot create new Lexmark Document Server ports ..................................................................................... 135
System processes terminate unexpectedly when creating a Lexmark Document Server port ...................... 136
Cannot create or configure a Lexmark Document Server port in Windows 7, Windows Vista,
Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2 ..................................................................................136
Jobs are not sent to the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system ........................................................................136
Select'N'Send cannot send files to Lexmark Intelligent Capture .................................................................... 137
Solutions are receiving inaccurate page counts ............................................................................................. 137
LexmarkTM Intelligent Capture is a system for classifying and extracting documents, capturing and converting them to
digital format, or capturing existing digital documents and then processing and routing these documents according to
your business processes. Users can submit paper documents from multifunction printers (MFPs), or they can submit
digital documents from individual computers. Additionally, some functions may be accessed from select single‑function
printers, such as print release.
The Lexmark Intelligent Capture system has two parts:
• Intelligent Data Extraction (IDE) engine—This is composed of the project and learnset created from the distiller.
• Distributed Capture Platform—This is the workflow solution created from the Software Development Kit (SDK).
Note: For more information on the integration of these parts, see the Lexmark Intelligent Capture Integration Guide.
Each Lexmark multifunction printer has the ability to print, copy, scan, e‑mail, FTP, and fax. In addition to controlling
and adjusting settings for these native functions, Intelligent Capture can add the following functions through the use
of scripts:
• Display messages and prompt the user for input.
• Authenticate through prompts or card swipes.
• Combine scanned documents.
• Read bar codes.
• Use optical character recognition (OCR) to store the text from scanned documents.
• Check or validate information in documents against templates.
• Automatically fill fields on a form template from a database or user input.
• Convert documents to specific formats, such as PDF documents, TIF images, and plain text.
• Route and store documents in a database, network location, or enterprise content management (ECM) system.
• Provide a user confirmation of actions taken.
• Use Intelligent Data Extraction to classify and extract data from digital or scanned documents.
• Use optical mark recognition (OMR) to store human‑mark data from document forms such as surveys.
Understanding the stages of a job
Document classification
A document is classified by a set of rules defined in the Intelligent Data Extraction engine.
Document extraction
When a document is classified, a data extractor is assigned to it based on a set of rules defined in the Intelligent Data
Extraction engine.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview9
Document capture
The paper document is converted into a digital document from a Lexmark printer, or a digital document is selected on
a user's computer. Documents are also captured using the new functions such as the directory watcher and e‑mail
watcher. The user chooses from profiles, predefined job types that determine through scripts how the scanned
document will be processed and routed. On a printer, the most commonly used profiles are often configured as buttons
on the home screen.
Document processing
Document processing takes place on the Lexmark Intelligent Capture server after the document capture stage is
complete. The document is analyzed or modified according to scripts associated with the profile selected prior to
document capture.
Common tasks in document processing include reading bar codes, OCR, OMR, and image processing and manipulation.
Document routing
The main function of Lexma rk Intelligent Capture is delivering captured documents to other systems, using its processing
capabilities to transform paper documents into formats required by your business processes. A document can be routed
to multiple destinations. When a user submits a document, Lexmark Intelligent Capture can automatically perform any
combination of faxing, sending by e‑mail, printing, and archiving without further user intervention.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture can route documents to any of the following destinations:
• ECM systems, such as SharePoint
• E‑mail recipients
• Fax recipients
• Network shares
• FTP locations
• Printers
After document capture, processing, and routing, the user can be provided with feedback indicating success or failure.
A custom report may be printed, or a confirmation prompt can be displayed on the screen of e‑Task 2 or later printers.
Additionally, other Lexmark Intelligent Capture services can be used for confirmation purposes. For example, an e‑mail
notification can be sent to the user or other recipients each time a job is completed.
Understanding the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system
System components
• Clients—Clients can be either printers or workstations that use Select'N'Send (SnS) or the Lexmark Document Server
Port. The document capture and confirmation stages of a job occur at a client, and, in the case of printer clients,
prompts may be presented to the user to collect information during document processing and document routing.
