PrefaceThe data and illustratio ns found in this bo ok are not bindi ng. We reserv e the right to
modify our products in line with our policy of continuous product development. The
information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by Schneider Electric.
Schneider Electric assum es no res po ns ibi lit y for any e rrors that m ay appe ar in this
document. If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have
found errors in this publication, please notify us.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without express written
permission of the Publisher, Schneider Electric.
All pertinent state, regional, and local safety regulations must be observed when
installing and using this product. For reasons of safety and to assure compliance
with documented s ystem dat a, repai rs to c ompo nents shou ld be performed only by
the manufacturer.
Failure to observe this precaution can result in injury or equipment damage.
MODSOFT® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric
The following are trademarks of Schneider Electric:
ModbusModbus PlusModicon984Quantum
DIGITAL® and DEC® are registered trademarks of Compaq Computer Corp.
IBM® and IBM AT® are registered trademarks of International Business Machines
Microsoft® and MS-DOS® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Power Dissipation Calculatio n Proce dure .......................... ..... ...... ...... ..... . 177
Drive Energy Absorption Capability .......................................................... 178
Example Regen Resistor Power Dissipati on Ca lc ula tio n.......................... ..... . 179
Example Motor and Drive Specific ati ons ........................... ..... ...... ...... ..... . 179
Example Step 1...................... ..... ...... ...... ................................................... 180
Example Step 2 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 181
Example Step 3 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 181
Example Step 4 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 182
Example Step 5 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 182
Example Step 6 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 182
Example Step 7 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 182
Example Step 8 .......................... ...... ...... ..... .............................................. 183
890 USE 120 00xiii
890 USE 120 00
At a Glance
Document ScopeThis user guide contains complete installation, wiring interconnection, power
application, test and maintenance information on the Lexium 17D series servo
What’s in this
This chapter provides general information about this user guide and contains the
following topics:
About this user guide2
Related system components4
Related documentation5
Hazards, warnings, and guidelines6
Standards and compliances10
About this User Guide
Who Should Use
this User Guide
This user guide is written for any qualified person at your site who is responsible for
installing (mounting and interconnecting), operating, testing and maintaining your
Lexium 17D servo drive and the servo system equipment with which it int erfaces. In
addition, the following precautions are advised:
lTransportation of the servo drive to, or from, an installation site should only be
performed by personnel knowledgeable in handling electrostatically sensitive
lCommissioning of the equipment should only be performed by personnel
having extensiv e know ledg e of, and experi ence wi th, elec trical and se rvo dri ve
technologies .
Y ou a re expec ted to h ave some overall u nderst anding of what your 17D servo drive
does and how it will function in a high-performance, single-axis motion control
system. Accordingly, be sure you read and understand the general information,
detailed descriptions and associated procedures presented in this manual, as well
as those provided in other relevant manuals, before installing your 17D. (See
Related System Components
later in this chapter.)
If you have questions, please consult your Schneider Electric customer
How this User
Guide Is
This manual is organized as follows.
Chapter 1
About this User Guide
Chapter 2
Lexium 17D Product Overview
Chapter 3
Mounting and Physical Dimensions
An introduction to this manual — who should use
this manual, how this manual is organized,
related publications, hazards and warnings.
General descriptions of the 17D servo drives,
descriptions of components that are supplied by
Schneider in a typical 17D system, and a block
diagram for internal electronics.
Physical dimensions and information for
mounting the servo drive, Regen resistor and
servo motor choke.
Continued on next page
About this User Guide, cont inued
How this User
Guide Is
Chapter 4
Wiring and I/O
Chapter 5
System Initialization, Commissioning
and Operation
Chapter 6
Appendix A
Wiring diagrams for the power connections and
wiring diagrams and descriptions for all signal
wiring connections — encoder, resolver, analog
I/O, discrete I/O, and serial communications
Detailed procedures and associated descriptions
on how to initialize, commission and operate a
typical 17D system.
Description of faults, probable causes and
recommended corrective actions.
Specifications for the servo drives, including
general, electrical, signal, and power
Appendix B
Parts List
Appendix C
Drive to Controller Wiring Diagrams
Appendix D
Cable Connection Wiring Diagrams
Appendix E
Servo Loop Diagrams
Appendix F
Expansion Options
Appendix G
External Regen Resistor Sizing
Part numbers related to the 17D servo drive
Wiring diagrams that show signal wiring between
a 17D servo drive and MOT 201, Quantum MSx,
B885-11x, and Premium CAY motion modules.
Procedures and associated diagrams that show
how to wire Sub-D and power cable connectors
as well as the serial communication cable used
with the drive.
