Edition: September 22, 2006
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of expres s or
implied warr anties in certain transa ctions; therefore, this statem ent may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein; these changes wi ll be incorporated in later editi ons. Improvements or changes in the products or the
programs described may be made at any time.
Comments may be addressed to Lexmark International, Inc., Department D22A/032-2, 740 W est New Circle Road,
Lexington, Kentucky 40550, U .S.A or e-mail at ServiceInfoAndTraining@Lexmark.com. Lexmark ma y use or distribute any
of the inf ormati on you supply in any way it belie ves appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.
Lexmark, Lexmark with diamond design , MarkNet, and MarkVision are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.,
registere d in th e Unit ed States and/or other countries.
ImageQuick and PrintCryption are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.
is a registered tradem ark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PCL is Hewlett-Packard Company’s designation of a set
of printer commands ( language) and funct ions inc luded in its printer products . This printer is intend ed to be compat ib le with
the PCL language. This means the printer recogniz es PCL com m ands used in various applicat ion programs, and that the
printer emulates the functions corresponding to the commands.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
9/22/06 5:00 pm Lexmark International, Inc.
All rights reserved .
This softwar e and any accompanyin g docum entation provided under this agreement ar e com me rci al computer softwar e
and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
The printer is certified in the U .S. to confo rm to the requir ements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class I (1)
laser product s, and elsewhere is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of IEC
Class I laser products are not consi dered to be hazardous. The pri nter contains internal ly a Class IIIb (3b) laser
that is nominally a 5 milliwatt galli um arsenide laser operati ng in the wav elength region of 770-795 nanometers.
The laser system and printer are designed so there is never an y hum an access to laser radiation ab ove a Class
I level during normal operation, user maintenance, or pr escri bed service condition.
Der Drucker erfüllt gemäß amtlicher Bestätigu ng der USA die Anforderungen der Bestimmung DHHS
(Department of Health and Human Services) 21 CFR Teil J für Laserprodukte der Klasse I (1). In anderen
Ländern gilt der Drucker als Laserprodukt der Klasse I, der die Anforderungen der IEC (International
Electrotechnical Commission) 60825-1 gemäß amtlicher Bestäti gung erfüllt.
Laserprodukte der Klasse I gelten als unschädlich. Im Inneren des Druckers befindet sich ein Laser der Klasse
IIIb (3b), bei dem es sich um einen Galliumarsenlaser mit 5 Milliwatt handelt, der Wellen der Länge 770-795
Nanometer ausstrahlt. Das Lasersystem und der Drucker sind so konzipiert, daß im Normalbetrieb, bei der
Wartung durch den Benutzer oder bei ordnungsgemäßer Wartung durch den Kundendienst Laserbestrahlung,
die die Klasse I übersteigen würde, Menschen keinesfalls erreicht.
Avis relatif à l’utilisation de laser
Pour les Etats-Unis : cette imprimante est certifiée conforme aux provisions DHHS 21 CFR ali néa J concernant
les produits laser de Classe I (1). Pour les autres pa ys: cette imprimante répond aux normes IEC 60825-1
relatives aux produits laser de Classe I.
Les produits laser de Classe I sont considérés comm e des produits non dangereux. Cette imprimante est
équipée d’un l aser de Classe IIIb (3b) (arséniure de gall ium d’une puissance nominale de 5 milliwatts) émettant
sur des longueurs d’onde comprises entre 770 et 795 nanomètres. L’imprimante et son sys tème laser sont
conçus pour impossible, dans des conditions normales d’uti lisation, d’entretien par l’utilisateur ou de révision,
l’exposition à des rayonnements lase r supérieurs à des rayonnements de Classe I .
Lase r notic esix
Avvertenze sui prodotti laser
Questa stampant e è certificata negli St ati Uniti per ess ere conforme ai requisiti del DHHS 21 CFR Sottocapitolo
J per i prodotti las er di classe 1 ed è certificata negli altri Paesi come prodotto laser di classe 1 conf orme ai
requisiti del la norma CEI 60825-1.
I prodotti laser di class e non sono con sider ati pericol osi. La stampan te contiene al suo interno un l aser di classe
IIIb (3b) all’arseniuro di gallio dell a potenza di 5mW che opera sulla lunghezza d’onda compresa t ra 770 e 795
nanometri. Il sistema laser e la stampante sono stati progettati in modo tale che le persone a contatto con la
stampante, durante il normale funzio namento, le operazioni di servizio o quelle di assistenza tecnica, non
ricevano radiazioni laser superiori al livello della classe 1.
Avisos sobre el láser
Se certifica que, en los EE.UU., esta impresora cumple los requisitos para los productos láser de Clase I (1)
establecidos en el subcapítulo J de la norma CFR 21 del DHHS (Departamento de Sanidad y Servicios) y, en
los demás países, reúne todas las condiciones expuestas en la norma IEC 60825-1 para productos láser de
Clase I (1).
