LevelOne CamCon FCS-1060, CamCon FCS-1070, CamCon WCS-2030, CamCon WCS-2070, CamCon FCS-3000 User Manual

IP CamSecure
User’s Manual
Copyright (c) 2008 Digital Data Communications Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Ver. 1.8-0810
MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENT.................................................................................................................................................3
INSTALL IP CAMERA(S)....................................................................................................................................................................4
INSTALL CAPTURE CARD(S) .............................................................................................................................................................4
IP CAMSECURE INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................................................5
MAIN CONSOLE.............................................................................................................................................................................11
TO WITHDRAW THE RECORD.........................................................................................................................................................20
SEARCH MODE...............................................................................................................................................................................22
SAVE VIDEO / SAVE IMAGE ............................................................................................................................................................29
PRINT / BACKUP.............................................................................................................................................................................30
LOG VIEWER..................................................................................................................................................................................31
ENCODING OPTIONS PANEL ..........................................................................................................................................................38
GUARD.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
EVENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................42
ACTION ..........................................................................................................................................................................................58
MONITOR DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................................................................74
SAVE/LOAD CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................................................75
COUNTING APPLICATION...............................................................................................................................................................76
LOG VIEWER..................................................................................................................................................................................77
NETWORK SERVICE.....................................................................................................................................................................86
LIVE STREAMING SERVER.............................................................................................................................................................86
REMOTE PLAYBACK SERVER........................................................................................................................................................90
3GPP SERVICE...............................................................................................................................................................................93
REMOTE DESKTOP.........................................................................................................................................................................96
CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE...............................................................................................................................................97
REMOTE LIVE VIEWER...............................................................................................................................................................98
HOW TO USE IP CAMSECURE IN VI ST A................................................................................................................................111
IP CamSecure
Minimum System Requirement
Parameter definition: For IP network camera
M: parameter of resolution of camera. 1 Mega-pixel : M=10VGA or D1 resolution : M=5CIF
resolution : M=1
N: FPS of Camera
For analog camera (FCS-8004 capture card) P = 60
S=M*N+P For example: 16 channel system a) 1 camera at 1 Mega-pixel resolution with 10FPS b)
2 cameras at D1 resolution with 15FPS c) 5 cameras at CIF resolution with 30FPS d) 8 cameras with 2pcs FCS-8004
a) M=10; N=10, S=10*10=100 b) M=5; N=15, S=5*15=75 c) M=1; N=30, S=1*30=30 d) P=60 S of All Cam.=1*100+2*75+5*30+2*60=520 Therefore, the Minimum Hardware Requirement is D level.
IP CamSecure
Install IP camera(s)
Step 1: Set up the IP camera referring to the quick installation guide provided. Step 2: Check the network between the IP camera and the system. Step 3: Add the IP camera to the system. See details on later pages.
Install capture card(s)
Step1: Insert the card onto an empty PCI slot. Connect the Audio/Video Cable to the connector in the same color.
Step 2: Turn on your PC and start Windows. Step 3: Insert the included Software CD into CD-ROM. Step 4: Run SetupDrv.exe from the CD-ROM driver/ directory to install the Capture Card driver. Step 5: Run dxdiag.exe from start menu ‘Start-> Run’ to check your DirectX version. If the installed
version is less than 9.0, install DirectX 9.0 from the CD-ROM directx9/ directory. Step 6: After driver being installed, restart your PC.
IP CamSecure
IP CamSecure Installation
Step 1: Insert the Installation CD. Step 2: The setup page should be loaded automatically. If it does not, please select your CD-ROM
drive manually to open the setup page. Click “IP CamSecure” to initiate the installation.
Step 3: Select the language for installation from the choices below.
Note: if you want to install Farsi or Hebrew, please select English for language. After installation is finished, run LangPackFAR.exe for Farsi or LangPackHEB.exe for Hebrew from the language pack folder in CD-ROM directory to install.
IP CamSecure
Step 4: Click “Next”
Step 5: Check the option “I accept the terms of the license agreement”.
IP CamSecure
Step 6: Please enter your name and the company name for which you work.
Step 7:
: [Require the most disk space.]
Install all program features into the default directory. Check the option “Complete”.
: [This is recommended for advanced users.]
Install the system to a preferred directory. Or select whichever feature(s) you wish to install. Check the option “Custom”.
IP CamSecure
Select folder where setup will install files.
Select the features setup will install.