Illustrations of the 17D servo drive and singleaxis motion module servo loops.
Description and procedure for using the I/O
expansion card with the drive.
Description and procedure for determining the
power dissipation requirement for the external
Regen resistor.
Related System Components
Motion Control
Software for 17D
The 17D servo drive is typically only one component in a larger, single-axis motion
control system. A single axis comprises one motion module, one servo drive, and
one motor.
Compatible Schneider motion modules include:
lQuantum 140 MSx series motion modules
lCompact MOT 201 motion modules
lB885-11x series motion modules
lPremium CAY motion modules
To configure your single-axis system, you will be using the UniLink
commissioning software, which Schneider supplies.
UniLink allows you to configure your 17D servo drive axis and tune the motor
quickly and easily. With its graphical user interface and oscilloscope tuning
features, UniLink provides an easy point-and-click method for configuring motion
setup parameters. UniLink minimizes or eliminates cumbersome programming
For complete information on UniLink, please see the UniLink online help.
Related Documentation
DocumentsRelated documentation that covers all these system components is illustrated
You will need these:
Online Help
in software)
Depending on which motion module you have, you will also need one of these:
MOT 201,
202 Motion
User Guide
If you have a Premium motion module CAY, you will also need this:
PL7 Junior/Pro
Premium PLCs
TLX DS 57 PL7 40
If you have a BPH motor, you will also need this:
140MSx 101
Single Axis
840 USE 105 X
Premium PLCs
TSX DM 57 40
Lexium BPH
servo motors
Motors Reference
User Guide
* included in AM0 CSW 001V•00 (CDROM)
Hazards, Warnings and Guidelines
Hazards and
Read the following precautions very carefully to ensure the safety of personnel at
your site. Failure to c ompl y will re sult in dea th, seri ous in jury o r equipm ent da mage.
lDuring operation, keep all covers and cabinet doors closed.
lDo not open the servo drives; depending on degree of enclosure protection,
the servo drives may have exposed components.
lControl and power connections on the drive may be energized even if the
motor is not rotating.
lNever attempt to disconnect the electrical connections to the servo drive with
power applied. Failure to comply may result in arcing at the contacts.
lWait at least five minutes after disconnecting the servo drive from the mains
supply voltage before touching energized sections of the equipment (for
example, contacts ) or discon necting el ectrical con nections . Capacitors can st ill
have dangerous voltages present up to five minutes after switching off the
supply voltages. To ensure safety, measure the voltage in the DC Link circuit
and wait until it has fallen below 40V before proceeding.
lCheck to ensure all energized connecting elements are protected from
accidental contact. Lethal voltages up to 900V can be present. Never
disconnect any electrical connections to the servo drive with power applied;
capacitors can retain residual and dangerous voltage levels for up to five
minutes after switching off the supply power.
Failure to follow any one of these instructions will result in death, serious
injury or equipment damage.
Continued on next page
Hazards, Warnings and Guidelines, continued
During operation, the front panel of the servo drive, which is used as a heat sink,
can become hot and may reach temperatures above 80°C. Check (measure) the
heat sink temperature and wait until it has cooled below 40°C before touching it.
Failure to observe this precaution can result in severe injury.
Separate motor overcurrent, overload and overheating protection is required to be
provided in accordan ce wit h the Ca nad ian Elec tric al Code, Part 1 and the National
Electrical Code.
Failure to observe this precaution can result in severe injury.
Continued on next page
Hazards, Warnings and Guidelines, continued
Schneider recommends the installation of a safety interlock with separate contacts
for each motor. Such a system sh ou ld be hard wired with over–travel lim it s w itc he s
and a suitable emergency stop switch. Any interruption of this circuit or fault
indication should:
lOpen the motor contacts
lShunt dynamic braking resistor s across each motor, if they are present.
Failure to observe this precaution can result in equipment damage.
The servo drives contain electrostatically sens itive components that may be
damaged by improper handling. Appropriately discharge yourself before touching
the servo drive and avoid contact with highly insulating materials (artificial fabrics,
plastic film, and so on). Place the ser vo drive o n a conductive surface.
Failure to observe this precaution can result in equipment damage.
Continued on next page
Hazards, Warnings and Guidelines, continued
Additional Safety
Read this documentation and adhere to the safety guidelines contained herein
before engaging in any activities involving the servo drives.
lEnsure that all wiring is in a ccorda nce with the Nati ona l Ele ctr ica l Code (NEC)
or its nationa l equiv alent (CSA, C ENELEC , etc.), as well a s in ac cordan ce wi th
all prevailing local codes.
lExercise extreme caution when using instruments such as oscilloscopes, chart
recorders, or volt–ohm meters with equipment connected to line power.
lHandle the servo drives as prescribed herein. Incorrect handling can result in
personal injury or equipment damage.
lAdhere to the technical information on connection requirements identified on
the nameplate and specified in the documentation.
lThe servo drives may only be operated in a closed cabinet or enclosure.
