or reproduction in any form require the written consent of the manufacturer.
Product names are used without a guarantee of free usage.
Changes reflecting technical improvements may be made.
The symbols used in this operating manual are explained below.
This symbol precedes text messages which must stri
this information results in injuries to persons or damage to the equipment.
This symbol indicates text passages containing important info
1.2Declaration of Conformity
The MA 208i modular interfacing units have been designed and manufactured in
accordance with applicable European directives and standards.
The Declaration of Conformity for these devices can
General information
ctly be observed. Failure to comply with
be requested from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer of the product, Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG in D-73277 Owen,
possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
Leuze electronicMA 208i5
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General information
1.3Description of functions
The MA 208i modular interfacing unit is used to connect Leuze devices directly to the
This is accomplished by transmitting the data from the DEV via an RS 232 (V.24) interface
to the MA 208
on the RS 232 interface corresponds to the Leuze standard data format (9600 bd, 8N1 and
STX, data, CR, LF).
The corresponding Leuze devices are selected using a rotary code switch on the circuit
board of the connector unit. Many additional RS 232 devices can be connected through a
universal position.
i where a module converts it into the Ethernet TCP/IP format. The data format
6MA 208iLeuze electronic
1.4Definition of terms
For better understanding of the explanations provided in this document, a definition of terms
follows below:
General information
• Bit designation:
The 1st bit or byte begins with count number "0" and means bit/byte 2
• Data length:
Size of a valid, continuous data packet in bytes.
• Consistent:
Data which belongs together with regard to content and which must not be separated
is referred to as consistent data. When identifying objects, it must be ensured that
the data is transmitted completely and in the correct order, otherwise the result is
• Leuze device (DEV):
Leuze devices, e.g., bar code readers, RFID readers, VisionReader…
• Online command:
These commands refer to the respective, connected ident device and may be different depending on the device. These commands are not interpreted by the MA 208
but are instead transmitted transparently (see description of Ident device).
• CR:
Cross reference.
• Perspective of I/O data in the description:
Output data is data which is sent by the control to the MA. Input data is data which
is sent by the MA to the control.
• Tog g le b its :
Status toggle bit
Each change of state indicates that an action was performed, e.g., bit ND (new data):
each change of state indicates that new received data was transmitted to the PLC.
Control toggle bit
An action is performed on each change of state, e.g., bit SDO: on each change of
state, the registered data is sent by the PLC to the MA 208
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Leuze electronicMA 208i7
Safety notices
2Safety notices
2.1General safety notices
All entries in this technical description must strictly be observed, in particular those in the
"Safety notices" section. Keep this technical description in a safe place. It should be
available at all times.
Safety regulations
Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employer's liability
insurance association.
Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer or an authorized representative.
2.2Safety standards
The devices of the series MA 2xx
with the applicable safety standards. They correspond to the state of the art.
2.3Intended use
i were developed, manufactured and tested in accordance
The protection of personnel and the device is guaranteed only if the device is operated in a
manner corresponding to its intended use.
Areas of application
The MA 208
or 2D code readers, hand-held scanners, RFID read-write devices, etc. directly to the
fieldbus. A detailed list can be found in "Description of functions" on page 6.
8MA 208iLeuze electronic
i modular interfacing unit is used for connecting Leuze devices such as barcode-
2.4Working safely
Access to or changes on the device, except where expressly described in this operating
manual, is not authorized.
Safety regulations
Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employer's liability
insurance association.
Qualified personnel
Mounting, commissioning and maintenance of the device must only be carried out by
qualified personnel.
Electrical work must be carried out by a certified electrician.
Safety notices
Leuze electronicMA 208i9
TNT 35/7-24V
Fast commissioning / operating principle
LEUZE Device
M 12 connector
M 12 socket
M 12 socket
M 12 socket
3Fast commissioning / operating principle
Below you will find a short description for the initial commissioning of the Ethernet
gateway MA 208
The gateway mounting plate MA 208
• using four threaded holes (M 6) or
• using two M8x6 screws on the two lateral grooves.
3.2Device arrangement and selection of the mounting location
Ideally, the MA 208
in order to ensure good operability, e.g., for configuring the connected device.
Detailed information can be found in chapter 6.3.1.
3.3Electrical connection
The devices from the MA 2xx
differently depending on the interface.
