CRMX user guide
Wireless DMX
Lighting control via wireless is nothing new, there are
plenty of options. Trouble is, everyone is using the same
narrow band of frequencies, and not just for lighting. Your
competition are wireless microphones, in-ear monitors,
Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth devices and many more - often at
the same time.
To achieve true wireless link reliability, you need an
ingenious approach: CRMX™ (Cognitive Radio MultipleXer)
provides the answer. Using our Cognitive Coexistence
system at its heart, CRMX continually monitors the
whole frequency band to identify all problem areas and
dynamically shifts its operation. The result is that CRMX
neither disturbs, nor is disturbed by other systems - it totally
coexists, even in the most crowded areas.
CRMX units use high frame refresh rates and intelligent
error correction routines to x problems before they ever
become apparent. CRMX units are so efcient that they
can repair most corrupted or mis-timed inputs from other
devices - a kind of DMX washing machine to clean up dirty
CRMX units are available as single transmitters and
receivers which support DMX-512A.
Front panel controls
Each unit uses an indicator panel to control and report
upon its operation. See the operation section for details on
how to link and unlink CRMX units.
Link - press to link with,
or unlink from, another unit.
Signal quality indicators
Not used on transmitters. For
receivers, the amber indicator
turns on at roughly 20% of
maximum signal quality and
the top green indicator turns
on at roughly 90%. The red
indicator turns on only if a
problem occurs with the link to
the transmitter.
Lock - lit when keylock is locked.
Power - lit when power applied.
Status indicators
RF Link: Indicator on when this unit is linked.
Receiver: Flashes fast (~3Hz) if link is lost or
when linking. Transmitter: Flashes fast (~3Hz)
when linking or slow (~1Hz) when unlinking.
DMX: On when a DMX signal is present.
RDM: Not supported with Leviton product.
Ethernet: Flashes to show Art-Net/Streaming
ACN activity.
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Rear panel connections
Single CRMX transmitter
or receiver unit
12VDC power input
Polarity is unimportant
5-pin XLR socket
(male on TX, female on RX)
power input
DMX512A input or output
Normal operation
To link units
1 Ensure the antennas are connected on the front panels.
2 Power on the transmitter and receiver(s). Ensure that the
RF LINK indicators on all receivers are off (use the unlink
procedure if necessary).
3 On the transmitter, press and release the Link button. The
transmitter will search (for a period of ten seconds) for unlinked
receivers. Its RF LINK indicator will ash.
At the end of the search period, all located receivers will be
linked to the transmitter - their RF LINK indicators will be on.
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To unlink units
• Unlink all: Press and hold the Link button on the transmitter to
unlink all of its receivers.
• Unlink one: Press and hold the Link button on a receiver to
unlink it from a transmitter.