Leuze electronic BCL 8 S M 0 Series, BCL 8 S 0 Series, BCL 8 Series, BCL 8 S N 2 Series, BCL 8 S N 0 Series Original Operating Instructions



Bar Code Reader with Integrated Decoder

EN 05-2016/12 50127073
We reserve the right to
make technical changes
Original operating instructions
© 2016
Leuze electronic BCL 8
Table of contents
1 General information ........................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Explanation of symbols ........................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Declaration of Conformity ....................................................................................................4
2 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Intended use ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Foreseeable misuse.............................................................................................................6
2.3 Competent persons.............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Laser safety notices ............................................................................................................. 7
3 Description ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 The BCL 8 bar code reader ............................................................................................... 11
3.2 Stand alone operation ........................................................................................................12
3.3 Daisy chain network ........................................................................................................... 12
4 Specifications................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 General specifications BCL 8.............................................................................................13
4.2 LED indicators.................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Dimensioned and Connection Drawings ............................................................................ 15
4.4 Optical Data ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.1 Type overview..............................................................................................................................17
4.4.2 Reading fields..............................................................................................................................18
5 Accessories / Order Designation ................................................................................... 20
5.1 Accessories overview ........................................................................................................ 20
5.2 Connector unit MA 8.1 ....................................................................................................... 21
5.2.1 Electrical connection MA 8.1 .......................................................................................................22
5.2.2 MA 8.1 - PWR IN HOST/RS 232 - voltage supply and RS 232 ...................................................23
5.2.3 MA 8.1 - SW IN/OUT – switching input and switching output......................................................23
5.2.4 MA 8.1 - BCL - connecting the BCL 8 to the MA 8.1 ...................................................................25
5.3 Connector unit MA 8-01 .....................................................................................................26
5.3.1 MA 8-01 - PWR IN HOST/RS 485 - voltage supply and RS 485.................................................27
5.3.2 MA 8-01 - SW IN/OUT - switching input and switching output ....................................................28
5.3.3 MA 8-01 - BCL - connecting the BCL 8 to the MA 8-01...............................................................29
5.3.4 Termination of the RS 485 interface............................................................................................ 30
5.4 Mounting accessories ........................................................................................................ 31
6 Installation ........................................................................................................................ 32
6.1 Storage, transportation ......................................................................................................32
6.2 Mounting ............................................................................................................................ 33
6.2.1 Device arrangement .................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Connection......................................................................................................................... 35
Leuze electronic BCL 8 1
Table of contents
6.3.1 Connecting the BCL 8..................................................................................................................35
6.3.2 Connecting the switching input/output .........................................................................................36
6.3.3 Line lengths..................................................................................................................................38
6.4 Disassembling, packing, disposing .................................................................................... 38
7 Commissioning ................................................................................................................ 39
7.1 Measures to be performed prior to the initial commissioning............................................. 39
7.2 Function Test ..................................................................................................................... 39
7.3 Setting the Parameters ...................................................................................................... 40
7.3.1 Parameter sets.............................................................................................................................40
7.3.2 Service Operating Mode ..............................................................................................................41
8 Operation .......................................................................................................................... 42
8.1 Display Elements ...............................................................................................................42
8.2 Error Handling.................................................................................................................... 43
9 Communicating with the Device..................................................................................... 44
9.1 Installing the BCLConfig software...................................................................................... 44
10 Important Parameters...................................................................................................... 46
10.1 Decode tab......................................................................................................................... 46
10.1.1 Properties window – Decode tab .................................................................................................47
10.2 Output tab .......................................................................................................................... 48
10.3 Control tab ......................................................................................................................... 49
10.4 Host interface tab............................................................................................................... 50
10.4.1 Properties window – Host interface tab........................................................................................51