The voltage supply (PWR IN) as well as the switching inputs/outputs (PWR OUT or PWR IN)
are connected there. The number and function of the switching inputs/outputs is dependent
on the connected end device.
An internal RS 232 interface is used for connecting the respective Leuze device. Another
internal RS 232 interface functions as a service interface for configuring the connected
device via a serial null modem cable.
i. Detailed explanations for the listed points can be found throughout the
i can be mounted in two different ways:
i should be mounted so that it is easily accessible near the Ident device
i family feature four M 12 connectors/sockets which are coded
Figure 3.1:MA 208
i connections
Detailed information can be found in chapter 7.
10MA 208iLeuze electronic
Fast commissioning / operating principle
3.3.1Connecting the Leuze device
To connect the Leuze device to the internal RS 232 device interface, open the housing
of the MA 208
for BCL 32) through the middle threaded opening.
Connect the cable to the internal device interface (X30, X31 or X32, see chapter 7.5.1).
Use rotary switch S4 (see chapter 8.2.5) to select the connected device.
Now screw the PG cable gland into the threaded opening to provide strain relief and
ensure protection class IP 65.
Finally, close the housing of the MA 208
Only then may the supply voltage be applied.
Upon startup of the MA 208i, the device selection switch is queried and the gateway
automatically sets itself to the Leuze device.
Connecting functional earth FE
Ensure that the functional earth (FE) is connected correctly.
Unimpaired operation is only guaranteed when the functional earth is connected properly.
All electrical disturbances (EMC couplings) are discharged via the functional earth
3.3.2Connecting the power supply and the bus cable
Ideally, use the ready-made cables listed in chapter 14.4.3 to connect the gateway to the
power supply via the PWR IN connection.
The ready-made cables listed in chapter 14.5.4 are preferred for connecting the gateway
to the fieldbus via the HOST / BUS IN connection.
If applicable, use the BUS OUT connection if you would like to construct a network with
linear topology.
i and guide the corresponding device cable (see chapter 14.6, e.g., KB 031
TNT 35/7-24V
3.4Starting the device
Apply the supply voltage +18 … 30 V DC (typ. +24 V DC); the MA 208
The PWR LED displays that it is ready for operation.
Leuze electronicMA 208i11
i starts up.
Fast commissioning / operating principle
3.5MA 208i on Ethernet
Setting the communication parameters
With the communication parameters, you determine how data is exchanged between
i and host system, monitor PCs etc.
MA 208
The communication parameters are independent of the topology in which the MA 208i is
operated (see "Ethernet" on page 18).
On delivery from firmware, automatic address assignment is deactivated via DHCP
and a permanent IP address is set:
Device address:
Net mask:
The setting can be adapted via Leuze configuration software BCL-Config, BPS-Config or
RF-Config. In these tools, the MA 208
parameters in the usual way via the service interface.
3.5.1Manually setting the IP address
If the IP address of the devices should be permanently set on your system, proceed as
Have the network administrator specify the data for IP address, net mask and gateway
address of the MA 208
Select the connected device via the device selection switch.
Apply the supply voltage +18 … 30 V DC (typ. +24 V DC); the MA 208
Now switch the service switch to "MA".
i has been created as a device to enable setting of
i starts up.
The service switch must be in switch position "MA" here so that the MA 208
addressed via the service interface.
Connect the serial RS 232 Sub-D interface of the MA 208i to the serial interface of your
Make the necessary settings in the configuration window.
12MA 208iLeuze electronic
i can be
Fast commissioning / operating principle
Figure 3.2:Setting the parameters manually
3.5.2Ethernet host communication
The Ethernet host communication enables the configuration of connections to an external
host system. Both UDP as well as TCP/IP (in either client or server mode) can be used. The
connection-free UDP protocol is used primarily to transfer process data to the host (monitor
operation). The connection-oriented TCP/IP protocol can also be used to transfer
commands from the host to the device. With this connection, the data is backed up by the
TCP/IP protocol itself.
If you would like to use the TCP/IP protocol, you must also define whether the MA 208
to operate as a TCP client or as a TCP server.
Contact your network administrator to determine which communication protocol is used.
Leuze electronicMA 208i13
i is
TNT 35/7-24V
Fast commissioning / operating principle
Set the TCP/IP mode of the MA 208
In TCP client mode, the MA 208
system (PC / PLC as server). The MA 208
(host system) and the port number on which the server (host system) accepts a connection.