Los productos láser de Clase I no se consideran pel igrosos. La impre sora contiene en su interior un láser de
Clase IIIb (3b) de arseniuro de galio de funcionamiento nomin al a 5 miliv atios en una longi tud de onda de 770 a
795 nanómetros. El sistema láser y la impresora están diseñados de for ma que ninguna persona pueda verse
afectada por ningún tipo de radiac ión láser superior al nivel de la Clase I durante su uso normal, el
mantenimiento realizado por el usuario o cualquier otra situaci ón de servic io técnico.
Declaração sobre Laser
A impressora está ce rtificada no s E. U .A. e m conf ormidade co m os r equi sito s da reg ulamenta ção DHHS 2 1 CFR
Subcapítulo J para a Cla sse I (1) de produt os laser. Em outros locais, está certifi cada como um produto lase r da
Classe I, em conf ormidade com os requisitos da norma IEC 60825-1.
Os produtos lase r da Classe I não sã o conside rados peri gos os. I nternamente , a impr esso ra cont ém um produ to
laser da Classe IIIb (3b), designado laser de arseneto de potássio , de 5 milliwatts ,oper ando numa faixa d e
comprimento de onda entre 770 e 795 nanómetros. O sistema e a impressora laser foram concebidos de forma
a nunca ex ist ir qualquer possiblidade de acesso humano a radi ação laser superior a um nív el de Classe I
durante a operação normal, a manutenção feita pelo utilizador ou condições de assist ência prescritas.
xService Manual
De printer v oldoet aan de eis en die ges teld w orde n aan ee n laserprodukt v an klass e I. Voor de Ver enigde Stat en
zijn deze eisen vastgelegd in DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J, voor andere landen in IEC 60825-1.
Laserprodukten van klasse I worden nie t al s ongevaarlij k aangemerkt. De printer is voor zien van een laser van
klasse IIIb (3b), dat wil zeggen een gallium arsenide-laser van 5 milliwatt met e en g olflengte van 770-795
nanometer . Het laser gedeelt e en de printer zij n zo ont worpen dat bij normaal gebru ik, bij onde rho ud of repar atie
conform de voorschriften, nooit blootstelling mogelijk is aan laserst raling boven een niveau zoals
voorgeschreven is voor klasse 1.
Printeren er godkendt som et Klasse I-laserprodukt, i overenstemmelse med kravene i IEC 60825-1.
Klasse I-laserprodukter betragtes ikke som farlige. Printeren indeholder internt en Klasse IIIB (3b)-laser, der
nominelt er en 5 milliwatt galliumarsenid laser, som arbejder på bølgelængdeområdet 770-795 nanometer.
Lasersystemet og printeren er udformet sål edes, at mennesker aldrig udsættes for en laserstråling over Klasse
I-niveau ved normal drift, brugervedligeholdelse eller obligatoriske servicebetingelser.
Huomautu s las er laittees ta
Tämä kirjoi tin on Yh dysv alloi ssa lu okan I ( 1) lase rlait teide n DHHS 21 CFR Subchapt er J -mää rityks en muk ainen
ja muualla luo kan I l aserl aitteiden IEC 60825-1 -määri tyksen mukainen.
Luokan I las e r la itt e id e n e i ka ts o ta ol evan vaarallis ia käyttä jä lle . K irjoittim e s sa on si säinen luok a n IIIb (3 b ) 5
milliwatin galliumarsenidilaser, joka toimii aaltoalueella 770 - 795 nanometriä. Lase rjärjestelmä ja kirjoitin on
suunnitelt u siten, että käyttäj ä ei al tistu luokan I määrityksi ä voimakkaammalle säteilylle kirjoittimen normaalin
toiminnan, käyttäjän tekemien huoltotoimien tai muiden huoltotoimien yhteydessä.
VARO! Av attaessa ja suojalukitus ohitettaessa olet alttiina näky mättömälle lasersäteilylle. Älä katso
VARNING! Osynlig laserst rålning när denna del är öppnad och spärren är urkopplad. Betrakta ej strålen.
Lase r notic esxi
Denna skrivare är i USA certifierad att motsvara kraven i DHHS 21 CFR, underparagraf J för laserprodukter av
Klass I (1). I andra länder uppfyller skriv aren kraven för laserprodukter av Kl ass I enligt kraven i IEC 60825-1.
Laserprodukter i Klass I anses ej hälsovådliga. Skrivaren har en inbyggd laser av Klass IIIb (3b) som består av
en laserenhet av gallium-arsenid på 5 milliwatt som arbetar i våglängdsområdet 770-795 nanometer.
Lasersystem et och skrivaren är utformade så att det aldrig finns ris k för att någon person utsätts f ör
laserstrå lning över Klass I-ni vå vid normal användning, underhåll som utförs av användaren eller annan
föreskriv en serviceåtgärd.
Skriveren er godkjent i USA etter kra vene i DHHS 21 CFR, underkapittel J, for klasse I (1) laserprodukter , og er
i andre land godkjent som et Klasse I-laserprodukt i samsvar med kravene i IEC 60825-1.
Klasse I-la serprodukter er ikke å betrakte som f arlige. Skriveren inneholder internt en klasse IIIb (3b)-laser, som
består av en gallium-arsenlaserenhet som avgir stråling i bølgelengdeområdet 770-795 nanometer .