10.5 Reference code tab............................................................................................................ 52
10.6 Sensor tab.......................................................................................................................... 53
10.7 Laser tab ............................................................................................................................ 54
10.8 Switch tab .......................................................................................................................... 56
11 Online commands............................................................................................................ 57
11.1 Overview of commands and parameters ........................................................................... 57
11.1.1 General 'online' commands..........................................................................................................58
11.1.2 ’Online’ Commands for System Control.......................................................................................64
11.1.3 ’Online’ commands for parameter set operations.........................................................................65
12 Maintenance .....................................................................................................................69
12.1 General maintenance information...................................................................................... 69
12.2 Repairs, servicing .............................................................................................................. 69
12.3 Diagnostics and troubleshooting........................................................................................ 70
12.4 Example Bar Code Label Types ........................................................................................ 71
2 BCL 8 Leuze electronic
Figures and tables
Figure 2.1: Laser apertures, laser warning signs ...........................................................................9
Figure 2.2: Laser warning and laser information signs – supplied stick-on labels........................10
Figure 3.1: Device construction of the BCL 8 ............................................................................... 11
Table 4.1: Technical Data ........................................................................................................... 13
Table 4.2: LED indicators ............................................................................................................ 14
Figure 4.1: Dimensioned drawing BCL 8 S M …0, BCL 8 S N …0 with lateral beam exit ...........15
Figure 4.2: Dimensioned drawing BCL 8 S M …2, BCL 8 S N …2 with front beam exit .............. 16
Table 4.3: Type overview - M-optics ........................................................................................... 17
Table 4.4: Type overview - N-optics............................................................................................ 17
Figure 4.3: Reading field of BCL 8 S M … with M-optics (medium density).................................18
Figure 4.4: Reading field of BCL 8 S N … with N-optics (high density)........................................ 19
Table 5.1: Accessories / order codes .......................................................................................... 20
Figure 5.1: Photo and dimensioned drawing of the MA 8.1 connector unit .................................. 21
Figure 5.2: Electrical connection MA 8.1 ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 5.1: MA 8.1 - Pin assignment PWR IN HOST/RS 232 ......................................................23
Figure 5.1: MA 8.1 - Pin assignment SW IN/OUT ........................................................................23
Figure 5.2: Connection of the switching input/output of the MA 8.1 .............................................24
Figure 5.1: MA 8.1 - Pin assignment BCL ....................................................................................25
Figure 5.2: Pin assignment MA 8-01 ............................................................................................26
Figure 5.1: MA 8-01 - Pin assignment PWR IN HOST/RS 485 .................................................... 27
Figure 5.1: MA 8-01 - Pin assignment SW IN/OUT ...................................................................... 28
Figure 5.2: Electrical connection MA 8-01....................................................................................29
Figure 5.1: MA 8-01 - Pin assignment BCL .................................................................................. 29
Figure 5.2: Termination of the RS 485 interface in the MA 8-01 ..................................................30
Figure 5.3: Universal rod mounting system for BCL 8..................................................................31
Figure 6.1: BCL 8 device name plate ...........................................................................................32
Figure 6.2: Definition of the BCL 8 reading angles.......................................................................34
Figure 6.3: BCL 8 pin assignment ................................................................................................35
Table 6.1: Wiring description BCL 8............................................................................................ 35
Figure 6.4: Switching input for BCL 8 connection version 1 (standard setting) ............................ 36
Figure 6.5: Switching input for BCL 8 connection version 2 (setting "inverted")........................... 36
Figure 6.6: Switching output BCL 8 .............................................................................................. 37
Table 6.2: Line lengths ................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 7.1: Bar code label "Service".............................................................................................41
Figure 7.2: Connecting the RS 232 interface to a PC or terminal ................................................ 41
Figure 9.1: Installation window .....................................................................................................44
Figure 9.2: Installation directory ...................................................................................................45
Figure 9.3: BCL 8 configuration software .....................................................................................45
Figure 10.1: Decode tab ................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 10.2: Standard settings for the Properties window – Decode tab ....................................... 47
Figure 10.3: Output tab................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 10.4: Control tab.................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 10.5: Host interface tab .......................................................................................................50
Figure 10.6: Standard settings for the Properties window – Host interface tab.............................. 51
Figure 10.7: Reference code tab .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 10.8: Sensor tab .................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 10.9: Laser tab .................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 10.10: AutoReflAct Wizard ....................................................................................................55
Figure 10.11: Switch tab................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 12.1: Example bar code label types ....................................................................................71
Leuze electronic BCL 8 3
General information

