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4040 Finisher
Second Edition (November 1997)
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intellectual property rights may be used instead. Evaluation and
verification of operation in conjunction with other products,
programs, or ser vices, except those expressly designated by the
manufacturer, are the user’s responsibility.
Safety Information
This product is designed, tested and approved to meet strict
global safety standards with the use of specific Lexmark
components. The safety features of some parts may not always
be obvious. Lexmark is not responsible for the use of other
replacement parts.
• The maintenance information for this product has been
prepared for use by a professional service person and is not
intended to be used by others.
• There may be an increased risk of electric shock and personal
injury during disassembly and servicing of this product.
Professional service personnel should understand this and take
necessary precautions.
vi Service Manual
4040 Finisher
Consignes de Sécurité
Ce produit a été conçu, testé et approuvé pour respecter les
normes strictes de sécurité globale lors de l'utilisation de
composants Lexmark spécifiques. Les caractéristiques de
sécurité de certains éléments ne sont pas toujours évidentes.
Lexmark ne peut être tenu responsable de l'utilisation d'autres
pièces de rechange.
• Les consignes d'entretien et de réparation de ce produit
s'adressent uniquement à un personnel de maintenance
• Le démontage et l'entretien de ce produit pouvant présenter
certains risques électriques, le personnel d'entretien qualifié
devra prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires.
Norme di sicurezza
Il prodotto è stato progettato,testato e approvatoin conformità a
severi standard di sicurezza e per l’utilizzo con componenti
Lexmark specifici. Le caratteristiche di sicurezza di alcune parti
non sempre sono di immediata comprensione. Lexmark non è
responsabile per l’utilizzo di parti di ricambio di altri produttori.
• Le informazioni riguardanti la manutenzione di questo prodotto
sono indirizzate soltanto al personale di assistenza autorizzato.
• Durante lo smontaggio e la manutenzione di questo prodotto, il
rischio di subire scosse elettriche e danni alla persona è più
elevato. Il personale di assistenza autorizzato, deve, quindi,
adottare le precauzioni necessarie.
Notices vii
4040 Finisher
Dieses Produkt und die zugehörigen Komponenten wurden
entworfen und getestet, um beim Einsatz die weltweit gültigen
Sicherheitsanforderungen zu erfüllen. Die sicherheitsrelevanten
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offensichtlich. Sofern Teile eingesetzt werden, die nicht von
Lexmark sind, wird von Lexmark keinerlei Verantwortung oder
Haftung für dieses Produkt übernommen.
• Die Wartungsinformationen für dieses Produkt sind
ausschließlich für die Verwendung durch einen
Wartungsfachmann bestimmt.
• Während des Auseinandernehmens und der Wartung des
Geräts besteht ein zusätzliches Risiko eines elektrischen
Schlags und körperlicher Verletzung. Das zuständige
Fachpersonal sollte entsprechende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen
Pautas de Seguridad
Este producto se ha diseñado, verificado y aprobado para
cumplir los más estrictos estándares de seguridad global
usando los componentes específicos de Lexmark. Puede que
las características de seguridad de algunas piezas no sean
siempre evidentes. Lexmark no se hace responsable del uso de
otras piezas de recambio.
• La información sobre el mantenimiento de este producto está
dirigida exclusivamente al personal cualificado de
• Existe mayor riesgo de descarga eléctrica y de daños
personales durante el desmontaje y la reparación de la
máquina. El personal cualificado debe ser consciente de este
peligro y tomar las precauciones necesarias.
viii Service Manual
4040 Finisher
Informações de Segurança
Este produto foi concebido, testado e aprovado para satisfazer
os padrões globais de segurança na utilização de componentes
específicos da Lexmark. As funções de segurança de alguns
dos componentes podem não ser sempre óbvias. A Lexmark
não é responsável pela utilização de outros componentes de
• As informações de segurança relativas a este produto
destinam-se a profissionais destes serviços e não devem ser
utilizadas por outras pessoas.
• Risco de choques eléctricos e ferimentos graves durante a
desmontagem e manutenção deste produto. Os profissionais
destes serviços devem estar avisados deste facto e tomar os
cuidados necessários.