Lasersystem et og skriveren er utformet slik at personer al dri utsettes for laserstråling ut over klasse I-nivå under
vanlig bruk , vedlikehol d som utf øres av brukeren, eller foreskrevne serviceoperasjoner.
Avís sobre el Làser
Segons ha estat certificat al s Estats Units , aquesta impressor a complei x els req uisits de DHHS 21 CFR, apartat
J, pels productes làser de classe I (1), i segons ha estat certificat en altres llocs, és un producte làser de classe
I que compleix els requisits d’IEC 60825-1.
Els productes l àser de classe I no es consideren perillosos. Aquesta impressora conté un làse r de cl asse IIIb
(3b) d’arseniür de gal.li, nominalment de 5 mil.liwats, i funciona a la regió de longitud d’ona de 770-795
nanòmetres. El sistema làser i la impressora han sigut concebuts de manera que mai hi hagi exposició a la
radiació làser per sobre d’un niv ell de classe I durant una oper ació normal, durant les tasques de manteniment
d’usuari ni durant els serveis que satisfacin les condicions prescrites.
xiiService Manual
Japanese Laser Notice
Laser notices xiii
Korean Laser Notice
xivService Manual
Safety information
•The safety of this product is bas ed on testing and approv als of the original design and specific
components . The manufacturer is not responsibl e for safety in the event of use of unauthorized
replacement parts .
•The maintenance information for this product has been prepared for use by a professional service person
and is not intended to be used by others.
•There may be an increased risk of elec tric shock and personal inj ury during disassembly and servicin g of
this product . Pro fessional service personnel should understand this and take necessary precautions.
•CAUTION: When you see th is symbol , ther e is a danger f rom hazard ous v olt age in the ar ea of the
product where y ou ar e working . Unplug the product bef ore you beg in, or use c autio n if t he produc t
must receive power in order to perform the task.
Consignes de sécurité
•La sécurité de ce produit repose sur des test s et des
agréations portant sur sa conception d'origine et sur des composants particulier s. Le fabricant n'ass ume
aucune respon sabilité concernant la sécurité en cas d'utilisation de pièces de rechange non agréées.
•Les consignes d'entretien et de réparation de ce produit s'adressent uniquement à un personnel de
maintenance qualifié.
•Le démontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant présenter certains risques électriques, le personnel
d'entretien qualifié devra prendre toutes les précautions nécessai res.
•ATTENTION : Ce symbole indique la présence d'une tension dangereuse dans la partie du
produit sur laquelle vous tra vaillez. Débranchez le produit a vant de commencer ou f aites preuve
de vigilance si l' exécution de la t âche exige que le produit reste sous tension.
Norme di sicurezza
•La sicurezza del prodotto si basa sui test e sull'approvazione del progetto originale e dei componenti
specifici. Il produttore non è responsabile per la sicurezza in caso di sostituzion e non autorizzata delle
•Le informazioni riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di
assistenza autorizzato .
•Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto,
il rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni al la persona è più elev ato. Il per sonale di assistenza
autorizzato deve, quindi, adottare le precauzioni necessarie.
•ATTENZIONE: Questo simbolo indica la presenza ditensione pericolosa nell'area del prodotto.
Scollegare il pr odotto prima di iniziare o usare cautela se il prodotto deve essere alimentato per
eseguire l'intervento.
Safety information xv
•Die Sicherheit dieses Produkts basiert auf Tests und Zulassungen des ursprünglichen Modells und
bestimmter Baut eil e. Bei Verwendung nicht genehmigter Ersatztei le wi rd vom Hersteller kei ne
Verantwortung oder Haft ung für die Sicherheit übernommen.
•Die Wartungsinformationen für dieses Produkt sind ausschl ießlich für die Verwendung durch einen
Wartungsfachmann bestimmt.
•Während des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des Geräts besteht ein zusätzliches Risiko eines
elektrischen Schlags und körperlicher Verletzung. Das zus tändige Fachpersonal sollte entsprechende
Vorsichtsmaßn ahm en treffen.
•ACHTUNG: Dieses Symbol weist auf eine gefährliche elektrische Spannung hin, die in diesem
Bereich des Produkts auftreten kann. Zie hen Sie vor den Arbeiten am Gerät den Netzstecker des
Geräts, bzw. arbeiten Sie mit großer Vorsicht, wenn das Produkt für die Ausführung der Arbeiten
an den Strom angeschlossen sein muß.
Pautas de Segu ridad
•La seguridad de este producto se basa en pruebas y aprob aciones del diseño original y componentes
específico s. El fabricante no es responsable de la seguridad en caso de uso de piezas de repuesto no
•La información sobre el mantenimiento de este producto está dirigida exclusivamente al personal
cualificado de mantenimiento.