1 General information

1.1 Explanation of symbols

The symbols used in this technical description are explained below.
This symbol precedes text messages which must strictly be observed. Failure to comply with this information results in injuries to persons or damage to the equipment.
Attention Laser!
This symbol warns of possible danger caused by hazardous laser radiation.
This symbol indicates text passages containing important information.

1.2 Declaration of Conformity

The BCL 8 bar code reader and the optional MA 8.1 connector unit have been developed and produced in accordance with the applicable European standards and directives.
The corresponding declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer of the product, Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG in D-73277 Owen, possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
4 BCL 8 Leuze electronic


This sensor was developed, manufactured and tested in line with the applicable safety stan­dards. It corresponds to the state of the art.

2.1 Intended use

The BCL 8 bar code reader is designed as a stationary scanner with integrated decoder for all common bar codes used for automatic object detection.
The optional MA 8.1 connector unit is intended for the easy connection of a bar code reader of type BCL 8.

Areas of application

The BCL 8 bar code reader with optional MA 8.1 connector unit is designed especially for the following fields of application:
• labeling and packaging machines
• automatic analyzers
• space-critical bar code reading tasks
• in material flow
• pharmaceutical industry
• in robot technology and automation systems
Observe intended use!
Only operate the device in accordance with its intended use.
The protection of personnel and the device cannot be guaranteed if the device is oper­ated in a manner not complying with its intended use. Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG is not liable for damages caused by improper use.
Read the technical description before commissioning the device.
Knowledge of this technical description is an element of proper use.
Comply with conditions and regulations!
Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employer's liability
insurance association.
For UL applications, use is only permitted in class 2 circuits in accordance with the NEC (National Electric Code).
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2.2 Foreseeable misuse

Any use other than that defined under "Intended use" or which goes beyond that use is considered improper use.
In particular, use of the device is not permitted in the following cases:
• Rooms with explosive atmospheres
• As stand-alone safety component in accordance with the machinery directive
• Operation for medical purposes
Do not modify or otherwise interfere with the device.
Do not carry out modifications or otherwise interfere with the device.
The device must not be tampered with and must not be changed in any way. The device must not be opened. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Repairs must only be performed by Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG.

2.3 Competent persons

Connection, mounting, commissioning and adjustment of the device must only be carried out by competent persons.
Prerequisites for competent persons:
• They have a suitable technical education.
• They are familiar with the rules and regulations for occupational safety and safety at work.
• They are familiar with the technical description of the device.
• They have been instructed by the responsible person on the mounting and operation of the device.

Certified electricians

Electrical work must be carried out by a certified electrician.
Due to their technical training, knowledge and experience as well as their familiarity with relevant standards and regulations, certified electricians are able to perform work on elec­trical systems and independently detect possible dangers.
In Germany, certified electricians must fulfill the requirements of accident-prevention regu­lations BGV A3 (e.g. electrician foreman). In other countries, there are respective regula­tions that must be observed.
1) Use as safety-related component within the safety function is possible, if the component combi­nation is designed correspondingly by the machine manufacturer.
6 BCL 8 Leuze electronic

2.4 Disclaimer

Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG is not liable in the following cases:
• The device is not being used properly.
• Reasonably foreseeable misuse is not taken into account.
• Mounting and electrical connection are not properly performed.
• Changes (e.g., constructional) are made to the device.