Informació de Seguretat
Aquest producte està dissenyat, comprovat i aprovat per tal
d'acomplir les estrictes normes de seguretat globals amb la
utililització de components específics de Lexmark. Les
característiques de seguretat d'algunes peces pot ser que no
sempre siguin òbvies. Lexmark no es responsabilitza de l'us
d'altres peces de recanvi.
• La informació pel manteniment d’aquest producte està
orientada exclusivament a professionals i no està destinada a
ningú que no ho sigui.
• El risc de xoc elèctric i de danys personals pot augmentar
durant el procés de desmuntatge i de servei d’aquest producte.
El personal professional ha d’estar-ne assabentat i prendre les
mesures convenients.
Notices ix
4040 Finisher
x Service Manual
4040 Finisher
1. General Information
Maintenance Approach
The diagnostic information in this manual leads you to the correct
field replaceable unit (FRU) or part. Use the error code charts,
symptom index, and service checks to determine the symptom and
repair the failure.
After you complete the repair, perform tests as needed to verify the
Stapler Test
The stapler test must be run after a new staple cartridge has been
1. Be sure Side is selected from the output bin menu so jobs are
directed to the finisher, and Staple is set to Staple 1 or Staple 2.
2. Use the tip of a ballpoint pen or similar object to press the test
General Information 1-1
4040 Finisher
3. Close the stapler access door. Press Continue to Perform Staple Test appears on the operator panel display.
4. Select CONTINUE from the printer operator panel. Performing
Staple Test appears on the display. When the test page is delivered to the finisher, the finisher puts several staples along one
edge of the page. This primes the stapler for future jobs and
improves stapling reliability.
The removal and adjustment procedures described in this manual
require the following tools and equipment:
• Magnetic tip Phillips screwdrivers, large and small
• Flat-blade screwdriver
• Analog volt ohmmeter (a digital volt ohmmeter may also be
• Oiler
• Grease
• Cleaning tissue
• Ruler
When you make voltage readings, always use frame ground unless
another ground is specified.
Only Memory
EPElectrophotographic Process
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
FRUField Replaceable Unit
HVPSHigh Voltage Power Supply
LANLocal Area Network
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission
of Radiation
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight-Emitting Diode
LVPSLow Voltage Power Supply
NVRAMNonvolatile Random Access Memory
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
PICSProblem Isolation Charts
PIXELPicture Element
PORPower-On R eset
POSTPower-On Self Test
PQETPrint Quality Enhancement Technology
RIPRaster Image Processor
ROSRead-Only Storage
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
UPRUsed Parts Replacement
VACVolts alternating current
VDCVolts direct current
General Information 1-3
4040 Finisher
2. Diagnostic Information
Use the serial number from the indicated label to identify the
machine for reporting service related activity.
The diagnostic information in this chapter leads you to the failing
part. Before you replace an entire assembly, determine if just the
defective part is available in the parts catalog. Some diagnostic procedures indicate the parts catalog location of the part to be checked
by including the assembly number and reference number in parenthesis. Some part numbers are also included. Use the error code
tables, symptom table, service checks and the diagnostic aids chapter to determine the symptom and repair the failure. After you complete the repair, perform the appropriate tests to verify the repair.
4040 Finisher
If an error is displayed, locate it in the following Operator Error Message Table, or the Service Error Message Table and take the appropriate action.
If an error message appears while you are working on the finisher,
go to the error message table and take the indicated action.
If you are in doubt whether the problem is with the printer or the finisher, unplug the finisher and see if the printer performs normally.
Initial Check
Before you star t troubleshooting, check the following:
Installation Environment
• The power supply line voltage is plus or minus 10% of the rated
line voltage.
• The machine is securely installed on a level surface in a well-
ventilated place.
• The room temperature is between 10 and 32°C (50 and 90°F)
and the relative humidity between 20 and 80%.
• Avoid sites generating ammonia gas, high temperature or high
humidity (near water faucets, kettles, humidifiers), cold spaces,
near open flames, and dusty areas.
• Avoid sites exposed to direct sunlight.
Print Paper Checks
• Be sure the recommended paper for this printer is being used.
• Check the paper for dampness. Make a trial print with paper
from a newly opened package, and check the result.