In this case, the MA 208
With a MA 208
In TCP server mode, the primary host system (PC / PLC) actively establishes the connection and the connected MA 208
requires information from the user regarding the local port of the MA 208
which the connection requests of a client application (host system) are to be accepted. If
there is a connection request and a connection is established by the primary host system
(PC / PLC as client), the MA 208
sent and received.
With a MA 208
The corresponding adjustment options can be found in the configuration tool.
The MA 208
cation partner. Correspondingly, the host system (PC / PLC) now also requires the set
IP address of the MA 208
a socket is formed via which the data can be sent and received.
Set the following values:
The corresponding adjustment options can be found in the configuration tool.
i determines when and with whom a connection is established!
i as TCP client, set the following values:
• IP address of the TCP server (normally the PLC/host computer)
• Port number of the TCP server
• Optional: Timeout for the wait time for an answer from the server
• Optional: Repetition time for renewed communication attempt following a timeout
i as TCP server, also set the following values:
• Port number for the communication of the MA 208
i requires from the user the IP address and the port number of the communi-
i and the selected port number. By assigning these parameters,
• IP address of the communication partner
• Port number of the communication partner
i actively establishes the connection to the primary host
i requires from the user the IP address of the server
i waits for the connection to be set up. The TCP/IP stack
i (server mode) accepts the connection. Data can then be
i (port number) on
i with the TCP client
14MA 208iLeuze electronic
4Device description
4.1General Information to the connector units
The modular interfacing unit of the MA 2xx
RS 232 devices (e.g., BCL 22 bar code readers, RFID devices, RFM 32, AMS 200) in the
respective fieldbus. The MA 2xx
with a high protection class. Various device versions are available for the conventional fieldbuses. With a stored parameter structure for the connectable RS 232 devices, commissioning could hardly be simpler.
i gateways are intended for use in industrial environments
4.2Characteristics of the connector units
A special characteristic of the MA 208
1.Transparent mode
In this function mode, the MA 208
munication from and to the PLC. Absolutely no special programming by the user is
necessary for this purpose. The data is not buffered or stored temporarily, however.
Instead, it is "passed on".
The programmer must make certain to retrieve the data from the input memory of the
PLC at the right time, as it is otherwise overwritten by new data.
2.Collective mode
In this operating mode, data and telegram parts are temporarily stored in the memory
(buffer) of the MA and sent to the RS 232 interface or to the PLC in a telegram by means
of bit activation. In this mode, however, all communication control must be programmed on the PLC.
This function mode is helpful, for example, for very long telegrams or when one or
more codes with long code lengths are read.
i family is a versatile gateway for integrating Leuze
i device family are three function modes:
i functions as a pure gateway with automatic com-
Device description
The Collective mode is not available for the MA 208
length, data can always be transmitted in its entirety independent of its length. It is not
necessary to transfer data in blocks.
3.Command mode
With this special operating mode, it is possible to use the first bytes of the data range
to transmit predefined commands to the connected device by means of bit activation.
For this purpose, device-dependent commands (so-called online commands) are predefined via the device selection switch, see chapter 16 "Specifications for Leuze end
Leuze electronicMA 208i15
i. Due to a variable telegram
TNT 35/7-24V
Device description
MA 208
network or other devices
with RS 232
RS 232
4.3Device construction
The MA 208i modular interfacing unit is used for interconnecting Leuze devices, such as
the BCL 8, BCL 22, etc., directly to the fieldbus. This is accomplished by transmitting the
data from the Leuze device via an RS 232 (V.24) interface to the MA 208
converts it into the fieldbus format. The data format of the RS 232 interface corresponds to
the standard Leuze data format.
i where a module
Figure 4.1:Connection of a Leuze device (BCL, RFI, RFM, VR) to the fieldbus
The cable of the respective Leuze device is guided through cable bushings with PG cable
glands into the MA 208
The MA 208i is intended as a gateway for any RS 232 devices, e.g., BCL 90 with MA 90,
hand-held scanners, scales or for coupling a multiNet network.
The RS 232 cables are internally connectable using JST plug connectors. The cable can be
connected to the device using a stable PG cable gland which provide strain relief and protection against contamination.
With the help of adapter cables with Sub-D 9 or open cable end, other RS 232 devices can
also be connected.
i and connected there with the PCB connectors.