2.5 Laser safety notices

Never look directly into the beam!
The device satisfies the requirements of IEC 60825-1:2007 (EN 60825-1:2007) safety regulations for a product in laser class 2 as well as the U.S. 21 CFR 1040.10 regulations with deviations corresponding to "Laser Notice No. 50" from June 24th, 2007.
Never look directly into the laser beam or in the direction of reflecting laser beams.
If you look into the beam path over a longer time period, there is a risk of injury to the retina.
Do not point the laser beam of the device at persons!Interrupt the laser beam using a non-transparent, non-reflective object if the laser
beam is accidentally directed towards a person.
When mounting and aligning the device, avoid reflections of the laser beam off reflec-
tive surfaces!
CAUTION! The use of operating or adjusting devices other than those specified here
or carrying out of differing procedures may lead to dangerous exposure to radiation.
Adhere to the applicable legal and local regulations regarding protection from laser
The device must not be tampered with and must not be changed in any way.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the device. Repairs must only be performed by Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG.
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Leuze electronic BCL 8 7
Affix laser information and warning signs!
Laser information and warning signs are attached to the device (see figure 2.1). In addi­tion, self-adhesive laser warning and information signs (stick-on labels) are supplied in several languages (see figure 2.2).
Affix the laser information sheet to the device in the language appropriate for the place
of use. When using the device in the U.S.A., use the stick-on label with the "Complies with
21 CFR 1040.10" notice.
Affix the laser information and warning signs near the device if no signs are attached
to the device (e.g., because the device is too small) or if the attached laser information and warning signs are concealed due to the installation position. Affix the laser information and warning signs so that they are legible without exposing the reader to the laser radiation of the device or other optical radiation.
8 BCL 8 Leuze electronic
A Laser aperture B Laser warning sign
BCL 8 S …2
BCL 8 S …0
Figure 2.1: Laser apertures, laser warning signs
Leuze electronic BCL 8 9
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DIN EN 60825-1:2008-05
Max. Leistung (peak): Impulsdauer: Wellenlänge:
EN 60825-1:2007
Potenza max. (peak): Durata dell'impulso: Lunghezza d'onda:
EN 60825-1:2007
Maximum Output (peak): Pulse duration: Wavelength:
EN 60825-1:2007
Puissance max. (crête): Durée d`impulsion: Longueur d`onde:
EN 60825-1:2007
Potencia máx. (peak): Duración del impulso: Longitud de onda:
EN 60825-1:2007
Potência máx. (peak): Período de pulso: Comprimento de onda:
IEC 60825-1:2007
Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10
Maximum Output (peak): Pulse duration: Wavelength:
㦏⮶戢⒉᧤⽿⋋᧥ 厘⑁㖐兼㢅梃 㽱栎
1,7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1,7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1.7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1,7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1,7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1,7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1.7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
1.7 mW
<420 μs
655 nm
Figure 2.2: Laser warning and laser information signs – supplied stick-on labels
10 BCL 8 Leuze electronic

3 Description

Reading window with lateral beam exit
Two M4 mounting threads at the rear and bottom side of the device
M12 connector, turning or cable, 2m
BCL 8 S M xx2 BCL 8 S N xx2
BCL 8 S M xx0 BCL 8 S N xx0
M12 connector, turning or cable, 2m
Reading window with beam exit at the front
Through holes
4.4 for fas-
Through holes
4.4 for fas-

Device construction of the BCL 8

Figure 3.1: Device construction of the BCL 8

3.1 The BCL 8 bar code reader

The BCL 8 bar code reader is a laser scanner with integrated decoder for all commonly used bar codes, e.g. 2/5 Interleaved, Code 39, Code 128, EAN etc., with an extremely small housing.
The many possible configurations of the device allow it to be adapted to a multitude of reading tasks. Due to the small dimensions of the unit and its wide reading field, the BCL 8 may also be used in highly constrained spaces.
Information on technical data and characteristics can be found in chapter 4.
Leuze electronic BCL 8 11
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3.2 Stand alone operation

The BCL 8 bar code reader is operated as a "stand-alone" device. It is equipped with a five­core cable with open ends or a 5-pin M12 connector for the electrical connection of the supply voltage, the interface and the switching input.

