User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
This manual contains information necessary for the safe and proper use of the LEVIFLOWTM flowmeter series.
Included are specifications for the standard configuration, components, and instructions regarding its use, installation,
operation, adjustment, inspection and maintenance. For special configuration of the LEVIFLOWTM flowmeters refer to
accompanying information. If the flowmeters have to be configured for other parameter settings then the
LEVIFLOWTM configuration software (with according manual Levitronix Doc.# PL-4501-00) is necessary. Please
familiarize yourself with the contents of this manual to ensure the safe and effective use of this product. After reading,
please store the manual where the personnel responsible for operating can readily refer to it at any time.
LEVIFLOWTM Sensors: LFS-04, -08, -20, -50, -80 (LFS-Series Sensors)
LFS-008 (Low-Flow Sensor)
LEVIFLOWTM Converters: LFC-1C (single channel, LFS-Series)
LFC-6C (6-channel, LFS-Series)
LFC-1C-F4 (single channel, LFS-008 only)

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
Table of Contents
1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2 SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Component Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Standard System Configurations ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Single Channel Configuration – LFS-Series ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Multi-Channel Configuration – LFS-Series ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Specifications of Sensors .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Specifications of Converters .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.4.1 General Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.2 Overview of Parameter Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Basic Dimensions of Main Components ............................................................................................................ 9
2.5.1 Dimensions of Sensors .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Dimensions of Converters .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3 INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Installation of Converter LFC-1C / LFC-1C-F4................................................................................................. 11
3.1.1 Overview and Preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.2 Instructions for Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.3 Instructions for Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Installation of Converter LFC-6C ..................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Overview and Preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Instructions for Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Instructions for Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Configuration of Sensor Specific Data ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.3 Installation of Sensors ..................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Overview and Preparation .............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.2 Instructions for Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.3 Instructions for Mechanical and Hydraulic Installation ..................................................................................................... 16
4 OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1 General Timing Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Startup Time .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.1.2 Thermal Stability Time .................................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Zero Adjustment Activation Time .................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.4 Automatic Zero Adjustment duration ............................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 System Operation with LFC-1C / LFC-1C-F4 .................................................................................................. 18
4.2.1 Standard Operation with PLC Interface .......................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.2 Typical Setups Using the PLC Interface ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3 Operation with RS485 .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.4 Display Messages .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 System Operation with Converter LFC-6C ...................................................................................................... 20
4.3.1 Operation with RS485 .................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3.2 Standalone Operation with Display ................................................................................................................................. 20
4.3.3 Display Messages .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Operation with LEVIFLOW Configuration Software ......................................................................................... 20
5 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................... 21
6 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................................................. 22
6.1 Common Troubles ........................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Troubleshooting with LEVIFLOWTM Configuration Software ............................................................................ 22
7 TECHNICAL SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 23
8 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.1 Regulatory Status ............................................................................................................................................ 24
8.1.1 CE Marking .................................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.2 Symbols and Signal Words .............................................................................................................................. 25

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
Do not under any circumstances open the converter or sensor housing.
Levitronix does not assume responsibility for any damage, which
occurs under such circumstances.
Hazardous voltage may be present.
In case of the usage of an inadequate AC/DC power supply, mains
voltages may be present (even if the system is designed for 24VDC).
The converter must be placed in a spill protected environment. Do not
under any circumstances open the powered converter.
The usage of galvanic separated AC/DC supply is highly recommended (preferable with UL 1950, UL 508C and/or IEC/EN60950).
TOXIC CHEMICALS may be present.
When using the flowmeter to measure chemicals skin contact and toxic
gases may be hazardous to your health. Wear safety gloves and other
appropriate safety equipment.
1 Safety Precautions

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
PVDF male
connector cover
Sensor specific parameter for
converter calibration are delivered
on a tag attached to the flowsensor.
Analog Output (4 – 20 mA), 2x Digital Output,
1x Digital Input, RS485 (MODBUS) protocol
- RS485 (MODBUS) protocol
- Note: Connector and Termination Box to be ordered as separate article (see Table 3)
Cable length: 1 m, PVC
Cable length: 3 m, PVC
Cable length: 6 m, PVC
- PVDF female connector cover for IP-65 chemical protection
- Flame retardant PVC white (UL VW-1 corresponds to EN-60332-1-2)
Cable length 1 m, FEP
Cable length 3 m, FEP
Cable length 6 m, FEP
- PVDF female connector cover for IP-65 chemical protection
Is needed for wiring stacks of LFC-6C converters
Termination Box for LFC-6C
Is needed for termination of RS485 bus
For PC communication with converters over RS485 bus
D-SUB Connector with Open-End Cable
For wiring, when used with EX-1303
LFS-008-Z + LFC-1C-F4
LFS-008-U + LFC-1C-F4
Converter is delivered with sensor
specific parameters already stored.
Extension cables to be ordered as
separate article with specified length
(see Table 2)
2 Specifications
2.1 Component Overview
Figure 1: LEVIFLOWTM flowmeter components
Table 1: Standard flow sensor models
Table 2: Standard converters
Table 3: Accessories
Table 4: Flowmeter sets – flowsensor with single channel converter LFC-1C/LFC-1C-F4

