Lexibook JC700SPGB User Manual

Power Spider-Man
Take part in Spider-Man’s adventures with this extra flat computer featuring 90 educational and fun activities. Spider-Man will guide you through all the essential school subjects such as English, math, foreign languages and logic. Plus, your Power Spider-Man contains a Marvel encyclopaedia to learn all about Spider-Man and other famous characters! You will also discover the activity Marvel Trump, a virtual card game where the superheroes challenge the villains and vice-versa. It is the ideal game to play with your friends. Please take time to read the instructions below to learn how to use your computer and play the activities.
Battery Installation
Your Power Spider-Man works with 3 AAA batteries (not included).
1. Make sure that the toy is switched off before installing the batteries.
2. Open the battery compartment door located at the back of the computer using a screwdriver.
3. Install the 3 AAA batteries observing carefully the polarity indicated at the bottom of the battery compartment, and as per the diagram shown below.
4. Close back the battery compartment and tighten the screw.
5. Turn the game on.
Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. Do not use rechargeable batteries. Do not recharge the batteries. Remove the storage batteries before recharging. Recharge storage batteries under adult supervision. Do not mix different types of battery and storage battery, or new and old batteries or storage batteries. Insert batteries and storage batteries according to the polarity. Remove used storage batteries from game. Do not short-circuit the battery or storage battery terminals. Keep batteries away from fire. If game remains unused for an extended period, remove batteries. Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
WARNING: If your unit receives an intense electronic shock or shows some malfunction, use a pointed object (e.g. a
paper clip) in order to press the RESET button located at the back of the unit or take the batteries out of the compartment and place them again, This will RESET your product. When the sound is weak or when the game does not react, please think about changing the batteries.
Note: pressing RESET will delete all your settings and your points.
Switching the unit ON /OFF
Press the « ON/OFF » button located at the top and in the centre of your keyboard to switch game On / Off. Note: You can skip the opening/closing animations by pressing the ENTER key. The Power Spider-Man will automati cally turn off if it is not used after 3 minutes.
Name of the key
Directional arrows (left, right, up and
To move the cursor
1 & 2 Players Modes
Most of the activities can be played in 2 Player Mode. The default mode for all activities is Player 1. To change the number of players, press MODE. The icon 1 or 2 players will be displayed. Use the left and right arrows to select the correct icon and press ENTER.
In 2 player mode, the players must answer one after another. When one of the players gives a wrong answer, the other player can answer the same question. When you answer your opponent’s question, you obtain 50 points. Each game has 10 questions (5 questions per player).
1 player 2 players
Difficulty level
Most of the activities have two levels of difficulty. To change the level, press the LEVEL button, then use the left and right arrows to select the correct icon and press ENTER.
Enter key
ESC key
Space key
Demo key
On/Off key (oval shaped red key on
the upper middle part of the keboard)
Delete key
Mode key
Answer key
Favourites key
Shift key
Level key
Marvel Trump key
To confirm your choices or answers
To exit an activity, a sub-menu or a window
To insert a space between two characters.
To start a short demonstration of the current activity
To switch the computer on/off
To delete the letter or the number that you have just typed.
To switch from 1 Player Mode to 2 Players mode.
To display the answer to a question.
To add a favourite activity or to enter the favourites menu.
To type a capital letter or to access the character located on
top of a key. You must simultaneously press this key and the
key of the letter that you wish to type.
To change from Level 1 to Level 2 or vice versa.
To enter the Marvel Trump game.
Level 1 Level 2
The Scoring System
A. Point system
The player has 2 attempts to answer a question correctly.
A correct answer on the first attempt scores 100 points. If the first answer is wrong, then the question is displayed again. If the question is then answered correctly on the second attempt, 50 points are added to the score. If the second answer is also wrong the unit displays the correct answer and no points are added to the score.
B. Reward system
Your Power Spider-Man features 36 Marvel characters in total. You can browse through the encyclopaedia to learn more about them, and you will use them in the Marvel Trump game. However, when you first use your computer, you can only use 12 characters out of the 36 as 12 characters are unlocked and the rest are locked. The status of the charac ters will be displayed in the encyclopaedia or Marvel Trump game. To unlock the rest of the characters, you must play the activities and answer correctly. By answering correctly, you will fill up a power bar which will be shown in the scoring animation. When the power bar is full a new Marvel character will be unlocked.
