LevelOne PLI-2020 User Manual

Level One
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User Manual
LevelOne HomePlug Adapter allows you to connect any device
which has an Ethernet port to a HomePlug network. In operation, the
HomePlug Adapter is completely transparent, and simply passes data
between the Ethernet port and the HomePlug network. Any device may
be connected to the HomePlug Adapter's Ethernet port, but a
Windows PC must be used for configuration.
Physical Details
Figure 1: HomePlug Adapter
Front Panel LEDs
Power On - Normal operation.
Off - No power
Homeplug On - The HomePlug network is active. This
means that at least one other HomePlug device
was detected.
Off - HomePlug network is not available - no
other HomePlug devices were detected.
Ethernet On - Ethernet connection is active.
Off - No Ethernet connection.
Flashing - Data is being transmitted or received
via the Ethernet Port.
Rear Panel
The rear panel contains only the AC plug and a sticker containing the
HomePlug adapter's Password. (Each HomePlug device has a unique
+ 5 hidden pages