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
(Single Channel)
4-Digit Display
Zero Adjustment
Adress Setting for RS485
Piezo Transducers
Electrical Interface
Power Supply: 24 VDC
- Configuration with PC Software
- Data Reading
- Fieldbus Array of Multiple Sensors
Analog and Digital Outputs
- 1x Analog Output
- 2x Digital Outputs
- 1x Digital Input
Sensor LFS-xx
Flow In
Flow Out
Cables LFE
Signal Processor
4-Digit Display
Zero Adjustment
Address Setting for RS485
Piezo Transducers In-/Output
Signal/Power Bus Connector
Power Supply: 24 VDC
- Configuration with PC Software
- Data Reading
Signal Processor
Flowsensor LFS
Flowsensor LFS
Flowsensor LFS
Flowsensor LFS
Flowsensor LFS
Flowsensor LFS
2.2 Standard System Configurations
2.2.1 Single Channel Configuration – LFS-Series
Figure 2: Flowmeter configuration with LFC-1C single channel converter
(for LFS-008 flow sensor special LFC-1C-F4 converter is necessary)
2.2.2 Multi-Channel Configuration – LFS-Series
Figure 3: Flowmeter configuration with LFC-6C converter (6 channel)
(Does not work with LFS-008 flow sensor)

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
Sensor Type
Measurement Path ID in [mm]
Flow Velocity < 1 m/s
Flow Range [lpm]
Flow Velocity > 1 m/s
Flow Range [lpm]
Pressure Drop Coefficient C
P = C x Q2 ,
Q = Flow [lpm], P = Press. Drop [kPa]
Normal range: 10 – 90 0C ( 50 – 194 0F ) Max. temperature: 160 0C (320 0F) 1 (not for LFS-008)
0 – 0.5 MPa ( 0 – 5 bar, 0 – 72.5 psi)
0.8 – 40 mm2/s (0.8 – 40 cSt)
Sensor Enclosure Classification
FEP (PVC on request and at minimum order quantities)
0.5m with extension cables for length variation
(other length on request and at minimum order quantities)
SMB with protective PVDF cover (male with O-Ring, IP-65 protection)
1 10 100 1000
Accuracy of Reading
Repeatability of Reading for LFS-008
Full Scale Change Line
2.3 Specifications of Sensors
Table 5: Specifications of sensors (All data based on water at 20
: The flow sensors LFS-04/08/20/50/80 are functionally tested up to 1600C liquid temperature. However, no lifetime and
MTBF data can be given for the high temperature range. Levitronix® reject warranty for Leviflow products used at liquid
temperatures > 90°C. For further specific information please contact Levitronix.
Figure 4: Repeatability and accuracy specification for LFS-008 sensor

