Leviton i 48e, i 96e Installation And Maintenance Manual

i 48e and i 96e Dimmer Rack
Installation and Maintenance Manual Supplement
Enclosed is a copy of the Installation and Maintenance Manual for the original product. This supplement serves as a temporary modifier of that manual for the i Series e product. Please follow the instructions in the manual except where modified below.
Page 9, Paragraph 1 – The e Series has two additional control cables that plug into the rear center of the control module tray. One is a six-pin rectangular connector whose cable routes through the right wall. The other is a five-pin in-line connector whose cable routes down underneath the control module tray. Both cables must also be disconnected before removing the control module tray.
Page 12, Label Part Numbers – The label part numbers for i Series E and the associated explanation are as follows: Part Number Rack Type
LBL-31084-00 i96e phase balanced LBL-31085-00 i96e sequential LBL-31346-00 i48e phase balanced LBL-31247-00 i48e sequential
Standard racks are shipped from the factory in the phase balanced configuration. This places dimmers 1 and 2 at the top of the rack and the top of the phase A bus, dimmers 3 and 4 one-third of the way down the rack at the top of the phase B bus, and dimmers 5 and 6 two -thirds of the way down the rack at the top of the phase C bus. In this configuration “phase balanced” labels should be selected. If the rack is full of dimmers you may want to have them arranged sequentially from top to bottom. The rack is easily configured for this sequential arrangement and the “sequential” labels should be selected.
Page 13, Table 3 – The dimmer module part numbers for e Series dimmer racks must include an “E” suffix. Constant module part numbers do not require the “E”.
Page 16, Table 4 – The dimmer module part numbers for e Series dimmer racks must include an “E” suffix.
Page 17, Paragraph 2 – There are no PC Serial control conductors in the e Series. There are, however, 0 – 10VDC Analog inputs.
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Page 17, Figure 16 – SW1 has been rep laced with jumpers JP3 and JP4 immediately under TB3 in the e Series. An additional terminal block TB4 has been added immediately to the left of TB1 for the Analog inputs.
Page 17, Last Paragraph – The Network connector is a pair of RJ45 telephone -type connectors.
Page 18, Paragraph 3 – In the e Series DMXO controls only the top control module and DMX1 only the bottom (optional) control module. If it is desired to “pile-on” the two DMX inputs both control modules must be installed. Both ports support DMX only, CMX is not available with e Series.
Page 18, Paragraph 4 – SW1 has been replaced with jumpers JP3 and JP4 in e Series. Install the jumpers for termination and remove the jumpers for no termination.
Page 18, Paragraphs 5 and 6 – CMX is not available with e Series.
Page 20, Paragraph 3 – The PC port is not available with e Series.
Page 21, Section 13.4 – The Network feature has not yet been implemented in e Series.
Page 21 – Add the following:
13.5. Terminal Block 4: 0 – 10 VDC Analog Inputs TB4 is designed to accept the analog control signals from the Remembrance line of analog control stations. The first twelve terminals numbered from right to left accept 0 – 10 VDC analog signals. Terminal 13 is the common and terminal 14 is the V+ for the Remembrance station.
Page 22, Tables 8 and 9 – The dimmer module part numbers for e Series dimmer racks must include an “E” suffix. Constant module part numbers do not require the “E”.
Page 24, Section 18 – Loads connected to the dimmer rack load terminals cannot be tested in e Series until the control module(s) is installed. Go to Section 20 for control module installation and then return to this section. Testing loads is a completely different process in e Series. The process is as follows:
1. Turn off power to the rack. Caution: do not work inside rack while the rack is energized.
2. Remove the top control module and bottom couple of dimmers.
3. Temporarily remove any control wiring from TB1 terminals 3 and 4.
4. Jumper terminals 3 and 4 together o n TB1. This will put all dimmers in “panic” mode.
5. Replace modules and turn on power to rack. The green Load LED(s) on each dimmer module should now be on.
6. Turn on and off the circuit breaker(s) on each dimmer module. The corresponding load should turn on and off.
7. When testing is complete reverse steps 1 through 5 above to replace control wiring.
Page 25, Section 19 – There are no individual “panic” switches in e Series. Panic selection is accomplished in software. E Series racks are shipped with all dimming channels programmed
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