The power bar contains 30 units. In level 1, 100 points will fill up the power bar by 1 unit, so per game round the bar can be filled with 10 units maximum. In level 2, 50 points will fill up the power bar 1 unit, so per game round the bar can be filled with 20 units maximum.
In level 1, if a question is answered on the 2nd try, only 50 points are scored. You then need to get another 50 points within this game round to have the full 100
points and fill the power bar by 1 unit at the end of the game round. If at the end of the game round the player has a score which cannot be divided by 100 (i.e. 850, 7 question on the 1st try and 3 questions on the 2nd try) then the power bar will be filled by 8 units. The 50 points that are left over are lost and cannot be brought forward to the next game round. The number of units inside the power bar is stored in the unit. If you exceed 30 units, the extra units will be carried forward to the next power bar (i.e. the power bar already contains 26 units and 9 units are added, then the bar is filled up until 30, reset and the empty bar is filled up until 5). When you filled up the power bar, a new Marvel character will be released. With this scoring system, you have the greatest incentive to learn and perform well if you want to use all the Marvel characters.
Note: if you have unlocked all 36 Marvel characters and wish to start all over again, use a pointy object such as a paper clip to press the RESET button located under the computer and opposite the battery compartment. This will empty your power bar, and you will only have 12 characters unlocked.
This sub-menu gives you the possibility to group your favourite activities. To do so, you have 2 possibilities: select an activity from the activity list by highlighting the title of the activity you wish to play, or when you are playing. Then press simultaneously SHIFT and FAVOURITES. The activity title is saved into the menu FAVOURITES. To access this sub-menu, just press at anytime FAVOURITES. It can also be accessed from the main menu (sub-menu number one). You can save up to 10 activities in your sub-menu FAVOURITES. To delete an activity, display its highlighted title and press the key . A message is displayed and asks you to confirm your decision of deleting, and then press ENTER.
Warning: If you save an eleventh activity title, the game will automatically delete the first activity that you have previously saved.
The 4 keys of the mouse and the 4 directional arrows on the keyboard share the same functions. In general, the Up/Down/Left/Right keys allow you to move the cursor. To help you, the same keys can also be used as ENTER and ESC keys:
When only the Left/Right keys are used to move the cursor: the Down key will become the ENTER key and Up
will become ESC.
On the contrary, when only the Up/Down keys are active, the Left key will become ENTER and the Right key will
become ESC.
In the sub-menus, the Up, Down and Right are used to move the cursor: Left becomes ENTER.
If the keys are not used to move the cursor: Up/Right become ESC and Down/Left become ENTER (cf: act. 02).
And finally if all the direction keys are used to move the cursor, the ENTER and ESC functions are only available
on the keyboard.
Activity selection
Main Menu
The main menu gives access to 8 sub-menus:
To access one of the 8 sub-menus you have 4 possibilities:
Press ENTER when the sub-menu icon that you wish to play is selected.
Use the left and right keys of your keyboard or the mouse to select the icon of a sub-menu and press ENTER to
confirm your choice.
Press a Menu number: from 1 to 8 to directly access the list of all its activities.
In any case, when the activity titles appear, you must select an activity by using the Up and Down keys of the keyboard, then press ENTER to start playing. Or get direct access to one of the activities by typing its number (from 1 to 89), followed by ENTER.
8. PC
Every activity has a demonstration showing how to play this activity. Generally the demo shows a question and the answer to this question. If this is not possible (i. e. in a game) then around 5 seconds of game play should be shown.
To access the activity demo press DEMO in a submenu (a demo of the highlighted activity will be shown) or inside an activity. Inside an activity, the demo will start automatically if you do not press any keys for more than one minute. The same instructions apply for the overall game demo. Press DEMO while you are in the main menu or it will begin automatically after one minute of inactivity.
To put the game on pause, press and hold SHIFT then press MODE. To return to the game, press any key.
Description of the activities
All the activities within this category have 2 levels and can be played with another player except for activity 7 which is for a single player only. Keep in mind that you have two attempts to answer a question correctly.
Activity 1: Memory
Type the word which has appeared on screen and press ENTER.
Activity 2: Missing Letter
A word is displayed with one letter missing. Type the letter of your choice and press ENTER.
Activity 3: Flip Flop
Two words are displayed on the screen. One letter has been exchanged. The first letter of both words is highlighted. Use the direction arrows to highlight the letters which have been exchanged. Press ENTER to confirm these two letters and see the exchanged letters take their original correct place. In this example, the right words are: HOUSE and PLANE. So the 2 letters exchanged are: A and U.
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