• Load balancer—The load balancer receives jobs from clients and balances those jobs across servers, providing a
transition between document capture and document processing stages of a job.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview10
• Lexmark Intelligent Capture servers—The servers process incoming jobs, managing document processing and
document routing stages of a job.
• Database—The database maintains information about clients, solutions, settings, and jobs.
Reliability, scalability, and disaster recovery
The load balancer, database, and server components may be installed together on one computer or separately on
individual computers, depending on the demands placed on the system. However, a one‑computer setup is subject to
downtime if that computer fails, and the server load will be fairly limited. Ideally, a system should have at least two
server computers, connected to separate database and load balancer computers.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture is scalable to support a large number of clients, submitting jobs to as many servers as
required to handle the load. The load balancer selects a server for each received job to distribute the total load and
maintain system performance. Using multiple servers also increases system reliability. If one server fails, then the load
balancer will direct jobs to the other servers until the failed server is back online.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture uses a Tomcat Connector to manage load balancing in the system. The default balancing
method is session, which estimates the number of sessions open by counting requests to the system that do not have
a session cookie. The session count is decayed by dividing in half, once per minute by default. The server with the lowest
number of estimated sessions is selected to process the request.
To further increase reliability by keeping the system online in the event of a failing load balancer or database, the load
balancer and database can each be paired in a failover cluster using a Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS).
Finally, you can back up the databases and solutions from the database and load balancer to a network share. If a
recovery becomes necessary, then a new load balancer and/or database can access the recovery data using a Restore
Install. Existing servers are directed to the new database and/or load balancer, or new servers are installed as necessary.
Workflow solutions
A workflow solution determines the specifics of each stage of a job in Lexmark Intelligent Capture to meet a business
need. A workflow solution usually provides a new profile, or type of job a user can initiate, on a printer or software
client to which it is deployed. Some solutions, however, may be scheduled to run at particular times.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview11
A workflow solution contains some or all of the following elements:
• Script—This defines the actions executed when a solution is initiated. Scripts can be static, or they may solicit user
input to make decisions about processing and routing documents. For example, a script that processes bank loans
may request additional user input such as a branch name, account number, or social security number.
• Policy—These are the settings for the solution and the printers to which it is deployed:
– Device settings—This is the configuration required on printers to support the jobs. This configuration typically
includes profiles but can include almost any device setting.
– Solution settings—These are solution settings that allow you to adjust jobs or printer configurations. Some
settings are global to the solution across all printers, while others vary from one group of printers to another.
• Embedded Solution Framework (eSF) application—This is an application installed on printer to provide
functionality needed by the solution, such as delayed sending of scanned documents.
• Components—These are JAR files that provide services not available in the base Lexmark Intelligent Capture
installation, such as interaction with a custom ECM system.
• Formsets—These are custom form files used for merging data with standard forms.
• Custom reports—These are reports created by a solution developer that present custom data.
• Solution Status Page—This is an easy‑to‑use Web page that can be included with solutions to simplify viewing
system status and performing basic operations related to a solution.
Client software
Client software is used to submit files from a Windows computer to the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system for
processing. A computer that uses client software is known as a software client. Lexmark Intelligent Capture can process
documents submitted through client software in the same way as documents scanned at a printer.
Note: For more information on the latest Lexmark Intelligent Capture port monitor support, see the Readme file.
There are two types of client software:
• Select'N'Send—This is a Windows application, including both a command line utility and a GUI version, that lets
users send files directly to Lexmark Intelligent Capture and select Lexmark Intelligent Capture profiles to use in
processing the sent files. Selected files are submitted to the system in their current formats.
Note: Select'N'Send does not support prompting from an Lexmark Intelligent Capture server system profile.
• Lexmark Document Server Printer Port—This is a port monitor that lets users submit documents to Lexmark
Intelligent Capture by printing from any Windows application to a print queue assigned to the port. Printed
documents are submitted to the system in the format determined by the print driver used with the print queue.