Hint: For example, select only Playback and LiveView for installation. Install and use only these features on multiple remote sites at home or anywhere with a PC.
IP CamSecure
Step 8: Press the “install” to start the installation.
IP CamSecure
Step 9: Press “Finish” to finish the installation.
Step 10: Execute the Main Console
**IP CamSecure Lite32 is free bundled with LevelOne IP camera and Capture Card. ** IP CamSecure professional version is available upon purchase. While using IP
CamSecure Pro/Pro Plus/Pro Mega ,please plug the included USB dongle into USB port as a license key.
IP CamSecure
Main Console
The main operation system. To activate schedule recording, setup smart guard and configure system setting.
IP CamSecure
Exit: Shut down the main console or log out current user. Minimize: Minimize the Main Console. Screen Division: Allocate the sub-screen displays of cameras by clicking on the icon of desired
layout. Quick switch to single camera display by double click the particular sub-screen. Double click the single camera display again to regain previous screen division layout.
Screen Division
Divide into 1 screen(s)
Divide into 4 screen(s)
Divide into 6 screen(s)
Divide into 9 screen(s)
Divide into 10 screen(s)
Divide into 13 screen(s)
Divide into 16 screen(s)
Divide into N screen(s)
Divide into 13 screen(s)
Divide into 17 screen(s)
Switch to Full screen
Rotate all screens
IP CamSecure
: Click on the Start icon and select from the drop down menu to activate/ deactivate: (a)
Recording Schedule System, (b) Smart Guard System, or (c) Counting Application. Select Start/Stop Monitor All to activate/ deactivate all the functions at once.
You may also enable secondary display, open event report, and lock the system here. See later pages for more details about secondary display.
Note: When activating any of the monitor functions, system considers the current screen status as normal. Therefore, if you want to, for example, detect Missing Object, be sure the object needed to be protected is in its position at the moment you click Start button.
IP CamSecure
Playback: Click the icon to get Playback Console. You can watch recorded video, search, adjust image from records data, save video pictures and print images, check log in information, event records and setup recording function configuration. See Playback in detail on later pages.
Schedule: Schedule recording time table and setup recorder configuration. See Schedule in detail on later pages.
Guard: Add/edit type(s) of events which you want to detect; setup reaction(s) responding to events. See Guard in detail on later pages.
Config: Setting, Save/Load Configuration, Counting Application, Log Viewer and Backup. Crystal Ball: Indicates the working status of the system. In blue color rolling when system is
recording; in red when event detected. When the Crystal Ball is red, click it can you can cancel event(s).
Information Window: Shows the system information including date, time, free HD space and customized text. You can customize the setting of Information Window in Config > Setting > General.
PTZ Camera Control:: Control the movement of PTZ cameras. With cameras that support PTZ control, you can zoom, adjust the focus, and set preset points of the cameras.
Preset/ Go: Adjust the camera view until you are satisfied. Click on the Set icon and set up the view as the preset point 01. Adjust the camera view again and set up the preset point 02. Repeat the process until finish setting up all preset points.
Click on the Go icon and view the result of your setting.
Zoom: Click on the + and – signs to zoom in and out the view. Focus: You can select to have the camera focused near or far. To focus near means objects that
are closer will be clearer than the objects that are further away. On contrast, to focus far means objects that are further will be clearer than the objects that are close.
Playback Schedule Guard Config
PTZ Camera Control
Information Window
Crystal Ball
IP CamSecure
Click on the Focus icon and select auto focus if you want the system to decide the focus point for you.
Patrol: Go to Patrol > Set Patrol to obtain the Patrol Setup dialog. From the left window, select the cameras that you would like to have in the patrol group. Align the cameras in order in the right window and adjust the time. Rename the group name if you want. After completing the setup, check the Active box, and then click OK.
You can setup up to four groups of auto patrol. To start or stop, click on the Patrol icon in the Main Console, and select Start Patrol or Stop Patrol.
IP CamSecure
On Screen Menu:
Right click on the camera screen and get the On Screen Menu, from which you can enable move, enable digital PTZ, and connect/ disconnect the camera.
Enable Move: With cameras that support PT function, by selecting the enable move function, you may adjust the camera’s view by clicking on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and select Disable Move. Note: You can only work on current camera after clicking Enable Move.
Enable Talk: With cameras that support two-way audio, you may select enable talk to utilize the function.
Connect/ Disconnect: Right click on the display screen and select Connect/ Disconnect to modify the connecting status of the camera.