•Existe mayor riesg o de de scarga el éctri ca y de dañ os per sonal es duran te e l desm ontaj e y la r eparac ión de
la máquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este peligro y tomar las precauciones
•PRECAUCIÓN: este símbolo indica que el voltaje dela parte del equipo con la que está
trabajando es peligroso. Antes de empezar, desenchufe el equipo o tenga cuidado si, para
trabajar con él, debe conectarlo.
Informações de Segurança
•A segurança deste produto baseia- se em test es e aprovações do mode lo original e de componentes
específico s. O fabricante não é responsável pela segunrança, no caso de uso de peças de substituição
não autorizadas.
•As informações de segurança relativas a este produto destinam-se a profissi onais destes serviços e não
dev em ser utilizadas por outr as pessoas.
•Risco de choques eléctricos e ferimentos graves durante a desmontagem e ma nutenção deste produto.
Os profissio nais destes serviços devem estar avis ados deste facto e tomar os cuidados necessários .
•CUIDADO: Quando vir este sí m bolo, existe a possível presença de uma potencial tens ão
perigosa na zona do produto em que está a trabalhar. Antes de começar, desligu e o produto da
tomada eléctrica ou s eja cui dado so caso o pro duto te nha d e estar liga do à corrent e eléc trica para
realizar a tarefa necessária.
xvi Service Manual
Inf ormació de Seguretat
•La seguretat d'aquest producte es basa en l'aval uació i aprovaci ó del disseny original i els components
El fabricant no es fa responsable de les qüestions de
seguretat si s'u tilitzen peces de recanvi no autoritzades.
•La informació pel manteniment d’aquest producte està orientada exclusivament a professionals i no està
a ningú que no ho sigui.
•El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personals pot augmentar durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei
d’aquest producte. El personal professional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre
les mesures con venients.
•PRECAUCIÓ: aquest símbol in dica que el voltatge de la part de l'equip am b la qual esteu
treballan t és perillós . Abans de començar, desendolleu l'equ ip o extremeu les precaucions si, per
treballar amb l'equip, l'heu de connectar.
Safety informationxvii
This manual contains maintenance procedures for service personnel. It is divided into t he following ch apters:
1. General in fo rma tion contains a general description of t he printer and the maintenance approach used to
repair it. Speci al tools and test equipment, as well as general environmental and safety instructions, are
2. Diagn o sti c information contains an error indicator table, symptom tables, and service checks used to
isolate failing field replaceable units (FRUs).
3. Diagn osti c aids contains tests and checks used to locate or repeat symptoms of printer problems.
4. Repair info rma tion provides instructions for making printer adjustments and removing and installing
5. Connecto r locations uses illustrations to identify the connector locations and test points on the printer.
6. Preventive maintenance contai ns the lubrication specifications and recommendations to prev ent
7. Parts catalog contains illustrations and part numbers for individual FRUs.
Note: A note provides addition al i nformation.
Warning: A warning identifies something that might damage the product hardware or software.
There are several types of cauti on statements:
A caution identifies something that might cause a servicer harm.
This type of caution i ndicates there is a danger fro m haz ardous voltage in the area of the
product where you are working. Unplug the product befor e you begin, or use caution if the
product must recei ve power in order to perform the task.
This type of caution indicates a hot surface.
This type of caution i ndicates a tipping hazard.
xviii Service Manual
1. General information
The Lexmark™ C52x and C53x color laser printe rs deliver superior t ext and brilliant gr aphics. The following
models are available.
The diagnostic information in this manua l le ads you to the correct fiel d replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the
error code charts, symptom tables, and service checks to determine the sympt om and repai r the failure. You
may find that the removals in the Repair information chapter will help you identify parts. After you complete the
repair, perform tests as needed to verify the repai r. Begin at “Start” on page 2-1.
Options and features
The foll owing options or features are avai lable. Some options are not avail able in every count ry. Contact your
point of purcha se for options available in your country.
•Memory options of 128MB, 256MB, and 512MB SDRAM
•Flash memory options of 32MB and 64MB
•Hard disk—40GB with adapter (models C524, C524n, and C524dn and models C534n, C534dn, and
•Media handling operations
– 500-sheet optional tr ay assembly f or models C522n, C524, C524n, and C524d n and 550-sheet
optional tray assembly for models C532n, C532dn, C534n, and C534dn.
– Duplex—not an optio n, available only on models C524dn, C524dtn, C530dn, C532dn, and
C534dn/dtn (factory installed).
