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interlock switch and the printhead shutter actuator at the same
. To perform some of the servic e checks and tests, such as
troubleshooting paper feed problems, you need to actuate the top cover
interlock switch with the covers opened or removed and power applied
to the machine. It is important for personal safety that you
is on.
Remove power from the printer before you connect or disconnect any
cable or electronic board or assembly for personal safety and to prevent
damage to the printer.
Use the service error code, user error message, symptom table, service
checks, and diagnostic aids to determine the corrective action
necessary to repair a malfunctioning pr int er.
The lights on the operator panel can indicate either a user error
message or service error message. When a service error occurs the
printer stops printing and all operator panel LEDs blink in a continuous
patt e rn, indicating a se rvice e rror, until the pri n t e r is powe r e d o ff. If all
operator panel LEDs are blinking, go to the “Service Error Codes” on
page 1 -5.
When a user error message occurs, one or two operator panel LEDs
are on solid or blinking. Go to the “User Error Message Table” on
page 1 -8.
If your machine does not have a service error code and does not
complete POST, go to the “POST Symptom T able” on page 1-11. If your
machine completes POST without an error, and you have a symptom,
go to the “Symptom Table” on page 1-12. Locate your symptom and
take the appropriate action.
If a service error code appears while you are working on the machine,
go to the “Service Error Codes” on page 1-5 and take the indicated
action for that error.
If your printer did not successfully complete POST, locate the symptom
in the “POST Symptom Table” on page 1-11 and take the appropriate
manually actuate or disable the top cover
, disable the printhead shutter actuator when power
If the printer completes all these steps and no error indications are
displayed, the printer has successfully completed the POST. If the
printer has completed POST without an error and a symptom exists, go
to the “Symptom Table” on page 1-12.
Power-On Self Test (Post)
The printer performs the following Power-On Self Test when powered
1. All LEDs come on solid.
2. The fan turns on for 2 seconds.
3. All the LEDs turn off.
4. The engine board checks the status of the cover interlock switch.
5. The LEDs begin to turn on then off continuously.
6. The fan turns off.
7. The engine board checks the status of the paper exit sensor.
8. The engine board checks the status of the thermistor.
9. The fuser lamp turns on.
The printer may be idle for up to 40 seconds as the fuser warms
to operating temperature. Printer idle time is shorter if the fuser is
already warm.
10. The polygon motor (printhead motor) turns on.
11. The main motor turns on.
12. The paper feed gears turn.
13. The print cartridge drive gear engages.
14. The paper feed take-up shaft and D-roll assembly rotates to
home position. (The paper feed lift plate assembly is in the down
15. All the LEDs turn off.
16. Model 4026-06A, 06D - The Ready LED turns on solid and the
Data LED blinks. Go to Step 17.
Model 4026-06B, 06E - The Ready LED turns on solid and the
Data LED blinks.
• The controller board checks flash ROM installation.
• The controller board verifies that flash is formatted.
• The controller board attempts to format flash if unformatted.
• The Data LED blinks du ring format.
• The printer continues POST after format is complete.
• If format fails, a “Flash Memory Failure” error displays.
Laser Printer Refer ence Handbook
17. The main drive motor turns off.
18. The polygon motor (printhead motor) turns off.
19. The Data LED turns off.
20. The Ready LED stays on solid.
If the printer completes all these steps and no error indications are
displayed, the printer has successfully completed the POST.
Service Error Codes
When a service error occurs the printer stops printing and all operator
panel LEDs blink in a continuous pattern, indicating a service error, until
the printer is powered off.
Press and release the operator panel button to display the service error
code. Locate the blinking LEDs in the following table and take the
indicated action.
Blinking Operator Panel LED Action
Software Service Error CodeRun the Printer Diagnostic Test to
diagnose between the ROM SIMM
and the control ler board. If no other
error cod e displays after the test
completes, replace the controller
Fuser Failure ErrorRefer to t he Cold Fus er Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Mirror Motor ErrorThe Polygon Mirror Motor is not
rotating during printing. Replace the
engine board. If t his does not c orrect
the problem, replace the printhead
Blinking Operator Panel LED Action
Laser Diode FailureReplace the printhead assem bly. If
this does not correct the problem,
replace the engine board.