Nevertheless, operating co nditions must be always respected ( as defined
in Appendix A):
- operating temperature range
- pollution degree 2 as defined in EN 50178
- assembly.
Only properly qualified personnel having extensive knowledge in electrical and
servo drive technologies should install, commission and/or maintain the Lexium
17D servo drives.
Standards and Compliances
Directives and
EC Directive
The Lexium 17D servo drives are incorporated into an electrical plant and into
machinery for industrial use.
When the servo drives are built into machines or a plant, do not operate the servo
drive until the machine or plant fulfills the requirements of these European
lEC Directive on Machines 89/392/EEC
lEC Directive on EMC (89/336/EEC)
lEN 60204
lEN 292
In connection with the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, the associated standards
of the EN 50178 series in conjunction with EN 60439-1, EN 60146 and EN 60204
are applied to the servo drives.
The manufacturer of the machine or plant is responsible for meeting the
requirements of the EMC regulations.
Compliance with the EC Directive on EMC 89/336/EEC and the Low Voltage
Directive 73/23/EEC is mandatory for all servo drives used within the European
The Lexium 17D servo drives were tested by an authorized testing laboratory and
determined to be in compliance wi th the directives identified above.
Continued on next page
Standards and Compliances, continued
UL and cUL
UL Listed (cUL Certified) servo drives (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) comply with
the relevant American and Canadian standards (in this case, UL 840 and UL
This standard describes the minimum requirements for electrically operated power
conversion equipment (such as frequency converters and servo drives) and is
intended to eliminate the risk of injury to personnel from electric shock or damage
to equipment from fire. Conformance with the United States and Canadian
standard is determi ned by an i nde pe nde nt U L (cUL) fire inspector through the type
testing and regular checkups.
UL 508C
UL 508C describes the minimum requirements for electrically operated power
conversion equipment (such as frequency converters and servo drives) and is
intended to eliminate the risk of fire caused by that equipment.
UL 840
UL 840 describ es air a nd insu lation c reepage spacing s for ele ctrical equip ment and
printed circuit boards.
Acronyms and
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual are identified and defined in
the table below.
Acronym or
Abbreviation Description
CEEuropean Community (EC)
CLKClock signal
COMSerial communication interface for a PC-AT
cULUnderwriters Laboratory (Canada)
DINGerman Institute for Norming
DiskMagnetic storage (diskette, hard disk)
EEPROMElectrically erasable programmable read only memory
EMCElectromagnetic compatibility
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
ENEuropean norm
ESDElectrostatic discharge
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IGBTInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
ISOInternational Standardization Organization
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MS-DOSMicrosoft Disk Operating System for PC-AT
PC-ATPersonal computer in AT configuration
PEL VProtected extra low voltage
PWMPulse-width modulation
RAMRandom Access Memory (volatile)
RegenRegen resistor
RFIRadio Frequency Interference
Continued on next page
Conventions, continued
Acronyms and
Acronym or
Abbreviation Description
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
SSISynchronous Serial Interface
ULUnderwriters Laboratory
VacVoltage, Alternating Current
VdcVoltage, Direct Current
Product Overview
At a Glance
IntroductionThis chapter contains a product overview of the Lexium 17D series servo drives
and includes:
lAvailable drive models and related system components
lFeedback and performance information
lPower and signal electronics
lSoftware and axis configuration
What’s in this
This chapter contains the following topics:
The 17D series servo drive family16
Overview of usability features23
Overview of 17D internal electronics26
Overview of system software30
The 17D Series Servo Drive Family
Introducing the
17D Drive Family
Each member of the Lexium 17D series family is comprised of a three-phase
brushless servo amplifier, power supply and high-performance digital controller all
housed in a single enclosure.
The 17D drives are available in five models which are correlated to different output
current levels as identified in the following table.
Output Current Intermittent (Peak) 17D Drive
A00 means that restart lock -AS- is included.
N00 standard version
the Drives
The Lexium 17D servo drives are intended for incorporation into electrical
equipment or ma ch ine r y a nd can only be commissioned as in tegral components of
those types of devices.
Applicable Servo
Motor Types
The Lexium 17D se rvo drives are intended to drive BPH and SER series brushless
servo motors.
Continued on next page
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