•Integrated network options
– Token-Ring
– Ethernet
– External serial adapter
– PRESCRIBE card assembly
– Bar code card assembly
– Parallel interface card
– MarkNet™ Print Servers
– Lexmark PrintCryption™ card
– Lexmark Forms card (single-byte and Simplified Chinese) on models C534n, C534dn, and C534dtn
General inf ormation 1-1
– Lexmark Bar Code Card is available on models C534n, C534dn, and C534dtn
– Lexmark ImageQuick™ Card is available for the models C534n, C534dn, and C534dtn
•DBCS font cards
– Simplified Chinese
– Traditional Chinese
– Japanese
– Korean
•1200 x 1200 dpi
Data streams
•PostScript 3 emulation
•PCL 5c and 6 (XL) emulation
•PDF 1.5 emulation
•PPDS (if activat ed)
Memory configuration
Memory type
Standard DRAM (MB)128128641281281281281 28128256
Optional memory (MB)
(100 pin DDR SDRAM
unbuffered DIMMs)
Maximum (MB)640640576640640640640640640768
Optional flash memory32 and 64 MB available
Performance factors
Per formance speed depends on:
•Interface to the host (USB, serial, parallel, network)
•Host system and application
•Page complexit y and content of the page
•Printer options installed or sele cted
•Availab le memory in the print er
•Media size and type
128, 256, and 512 MB available
1-2 Se rvice Ma nual
Power requirem ents
Average nominal power requirements for the base printer configuration (110 volt). Power levels are shown in
watts (W) . Ma ximum current is given in Amperes (A).
Printing states
Idle—avera ge pow er
Power Saver on<18 W<16 W<18 W<17 W
Power Saver off105 W105 W120 W120 W
Printing—average power
Basic printer350 W350 W410 W410 W
All options375 W350 W410 W410 W
Printing—maximum average current
100 V4.5 A4.5 A2.5 A2.5 A
110 V4.0 A4.0 A5.0 A5.0 A
220 V2.0 A2.0 A5.5 A5.5 A
Electrical specifications
Low volta ge model
Lexmark C524,
C524n, C524dn,
Lexmark C520n,
Lexmark C534n,
C530dn, C532n,
110 to 127 V ac at 47 to 63 Hz nominal
•99 to 137 V ac, extreme
High voltage model
220 to 240 V ac at 47 to 63 Hz nominal (not available in all countries)
•198 to 259 V ac, extreme
100 V mod el
100 V ac at 47 to 63 Hz nominal
•90 to 110 V ac, extreme
•Using a 220 to 110 power converter with the 110 V printer i s not recommended.
•Using an inverter (12 V dc to 120 V ac for example) to power the printer is not recommended.
General inf ormation 1-3
Air Temperature—Product Operating15.6 to 32.2° C (60 to 90.0° F)
Air Temperature—Product Power Off10.0 to 40.0° C (50 to 104.0° F)
Air Relative HumidityRelative Humidity 8 to 80%
Wet Bulb Temperature—Product Oper ating22.8° C (73.0° F) Maximu m
Web Bulb Temperature—Product Power Off26.7° C (80.1° F) Maximum
Altitude0 to 3048 meters (10,000 feet)
Atmospheric Pressure74.6 kPa
Ambient Operating Environment
Shipping / Storage
Cartridges-40° C to +40° C (104° Fahrenheit)
Printer with Cartridges-40° C to +40°C (104° Fahrenheit)
Printer without Cartridges-40° C to +40°C (104° Fahrenheit)
Air Relative HumidityRelative Humidity 8 to 80%
Altitude10,300 meters (34,000 feet)
Web Bulb Temperature—Product Power Off26.7° C (80.1° F) Maximum
In some cases performance specifications (such as paper OCF, EP cartridge usage) are specified to be
measured at an ambient condi ti on.
15.6 to 32.2° C (60 to 90°F) and 8% to 80% RH
All measurements are made in accordance with ISO 7779 and conform with ISO 9296.
MPF configuration
(printer with
multipurpose feeder
extended and exit tra y
C520, C522n, C524, C524n,
C532n, C534n19 in.
C530dn, C532dn, C534dn19 in.
C520, C522n, C524, C524n19 in.
C532n, C534n19 in.
C530dn, C524dn, C534dn19 in.
C524dtn24 in.
C534dtn24 in.
C52x models5 in.
C53x models5 in.16.5 in.
C52x, C53x models19 in.
19 in.
(484 mm)
(484 mm)
(484 mm)
(484 mm)
(484 mm)
(484 mm)
(127 mm)
(484 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
16.5 in.
(420 mm)
(420 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
16.1 in.
(408 mm)
16.1 in.
(408 mm)
16.1 in.
(408 mm)
20.2 in.
(512 mm)
20.2 in.
(512 mm)
20.2 in.
(512 mm)
22 in.
(558 mm)
22 in.
(558 mm)
20.4 in.
(518 mm)
20.4 in.7.0 lb
26.6 in.
(676 mm)
57.5 lb
(26.1 kg)
57.0 lb
(25.9 kg)
58.8 lb
(26.7 kg)
57.5 lb
(26.1 kg)
57.0 lb
(25.9 kg)
58.8 lb
(26.7 kg)
64.8 lb
(29.4 kg)
64.0 lb
(29.0 kg)
7.25 lb
(3.29 kg)
(3.2 kg)
57.5 lb
(26.1 kg)
Primary tray
configuration (printer
with paper tray
adjuster ex tended and
output bin installed)
Note: A buffer of 12 in. (304.8 mm) is needed on the back of the printer.
A4/letter size media19 in.
(484 mm)
Legal size media19 in.
(484 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
17.3 in.
(440 mm)
20.2 in.
(512 mm)
21.3 in.