Controller Card FailureReplace Controller board
Optional Memory ErrorReplace the op ti onal memory SI MM.
If this does not correct the problem ,
replace the controller board.
Fan Failure ErrorRefer to the Fan Service Check in
the Service Manual.
ROM Checksum ErrorReplace the ROM SIMM. If thi s does
not correct the problem, replace the
controller board.
Replace the engine boar d. If this
does not correct the problem,
replace the controller board.
User Error Message Table
When a user error message occurs the printer stops printing and one or
two operator panel LEDs are on solid or blinking until the printer is
powered off. Locate the printer’s LED Status in the following table and
take the indicated action.
User Error
LED StatusAction
Paper JamPaper Jam on solidOpen cover and clear any
paper jams. Close the top
cover. If the error message
is still present , refer to the
Paper Feed Service Check
in the Service Manual.
Laser Printer Refer ence Handbook
User Error
Load Manual
Paper /Envel ope
LED StatusAction
Load Paper blinks
and Press Button
on solid
Load media into the manual
slot and push the oper ator
panel button to resume
printing or do a front panel
reset by pressing and
holding the operator panel
button for more than three
Load Paper/Load
Env elo pe
Top Cover OpenError on solidClose the top cover. If the
Load media in the
appropriate pap er tr ay and
push the operator panel
button to r esum e printing or
do a front panel reset by
pressing and hol ding the
operator panel button for
more than three seconds.
error LED remains on solid
and POST does not
continue, refer to t he Cover
Interlock Service Check in
the Service Manual.
The printer memory is full or
the page is too complex to
print. The printer is forced to
reduce the resol ution of a
formatted page to 300 dpi
before pri nting, or the printer
is unable to maintain the
required data transfer rate.
Refer to the “User
Secondary Error Message”
Table in the Service Manual.
Flash Memory FullError blinks and
Press Button on
This condition only occurs
when the Flash SIMM is
installed. (4026-06B, 06E)
Refer to the “User
Secondary Error Message”
Table in the Service Manual.
User Secondary Error Message Table
Press and release the operator panel button two times to display the
user secondary error LED status. Each press and release action must
be performed within a half second. Locate the printer’s LED status in
the following table and take the indicated action.
User Error
LED StatusAction
Complex P ageReady, Error, and
Press Button on
Memory FullReady, Data,
Error, and Press
Button on solid
Ready, Data
blinking and the
Error , Press But ton
on solid
Switch the printing mode to
a differ ent pri nting mode
using the Lexmark driver for
Windows, or push the
operator panel button to
resume printing, or do a
front panel reset b y pre ssing
and holding the oper ator
panel button for more than
three seconds.
Change the pri nting mode to
Quick Print Plus or reduce
the complexity of the job or
the resolution, or push the
operator panel button to
resume printing, or do a
front panel reset b y pre ssing
and holding the oper ator
panel button for more than
three seconds.
Switch from the GL/2 or
raster mode to Quick Print
Plus mode using the
Lexmark driv er f or Windows ,
or press the operator panel
button to resume printing,
or do a front panel reset by
pressing and holding the
operator button for more
than three seconds.
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
User Error
Data Transmission
LED StatusAction
Data, Error, and
Press Button on
Switch to Print Accelerator
using the Lexmark driver for
Windows if 2MB of memory
or more is installed, or
switch to the GL/2 printing
mode using the Lexmark
driver for Windows, or push
the operator panel button to
resume printing, or do a
front panel reset b y pressing
and holding the oper ator
panel button for more than
three seconds.
Flash Memory FullError blinking and
Press Button on
This condition only occurs
when the Flash memory is
POST Symptom Tabl e
POST completes e xcept one or
more LEDs do not come on.
None of the LEDs come on.Refer to t he Operator Panel Service
The printer is dead (No LEDs
come on, no motor turns)
The fan does not come on.Refer to the Fan Service Check in t he
The fuser l am p does not c om e on.Refer to the Cold Fuser Service
The polyg on motor does n ot come
Refer to the Ope rator Panel Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Refer to the Low Voltage Power
Supply Service Check in the Service
Service Manual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Replace the printhead assembly. If
this does not fix the problem, repl ace
the engine board.