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
Single Channel Converter Types LFC-1C/LFC-1C-F4
6-Channel Converter Type LFC-6C
Power Supply
Current / Start Current
24 VDC ± 10%
150 mA / 4.4 A, 2 ms max.
24 VDC ± 10%
150 mA / 4.4 A, 2 ms max.
Ambient Temp
Humidity Range
0 – 50 °C (32 – 122 °F)
30 - 85% R.H. (no condensation)
0 – 50 °C (32 – 122 °F)
30 - 85% R.H. (no condensation)
Enclosure Classification and
(see Figure 7 and Figure 9
for detailed PIN designation
and electrical specification)
- RS485 -> MODBUS protocol -> max. array of 99 channels
- 1x Analog Output: 4 – 20mA (0 – 20mA configurable)
- 2x Digital Outputs: Flow Alarm, Measurement Error,
Volume Counter Pulse, Volume Counter Alarm, Flow as
Frequency or Bubble Detection (default: normally open)
- 1x Digital Input: Volume Counter Reset or Zero Adjust
- 4 Digit display (flow rate, error codes), re-zero button
- Address potentiometers for RS485 address setting
- RS485 -> MODBUS protocol -> max. array of 99 ch.
- stacking of max. 16 converters
-> 5 ms DSP process/time per channel
- 4 Digit display (flow rate, error codes), re-zero button
- Address potentiometers for RS485 address setting
Configuration Parameters
(Available and configurable
with RS485/USB converter
and configuration software)
- Viscosity
- Low Cutoff,
- Dampening time (filter)
- Full scale setting,
- Linearization (15 points)
- Alarm Outputs
(High and Low Alarm)
- Volume Counter and
Volume Counter Alarm
- Viscosity
- Low Cutoff
- Dampening constant
- Full scale setting
- Linearization (15 points)
- Alarm Outputs
(High and Low Alarm)
- Volume Counter and
Volume Counter Alarm
Duration for Activation of
Manual and Digital Zeroing
Duration of Zeroing
LFC-1C -> normal 6 sec maximum 15 sec
LFC-1C-F4 -> normal 26 sec maximum 60 sec.
normal 15 sec maximum 30 sec.
Duration of Measurement
Ready after Power-On
Warm-Up Time for Full
Performance Measurements
2.4 Specifications of Converters
2.4.1 General Specifications
Table 6: Specifications of converters

User Manual for LEVIFLOWTM LFS Flowmeters
PL-4502-00, Rev05, DCO# 11-131
xx = 04, 08, 20, 50, 80, 008
xx = 008,4,8,20,50,80
(accord. Sensor size)
Default Values:
LFS-008 = 0.8 L/min, LFS-04 = 4 L/min, LFS-08 = 8 L/min
LFS-20 = 20 L/min, LFS-50 = 50 L/min, LFS-80 = 80 L/min
Unit of flow rate on the converter display
Flow cut to 0 below this percentage of full-scale
If cutoff 0% is chosen, negative flow becomes visible
Kinematic Visc. = Dynamic Visc. / Density
Analog output
(For LFC-1C /
LFC-1C-F4 only)
Digital input
(For LFC-1C /
LFC-1C-F4 only)
Set Volume Counter to zero
Automates zeroing, when liquid type changes
Digital output
(For LFC-1C /
LFC-1C-F4 only)
Flow alarm High
Flow alarm Low
Vol. counter alarm H
Vol. counter alarm HH
Vol. counter Pulse
Measurement Error
Flow as Frequency
Bubble detect
Custom Output
- Upper flow limit detection
- Lower flow limit detection
- Flow volume detection first value (one-time)
- Flow volume detection second value
- Pulse per volume
- Error signal (empty sensor etc.)
- Flow as Frequency output (100% of full-scale = 1 kHz)
- Bubble detected signal
- Bits of equipment status can be OR-ed on the output
Can be used to get tolerance to noise.
Alarm setting In percentage of full-scale.
N.O. = normally open
N.C. = normally closed
For digital outputs of LFC-1C / LFC-1C-F4 / LFC-1C-CS
Alarm setting In percentage of full-scale.
N.O. = normally open
N.C. = normally closed
For digital outputs of LFC-1C / LFC-1C-F4 / LFC-1C-CS
Volume counter enable
(activation box)
These are settings for volume detection (integration of
Has to be active for the options “ Vol. Counter Alarm H”,
“Vol. Counter Alarm HH” and “Vol. Counter Pulse”.
Volume counter pulse length
Volume counter alarm enable
(activation box)
-> Settings for one-time volume detection.
-> Volume = “Volume unit” x “Multiplier factor” x “Vol.
Counter Alarm H“ value”
-> Has to be active for the options “Vol. Counter Alarm
H”, “Vol. Counter Alarm HH”.
(Volume counter alarm H)
N.O. = normally open
N.C. = normally closed
(Volume counter alarm HH)
N.O. = normally open
N.C. = normally closed
Error Settings
Instant Measurement Error
Ignore Time
During this time instant measurement errors are ignored.
If an instant measurement error stays active for longer
time than this time, measurement error arises.
Flow Level on Measurement
Signal level of analog output and flow, when
measurement error arises
Bubble Detection
For bubble or particle detection in the process
2.4.2 Overview of Parameter Configuration
Table 7 shows the standard (“Default”) and possible parameter configurations of the flowmeters. This user
manual is dealing with the standard configuration. For setting up other configurations the LEVIFLOWTM
Configuration Software is needed. Consult the “Configuration-SW User Manual” (Levitronix Doc.# PL-4501-
00) for more detailed description.
Table 7: Overview of parameters