The information on the ERS200 E-Stop Rope Switch is divided into two documents. Document "ERS200 Application information" contains only the most
important safety notices.
ª For the safe implementation, testing and operation, download document
ERS200 Safe implementation and operation from Lueze website.
Table 1.1:Documents on the ERS200 E-Stop Rope Switch
Purpose and target groupTitleSource
Detailed information for all users ERS200 Safe imple-
mentation and operation
About this document
On the Internet, download
from Leuze website.
Basic information for technicians
and operating company
Leuze electronicERS2005
ERS200 Application
Print document part
no. 607248 included in the
delivery contents of the product
Before using the E-Stop Rope Switch, a risk evaluation must be performed
according to valid standards (e.g. EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 13849-1,
EN ISO 14121). For mounting, operating and testing, document ERS200 Safe
implementation and operation, application information as well as all applicable
national and international standards, regulations, rules and directives must be
observed. Observe and print out relevant and supplied documents and distribute
to the affected personnel.
The following sta nda rds a pply for the risk e valua tion at the protectiv e d ev ice prior
to using the E-Stop Rope Switch:
• EN ISO 14121, Safety of machinery, risk evaluation
• EN ISO 12100-1, Safety of machinery
• EN ISO 13849-1, Safety-related parts of control systems
The realizable category of the integration in control circuits according to
EN ISO 13849-1 is dependent on the used contact block and wiring.
In particular, the fo llowin g nationa l and i nternationa l legal regulatio ns apply for the
start-up, technical inspections and work with Safety Switch:
• Machinery directive 2006/42/EC
• Low voltage directive 2006/95/EC
• Use of work equipment directive 89/655 EEC
• Safety regulations
• Accident-prevention regulations and safety rules
• Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health and Labor Protection Act
• Device Safety Act
For safety-related information you may also contact the local authorities (e.g.,
industrial inspectorate, employer's liability insurance association, labor inspectorate, occupational safety and health authority).
2.1Approved purpose and foreseeable improper operation
2.1.1Proper use
• The E-Stop Rope Switch must only be used after it has been selected in
accordance with the respectively applicable instructions and relevant standards, rules and regulations regarding labor protection and occupational
safety, and after it has been installed on the machine, connected, commissioned, and checked by a competent person.
• When selecting the E-Stop Rope Switch it must be ensured that its safetyrelated capability meets or exceeds the required performance level PLr
ascertained in the risk assessment.
• It must be in perfect condition and inspected regularly.
• The switching process must only be triggered by an actuator approved for
this E-Stop Rope Switch that is connected to the moveable guard in a nondetachable and tamperproof manner.
A running machine can cause severe injuries!
ª Make certain that, du ring all conversi ons, maintenan ce work and inspec tions,
the system is securely shut down and protected against being restarted
Severe accidents may result if an E-Stop command device is not used
ª Do not use as a replacement for other protective devices.
ª Investigate the cause of each release of an E-Stop Rope Switch along the
entire length of the rope.
An E-Stop Rope Switch is a supplementary protective measure f or shutting down
in the event of an emergency and must not be used as a replacement for other
protective devices.
ERS200 E-Stop Rope Switches are actua ted via a rope. They mu st be connected
so that the switching function is actuated by moving the rope in any direction and
the dangerous state is stopped immediately.
• E-Stop is possible at any time while the machine is running
• dangerous state is ended immediately, taking into consideration the appropriate Stop category
• danger zone and occupied area along the entire length of the rope are visible from the E-Stop Rope Switch
• start commands that result in dangerous states are only possible if the
Reset button is manually unlocked
• can be easily accessed by qualified personnel for testing and replacement
Furthermore, the ERS200 E-Stop Rope Switch must not be used under the
following conditions:
• rapidly changing ambient temperature (leads to condensation)
• in the event of strong physical shoc ks
• in explosive or easily flammable atmospheres
• the mounting locations for E-Stop Rope Switches, stud bolts and deflection
rollers are sufficiently stable
• the safety of multiple persons is dependent on the function of this Safety
Switch (e.g. nuclear power plants, trains, aircraft, motor vehicles, incinerators, medical device s)
Handling the E-Stop Rope S witch:
ª Observe mounting conditions (see chapter 6).
ª The maximum permissible rope length must no t be exceeded.
ª Observe the permissible environmental conditions for storage and operation
(see chapter 14).
ª Immediately replace damaged E-Stop Rope Switches according to these
ª Use cable gland, insulation materials and connecting wires of the appropriate
protection rating.
ª Protect E-Stop Rope Switches from strong physical shocks and vibrations.
ª Protect E-Stop Rope Switc hes from pe netrati ng forei gn bod ies (e.g . shavin gs,
sand and blasting agent).
ª Before performing painting work, cover all moving parts, indicators and the
name plate.
ª Immediately clean any contaminatio n from the E-Stop Rope Switc h and deflec -
tion rollers that impacts the function according to these instructions.
ª Use only suitable original accessories (see chapter 13).
ª Make no structural changes to the E-Stop Rope Swit ch.
ª The E-Stop Rope Switch must be exchanged after a maximum of 20 years.
2.1.2Foreseeable misuse
Any use other than that defined under the "approved purpose" or which goes
beyond that use of the E-Stop Rope Switch is considered improper use!
E.g. - using without non-detachably mounted actuator
• looping into the safety circuit parts that are not relevant to safety
• using the switch as a limit stop
2.2Competent personnel
Prerequisites for competent personnel:
• suitable technical training
• knows the rules and regulations for occupa tional safety, safety at work and
safety technology and can assess the safety of the machine
• knows the instructions for the E-Stop command device and the machine
• has been instructed by the responsible individuals on the mounting and
operation of the machine and of the E-Stop command device
2.3Responsibility for safety
Manufacturer and operating company must ensure that the machine and implemented E-Stop Rope Switch function properly and that all affected persons are
adequately informed and trained.
The type and content of all imparted information must not lead to unsafe actions
by users.
The manufacturer of the machine is responsible for:
• safe machine cons truc tion
• safe implementation of the E-Stop command device
• imparting all relevant information to the operating company
• adhering to all regulations and directives for the safe starting-up of the
The E-Stop Rope Switch of the ERS200 series is an E-Stop command device in
accordance with E N 60947-5 a nd satisfies protection rating IP 67. The hou si ng is
made of metal, and the actuator head is made of glass-fiber-reinforced, noncombustible plastic or metal. An adjustment indicator aids in correctly setting the
rope tension. The act uator head, which can b e tu rned in 90 ° in crements, ensures
that the Reset button— the p osi tio n of w hi ch is li ke w is e dis pl ay ed by me ans of an
indicator—is easily accessible. With deflection rollers, the course of the rope can
be adjusted to many dang er z one s. Various contact sets, hous ing siz es and rope
exit directions fulfill the most diverse requirements.
12ERS200 Leuze electronic
1Actuator head
2Adjustment indicator
3Fastening for rope
4Reset button
5Housing cover
6Name plate (connection data, production code and year of manufacture)