Show Camera: Select the camera to be displayed from the Show Camera Menu. Delete Camera: Click on Delete Camera to remove a camera from the display screen. This does
not delete the camera from the setting list. Enable Digital PTZ: To enable the PTZ functions of the camera, select the Enable digital PTZ
option. When enable digital PTZ, we can use mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out on the camera.
Note: Enable Digital PTZ is the option function in IP+ software not in IP software Fix Aspect Ratio: For some special camera resolution, user can enable Fix Aspect Ratio to view
original ratio video, or disable this option to stretch 3:4 to fit window. Snapshot: Select the snapshot function to capture a specific video image immediately. You have
the options to copy the image to the clipboard or to save it.
Manual Record: Start recording video by selecting manual record. Toggle Full Screen: To view a specific channel with full screen.
IP CamSecure
Watch the recorded video, view and/or search for unusual events and recorded system information.
*There is only 1 channel displayed in Playback in IP CamSecure Lite32 while there are up to 16 channels displayed in IP CamSecure Pro/Pro Plus/Pro Mega simultaneously.
IP CamSecure
Minimize: Minimizes the playback Console window. Exit: Turn off the Playback Console. Scroll Bar: Indicate the status of the playing video; drag it to where you want to review. Control: Play, pause and stop the video. Cue: When playing video, click on the Cue In/ Cue Out icon at where you want to set as the
starting/ ending point of a saved video clip or a backup file. The Cue In and Cue Out time will show on the Playback Information Window once they are set.
Speed: Control the speed of the playing video. Click + to speed up and – to speed down the video. Zoom: Zoom in and zoom out. You can get a close up view of the recorded video and move to the
spot you want to view by dragging the screen.
Scroll Bar
Control Cue Speed Zoom
IP CamSecure
Browse Mode: Play the recorded video. Search Mode: Click on the Search Mode icon and get the Intelligent Search Tool panel. You can
setup unusual events here to detect abnormality that occurred during the video was recorded. To setup unusual events, see this in detail on later pages.
Allocate the sub-screen display by clicking on the desired layout icon. To
switch to single camera display, double click on a particular sub-screen. Double click on the screen again to regain previous screen division layout.
OWW:: Display video date and time, current video status, cue in/ out
points’ time, and speed. Date Time: By clicking on Date Time bottom, you can withdraw the video record that you want to
review. As you click on the Date Time bottom, a control panel will show up. Follow the instruction on the next page to withdraw the record.
Audio Vol ume Control: Adjust the sound level.
Browse Mode
Search Mode
Date Time
Audio Volume Control
You can customize the speeds on Setting panel.
Forward/reverse frame by frame.
IP CamSecure
Day-Time Panel
Record Display Window: The record display window shows the information of the available video
clips. It may show in calendar or list control view. To know how to modify the record display window view.
Click on the icon on the top of the display window to obtain the Remote Playback Sit e Management dialog. Here you may select to access local machine or set up remote playback server. See later pages for details in setting up the remote playback server.
Click on the icon to refresh the record display window, and click on the icon to access the log viewer dialog. See later pages for details about the log viewer dialog. Additionally, utilize the
icons to go to previous and next pages.
Date Time Period: Select the start and end time points that indicate the time period you would like to view.
Video Preview: Check the enable preview box to view the selected video. Event Type: There are 5 event types. You may set up different colors for different event types to
help you select events.
Time Table: Utilize the icon to select all channels; also utilize the icon to deselect all channels. Finally, utilize the scale bar to modify the scale of the time table.
To withdraw the record Step 1: From the record display window at the top left of the Date Time Panel, select the date you
want to withdraw the record from. The red/green lines shown on the time table indicate available recorded video records.
Note: The record display window can be shown in (a) calendar view or (b) list control view. To modify the setting of the record display window, click on the Setting button at the right of the Playback Console. See later pages for details.
IP CamSecure
Step 2: Use color bars to differentiate event types from each other. This will help you select video clips.
Step 3: Highlight the video clip you want to review by left-clicking and dragging the time period. You may also utilize the Start Time and End Time in Date Time Period Section. In addition, modify the scale of the time table with the + and – signs on the bottom left.
Step 4: Check the Enable Preview box to get the preview of the video you select. Step 5: Click OK when complete the setting.