16MA 208iLeuze electronic
4.4Operating modes
For fast commissioning, the MA 208i offers an additional operating mode, the "Service
mode", in addition to the "Standard mode". To do this, you need a PC/laptop with a suitable
terminal program, as BCL-Config from Leuze or similar.
Service switch
Select between "operation" and "service" modes with the service switch. You have the
following options:
Pos. RUN:
The Leuze device is connected to the fieldbus and communicates with the PLC.
Pos. DEV:
Service Leuze device
The connection between the Leuze device and the fieldbus is interrupted. With this
switch position, you can communicate directly with the Leuze device at the fieldbus
gateway via RS 232. You can send online commands via the service interface, configure the Leuze device using the corresponding BCL- BPS-, …-Config configuration
software and have the read data of the Leuze device output.
Pos. MA:
Service fieldbus gateway
With this switch setting, your PC/terminal is connected with the fieldbus gateway. In
doing so, the current setting values of the MA (e.g. address, RS 232 parameters) can
be called up via a ’v’ command.
Device description
Figure 4.2:Service-switch switch positions
If the service switch is on one of the service settings, the PWR LED flashes on the front side
of the device, see chapter 8.1.2 "LED indicators on the housing".
Furthermore, on the control, the SMA service bit of the status bytes signals that the MA is
in service mode.
Leuze electronicMA 208i17
TNT 35/7-24V
Device description
3 TxD
2 RxD
TxD 3
RxD 2
COM interface
MA 208i
Service interface
Service interface
The service interface can be accessed once the MA 208
and features a 9-pin Sub-D connector (male). A crossed RS 232 connection cable is required
to make the RxD, TxD and GND connections.
Figure 4.3:Connecting the service interface to a PC/terminal
For the service PC to function, the RS 232 parameters must be the same as those of the
MA. The Leuze standard setting of the interface is 9600 bd, 8N1 and STX, data, CR, LF.
4.5Fieldbus systems
Various product variants of the MA 2xx
fieldbus systems such as PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET-IO, DeviceNet and Ethernet.
i housing cover has been removed
i series are available for connecting to different
The MA 208
rate of 10/100 Mbit. A fixed MAC ID is assigned to each MA 208
ID cannot be changed.
The MA 208
100 Mbit/s (10Base TX), as well as auto-negotiation and auto-crossover.
The MA 208
supply voltage, the interface and the switching inputs and outputs. Additional information
on the electrical connection can be found in chapter 7.
The MA 208
• TCP / IP (client / server)
18MA 208iLeuze electronic
i is designed as an Ethernet device (acc. to IEEE 802.3) with a standard baud
i by the manufacturer; this
i automatically supports the transmission rates of 10 Mbit/s (10Base T) and
i features multiple M 12 connectors / sockets for the electrical connection of the
i supports the following protocols and services:
Device description
MA 208i
PC / PLC host interface
Other network participants
PC / PLC host interface
MA 208
To other network participants
MA 208i
MA 208
For communication with the superior host system, the corresponding TCP/IP protocol
(client/server mode) or UDP must be selected.
Further information on commissioning can be found in chapter 12.
Ethernet – star topology
The MA 208
with individual IP address.
The IP address is either set permanently via the RS 232 interface or assigned dynamically
via a DHCP server.
Figure 4.4:Ethernet with star topology
Ethernet – linear topology
The innovative further development of the MA 208
the option of connecting multiple gateways of type MA 208
connection to a switch. In addition to the classic "star topology", a "linear topology" is thus
also possible.
i can be operated as a single device (standalone) in an Ethernet star topology
i with integrated switch functionality offers
i to one another without direct
Leuze electronicMA 208i19
Figure 4.5:Ethernet with linear topology
Each participant in this network requires its own unique IP address, which must be assigned
to it via the RS 232 interface. Alternatively, the DHCP procedure can be used.
The maximum length of a segment (connection from the hub to the last participant) is limited
to 100 m.