If you move the finisher into a warm room from a cold location such
as a warehouse, various problems can occur due to condensation if
it is immediately unpacked. If condensation should appear, either
wipe the relevant parts with a dry cloth, or leave the finisher power
Diagnostic Information 2-2
4040 Finisher
Operator Error Message Table
If you have a paper jam, be sure to clear all paper from the finisher,
paper deck, and printer. If you are unable to clear an operator error
code for a paper jam; note the location of the paper jam and check
the paper sensor for that station. See “Switches” on page 4-4 or
“Sensors” on page 4-5. If the sensors are working properly, see the
“Service Checks” on page 2-10 for other mechanical failures. If no
paper is present you must open a finisher cover to clear the error
30 Finisher Door Open (MS1,
31 Finisher Interlock Open (PI-15)Be sure the finisher is positioned
41 Paper Jam (PI-1)There is a paper jam in the input
42 Paper Jam (PI-2)There is a paper jam at the right
Be sure the finisher top cover, right
access door, and stapler access
door are completely closed. If the
error does not clear, check the door
switches and replace if necessary.
snugly against the printer and the
latches on either side of the finisher
are snapped in place. If the error
does not clear, check the interlock
sensor. Replace if necessary.
area, right access door. If the error
code does not reset after you clear
the paper jam, go to the “Paper Jam,
41, Paper Input Service Check” on
page 2-12. If there is still a problem
after that, go to the “Symptom Table”
on page 2-7.
access door. If the error code does
not clear after you clear the paper
jam, go to the “Paper Jam, 42,
Reversing Paper Sensor Service
Check” on page 2-13.Ifthereisstill
a problem after that, go to the
“Symptom Table” on page 2-7.
4040 Finisher
43 Paper Jam (PI-3)There is a paper jam at the top
cover. If the error code does not
clear after you clear the paper jam,
go to the “Paper Jam, 43, Delivery
Paper Sensor Service Check” on
page 2-13. If there is still a problem
after that, go to the “Symptom Table”
on page 2-7.
44 Paper Jam (PI-4)There is a paper jam at the staple
tray or output bins1, 2, or 3. If the
error code does not clear after you
clear the paper jam, go to the “Paper
Jam, 44, Staple Tray Paper Sensor
there is still a problem after that, go
to the “Symptom Table” on page 2-7.
45 Staple JamThe printer has detected a staple
jam in the finisher. See the User’s
47 Finisher Bin X FullEmpty the output bin identified in the
message and select CONTINUE.
48 Top Output Bin FullEmpty the top output bin and select
CONTINUE. If this doesn’t correct
Service Manual.
49 Output Bins FullAll three output bins are full. Empty
all three bins as well as the top
output bin, if Top Bin Linking is set
on. Then select CONTINUE.
If this doesn’t correct the problem,
go to the “Distance Detecting Sensor
Diagnostic Information 2-4
4040 Finisher
89 Staples LowThe finisher has 10 or fewer staples
The Staple Alarm must be set to
Single or Continuous for this
message to appear.If Auto Continue
is On when the printer detects this
error, the printer waits 30 seconds
then continues normal operation.
Select CONTINUE to resume
90 Staples EmptyThe finisher is out of staples. The
Staple Alarm must be set to Single
or Continuous for this message to
appear. Select CONTINUE to
resume printing.
4040 Finisher
ErrorSymptom or MessageAction
938Finisher Option Controller
Card, No response
951The delivery motor requires
952The stapler a ssembly
requires service.
954The adjusting plate requires
955The finisher output bin
assembly has had a vertical
movement failure.
Be sure the power cord and
interface cable are securely
plugged in. POR the printer. If
there is still a failure, replace the
finisher option controller card (PN
11D00326) located on the printer
controller board.
If there is still a problem, replace
Go to the “Paper Delivery Motor
Service Check” on page 2-11.
Be sure the stapler is clear of jams
and the staple cartridge is
properly installed and tested.
PORA the machine if the stapler is
not in the home position. If there is
still a problem,go to the “Stapler
Motor Service Check” on page
Go to the “Stapler Shift Motor
Service Check” on page 2-16.
Go to the “Tray Height Service
Check” on page 2-18.
956The shutter requires service.Go to the “Shutter Service Check”
on page 2-15.
957The swing guide requires
958The paper full sensor
requires service.
959The stapler motor requires
962The shift motor requires
Go to the “Swing Guide Service
Check” on page 2-17.
Go to the “Distance Detecting
Sensor Service Check” on page
Go to the “Stapler Motor Service
Check” on page 2-16.
