Leviton i Series e, i96e, i96Quad, i48e, i48Quad, i24e w/JP1 In, i24e w/JP1 Out User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
i series e & i series Quad
Dimmer Racks
Users Guide
Software Version #1.50
P/N: LIT-31903-00
April 2003
Although the information contained within this guide is believed to be accurate at the time of printing, it is
not guaranteed to be without fault and is subject to change without notice. Future software releases may
change the features or operation of this product. For current information, please contact:
0.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................3
0.1 NEW FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................4
1.0 I SERIES E OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................5
The dimmer rack chassis................................................................................................................................5
The dimmer modules........................................................................................................................................5
The control module.........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 VIOLET I LIGHT INDI CATOR (NOT ON I24).........................................................................................7
1.2 DIMMER MODULE INDICATORS – I SERIES E.....................................................................................8
1.3 DIMMER MODULE INDICATORS – I SERIES QUAD............................................................................8
1.4 CONTROL MODULE -- NORMAL LED BOOT SEQUENCE .................................................................8
1.5 CONTROL MODULE -- POWER LED’S....................................................................................................9
1.6 CONTROL MODULE -- OVER TEMP LED ...............................................................................................9
1.7 CONTROL MODULE -- CONTROL SOURCE LED’S ............................................................................9
DMX OK ............................................................................................................................................................9
1.8 CONTROL MODULE – ABN ORMAL LED DIAGNOSTICS...............................................................11
2.1 THE PANIC SCENE......................................................................................................................................12
2.2 THE 12 ANALOG SCENES .........................................................................................................................13
2.3 THE BACKUP SCENES ...............................................................................................................................14
3.0 I SERIES E HAND HELD TERMINAL.......................................................................................................15
3.1 I SERIES E HAND HELD TERMINAL – LOCAL MODE .......................................................................16
Help Screen 1 .................................................................................................................................................16
Help Screen 2 .................................................................................................................................................16
Hand Held Operation Test & Verification................................................................................................16
Main Local Menu..........................................................................................................................................17
3.2 I SERIES E HHT – LOCAL MODE -- DISPLAY RACK VIEW .............................................................18
Display Rack – Main Screen.......................................................................................................................18
3.3 I SERIES E HHT – LOCAL MODE – EDIT CONFIG RACK.................................................................20
Config Rack – Main Menu...........................................................................................................................20
Return to Default Settings ............................................................................................................................21
3.4 I SERIES E HHT – LOCAL MODE –HELP...............................................................................................21
3.5 I SERIES E HHT – LOCAL MODE – DIMMER VIEW ...........................................................................22
3.8 I SERIES E HHT – LOCAL MODE – CUSTOM PATCHES ..................................................................27
To create a custom DMX patch: ..................................................................................................................27
To create a custom Luma-Net patch:.........................................................................................................27
4.0 I SERIES E HHT – REMOTE MODE – HHT CONNE CTION................................................................29
4.1 I SERIES E HHT – REMOTE MODE – RECORD LOOK .......................................................................29
4.2 I SERIES E HHT – REMOTE MODE – GO TO LOOK...........................................................................30
5.0 I SERIES E MAINTENANCE......................................................................................................................33
6.0 I SERIES E SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................34
SPECIFICATIONS:BELDEN CABLE 9829 AND 9830........................................................................................34
7.0 I SERIES E LIMITED WARRANTY..........................................................................................................35
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0.1 New Features
This software release is a bug fix and feature upgrade release. The new features added were added based on
market demand and end user requirements. The specific features added with this software release are as
1. Luma-Net 3 Support
2. Additional Fluorescent Dimming Ballast Support
a. Advance Mark X
b. Lutron Tu-Wire
c. Lutron Hi-Lume/Eco-10
d. Low Voltage, Magnetic Transformer
3. Configuration Security Features & Password system
This revise users manual includes configuration and usage information for all of the previous, modified and
new features.
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1.0 i series e Overview
The i series e and i series Quad dimmer racks are composed of three main modular components:
1. The dimmer rack chassis
2. The dimmer modules
3. The control module
The dimmer rack chassis defines the number of dimmer modules that may be installed, the power feed line
voltage, and power feed configuration of the installation.