(540 mm)
General inf ormation 1-5
Media specifications
Paper and specialty media guidelines
Media guidelines
Media characteristics
The foll owing media characteri stics affec t print qual ity and reliability. Consider these char acteristics when
evaluating new media stock.
The printer can automa ti cally feed media wei ghts from 60 to 176 g/m
lighter than 60 g/m
90 g/m
Curl is the tendency for media to curl at its edges. Excessive curl can cause media feeding problems. Curl can
occur after the med ia passes through the printer, where it is e xposed to high temperatu res. Storing media
unwrapped in hot, hum id, cold, or dry conditions, even in the trays, can contri bute to media curling prior to
printing and can cause feeding problems.
(24 lb bond) grain long medi a. Fo r media smaller than 182 x 257 mm (7.2 x 10.1 in.), we reco mmend 90
or heavier media .
(16 lb) might not be sti ff enough to feed properly, causing jams. F or best performance, use
(16 to 47 lb bond) grain lo ng. Media
Media smoothne ss directly affects print quality. If media is too rough, toner cannot fuse to it properly. If media is
too smooth, it can cause media fee din g or print qual ity issues . Alw a ys u se media bet wee n 100 and 300 Shef fiel d
points; however, smoothness between 150 and 200 Sheffield points produces the best print quality.
Moisture content
The amount of moisture in media affects both print quality and the ability of the printer to feed the media
correctly. Leave medi a in i ts o riginal wr apper u ntil it i s time t o use i t. Thi s limit s th e exp osur e of medi a to mo isture
changes that can degrade its performance.
Condition medi a before printing by storing it in its original wrapper in the same environment as the printer for 24
to 48 hours before printing. Extend the ti me several days if the stor age or t ransportation environment is very
different from the printer environment. Thick me dia may also require a longer conditioning period.
Grain direction
Grain refers to the alignment of the media fibers in a sheet of media. Grain is either grain long, running the
length of the media, or grain short, running the width of the media. For 60 to 90 g/m
use grain long fibers.
Fiber content
Most high-quality xe rographic media is made from 100% chem ically treated pulped wood. Thi s content provides
the media with a high deg re e of stabi lity re sulti ng in f e wer media f eedi ng prob lem s and bett er print qual ity. Media
containing fibers such as cotton possesses characteristics that can negatively affect media handling.
(16 to 24 lb bond) media,
1-6 Se rvice Ma nual
Unacce p tab l e media
The foll owing media types are not recomme nded for use with the printer:
•Chemically treated media used to make copies without carbon paper, also known as carbonless papers,
carbonless copy paper (CCP), or no carbon required (NCR) paper
•Preprinted media with chemicals that may contaminate the printer
•Preprinted media that can be affected by the temperature in the printer fuser
•Preprinted media that require s a registration (the precise print location on the page) g reat er than ±2.3 mm
(±0.09 in.), such as optical character recognition (OCR) forms
In some cases, registration can be adjusted with a program to successfully print on these forms.
•Coated media (erasable bond) , synthetic media, thermal media
•Rough-edged, rough, or heavily textured surface media, or curled medi a
•Recycled media containing more than 25% post-consumer waste that does not meet DIN19 309
•Media weighing less than 60 g/m
(16 lb)
•M u lt ip le -p a rt forms or doc uments
Selecting media
Using appropriate media prevents jams and helps ensure trouble-free printing.
To help avoid jams and poor print qual ity:
•Always use new, undamaged media.
•Before loading media, k now the re commended print side of the medi a. This inf ormation is usu al ly indicat ed
on the media package.
•Do not use media that has been cut or trimmed by hand.
•Do not mix media sizes, types , or weights in the same source; mixing results in jams.
•Do not use coated media unless they are spe cifically designed for electrophotographic printi ng.
Selecting preprinted forms and letterhead
Use these guidelines when selecting preprinted forms and letterhead:
•Use grain long papers for best results for 60 to 90 g/m
•Use only forms and letterhead printed using an offset lithographic or engraved printing process.
•Avoid papers with rough or heavily textured surf aces.
Use papers printed with heat -resistant inks desi gned for use in xerographic copiers. The ink must be abl e to
withstand tempe ratures up to 180°C (356°F) without melting or releasing hazardous emissions. Use inks that
are not affected by the resin in toner. Inks that are oxidation-set or oil -based generally m eet these requi rements;
latex inks might not. When in doubt, contact the paper supplier.
Preprinted papers such as letterhead must be ab le to withstand temperatures up to 180°C (356°F) without
melting or releasing hazardous emissions.
General inf ormation 1-7
Using media
Using letterhead
Check with the man ufacturer or vendor to determine whether the chosen preprinted lett erhead is acceptabl e for
laser printers.
Page orientation is important when printing on letterhead. Use the following table for help when loading
Process or paper sourcePrint sideTop of page
Tray 1Letterhead f aceupLetterhead goes toward the front of the tray
Tray 2Letterhead f aceupLetterhead goes toward the front of the tray
Duplex (two-sided) printing from
trays 1 and 2
Multipurpose feederLetterhead facedownLetterhead top edge enters first
Manual feederLetterhead facedownLetterhead top edge enters first
Duplex (two-sided) printing from
the multipurpose feeder
Letterhead f acedownLetterhead goes to ward the rear of the tra y
Letterhead f aceupLetterhead top edge enter s last
Using tran sparenc ie s
Print samples on the transparencies being considered for use before buying large quantities.