The main drive motor does not
come on.
Refer to the Main Drive Motor Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
The paper feed gears do not turn.Refer to the Paper Feed Service
Check in the Service Manual.
The paper feed solenoid picks
and tries to feed paper.
The toner/print cartridge gear s do
not tur n .
Refer tot he Paper Fe ed Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Refer t o the Main Driv e Motor Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Symptom Table
Locate your symptom in the following table and take the appropriate
Dead printerRefer to the Lo w Voltage Power
Supply Service Check in the Service
Fan not w orki ngRefer to the Fan Se rvice Check in the
Service Manual.
Fan noisyRefer to the Fan Service Check in the
Service Manual.
Fuser parts meltedRefer t o the Col d Fuser Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Fuser Lamp doesn’t lightRefer to the Cold Fuser Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Toner not fused to the paperRefer to the Cold Fuser Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Blank pageRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Black pageRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Manual.
High or heavy backgroundRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Offset print (image ar ound
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
Refer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Poor image (charact ers washed
Paper jamsRefer to the Paper Feed Service
Main Drive Motor noisyRefer t o the Main Drive Motor Service
Main Drive Motor does not moveRefer to the Main Dri ve M otor Service
Main Drive Motor runs backwardReplace the Engine board.
Paper is not picked or never
leaves the primary tray
Paper is not picked or never
leaves the optional paper tray
(Tray 2)
Paper feeds continuouslyRefer to t he Paper Feed Servi ce
Paper fails to exit printer or st ack
in output bin
Paper skewRefer to t he Paper Feed Servi ce
Refer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Refer to t he Paper Feed Frame
Assembly S ervice Ch eck in the
Service Manual.
Refer to the Optional Pape r Tray 2
Service Check in the Service Manual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Refer to the Paper Feed Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Toner on the back of the pageRefer to t he Transfer Assem bly
Service Check in the Service Manual.
Po or pri nt qualityRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Incorrect characters printRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Printer not communicating with
White or black lines or bandsRefer to the Print Quality Service
Paper wrinkled or bentRefer to the Paper Feed Service
Refer to the Parallel Port Service
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Check in the Service Man ual.
Top cov er wi ll not closeRefer to the Cov er Interlock Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Light printRefer to the Print Quality Service
Check in the Service Manual.
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
Diagnostics Aids
Printer Diagnostic Test
The following tests run sequentially when performing this test:
Standard Memor y Test
Optional Memor y Test
Microcode Check
LED Test
Read/Write ASIC Register Test
Read/Write ASIC SRAM Test
Read/Write controller board SRAM Test
Perform the following steps to run the Printer Diagnostic Test:
1. Tur n t he prin ter off.
2. Open the top cover.
3. Press and hold the operator panel button as you turn on the
printer. Release the button once the printer’s indica tor lights
come on.
4. Wait until the Error LED (top cover open indication) comes on.
5. Close the top cover.
6. The Ready LED comes on solid and the Data LED blinks. (This is
the printer Busy Mode indication).
7. If all the diagnostic tests run correctly, the Ready LED goes off
and the Data LED continues to blink. If a test fails, the error light
pattern for the service error code displays on the operator panel.
Service Diagnostic Test Page
The service diagnostic test page includes registration marks to aid in
adjusting print registration and also includes the installed printer base
code level. The service test page displays the user default v alues for t he
Top M argin Offset
Left Margin Offset
Printer Page Count
Permanent Page Count
Print Da rk n es s Setting
PQET Setting (on/off)
Tone r Saver (on/off)
Print Re s olu t ion
Perform the following steps to print the Service Diagnostic Test Page:
1. Tur n the pr inter off.
2. Open the top cover.
3. Press and hold the operator panel button as you turn on the
4. Wait until the Error LED comes on solid.
5. Close the top cover.
6. The Ready LED is on solid and the Data LED blinks continuously.
7. When the test is complete the Ready LED goes off and the Data
LED continues to blink.
8. Press the operator panel button briefly.
9. The Ready and Data LEDs blink and the Service Diagnostic T est
Page prints. The test page requires several seconds to start
10. When the test page has finished printing the Ready LED comes
on solid and Data LED goes off.
automatically exits the diagnostic mode and returns to the normal
After the diagnostic test page prints, the printer
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
User Mode Print Test Page
The User Mode Print Test Page displays the user default values,
installed options, printer features, various typefaces, and the installed
printer base code level.