With MA 8.1 connector unit

The MA 8.1 connector unit simplifies the electrical installation of the bar code reader in stand-alone operation with an RS 232 interface.
For details on the connector units, see chapter 5.

With MA 8-01 connector unit

The MA 8-01 connector unit simplifies the electrical installation of the bar code reader in stand-alone operation with an RS 485 interface.
For details on the connector units, see chapter 5.

3.3 Daisy chain network

A daisy chain is a network based on the RS 232 interface. All devices, which consist of a transmitter and a receiver, are connected to one another to form a ring. The transmitter of one device is directly connected to the receiver of the next device until all devices are connected together to form a ring. One device performs the task of the host system.
Ideally, all BCL 8 devices are to be connected to one another with MA 8.1 connector units so that:
• the voltage supply of the BCL 8/MA 8.1 is ensured.
• TxD to RxD of the RS 232 is established from one BCL 8 to the next (host).
• the switching outputs and inputs are connected (optional).
A maximum of seven BCL 8 devices may be operated in the daisy chain together with one host. Further information is available from your Leuze sales office.
12 BCL 8 Leuze electronic

4 Specifications

4.1 General specifications BCL 8

Optical data
Light source laser diode Laser class 2 acc. to IEC 60825-1:2007 and U.S. 21 CFR 1040.10 with
Laser Notice No. 50
Wavelength 655nm Max. output power (peak) ≤ 1.7 mW Impulse duration ≤ 420 µs Scanning rate M-optics: 600 scans/s
N-optics: 500 scans/s
Resolution M-optics: m = 0.150 … 0.500mm / 6 … 20mil
N-optics: m = 0.127 … 0.400mm / 5 … 16mil Beam deflection by means of rotating polygon wheel Beam exit at front, alternatively on the side with deflection mirror (105°) Read distance see reading fields Reading field opening see reading fields Code types 2/5 Interleaved, Code 39, Code 128, EAN 128, EAN/UPC,
EAN Addendum, Codabar, Pharma Code, Code 93 Software features selectable output format, autoConfig, autoReflAct, reference
code comparison, multiple read, real time decoding, adjust-
ment mode, control of switching input or switching output, etc.
Electrical data
Interface type RS 232, freely configurable Baud rate 4800 … 57600Bd Data formats data bits: 7, 8
parity: none, even, odd
stop bit: 1, 2 Protocols framing protocol with/without handshake
software handshake X ON / X OFF Service interface RS 232 with fixed data format,
9600Bd, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
<STX> <data> <CR><LF> Ports 1 switching input 5V DC
1 switching output 5 … 30V, 20mA LEDs 1 device status
1 read status Operating voltage 4.75 … 5.5VDC, Safety Class III - PELV
(Protective Extra Low Voltage) Current consumption max. 250mA (2W power supply unit recommended)
TNT 35/7-24V
Table 4.1: Technical Data
Leuze electronic BCL 8 13
Mechanical data
Protection class IP 67 Connection type M12 connector, 5-pin, turnable or
Weight 70g Dimensions (HxW xD) beam exit at front: 48 x 40.3 x 15mm
Housing metal (diecast zinc)
Environmental data
Ambient temp. (operation/ storage) Air humidity max. 90 % rel. humidity, non-condensing Vibration IEC 60068-2-6, test FC Shock IEC 60068-2-27, test Ea Electromagnetic compatibil­ity Conformity CE, FCC Class B, CDRH Certifications UL 60950-1, C22.2 No. 60950-1
Table 4.1: Technical Data
1) For UL applications: for use in class 2 circuits according to NEC only
2) These bar code readers shall be used with UL Listed Cable assemblies rated 30V,
0.5A min, in the field installation, or equivalent (categories: CYJV/CYJV7 or PVVA/PVVA7)