Go to the “Stapler Shift Motor
Service Check” on page 2-16.
Diagnostic Information 2-6
4040 Finisher
Symptom Table
Dead finisher. “Finisher Output Option
Missing” displays on the printer operator
panel when you enter the paper menu
Paper fails to enter finisher and the
paper feed motor does not run.
The paper feedmotor runs but the paper
fails to complete reversing or face down
Paper fails to exit swing guide or stapler
Check the power cords and
interface cables. Go to the
“Power Service Check” on page
Go to the “Paper Feed Motor
Go to the “Reversing Roller
Go to the “Paper Delivery
Testing the Finisher
To run paper through the finisher from the printer:
1. Select MENUS.
2. Select PAPER MENU.
3. Scroll until you have the option you want and be sure it is on and
4. Return to Ready.
5. Select MORE.
6. Select TEST MENU.
7. Select Print Fonts, or Print Test Page.
8. Do not use Continuous for staple or offset because there is no
end of job.
9. Be sure to reset the customer settings when you have completed the repair.
4040 Finisher
Power On Reset (POR) Sequence
When sensors, motors, or solenoids malfunction during POR no
errors are reported from the following sequence except for 1, 2, 3,
and 27. To be sure the finisher successfully completes POR you
must observe the sequence of events.
Confirm that the tray home position sensor (P18) is operating normally. Measure the voltage between connectors J12-5 and J12-6 on
the finisher driver board. It should be approximately 5 V when the
tray assembly is in the home position, and 0 V, in other positions.
1. The top cover/front cover are checked. If it is open, POR stops.
2. Residual paper is checked for. If paper is present, POR stops.
3. Checks whether the position of the tray assembly is within the
safety range or n ot. If it is not in the safety range, POR stops.
4. The swing guide closes.
5. The shutter closes.
6. The tray assembly returns to the home position.
7. The shutter opens.
8. The swing guide opens.
9. The alignment plate moves to the home position.
10. The alignment plate moves to the alignment position for A4-vertical size paper.
11. The alignment plate returns to the home position.
12. The alignment plate rotates for 1.5 seconds, and the paddle
solenoid turns on 0.75 seconds after the paper feed motor turns
13. The left edge withdrawal solenoid turns off for 0.5 seconds, on
for 0.5 seconds, and off for 0.5 seconds.
14. The paper feed motor rotates for 4.0 seconds. The reversing
solenoid turns on 2.0 seconds after the paper feed motor turns
15. The swing guide closes.
16. The shutter closes.
17. The tray assembly lifts until tray 3 is positioned at the paper
delivery slot.
18. The tray assembly returns to the home position.
19. Data is collected from the distance detecting sensor.
Diagnostic Information 2-8
4040 Finisher
20. The face-up flapper solenoid turns off for 0.5 seconds, on for 0.5
seconds, and off for 0.5 seconds.
21. The stapler assembly returns to the home position.
22. The stapler assembly moves to the stapling position A4R-size
paper, one point at the corner.
23. The stapler returns to the home position.
24. The staple motor rotates in reverse to return to the stapling
operation home position.
25. The staple motor rotates until the stapling operation goes out of
the home position.
26. The staple motor rotates in reverse until it enters the stapling
operation home position.
27. Checks for staples. If there are no staples, an error is indicated.
28. The shutter opens and the POR is complete.
4040 Finisher
Service Checks
Alignment Plate Shift Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure J11 is properly connected to the finisher
Plate Shift
Motor, M2, (5-
Board (13-1)
driver board.
Unplug J11 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J11-1 and J11-2/ -3/ -4/ -5
on the motor side. If it does not read approximately
16 Ohms, replace the alignment plate shift motor
(PN 11D0162).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Distance Detecting Sensor Service Check
1Connector J6Be sure the distance detecting sensor signal line
connector (J6) on the finisher driver board is
properly connected.
Sensor, PS1
Board (13-1)
Measure the voltage between J6-4 (GND) and J6-2
(Vcc)/-3(Vin) on the finisher driver board. If it is not
5 V, replace the distance detecting sensor
(PN 11D0074).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294.
Diagnostic Information 2-10
4040 Finisher
Paper Delivery Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure the J8 and J11 are properly connected to
the finisher driver board, and the stapler assembly
is properly installed and firmly plugged in.
