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11a(5.500~5.825Ghz) 10dBi Omni-Directional Antenna
LevelOne’s OAN-4100 10dBi omni-directional outdoor antenna kit is
an ideal solution to increase wireless signal coverage and improve
signal strength/quality for existing 802.11a wieless devices in the
range between 5.5Ghz to 5.825Ghz frequency bands.
This antenna is especially designed for outdoor applications such
as the WAB-2000A outdoor access point. The surge protector
prevents the wireless devices from being damaged by the lightninginduced surges or static electricity. The waterproof surface keeps
the antenna workable in any rogue environment. In order to
increase installation flexibility there is no power-source required.
This antenna kit comes with antenna, surge protector and metal
bracket. With those accessories, the antenna can be easily
fastened on a wall or installed on a pole. OAN-4100 has been
tested for interoperating with LevelOne’s wireless access point,
WAB-2000A mesh outdoor AP/Bridge. This unit can also work with
other wireless devices, which comply with IEEE802.11a standard and
are equipped with an N male connector.
Related Products
108Mbps Wireless Mesh
Outdoor AP/Bridge
11a Wireless Bridge
Key Features
For IEEE 802.11a applications at the range
between 5.5GHz to 5.825GHz frequency band
Surge protector to prevents the lightning-
induced surges or static electricity
Easy to install
Radiation Patterns
Omni-directional operation provides extended
point to multi-point coverage
V-Plane Co-polarization Pattern H-Plane Co-polarization Pattern

one world_one brand_one level_
Technical Specification
Electrical Specification
Frequency Band 5500MHz – 5825MHz
Gain 10dBi
VSWR 2.0:1 Max
Polarization Linear, Vertical
Power Handling 5W
Impedance 50 Ohms
Connector N female
Environmental & Mechanical Characteristics
Survival wind speed 216km/ hr
Temperature -40°C - +80°C
Humidity 95% @ 25°C
Radome Color Gray-white
Radome Material Fiber Glass, UV resistant
Weight 265 g
Dimension 80mm x 780mm x 511mm
Product Diagram
OAN-4100 works with WAB-2000A for Mesh Network or Point-to-Multipoint bridging applications
Ordering Information
OAN-4100: 10dBi Omni-Directional Outdoor Antenna
- Surge Protector
For more information, please contact your LevelOne representative, or visit our website
All technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
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