When printing on transparencies:
•From MarkVision™ Professional, the printer software, or the contr ol panel, set the Pap er Type to
•Feed transparencies from the standard tray (Tray 1) or the multipurpose f eeder.
•Use transparencies designed specifically for laser printers. Check with the manuf acturer or vendor to
ensure transparencies are able to withstand temperatur es up to 180°C (356°F) without melting,
discoloring, offsetting, or releasi ng hazardous emissions.
•Use transparencies that are 0.12–0.14 mm (4.8–5.4 mil) in thickness or 161–179 g/m
in weight.
•Print quality and durability depe nd on the transparencie s used.
•To prevent print quality problems , avoid gett ing fingerprints on the transpar encies.
•Before loading transparencies, fan the stack to prevent sheets from sticking together.
•We recommend Lexmark part number 12A8240 for letter-size and Lexmark part number 12A8241 for
A4-size transparencies.
Using envelopes
Print samples on the envelopes being considered for use before buying large quantities.
When printing on envelopes:
•From the control panel, set t he Paper Source base d on the sour ce in use. From the control panel, the
printer so ft ware, or MarkVision Professional, set the Paper Type to Envelope, and select t he envelope size .
•Use envelopes designe d specifically f or l aser printers. Check with the manufact urer or vendor to ensure
the envelopes can withstand temperatures up to 180°C (356°F) witho ut sealing, wrinkling, curling
exces sively, or rele asing hazardous emissions.
•For the best perf ormance , use en v elopes made from 90 g/m
bond) weight for envelopes as long as the cotton content is 25% or less. All-cotton envelopes must not
exceed 90 g/m
(24 lb bond) weight.
(24 lb bond) paper. Use up to 105 g/m2 (28 lb
•Use only new envelopes.
1-8 Se rvice Ma nual
•To optimize perf ormance and m inimize jams, do not use envelopes that :
– Have excessive curl or twist
– Are stuck togethe r or damaged in any way
– Have windows, holes, perforations, cutouts, or embossing
– Have metal clasps, string ties, or folding bars
– Have an inter locki ng desi g n
– Have postage stamps attached
– Have any e xposed adhesiv e when the flap is in the sealed or closed position
– Have bent corners
– Have rough, cockle, or laid finishes
•Adjust the width guide to fit the width of the envelopes.
Note: A combination of high humidity (over 60%) and the high printing temperature may wrinkle or seal
Using labels
Print samples on the labels being considered for use before buying large quantities. For detailed information on
label printing, characteristics, and design, see the Card Stock & Label Guide av ailable on the L exmark Web site
at www .l exmark.com/publications.
Note: Vinyl labels are not supported on this product. Use only paper labels.
When printing on labels:
•From the printer software, MarkVision Professional, or the control panel, set the Paper Type to Labels.
•Use only letter-, A4-, and legal-size label sheets.
•Use labels designed specifically for laser printers. Check with the manufacturer or vendor to verify that
label adhesives, face sheet (printable stoc k), and topcoats can withstand temperatures up to 180°C
(356°F) and pressure up to 30 psi without delamina ti ng, oozing around the edges , or releasing hazardous
fumes. Do not use vin yl labels.
•Do not use labels with slick backing material.
•Use full label sheets. Partial sheets may cause labels to peel off during printing, resulting in a jam. Partial
sheets also cont am inate the printer and the cartridge with adhesi ve, and could voi d the printer and
cartridge warranti es.
•Do not print within 1 mm (0.04 in) of the edge of the label, of the perforations , or between die-cuts of the
•Be sure adhesive backing does not reach to the sheet edge. Zone coating of the adhesiv e at least 1 mm
(0.04 in) a wa y fro m edges is recommend ed. Adhesiv e mate rial contam inat es the printer and could v oi d the
•If zone coating of the adhesive is not possible, remove a 3 mm (0.125 in.) strip on the leading and driver
edge, and use a non-oozing adhesive.
•Portrait orientation works best, especially when printi ng bar codes.
•Do not use labels with exposed adhesive.
Using card stock
Card stock is heavy, single-ply print media. Many of its variable char acteristics, such as moisture content,
thickness, and texture, can signifi cantly impact print quality.
Print samples on the card stock being considered for use bef ore buying large quantities.
When printing on card stock:
•From MarkVision Professional, the printer software, or the control panel:
– Set the Paper Type to Card Stock.
– Set the Paper Weight to Card Stock Weight.
– Set the Card Stock Weight to Normal or Heavy.
General inf ormation 1-9
•Be aware that preprinting, per foration, and creasing may significantly aff ect the print quality and cau se
jams or other paper handling problems.
•Check with the manufacturer or vendor to ensure the card stock can withstand temperatures up to 180°C
(356°F) without rel easing hazardous emissions.