A Lexmark Intelligent Capture printer port can now be assigned to a Lexmark Intelligent Capture server system
profile that prompts for user input at the time of printing. The prompting is controlled by the profile or script running
on the Lexmark Intelligent Capture server system that the printer port is assigned to. For Lexmark Intelligent Capture
printer port prompting, the port monitor software must be installed on the computer. The Lexmark Intelligent
Capture printer port must be created and assigned to a profile that prompts to an existing print queue.
– Lexmark Intelligent Capture printer port prompting is not supported on print servers. Do not configure a
Lexmark Intelligent Capture port on a print server to use a profile that prompts; otherwise, the spooler will
stop responding and possibly crash when print jobs start going into the print server. You can still use
Lexmark Intelligent Capture ports on print servers, but you can assign them only to profiles that do not
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview12
– Configure the nonprompting profiles in the SDK with a property in the SDK that specifies that the profile
does not prompt. This helps improve the performance of a Lexmark Intelligent Capture port assigned to a
nonprompting profile.
Lexmark Management Console
Lexmark Management Console (LMC) provides system administration for Lexmark Intelligent Capture. LMC is a Web
application hosted on the Lexmark Intelligent Capture servers and accessed through the computer where the load
balancer is installed. LMC is accessible from anywhere on the network using a Flash plug‑in with Internet Explorer or
Mozilla Firefox.
Security overview
• Administrative security—Lexmark Management Console is password‑protected so that only authorized
administrators are allowed access.
• User authentication—Printers may require users to log in to run profiles. Text and password prompts are available
for use in scripts. Kerberos authentication is available for use only with printers that support it.
Note: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is required to use Kerberos authentication with an Lexmark Intelligent Capture
• Data encryption—Data encryption is available for communication between any two Lexmark Intelligent Capture
components, or with any Lexmark printer that supports encryption. Encryption for communication between
Lexmark Intelligent Capture components is accomplished using Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) through your
operating system. Encryption for communication with printers can be enabled for each device group in LMC.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview13
System setup overview
Each of the following steps represents a different stage of the system setup process, covered in the chapter indicated:
1 Activate the appropriate licenses, and then install the database, load balancer, and servers. For more information,
see “Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture” on page 18.
2 Perform initial system configuration, including setting up device groups, discovering printers, and scheduling a
backup. For more information, see “Managing device groups and devices” on page 95 and “Backup and disaster
recovery” on page 86.
3 Deploy solutions to printers. For more information, see “Managing solutions” on page 91.
4 If you are using software clients, prepare software client groups and install client software where necessary. For
more information, see “Managing software clients” on page 110.
5 Test deployed solutions on printers and software clients. For more information, see “Testing and using Intelligent
Capture solutions” on page 119.
Supported printers
• Only e‑Task 2, e‑Task 2+, e‑Task 3, and X642 printers support eSF applications used in hybrid solutions and
prompts that contain double‑byte characters.
• e‑Task 2, e‑Task 2+, e‑Task 3, and X642 multifunction printers and single‑function printers are distinguished as
separate classes for home screen customization and eSF application configuration because of different
capabilities in those areas. However, discoveries and solution profiles do not distinguish among these classes
and designate all printers listed in those classes as e‑Task 2 printers.
• During the first policy update after installation or a software patch, Lexmark Intelligent Capture installs an
Advanced Prompting Bundle (AP Bundle) eSF application on e‑Task 2, e‑Task 2+, and e‑Task 3 multifunction and
single‑function printers, and on X642 multifunction printers. This application is required for Lexmark Intelligent
Capture support and provides prompting capabilities, held jobs support, and security support for these printers
with Lexmark Intelligent Capture.
• On e-Task 2+ and e-Task 3 printers, the following access controls are supported: Remote Management, Create
Profiles, and Firmware Updates. Lexmark Intelligent Capture supports basic security that requires authentication
through a password or a PIN to change settings. If Security for these access controls is set to Disabled,
then these access controls cannot be managed by Lexmark Intelligent Capture. For more information on
changing settings for Access Controls, see the Embedded Web Server Administrator’s Guide.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview14
Multifunction printers
e‑Task printers X642 printers
• X620x
• X632x
• X634x
• X752x
• X820x
• X830x
• X832x
• X912x
e‑Task 3 printerse‑Task 2+ printers
• X548x
• 6500x
• X792x
• X925x
• X950x
• X952x
• X954x
• X746x
• X748x
Note: For more information about the latest
device and firmware level support with Lexmark
Intelligent Capture, see the Readme file.