1. Be sure the Ready LED is on solid (printer is in the ready state).
2. Press and release the operator panel button.
3. The Ready and Data LEDs blink continuously.
4. The test page prints and the operator panel Ready LED comes
on solid and the Data light turns off.
5. The printer returns to the ready state.
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
Configuration Mode
The configuration mode gives the ability to set the following printer
functions through the operator panel:
Hex Trace
NPA Mode (Parallel)
Parallel Protocol
Advanced Status
PPDA Activated
Perform the following steps to enter the configuration mode:
1. Tur n t he prin ter power off.
2. Open the top cover.
3. Turn the printer power on.
4. Top Cover Open (Error LED on) is displayed on the operator
5. Double-click the operator panel button.
solid. The Data, Load Paper, Paper Jam, Er ror and Press Button are off.
mode. Repeat the steps to re-access the configuration mode.
Configuration Mode Operator Panel Overlay
The following overlay indicates the operator panel LED and button
designations when in the configuration mode.
The printer is in the configuration mode. The Ready LED is on
Closing the top cover causes the printer to exit the configuration
Hex Trace
NPA Mode
Parallel Protocol
Advance St a tus
operator panel button
for more than three
Press and release t he
operator panel button
two times. E ac h
press and release
action must be
performed within a
half second.
This action moves
through the
configurat ion mode
value list.
This action sel ects
and save s the value
for the menu it em
displayed. To indicate
that the setting i s
save d, it is displayed
on the operator pane l.
This action moves
through the
configurat ion mode
value list.
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
Hex Trace
Use Hex Trace to isolate the cause of print problems. When a job is
printed, the printer operator panel displays the Hex Trace indication,
(Ready LED blinking), showing that the printer remains in the Hex Trace
mode. Tu rn the printer power off or do a front panel reset (long button
press) to exit the Hex Trace mode.
Perform the following steps to enter the Hex Trace mode:
1. Enter the configuration mode.
2. Do a brief button press.
3. The Ready LED is on and the Press Button (Off/On/Auto) is on or
off indicating the value selected. A brief button press causes the
printer to cycle through the valid settings for Hex Trace and the
Press Button LED turns on or off.
Operator Panel LED StatusAction
Off/On/Auto LED and Hex Trace
LED is off
Off/On/Auto LED and Hex Trace
LED is on
A long button pr ess causes the
printer to exit configurat ion mode
and enter the normal printi ng mode
or a demo printing mode.
A double-click button press causes
the next menu item, NPA mode, to
A long button pr ess causes the
printer to e xi t the config urat ion mode
and enter Hex Trace mode.
A double-click button press causes
the next menu item, NPA mode, to
display .
4. Press and hold the button until the Saved setting indication, (all
LEDs on solid) is posted.
5. When the Error LED comes on, close the top cover.
6. The printer completes POST with the Ready LED blinking
indicating the printer is in the Hex Trace mode.
7. Do a double-click to proceed to the next mode. Do an operator
panel reset or turn the printer off to exit the Hex Trace mode.
Restoring Factory Defaults
Restoring factory defaults returns the printer settings to the original
factory sett ing s.
Perform the following steps to invoke factory defaults:
1. Turn the printer power off.
2. Open the top cover.
3. Tur n t he printer power on. The printer star ts POST.
4. The operator panel Error LED comes on solid.
5. Press and hold the operator panel button until all the LEDs are
on solid indicating the printer is restoring factory defaults.
6. Release the button. The printer indicates the operation is
complete by turning all the LEDs off except the Error LED.
7. The configuration mode can be selected by doing a brief button
press or closing the top cover which causes the printer to enter
either the normal mode or the demo mode.
Laser Printe r Reference Handbook
Low Voltage Power Supply
ConnectorPin No.Signal
CN1 Engine Board
CN2 Fuser Lamp/
Thermal Fuse
1+24 V dc
4+5 V dc
High Voltage Power Supply
ConnectorPin No.Signal
CN1 Engine Board
2HV T*
3HV SEL 2*
4HV SEL 1*
8+24 V dc
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