•Do not use preprinted card stock manu factured with chemicals that may contaminate the printer .
Preprinting int roduces semi-liquid and volatile components into the printer.
•Use grain long card stock when possible.
Storing media
Use these media storage guidelines to help avoid jams and uneven print qualit y:
•For best results, store media where the temperature is 21°C (70°F) and the relative humidity is 40%.
•Store media in cartons when possible, on a pallet or shelf, rather than on the floor.
•Store individual packages of media on a flat surface.
•Do not store anything on top of individual media packages.
Supported sizes
The following tables provide information on standard and optional sources for both input and output trays and
Media Sizes
250 T ray
A4 210 x 297 mm✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
A5 148 x 210 mm✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
JIS B5 182 x 257 mm✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Letter 8.5 x 11 in.✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Legal 8.5 x 14 in.✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 in.✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
7 3/4
9 Envelope 3 7/8
10 Envelope 4 1/8
5.5 x 8.5 in.✓✓✓
8.5 x 13 in.✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
123.8 to 215.9 x 355.6 mm; 3.8 75 x 4.875 to 8.5 x 14 in. ✓
152.4 to 215.9 x 355.6 mm; 3.8 75 x 6 to 8.5 x 14 in. ✓✓
139.7 x 210 to 215.9 x 355.6 mm; 5.5 x 8.27 to 8. 5 x 14 in.✓✓✓
148 x 210 to 215.9 x 355.6 mm; 5.83 x 8.27 to 8.5 x 14 in .✓✓✓ ✓ ✓
Envelope 3 7/8 x 7 1/2 in.✓✓
x 8 7/8 in.✓✓
x 9 1/2 in.✓✓
500 T ray
Feed Slot
DL Envelope 110 x 220 mm✓✓
C5 Envelope 162 x 229 mm✓✓
1-10 Service Manual
Media Sizes (continued)
B5 Envelope 176 x 250 mm✓✓
Other Envelope
60.5 to 215.9 mm✓✓
97.4 to 215.9 mm✓
Lower feed reliability might be encountered when using non-standard media sizes.
Media weight
Primary tray and 500-sheet optional tray
Letter, Legal, A4Xerographic
A5, B5, JIS-B5, Exec.,
Statement, Folio
Multipurpose feede r and manual feed slot
Letter, Legal, A4Xerographic
Letter, Legal, A4
250 Tray
Long Grain16 to 47 lb (60 to 177 g/m
and Bonds
Short Grain24 to 58 lb (90 to 218 g/m
RecycledLong Grain20 to 47lb (75 to 177 g/m
Short Grain28 to 58 lb (105 to 218g/m
Card Stock
(long and short)
Transparency0.12 to 0.14
Cover50 lb/65 lb
(135 g/m
Index67 lb/90 lb
(120 g/m
Tag74 lb/100 lb
(120 g/m
161 to 179 g/m
/ 176 g/m2)
/ 163 g/m2)
/ 163 g/m2)
4.8 to 5.4 mil
and Bonds
Long Grain20 to 47 lb (75 to 177 g/m2)
Short Grain24 to 58 lb (90 to 218 g/m
Long Grain20 to 47 lb (75 to 177 g/m
and Bonds
Short Grain24 to 58 lb (90 to 218 g/m
RecycledLong Grain20 to 47 lb (75 to 177 g/m
Short Grain28 to 58 lb (105 to 218 g/m
Card Stock
Labels (max)Paper35 lb (131 g/m
Cover50 lb/ 65 lb
(135 g/m
Index67 lb/ 90 lb
(120 g/m
Tag74 lb/ 100 lb
(120 g/m
/ 176 g/m2)
/ 163 g/m2)
/163 g/m2)
VinylNot Supported
Transparency Thickness: 0.12
161 to 179 g/m
to 0.13 mm
500 Tray
Feed Slot
General information 1-11
Media weight
A5, B5, JIS-B5, Exec.,
Statement, Folio
and Bonds
Long Grain20 to 47 lb (75 to 177 g/m
Short Grain24 to 58 lb (90 to 218 g/m
EnvelopeMonarch, 7 ¾, #9, #10, DL, B5,
16 to 28 lb (60 to 105 g/m
C5, C6-C5, C6, B6
Duplex unit
A5, B5, Executive,
Statement, Folio, Letter,
A4 and Legal
and Bonds
Long Grain20 to 32 lb (75 to 120 g/m
Short Grain24 to 32 lb (90 to 120 g/m
RecycledLong Grain20 to 32 lb (75 to 120 g/m
Short Grain28 to 32 lb (105 to 120 g/m
Input and output capacities
The following table outlines the input and output source capacities by media type.
Plain Paper35 mm250 sheets (75 g/m2)
Other Various quantities
20 lb xerographic paper at ambient environment
Capacity may vary and is subject to media speci fications and printer operating envir onm ent.
Note: Pa per input is limited to below t he input source indicator on the tray.
Print area
The printable area is limited to within 4.2 mm (0.167 in.) of all edges of the media. Any information placed
outside this specified printable area does not print.
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