Motor, M3, (5-
Board (13-1)
Unplug J11 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J11-6 and J11-7 on the
motor side. If it does not read 42 Ohms, replace the
paper delivery motor (PN 11D0142).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294.
Paper Delivery Service Check
1GearsCheck for and replace any broken or worn gears in
the swing guide and stapler tray assembly.
2Delivery Roller
Roller 2 (6-25,
3Delivery Roller
4Staple Tray
Guide Stops
(6-41, 6-30)
Check delivery rollers 1 and 2 for wear or damage.
Replace as necessary (PN 11D0188, 11D0194).
Check the delivery roller 1 drive belts for damage
and proper tracking on delivery roller 1. Replace if
necessary (PN 11D0189).
Be sure the staple tray guide stops are not
damaged. Also be sure they are positioned
correctly. If they are positioned to the rear of the
normal pivot point, they will not pivot to the normal
rest position. Replace as necessary (PN 11D0207,
Shafts (7-27)
Exit Pressure
Rollers. (7-7)‘
Be sure the swing guide reversing shafts are not
damaged. Also be sure they properly push paper
into the staple tray when offsetting or stapling jobs
(PN 11D0228).
Check for and replace any damaged swing guide
exit pressure rollers (PN 11D0216).
4040 Finisher
Paper Feed Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure the J10 is properly connected to the
finisher driver board.
2Paper Feed
Motor, M1, (4-
Board (13-1)
Unplug J10 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J10-1 and J10-4/ -6 and
between J10-2 and J10-3/ -5 on the motor side. If it
does not read 4.3 Ohms, replace the paper feed
motor (PN 11D0118).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Paper Jam, 41, Paper Input Service Check
Clear all paper from the paper deck, printer, and finisher. If there is
no paper you must open and close one of the finisher covers to clear
the error.
1Input Paper
Sensor Flag
2Input Paper
Sensor, PI-1,
Board (13-1)
Open the right access door and check the
operation of the flag (PN 11D0015) for the paper
input sensor (PI-1).
Check the voltage of J13-3 on the finisher driver
board. There should be 5 V when the sensor is
activated (PN 11D0071).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Diagnostic Information 2-12
4040 Finisher
Paper Jam, 42, Reversing Paper Sensor Service Check
Clear all paper from the paper deck, printer, and finisher. If there is
no paper you must open and close one of the finisher covers to clear
the error.
Paper Sensor
Flag (4-27)
Paper Sensor,
PI-2, (3-10)
Board (13-1)
Open the right access door and check the
operation of the flag (PN 11D0121) for the
reversing paper sensor (PI-2).
Check the voltage of J12-3 on the finisher driver
board. There should be 5 V when the sensor is
activated (PN 11D0071).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Paper Jam, 43, Delivery Paper Sensor Service Check
Clear all paper from the paper deck, printer, and finisher. If there is
no paper you must open and close one of the finisher covers to clear
the error.
Sensor Flag
Sensor, PI-3
Board (13-1)
Check the flag for the delivery sensor (PI-3) by
opening the top cover and rasing the upper paper
guide (label 1). Replace the flag if necessary.
Check the voltage of J9-11 on the finisher driver
board. There should be 0 V when the sensor is
activated (PN 11D0151).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Paper Jam, 44, Staple Tr ay Paper Sensor Service Check
Clear all paper from the paper deck, printer, and finisher. If there is
no paper you must open and close one of the finisher covers to clear
the error.
1Staple Tray
Paper Sensor
Lever (6-24)
Check the delivery paper sensor leverby rasing the
swing guide up and s liding a sheet of paper over
the sensor lever. Replace the lever if necessary
(PN 11D0187).
4040 Finisher
2Staple Tray
Paper Sensor,
PI-4, (5-1)
Board (13-1)
Check the voltage of J9-3 on the finisher driver
board. There should be 0 V when the sensor is
activated (PN 11D0071).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Power Service Check
Be sure the correct voltage is available at the power outlet, and the
power plug is firmly plugged into the printer, paper deck, and finisher.
2• Option Con-
troller Board
• Printer Controller Board
3FuseRemove the power supply and replace the fuse
Be sure the interface cable (PN 11D0305)
connector is properly connected.