IP CamSecure
Search Mode
Unusual Event - General Motion
Intelligent Search Tool panel:
Click on the Search Mode icon and get the Intelligent Search Tool panel. You can setup unusual events here to detect abnormality that occurred during the video was recorded.
There are 5 types of unusual events: General Motion Foreign Object Missing Object Lose Focus Camera Occlusion
*IP CamSecure Lite32 only has General Motion option in Search Mode.
General Motion: Detect any movement in the defined detection zone. Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click
and drag, and draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeat the process.
IP CamSecure
Unusual Event - General Motion Sensitivity: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase sensitivity, that is, a relatively
small movement will trigger the alarm. Move to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detection. Set up an appropriate Sensitivity value will reduce the chance of false alarm. For example, you can lower the Sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase interval time, so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval time.
Stop when found: Check the box, and the video will stop at the point when a motion in the detection zone is detected. Otherwise, the video will keep rolling and all the events detected will show on the list in Search Re­sult box. Click on the listed event date/time, you will jump to the point in the video where a motion is detected.
Click on the listed event date/ time, you will jump to the point in the video where a motion is detected.
IP CamSecure
Unusual Event - Foreign Object
Intelligent Search Tool panel:
Click on the Search Mode icon and get the Intelligent Search Tool panel. You can setup unusual events here to detect abnormality that occurred during the video was recorded.
Foreign Object: Alarm is set off when an object appears in the defined area on the screen.
Define detection zone: To detect Foreign Object you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag, draw a detection zone. Alarm will be triggered when an object appears in the detection zone.
Define object size: Drag and draw a square on the screen to define the size of a foreign object.
IP CamSecure
Unusual Event - Foreign Object
Sensitivity: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase sensitivity, that is, a relatively
small movement will trigger the alarm. Move to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detection.
Interval: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase interval time, so that the alarm will only be triggered when the object has been removed from the area for longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval time. Set up an appropriate Interval value will reduce the chance of false alarm. For example, you can lower the Interval to avoid the alarm being triggered by a pedestrian.
IP CamSecure
Unusual Event - Missing Object
Intelligent Search Tool panel:
Click on the Search Mode icon and get the Intelligent Search Tool panel. You can setup unusual events here to detect abnormality that occurred during the video was recorded.
Missing Object: Alarm is set off when the defined object is removed from the defined area on the screen.
Define detection zone: To detect Missing Object you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag, draw a detection zone. Alarm will be triggered when the defined object is removed from the detection zone.
Define object size: To tell the system how big the defined object is. Drag and draw a square on the screen, on the object that you want to protect.
IP CamSecure
Unusual Event - Missing Object / Lose Focus / Camera Occlusion
Sensitivity: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase sensitivity, that is, a relatively
small movement will trigger the alarm. Move to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detection.
Interval: Click and move the control bar to the right to increase interval time, so that the alarm will only be triggered when the object has been removed from the area for longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval time.
Lose Focus: System will inform you when the camera(s) are losing focus. Camera Occlusion: Alarms when any of the cameras is blocked.
IP CamSecure
General Setting: Check the circle and chose whether you want to
apply the setting to all the channels or only to those currently show on the screen.
Filter Setting Visibility: Check the box and adjust the gamma value of the image,
which means, you may enhance the image and make it cleaner. Sharpen: Check the box to activate the function. Move the control
bar to the right to sharpen the image, to the left to soften it. Brightness: Check the box to activate the function. Move the control
bar to the right to make the image brighter. Contrast: Check the box to activate the function. Move the control
bar to the right to increase contrast. Grey Scale: Check the box to show the record in grey scale mode,
which is, in black and while.
IP CamSecure
Save Video / Save Image
Save Video
Step 1: Choose the camera display you want to save as a video clip. Step 2: Set up the Cue In and Cue Out points, the cue in and cue out time will show up on the
display. Step 3: Click Save Video icon, choose the folder where you want to save the file, enter the file
name and click SAVE. You may export (save) the record with both audio and video or you can explore the video only.
Step 4: Choose the compression format and then save the video. Note: all the information recorded (including log info, events reported and so.) will be saved. Save Image Step 1: Chose the camera display from which you want to save pictures. Step 2: Click Save Image bottom and when the image you want is on the screen. You may click
Pause to freeze the video, use Step Forward/ Step Backward function to find the picture you want to save.
Step 3: Choose the folder and the format of image (BMP or JPEG) you prefer and then click save. Note: You may skip step 3 by pre-setting a folder and format that you want to save the images.
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