• X463x
• X464x
• X466x
• X651x
• X652x
• X654x
• X656x
• X658x
• X734x
• X736x
• X738x
• X860x
• X862x
• X864x
These printers may be identified as corresponding single‑function (“C,” “T,” or “W”) models in Lexmark Management
e‑Task 2 printers
• X644x
• X646x
• X772x
• X782x
• X850x
• X852x
• X854x
• X940x
• X945x
Console. Scanning functionality is not affected.
These printers may require additional memory to support eSF applications.
These printers support Simplified Chinese prompting.
These printers support Traditional Chinese prompting.
These printers support Korean prompting.
These printers support Japanese prompting.
Single‑function printers
e‑Task 2 printers without a touch screene‑Task 2+ printers with a touch screen
Single‑function printers do not support all prompts supported by multifunction printers. Lists of supported prompts are
• T654x
• W850x
included here.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview15
e‑Task 2 printers without a touch screene‑Task 2+ printers with a touch screen
• ArrayPrompt
• AuthenticationPrompt (requires a
supported card reader)
• BooleanPrompt
• IntegerPrompt
• ListPrompt
• MessagePrompt
• NumericPrompt
• PasswordPrompt
• StringPrompt
• ArrayPrompt
• AuthenticationPrompt (requires a
supported card reader)
• BooleanPrompt
• CustomVlmlPrompt
• ImageBooleanPrompt
• ImageListPrompt
• ImageMessagePrompt
• IntegerPrompt
• ListPrompt
• MessagePrompt
• NumericPrompt
• PasswordPrompt
• StringPrompt
• NullPrompt
Single‑function printers do not support all prompts supported by multifunction printers. Lists of supported prompts are
included here.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview16
Single‑function printers
e‑Task 3 printers with a touch screene‑Task printers without a touch screen
• C792
• C925
• C950
• C748x
• These printers support Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Chinese, Korean, and Japanese prompting.
• For more information about the latest device and
firmware level support with Lexmark Intelligent
Capture, see the Readme file.
• C520x
• C522x
• C524x
• C530x
• C532x
• C534x
• C732x
• C734x
• C736x
• C780x
• C782x
• C920x
• C935x
• E450x
• E460x
• E462x
• T640x
• T642x
• T644x
• T650x
• T652x
• W840x
• ArrayPrompt
• AuthenticationPrompt (requires a supported card
• BooleanPrompt
• CustomVlmlPrompt
• ImageBooleanPrompt
• ImageListPrompt
• ImageMessagePrompt
• ArrayPrompt
• BooleanPrompt
• IntegerPrompt
• ListPrompt
• MessagePrompt
• PasswordPrompt
(supports only numeric PINs)
• NullPrompt
• IntegerPrompt
• ListPrompt
• MessagePrompt
• NumericPrompt
• PasswordPrompt
• StringPrompt
Single‑function printers do not support all prompts supported by multifunction printers. Lists of supported prompts are
included here.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture overview17
Supported ECM platforms
• IBM FileNet P8
Content Engine
• IBM FileNet IS 4.0 SP4
• IBM FileNet CS 5.4
• IBM FileNet CE 3.5.2
• Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
• Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
• Microsoft SharePoint 2010
• Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010
• EMC Documentum 5.3
• Autonomy iManage WorkSite with WorkSite Server 8.2 or 8.5
• ImageNow 6.6
• Integration with ECM systems may require specific licenses.
• For ECM platforms not capable of direct integration, Lexmark Intelligent Capture can save documents and a text
file containing metadata, to a directory where an ECM system is configured to poll for files.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture18
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture
Minimum and recommended system requirements
Server, load balancer, and database components
CategoryRequiredRecommended for enterprise systems
Operating systemAny of the following:
• Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
or Enterprise Edition (x64)
• Windows Server 2008 Standard or
Enterprise Edition with SP2 (x86 and
• Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard
or Enterprise Edition with SP2 (x86
and x64)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard
Edition with SP2 (x86 and x64)
Note: An x86-based system refers to a
32-bit operating system and an x64based system refers to a 64-bit
operating system.