•i series e racks are available in 96,48, and 24 dimmer channel configurations, for either 90-135 VAC or
190-260VAC power feeds, in either 3 phase - 4 wire Y plus ground or single phase 3 wire plus ground
power feed configurations, with an alternating current line frequency in the range of 47 to 63 hertz. i
series e racks have a number of bussing configurations that allow racks to be bussed together with
ratings between 10,000 and 100,000 AIC capacity depending on the configuration.
•i series quad racks are available in 48 channel and 48 or 96 channel portable dimmer configurations, for
either 90-135 VAC or 190-260VAC power feeds, in either 3 phase - 4 wire Y plus ground or single phase
3 wire plus ground power feed configurations, with an alternating current line frequency in the range of
47 to 63 hertz.
The dimmer modulesdefine the power and filtering levels of the individual branch circuits to be controlled.
Dimmer modules of different power capacities are mechanically keyed so that dimmer modules of higher
ampacities may not be inserted in to dimmer slots wired for lower ampacities. A wide variety of dimmer and
are available.
•For 120VAC systems, i series e dimmer modules come in either dual or single channel module
configurations, with either 500micro second or 800 micro second rise times.
•For 240VAC applications, i series e dimmer modules come in either dual or single channel module
configurations, with either 350micro second or 500 micro second rise times.
•For 120VAC systems, i series quad dimmers are only available in 4 circuit 2.4KW or 1.8KW
configurations with 350 microsecond rise times.
•For 240VAC systems, i series quad dimmers are only available in 4 circuit 4.0KW configurations with
270 microsecond rise times.
It should be noted that in order for the dimmer modules to cool properly, the rack must have all the
dimmer module positions installed in the rack w ith either a dimmer module or airflow module.
The control module contains nearly all of the control electronics and generates the necessary control
signals and power necessary to control the dimmers in the rack. There are 2 different control modules for i
series e and i series quad.
• The i96/48 control module (CTP-0311e) controls i96e, i48e or i48Quad dimmer racks in all configurations.
• The i24 control module (CTP-0313e) controls i24 dimmer racks in all configurations.
Control modules are completely interchangeable within the i series e and i series quad system, as long as
they are the same type of control module as detailed above. The only selection that makes a control module
unique is the thumbwheel address setting on the front of the control modul e. All other individual
parameters for the rack are stored in the socketed serial EEPROM chips on the i series e backplane. On
power up, the control module automatically loads all the unique information from the serial EEPROMS on the
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backplane, determines the line frequency, and phase angle firing assignments. The top pair of chips in a 16
pin DIP socket (P5) permanently store all the unique information for the upper control module position. The
bottom pair of chips in a 16 pin DIP socket (P6) permanently store all the unique information for the lower
control module position. The unique information that is stored is the configuration parameters of the
control module itself, backup looks, analog submaster scenes, the panic scene, and the custom patch.
Standard patches are available by setting the address number in the range of ‘1 ‘to ‘15’. Setting the
thumbwheel to ‘0’ invokes the custom patch stored in the EEPOMS on the backplane. The thumbwheel
address positions for standard patches are the following:
Address # i96e / i96Quadi48e/i48Quadi24e w/JP1 In i24e w/JP1 Out
0 Custom Patch Custom Patch Custom Patch Custom Patch
1 1-96 1-48 1-24 361-384
2 97-192 49-96 25-48 385-408
3 193-288 97-144 49-72 409-432
4 289-384 145-192 73-96 433-456
5 385-480 193-240 97-120 456-480
6 481-512 241-288 121-144 481-504
7 LED solid on 289-336 145-168 505-512
8 LED solid on 337-384 169-192 LED solid on
9 LED solid on 385-432 193-216 LED solid on
10 LED solid on 433-480 217-240 LED solid on
11 LED solid on 481-512 241-264 LED solid on
12 LED solid on LED solid on 265-288 LED solid on
13 LED solid on LED solid on 289-312 LED solid on
14 LED solid on LED solid on 313-336 LED solid on
15 LED solid on LED solid on 337-360 LED solid on
In each column is given an address range. This the range of address patched from the control source
(DMX-512 or Luma-Net) to the dimmer number. Dimmer numbers are either sequential or phase balanced.
