SD™ Card
SD™ Card
Huge Storage with Video Versatility
Lexar offers a comprehensive line of award-winning memory cards
in various speeds, formats, and capacities, which include innovative
features and valuable free software. With so many options, it’s easy
to find the perfect Lexar memory card to fit your needs and lifestyle.
The Lexar Secure Digital (SD
) memory card increases the storage
capacity of your digital camera or other device, and is ideal for fast
picture-taking or full-motion video. Standard Lexar SD cards are
available in 512MB, 1GB, and 2GB* capacities.
Unleash Your Creativity
Product Highlights:
• Affordable performance and reliability
• Ideal for use in digital cameras, MP3
players, PDAs, and more
• Easily edit, organize, and share your
photos with Corel® Snapfire™ Plus SE
• Backup, sync, and share your photos
with Lexar Backup n Sync
powered by Sharpcast**
• Built-in erasure switch keeps data safe
• Five-year limited warranty
Enhance Your Digital Experience. The Lexar SD card can dramatically
increase the storage capacity of your digital device and is perfect for a
broad range of popular uses—in digital cameras, MP3 players, PDAs,
and more. Choose from a wide range of capacities to find the one that
meets your needs. Using a Lexar SD card means you can always
capture that perfect moment.
Includes Valuable Extras.** The Lexar SD card includes valuable
software to drastically improve your digital photography experience.
You can backup, sync, and share all your valuable photos with Lexar
Backup n Sync
software, powered by Sharpcast. And extend your
picture-taking with the ability to edit, organize, and share your photos
using Corel
Snapfire™ Plus SE software. All software is available for
free download with purchase of the card.
The Brand Trusted by Professionals. Lexar is the brand trusted by
professional photographers. This means you can shoot and store
photos with confidence, knowing your Lexar memory card is delivering
the performance and reliability you expect. The Lexar SD card offers
the ultimate in versatility by allowing you to save and store your
vacation photos, favorite songs, and video clips from last weekend’s
soccer game. It gives you the capacity and power to take a large
number of photos, and then allows you to creatively process and share
them with others. The card also has a built-in erasure prevention switch
to ensure that your files can’t be accidentally deleted or overwritten.
Complete with innovative features and valuable free software, the
Lexar SD card is the perfect solution to your storage needs.
512 MB
1 GB
2 GB
*Warning: Some SD readers and cameras may not support 2GB or higher capacity cards. Please check with the manufacturer
of the target device before using this card. Failing to do so may result in card damage and/or data loss. For a list of devices
tested and known to support 2GB or higher SD cards, please visit www.lexar.com/2gbsd.
Software offerings may vary depending on product ship date and store. Please check product packaging for included software offerings
***Image or other data recovery is not 100% guaranteed.
Actual usable memory capacity may vary. 1MB equals 1 million bytes; 1GB equals 1 billion bytes.
©2007 Lexar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Information is subject to change without notice. Lexar, the Lexar logo, and
Backup n Sync are trademarks of Lexar Media, Inc. Corel and Snapfire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel
Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Sharpcast is a trademark of Sharpcast, Inc. All other trademarks or registered
trademarks are property of their respective owners. Lexar Media, Inc. is a subsidiary of Micron Technology, Inc.
Lex ar Me dia, I nc., 47300 Bays ide P arkway, Fremo nt CA 9453 8
DSVSD050407 Rev. A