Processor2GHz dual‑coreDual 2.5GHz quad‑core Intel Xeon or
Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
AMD Opteron
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture19
CategoryRequiredRecommended for enterprise systems
Hard disk drive20GB free space for each system
Note: The listed space requirement
includes both space for the application
and free space for operation, but
requirements may vary depending on
system complexity and number of jobs.
Configuration 1‑N, X‑N, or X‑Y‑N:
• Database and load balancer
– Operating system and server
configured for LMC installed on
two 15000 RPM Serial‑Attached
SCSI drives configured as a
RAID 1 array with at least 80GB
free space
– Database and load balancer
installed on four 15000 RPM
Serial‑Attached SCSI drives
configured as a RAID 5 array,
with at least 300GB free space
• Servers
– Operating system and server
configured for jobs installed on
four 15000 RPM Serial‑Attached
SCSI drives configured as a
RAID 5 array with at least 80GB
free space
Note: For more information, see
“Assigning servers to only run LMC or
process jobs” on page 65.
Network speed100Mbps network
Note: Network speed affects the time
required to perform a solution, and
speed requirements depend on each
solution. Solutions that require
intensive processing and more network
traffic may require Gigabit Ethernet to
run at a satisfactory speed.
Network name resolutionDomain Name System (DNS) or
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
• Local hosts files can be used
instead of external DNS.
• Contact Lexmark Professional
Services for support of other
network systems.
Gigabit Ethernet using dual‑port
network adapters
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture20
CategoryRequiredRecommended for enterprise systems
Static addressing
• The database must have a static IP
address if it is installed on a cluster.
• The load balancer must have a static
IP address if:
Static IP addresses are recommended
for all system components and any
e‑Task printers used with the system.
– It is installed on a cluster.
– Any e‑Task printers are used
with the system.
– Any printers used with the
system do not have a DNS server
Note: The database requires the most system resources and disk I/O and therefore should be installed on the fastest
hardware with the fastest disk I/O infrastructure available. Second in resource usage are the servers.
Computers where Lexmark Management Console is accessed
Category Requirements
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, or Mozilla Firefox 9.0 or later, with Adobe Flash Player 10 or later installed with
cookies enabled for the address where LMC is accessed
VideoCapable of displaying 1024 x 768 or higher resolutions
Virtual machine where components are installed
Virtual machine monitorVMware ESX 3.0.1 or later
Note: It is not recommended to install the database on a virtual machine.
Client software operating system compatibility
Select'N'Send and the Lexmark Document Server Printer Port can be used on the following operating systems:
• Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition (x86 and x64)
• Windows Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise Edition with SP2 (x86 and x64)
• Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard or Enterprise Edition with SP2 (x86 and x64)
• Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise Edition with SP2 (x86 and x64)
• Windows 7 (x86 and x64)
• Windows Vista with SP2 (x86 and x64)
• Windows XP Professional with SP2 (x86 and x64)
• An x86-based system refers to a 32-bit operating system and an x64-based system refers to a 64-bit operating
• Enterprise Editions and Enterprise x64 Editions of Windows Server support an active/passive or active/active
clustered print server with the Lexmark Document Server Printer Port.
• 32-bit Enterprise Editions of Windows Server support Citrix Presentation Server 4.0.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture21
Avoiding conflicts with other software
• Install each system component on a computer with a new Windows installation and with no other software install ed.
• Avoid installing other software that includes these applications on the same computer where Lexmark Intelligent
Capture components are installed:
– Apache HTTP Server
– Apache Tomcat
– Firebird database server
• Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) may conflict with Apache HTTP Server and should not be installed.
Ports used by the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system
Communication using the following ports should be allowed on the network.
• Ports depend on the implementation of each Lexmark Intelligent Capture system and may differ from the listing
shown here.
• Any ports used by forms printers are determined by the Lexmark Intelligent Capture administrator.