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Dimmer Numbering – Sequential vs. Phase Balanced
Regardless of configuration, dimmer slots are always numbered sequentially from the top to the bottom of
the rack. However, the default patch can be altered based on the setting of JP6. When in sequential mode,
dimmers are patched from the top to the bottom of the rack, the top dimmer module with dimmer slot
positions 1 & 2 being patched to control input numbers 1 & 2. The second module, dimmer positions 3 & 4
are patched to control input channels 3 & 4. This sequence continues until you reach the end of the rack.
In a phase balanced configuration, the dimmer slot number remains the same, however, the default patch is
that dimmer positions 1 & 2 are patched to control channels 1 & 2, 1/3 of the way down the rack where at the
top module of phase B is located, are control channels 3 & 4. 2/3 of the way down the rack where the top
module of phase C is located, you find patched control channels 5 & 6. The goal of a phase balanced
system is to better distribute sequential loading across all three phases. To further illustrate this point, see
the chart based on an i24e cabinet below:
1,2 1,2 1,2 A
3,4 3,4 7,8 A
5,6 5,6 13,14 A
7,8 7,8 19,20 A
9,10 9,10 3,4 B
11,12 11,12 9,10 B
13,14 13,14 15,16 B
15,16 15,16 21,22 B
17,18 17,18 5,6 C
19,20 19,20 11,12 C
21,22 21,22 17,18 C
23,24 23,24 23,24 C
With jumper JP6 on the backplane removed, the rack responds as a sequential rack, and with JP6 installed,
the rack responds as a phase balanced rack for all standard patches. The upper and lower control modules
are completely independent of each other, with completely different custom patches and configuration
information, which allows them to be connected redundantly, or to two completely different control sources.
The outputs of both control modules pile onto each other in a highest takes precedence or HTP fashion.
The remainder of this manual details the specific functions of the various indicators on the control
module(s), dimmer modules and features that are accessible with the hand held terminal option.
1.1 Violet i Light indicator (not on i24)
The violet i Light indicates the current operating status of the rack. The indications are as follows
i LIGHT ON : A dimmer is on in the rack. The fan is on medium speed.
i LIGHT OFF : All dimmers are off in the rack. The fan is off.
i LIGHT FLASHING : At least one dimmer in the rack is in an over -temp or other
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warning condition. The fan is operating at full speed.
1.2 Dimmer Module Indicators – i Series e
On the front of each dimmer module are several indicators which indicate the current operating condition of
the dimmer module.
STATUS LED OFF :There is no DC power getting from the control module (s) to
the dimmer module.
STATUS LED GREEN : Normal Operation
STATUS LED YELLOW : This dimmer module is in Overtemp Warning.
STATUS LED RED : This dimmer module is in Overtemp Shutdown. The Overtemp
warning to control module is still active.
LOAD LED ON :The dimmer is on at some level. This led dims up and down
proportionally with the dimmer control level.
LOAD LED OFF : The control to this dimmer is off. The dimmer is off.
1.3 Dimmer Module Indicators – i Series quad
LOAD LED ON (GREEN):The dimmer is on at some level. This led dims up and down
proportionally with the dimmer control level.
LOAD LED OFF : The control to this dimmer is off. The dimmer is off.
LOAD LED’s YELLOW : Over temperature Warning
LOAD LED’s RED : Over temperature Shutdown
1.4 Control Module -- Normal LED BOOT Sequence
The LED’s on the front of the control module can be used to determine the status of the dimmer rack “boot”
1.) PHASE A LED On - Main processor has booted, & made it though the ram check.
2.) Diagnostics LED On - Starting the boot sequence
3.) Analog LED Blinking- Main processor waking up B processor (U19).
4.) Phase B LED turns on.- B Processor has booted & is OK
5.) Analog LED Blinking. - Main processor waking up C processor (U28).
6.) Phase C LED turns on.- C Processor has booted & is OK
7.) Analog LED Blinking. - Main processor is reading backplane configuration and is
initializing dimmer control for main loop.
8.) Reset LED turns off.- Main processor has completed its initializations.
9.) Diagnostics LED turns off.- Boot Sequence Complete.
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1.5 Control Module -- Power LED’s
The Phase A, B, & C LED’s indicate the status of the power feed to the rack. The possible conditions are as
Phase LE D ONThe indicated phase is within the specified operating voltage
of between 90-135V or 200-260V.