Turn the printer on. Measure the voltage between
J4-7 (PWRON-IN) and J4-11 (GND) on the finisher
board. If it does not measure approximately 5 V,
replace the option controller board (PN 11D0326).
If this does not fix the problem, replace the printer
controller board.
(PN 11D0343) if necessary.
Board (13-1)
Turn the printer off and remove the finisher power
cord. Be sure J1 is plugged into the finisher driver
board. Plug the power cord into the finisher power
supply and turn the printer on. Measure the DC
power supply through connector J1. Be careful not
to short it. If the voltage on J1-1 is not
approximately 5 V,and the voltage on J1-2, -4 does
not measure approximately +24 V, replace the
power supply (PN 11D0076).
Turn off the printer and check the lines and DC
loads from J1 on the finisher driver board. There
should be 0 V on J1-1 or J1-2, -4. If there is voltage,
replace the finisher driver board (PN 11D0294).
Diagnostic Information 2-14
4040 Finisher
Reversing Roller Service Check
1GearsCheck for, and replace any broken or worn gears.
Solenoid, SL7
3Paper Feed
Motor, M1 (4-
5Paper Deck
Driver Board
Unplug J14 of the reversing solenoid. Measure the
resistance between J14-1 and J14-2 on the
solenoid side. If it does not read 125 Ohms, replace
the reversing solenoidm (PN 11D0114).
Set the DIP switch (SW1) on the finisher driver
board so that 3 is on. Press the push switch (SW3)
to execute mechanical checking. If the paper feed
motor does not rotate, replace it (PN 11D0118).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
If there is still a problem, replace the paper deck
driver board (PN 11A8461).
If there is still a problem, replace the option
controller board (PN 11D0326).
If there is still a problem, replace the printer
controller board (PN 11A8254).
Shutter Service Check
1ConnectorsBe sure J7, J9, and J10 are properly connected to
the finisher driver board.
2Shutter Close
Sensor, PI-5
3Shutter Open
Sensor, PI-5
Board (13-1)
Unplug J7 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J7-1 and J7-2 on the switch
side. If it does not measure infinity with the shutter
down, replace the shutter close sensor
(PN 11D0071).
Measure the voltage between J9-8 and J9-9 on the
finisher driver board. If it is not 0 V with the shutter
up, or not approximately 5 V with the shutter down,
replace the shutter open sensor (PN 11D0071).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
4040 Finisher
Stapler Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure J8 is properly connected to the finisher
driver board.
2Stapler MotorUnplug J8 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J8-11 and J8-12 on the
motor side. If it does not read 10 Ohms, replace the
stapler motor assembly (PN 11D0344).
Board (13-1)
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Stapler Shift Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure J8 is properly connected to the finisher
driver board.
2Staple Shift
Motor, M4 (12-
Board (13-1)
Unplug J8 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J8-5 and J8-1/-2/-3/-4 on
the motor side. If it does not read 16.5 Ohms,
replace the staple shift motor (PN 11D0269).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Diagnostic Information 2-16
4040 Finisher
Swing Guide Service Check
1ConnectorsBe sure J5, J11, and J13 are properly connected to
the finisher drive board.
Switch, MS-2
Close Sensing
Switch, MS-6
Open Sensor,
PI-18 (5-1)
Board (13-1)
Unplug J5 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J5-9 and J5-10 on the
switch side. If the resistance is not 0 Ohms with the
swing guide down, or infinity with the swing guide
up, replace the swing guide close detecting switch
(PN 11D0139).
Unplug J5 from the finisher driver board. Measure
the resistance between J5-11 and J5-12 on the
switch side. If the resistance is not 0 Ohms with the
swing guide down, or infinity with the swing guide
up, replace the swing guide close sensing switch
(PN 11D0139).
Measure the voltage between J13-5 and J13-6 on
the finisher driver board. If it is not 0 V with the
swingguide down, and not 5 V with the swing guide
up, replace the swing guide open sensor
(PN 11D0071).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
Tray Elevation Motor Service Check
1ConnectorBe sure J7 is properly connected to the finisher
driver board.
Motor, M5 (9-
Board (13-1)
Unplug J7 from the finisher driver board. Measure
side. If it does not read 5.5 Ohms, replace the tray
elevation motor (PN 11D0254).
If there is still a problem, replace the finisher driver
board (PN 11D0294).
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