Database3050TCPDatabase communications
8001TCPBackup/restore agent
Load balancer4113TCPWeb adapter (JMX)
9700TCPProfile submission to e-Task printers, Web adapter (JMX)
9705TCPApache agent
9780TCPLoad balancer communications, including LMC
• If your Lexmark reseller has provided you with license files, then save them in a folder accessible to the server,
skip the following procedure, and then continue with the server installation using the provided license files.
• If your Lexmark reseller manages your licenses, then you may not be provided with an entitlement ID. Contact
your reseller to obtain the proper licenses.
• When using a failover cluster for the load balancer, a complete set of licenses (including a server license, printer
licenses for all printers, a client license if applicable, and e‑forms virtual printer licenses if applicable) must be
activated for the host ID of each node in the cluster and made available on the shared drive.
• Before installing the load balancer, the appropriate licenses must be activated. Activation associates the server
license, each printer license, and, if applicable, a client license with the physical address of the load balancer in
the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system and generates license files that will only work with that system.
1 On the computer where you want to install the load balancer or workgroup system, click Activate and Download
License File(s) in the installation window.
2 Enter the entitlement ID provided with the server software package.
3 Copy the host ID displayed on the installation window.
• The host ID is the physical address (MAC address) of the network adapter in the server, without hyphens or
other punctuation.
• If multiple network adapters are present, then a list of host IDs are shown. Any listed host ID is appropriate
as long as the associated network adapter remains in the server. However, using the host ID associated with
the network adapter connected to the same network as your Lexmark Intelligent Capture system may help
avoid future confusion. For more information, see “Finding the host ID” on page 68.
4 Click Launch Lexmark Licensing Portal.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture23
5 In your Web browser, click Manage Entitlements.
6 Activate and download the license for your Lexmark Intelligent Capture server system:
a Select the line for the product Lexmark Intelligent Capture Server, and then click Activate.
b In the first Host ID field, enter the host ID determined in step 3.
Note: The host ID is the physical address (MAC address) of the network adapter in the server, without
hyphens or other punctuation.
c In the Fulfill Count field, type 1.
d Click Generate.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture24
e Click Save To File, and then save the file using a descriptive file name, such as server.lic, to a folder
accessible to the load balancer.
f Click Complete.
7 Activate and download the license for using Lexmark Intelligent Capture with your printers:
a Select the line for the product Lexmark Intelligent Capture MFP License, and then click Activate.
b In the first Host ID field, type the host ID determined in step 3.
c In the Fulfill Count field, type the number of printers associated with the server you are licensing.
d Click Generate.
e Click Save To File, and then save the file using a descriptive file name, such as printer.lic, in the same
folder used in step 6.
Note: Use a file name different from any other saved license files so they are not overwritten.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture25
f Click Complete.
8 If you are using e‑forms, then activate and download the license for e‑forms virtual printers:
a Select the line for the product Lexmark Intelligent Capture EFVP License, and then click Activate.
b In the first Host ID field, type the host ID determined in step 3.
c In the Fulfill Count field, type the number of e‑forms virtual printers associated with the server.
d Click Generate.
e Click Save To File, and then save the file using a descriptive file name, such as efvp.lic, in the same folder
used in step 6.
Note: Use a file name different from any other saved license files so they are not overwritten.
f Click Complete.
9 If you are using software clients with your Lexmark Intelligent Capture system, then activate and download the
license for software clients:
a Select the line for the product Lexmark Intelligent Capture Client License, and then click Activate.
b In the first Host ID field, type the host ID determined in step 3. If you are using a failover cluster for the load
balancer, then type the host IDs for standby nodes in the additional host ID fields.
c In the Fulfill Count field, type the number of software clients associated with the server.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture26
d Click Generate.
e Click Save To File, and then save the file using a descriptive file name, such as client.lic, in the same folder
used in step 6 and step 7.
Note: Use a file name different from any other saved license files so they are not overwritten.
f Click Complete.
Understanding installation types
Two types of Lexmark Intelligent Capture systems can be installed:
• Workgroup system—This is a Lexmark Intelligent Capture installation with a packaged solution for smaller systems.
