PL-4509-01, Rev01, DCO# 16-191
Phone for US: 888-569 07 18
have been tested to be
robust against gamma radiation with a dose up to
with care, especially after
gamma radiation with doses above 25 kGy, since the
Label with Serie # and
Flow Direction Arrow
Instructions for Use of LEVIFLOW® LFS-SU Flowsensors
Technical Service Department
Technoparkstr. 1, CH-8005 Zurich, Switzerland
1 Description and Preparation
1.1 Description
The LEVIFLOW® LFS-SU flowsensors are
designed for non-invasive flow measurements in
single-use applications of the Life Science
industries. T he wetted materials of the sens ors are
made out of biocompatible polypropylene (FDA,
USP-VI, BSE/TSE and An imal free), which can be
gamma sterilized.
Figure 1: Single-use flowsensor (e xa m pl e LFS-06SU)
Before using the flowsensor make yourself fam iliar
with the following instructions.
1.2 Inspection Prior to Use
The flowsensor should be inspected prior to use for
any damage. Do not use the flowsensor if any
damage is found. Contact Levitronix
return of any suspected flowsensor.
1.3 Traceability for Troubleshooting
For full traceability of the flowsensor the serial
number located on the s ensor bod y (see Figure 1)
shall be used. The s erial num ber is also printed on
the biocompatibility decl aration and the calibration
sheet delivered with each sensor.
1.4 Levitronix
For sensor parameter setting and calibration
parameter transfer to the converter (not necessar y
for sensors with a param eter chip) the Levitronix
Configuration Software with version V1.30 or
newer is needed. For detai ls regarding installation
of software and establishing RS485 connection
consult the LEVIFLOW
manual (see Doc# PL-4501-00).
Configuration Software
Configuration Software
Phone for outside US: +1 888-569 07 18
E-Mail: support@levitronix.com
2 General Warnings and Cautions
Gamma Sterilization
The LFS-SU flowsensors
40 kGy.
Handle the flowsensors
radiation exposure decreases the flexibility of the
flowsensor material.
3 Procedure for Installation
3.1 Mechanical/Electrical Installation
Connect the sensor to the converter t ogether with
the relevant adaptor cables. Take specific care
about the flow direc tion indi cated w ith t he arr ow on
the flow sensor (see Figure 1). For details about
mechanical and el ectrical ins tallation and desig n of
an adequate hydraulic circuit, consult the user
manual (Doc# PL-4509-00).
3.2 Setting of Sensor Type Parameters
The sens or type (or size) specific parameters can
be set or updated on the converter at the first
installation or whenever the sensor type is
Note: Sensors which are labeled with “Type: PC”
on the calibration tag have an integrated
parameter chip and parameters are transferred
automatically to the converter.
Start the LEVIFLOW
open the “Parameter Settings” menu (Figure 2).
Make sure that “Sens or Size”, “Full Scale”, “Kinem.
Viscosity” and “Liq uid Temperature“ are set t o the
values designated for the used sensor type.
Table 1 tab le sho ws the sta ndard values. F or other
configuration consult the specific sensor
Full Scale
Table 1: Standard sensor type parameters
Configuration Software and

PL-4509-01, Rev01, DCO# 16-191
Instructions for Use of LEVIFLOW® LFS-SU Flowsensors
3.4 Transfer of Linearizer Values
In some cases (for example for the LFS-03SU)
additional linearizer values are defined to increase
accuracy. These values are available on the
backside of calibration parameter tag or on the
calibration sheet del ivered with each s ensor. Open
the “Linearizer” menu (see Figure 4) of the
configuration software and transfer the linearizer
Figure 2: “Parameter Settings” menu of configuration software
(Example for LFS-06SU)
3.3 Transfer of Basic Calibration Values
Next step is to transfer the calibration values.
These values are a vailabl e on th e sensor tag or on
the calibration sheet delivered with each sensor.
Open the menu “Basic Calibration” of the
configuration software (see Figure 3). Update the
“K Factor” and the 5 “Calibration Values”.
Store the settings to the converter by using the
“Write to Converter” button.
Figure 4: “Linearizer” menu of configuration software
(Settings for example with LFS-03SU)
If no linearizer values are defined on the back side
of the calibration parameter tag (for example for
LFS-06SU and LFS-20SU), write “0” linearizer
points to the “Linearizer Points” item (see
Figure 5).
Figure 3: “Basic Cali br ati o n ” menu of c onfiguration softwar e
Figure 5: “Linearizer” menu of configuration software
Store the settings to the converter by using the
“Write to Converter” button.
(Setting for no linearizer values)