Phase LED OFFThe power source on the indicated Phase is either too low, or
Phase LED FLASHING The power source on the indicated Phase is too high
(above either 135V or 260V)
1.6 Control Module -- Over Temp LED
OVERTEMP LED ON :At least one dimmer in the rack is in an overtemp warning
condition. The fan has been switched to maximum speed. The i
Light should be blinking.
OVERTEMP LED OFF:All dimmers in the rack are operating within the normal
operating temperature specifications.
1.7 Control Module -- Control Source LED’s
The control source LED’s on the front of the module indicate the status of the DMX & Analog control
LED OFF: A valid DMX signal is not being received.
LED STUCK ON: A valid DMX signal is being received but the thumbwheel
Address is set too high to decode any dimmers. For default
patches, the thumbwheel address starts at 1, and increments in
96 channel blocks for a 96 rack, and 48 channel blocks for a 48
LED BLINKING : Valid DMX -512 signal is being received.
VERY FAST …(1/10th second): Default sequential thumbwheel patch
( DMX dimmer 1 starts at thumbwheel position 1 )
JP6 jumper removed on back plane forces sequential patch
FAST & BRIGHT, ( ½ second):Default phase balanced thumbwheel patch
( DMX dimmer 1 starts at thumbwheel position 1 )
JP6 installed on backplane forces phase balanced patch.
SLOW …….(2 seconds): Custom Patch read from backplane. Thumbwheel set to 0.
LED OFF : All analog levels are off. (below 6%)
LED ON : At least one analog input is above 6%.
LED OFF : All backup scenes are off.
LED ON : A backup scene is active.
LED OFF : The panic scene is off.
LED ON: The panic scene is active.
FLASHING ALTERNATE WITH : Control Module is in Emergency Mode. This is
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THE DIAGNOSTIC, LED caused by a +12VDC source driving JPE1 (+) and JPE2 (-).
Emergency mode causes only the panic sc ene to be activated.
All other input control sources are disabled.
LED ON : For Version 1.2 software, the diagnostic led only comes on:
*During the boot sequence
*When a button has been pressed on the Hand Held Remote.
When the control module is in DMX snapshot record mode
and searching the analog inputs and the panic input to
snapshot the DMX scene. During this mode, light levels drop
to ½ of their previous intensity.
*When the control module is in Emergency Mode. In
Emergency mode the diagnostic LED flashes alternate the
Panic LED.
LED OFF : Normal operating mode
LED ON : One of the 3 processors is in a reset condition.
LED OFF : All 3 processors have initialized and are running code.
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1.8 Control Module – Abnormal LED Diagnostics
There are several other Led conditions which the control module LED’s will indicate which are not directly
indicated by their nomenclature. They are as follows:
LED’s won’t light at all : No power to rack, or no power to control module.
Pull the control module. This will turn on the fan to full if there
is power to the rack. Check the 3 phase power harness that
connects the control module drawer to the side of the rack.
The 3 Phase LED’s chase. The Line frequency is out of specification. Displayed on HHR.
Line power frequency has to be between 47-63hz.
LED’s blink briefly, then nothing. Main Processor (U5)not getting through RAM check.
LED’s blink briefly, then RED Main Processor (U5)not booting properly.
Phase A LED comes on. [Repeats]
LED’s blink briefly, then RED Main Processor booting properly
Phase A LED comes on. Analog Led B Processor (U19) not booting properly.
Blinks at least once. [Repeats]
LED’s blink briefly, then RED Main Processor booting pr operly
Phase A LED comes on. Analog Led B Processor booting properly
blinks. Phase B LED comes on.
Analog LED blinks at least once. C Processor (U28) not booting properly
After All three processors boot, Feeder Line voltage is too high.
One or more of the power led’s flash. [above 135VAC for a 120VAC system]
[above 260VAC for a 240VAC system]
After All three processors boot, Feeder Line voltage is too low or off.
One or more of the power led’s [below 90VAC for a 120VAC system]
turn off. [below 190VAC for a 240VAC system]
After All 3 processors boot, the
Diagnostics led stays lit, along The main processor can’t get the configuration from the
with the 3 Power LED’s, but the backplane. It will try to read the backplane for about 30
control module runs a circular chase seconds, then it will give up and will process normally
pattern between DMX OK,ANALOG, the default thumbwheel DMX -512 patch settings [1-15].
PANIC, AND BACKUP for about Custom patches and snapshot scenes will not be available.
30 seconds then operates normally.
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