Installing a workgroup system quickly installs the database, load balancer, and one server on one computer, and a
solution is installed during the installation.
• Enterprise system—This is the standard Lexmark Intelligent Capture installation for larger systems and more
demanding applications. Installing an enterprise system lets you install the database, load balancer, and servers on
different computers to create a reliable and scalable system.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture27
Installing a workgroup system
Configuration type for workgroup systems
Configuration type and its advantages and disadvantages
Database (DB), load balancer (LB), and server on a single computer
No failover for database or load
balancer, limited resources
Installation overview for a workgroup system
1 Configure the computer where to install Lexmark Intelligent Capture on the network.
2 Activate and download licenses.
3 Install Lexmark Intelligent Capture using a workgroup installation.
4 Change the administrator password, and optionally, the administrator user name.
5 Temporarily set servers online to test function.
Note: Because software clients are managed differently than printers, client software is installed later in the system
setup process. For information about installing client software and managing software clients, see “Managing
software clients” on page 110.
Installing system components in a workgroup system
1 From the Lexmark Intelligent Capture installation package, run Setup.exe.
2 From the Lexmark Solutions installation window, click Install Workgroup System.
3 Click Agree to accept the license agreement.
4 Specify the folder where the server software should be installed, and then click Next.
5 If multiple network adapters are present, then select the network containing your printers by selecting the IP address
of the server on that network, and then click Next.
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture28
6 If you are installing a system to recover a backup, then do the following:
a Select Restore Install (RI).
b Type the path of the folder containing the .ri file from the backup, or click the folder icon and then locate the .ri
7 Specify the folder where you stored the license files during the activation process.
• If the license files are located on a network share that requires authentication, then you must supply
authentication before specifying the license location. To authenticate with the remote server, click Start >
Run, type the UNC path to the share (for example, \\myserver\myshare\), and then type the user
name and password when prompted.
• During installation, the license files are copied to the program folder. You can safely move the license files
from the temporary location where you saved them.
8 Specify the solution file that should be installed with the workgroup system.
9 Click Finish > Done.
Installing an enterprise system
Configuration types for enterprise systems
When installing an enterprise system, Lexmark Intelligent Capture can be installed using the following hardware
Configuration DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
1‑NDatabase (DB) and load balancer (LB) on one computer, server on one
or more additional computers (most common setup when failover is
not used)
hardware needs,
no failover for
database or load
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture29
Configuration DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
1‑1‑NDatabase (DB) and load balancer (LB) on separate computers, server
on one or more additional computers
Note: An external Oracle database may be installed in place of the
standard database, resulting in an E-1-N configuration. The external
database (E) and load balancer (LB) are on separate computers, and
the server is on one or more additional computers.
X‑NDatabase (DB) and load balancer (LB) together on X computers in a
Microsoft Cluster Server for failover, server on one or more additional
computers (most common setup when using failover)
Further increased
hardware needs,
no failover for
database or load
hardware needs,
cluster licensing
Installing Lexmark Intelligent Capture30
Configuration DescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
X‑Y‑NDatabase (DB) on X computers in a Microsoft Cluster Server for
failover, load balancer (LB) on Y other computers in a Microsoft Cluster
Server for failover, server on one or more additional computers
Note: An external Oracle database may be installed in place of the
standard database, resulting in an E-Y-N configuration. The external
database (E) on X computers and the load balancer (LB) on Y other
computers are in a Microsoft Cluster Server for failover. The server
is on one or more additional computers.
Using multiple systems for high availability
Further increased
hardware needs,
cluster licensing
When configuring multiple Lexmark Intelligent Capture systems, you can connect them to a hardware load balancer or
Global Site Selector (GSS) to provide high availability, without using clustering, as well as increased capacity.
Hardware load balancer
Configuration 1-N
LDD system
Configuration 1-N
LDD system
Configuration 1-N
LDD system
Each system group contains two identical Lexmark Intelligent Capture systems. Jobs are balanced between these
systems in each group by the hardware load balancer or GSS. If a failure occurs in one system in a group, then the other
system in the group receives all incoming jobs until the failed system can be restored.
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