TNT 35/7-24V
5.1General specifications
Electrical data
Interface type 1Ethernet TCP/IP, integrated switch,
Protocols Ethernet TCP/IP communication (client/server)
Baud rate 10/100 MBd
Interface type 2RS 232
Baud rate 300 bit/s … 115200 bit/s, default: 9600
Service interface RS 232, 9-pin Sub-D connector, Leuze standard
Data format data bit: 8, parity: None, stop bit: 1
Operating voltage18 … 30 V DC
Power consumption
Max stress on the connector
LED LINK0 green connection possible
yellow RX/TX0 data transmission
LED LINK1 green connection possible
yellow RX/TX1 data transmission
COM LED green bus state ok
red bus error
PWR LED green power
red collection error
Mechanical data
Protection classIP 65 (with screwed-on M12 and connected Leuze device)
Weight700 g
Dimensions (H x W x D)130 x 90 x 41 mm / with plate: 180 x 108 x 41 mm
Housingdiecast aluminum
Connection2 x M 12: BUS IN / BUS OUT Ethernet TCP/IP
BUS: 2x M12 socket (D-coded)
PWR/IO: 1x M 12 connector (A-coded), 1x M 12 socket
device-dependent voltage
max. 5VA (without DEV, current consumption max. 300 mA)
3 A
1 connector: RS 232
1 x M12: Power IN/GND and switching input/output
1 x M12: Power OUT/GND and switching input/output
20MA 208iLeuze electronic
Environmental data
Operating temperature range0 °C … +55 °C
Storage temperature range-20 °C … +60 °C
Air humiditymax. 90% rel. humidity, non-condensing
VibrationIEC 60068-2-6, test FC
ShockIEC 60068-2-27, test Ea
Electromagnetic compatibilityEN 61000-6-3:2007 (interference emissions for residen-
5.2Dimensioned drawings
tial, commercial and light-industrial environments)
EN 61000-6-2:2005 (interference rejection for industrial
Figure 5.1:MA 208i dimensioned drawing
Leuze electronicMA 208i21
TNT 35/7-24V
5.3Type overview
The following versions of the MA 2xxi gateway family are available for facilitating the
integration of Leuze RS 232 devices in the various fieldbus types.
FieldbusDevice typePart no.
Ethernet TCP/IPMA 208
PROFINET-IO RTMA 248i50112891
DeviceNet MA 255
CANopen MA 235
EtherCAT MA 238
EtherNet/IP MA 258
Table 5.1:Type overview MA 2xx
22MA 208iLeuze electronic
6Installation and mounting
6.1Storage, transportation
When transporting or storing, package the device s o that it is prot ected against collision and
humidity. Optimal protection is achieved when using the original packaging. Heed the
required environmental conditions specified in the technical data.
Check the packaging for any damage. If damage is found, notify the post office or shipping
agent as well as the supplier.
Check the delivery contents using your order and the delivery papers:
• Delivered quantity
• Device type and model as indicated on the name plate
• Brief manual
The name plate provides information as to what MA 2xx
information, please refer to the package insert or chapter 14.2.
Name plate of the connector unit
Installation and mounting
i type your device is. For specific
Figure 6.1:MA 208i device name plate
Save the original packaging for later storage or shipping.
If you have any questions concerning your shipment, please contact your supplier or your
local Leuze electronic sales office.
Observe the applicable local regulations when disposing of the packaging materials.
Leuze electronicMA 208i23
TNT 35/7-24V
Installation and mounting
The gateway mounting plate MA 208i can be mounted in two different ways:
• using four threaded holes (M 6) or
•using two M 8 screws on the two lateral grooves.
Fastening by means of four M 6 or two M 8 screws
Figure 6.2:Fastening options
24MA 208iLeuze electronic
6.3Device arrangement
Ideally, the MA 208i should be mounted so that it is easily accessible near the Ident device
in order to ensure good operability - e.g., for configuring the connected device.
6.3.1Selecting a mounting location
In order to select the right mounting location, several factors must be considered:
• The permissible cable lengths between the MA 208
on which interface is used.
• The housing cover should be easily accessible, so that the internal interfaces (device
interface for connecting the Leuze device via PCB connectors, service interface) and
other operational controls are easy to reach.
• Maintaining the required environmental conditions (temperature, humidity).
• Lowest possible chance of damage to the MA 208
Clean the housing of the MA 208i with a soft cloth after mounting. Remove all packaging
remains, e.g. carton fibers or Styrofoam balls.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents such as thinner or acetone for cleaning the device.
Installation and mounting
i and the host system depending
i by mechanical collision or jammed
Leuze electronicMA 208i25
TNT 35/7-24V
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