4.2 LED indicators

Two, 3-color LEDs on the top of the housing indicate the device and read status:
fixed cable, 2m long, 5 x 0.25mm
beam exit on the side: 48 x 58 x 17.4mm
0°C … +40°C/-20 °C … +60°C
EN 55022, IEC 61000-4-2, -3, -4 and -6,
1) 2)
LED Color Meaning
Green, flashing Initialization phase
Green continuous Operational readiness
Status LED
Red flashing (200ms) Warning
Red continuous Error, no function
Orange flashing (200ms) Service operation
Decode LED
Green (200ms on) Reading successful
Red (200ms off) No reading result
Orange continuous Reading gate active
Table 4.2: LED indicators
14 BCL 8 Leuze electronic

4.3 Dimensioned and Connection Drawings

A Turning connector, 90° B Indicator LEDs
(B1: status LED, B2: decode LED)
C Laser beam D Optical axis
Thread depth: 3mm
Thread depth: 3mm

BCL 8 S M …0, BCL 8 S N …0 with lateral beam exit

Leuze electronic BCL 8 15
Figure 4.1: Dimensioned drawing BCL 8 S M …0, BCL 8 S N …0 with lateral beam exit
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B1 B2
B1 B2
A Turning connector, 90° B Indicator LEDs (B1: status LED, B2: decode LED) C Laser beam D Optical axis
Thread depth: 3mm
Thread depth: 3mm

BCL 8 S M …2, BCL 8 S N …2 with front beam exit

Figure 4.2: Dimensioned drawing BCL 8 S M …2, BCL 8 S N …2 with front beam exit
16 BCL 8 Leuze electronic

4.4 Optical Data

Please note that the size of the bar code module influences the maximum reading distance and the width of the reading field. Therefore, when selecting a mounting location and/or the bar code label, take into account the different reading characteristics of the scanner with var­ious bar code modules.
For different reading task and connection requirements, the BCL 8 is available in various models (see chapter 4.4.1 "Type overview").

4.4.1 Type overview

BCL 8 with M optics
Type Range Module/
BCL 8 S M 100
BCL 8 S M 102
BCL 8 S M 550
BCL 8 S M 552
Table 4.3: Type overview - M-optics
up to
0.15 … 0.5
BCL 8 with N optics
Type Range Module/
BCL 8 S N 100
BCL 8 S N 102
BCL 8 S N 550
BCL 8 S N 552
Table 4.4: Type overview - N-optics
up to
0.125 … 0.4
Connection Scanner type/
Beam exit
Single Line/
fixed cable
Connection Scanner type/
fixed cable
Single Line/
Single Line/
Single Line/
Beam exit
Single Line/
Single Line/
Single Line/
Single Line/
Part No.
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Part No.
Leuze electronic BCL 8 17
Reading field width in mm
Distance in mm
Code 2/5 int. Ratio 1:2.5 Class A acc. to ANSI
Beam exit at the front
Lateral beam exit

4.4.2 Reading fields

Please note that the actual reading fields are also influenced by factors such as labelling ma­terial, printing quality, scanning angle, printing contrast etc., and may thus deviate from the reading fields specified here. The origin of the read distance always refers to the front edge of the housing of the beam exit.
Reading field of BCL 8 with M-optics
-70 0 1020304050607080 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
0 1020304050607080 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
BCL 8 S M 100 BCL 8 S M 550
m=0.150 mm (6 mil)
m=0.2 mm (8 mil)
m=0.3 mm (12 mil)
m=0.5 mm (20 mil)
BCL 8 S M 102 BCL 8 S M 552
Figure 4.3: Reading field of BCL 8 S M … with M-optics (medium density)
18 BCL 8 Leuze electronic
Reading field of BCL 8 with N-optics
m=0.127 mm (5 mil)
m=0.15 mm (6 mil)
m=0.2 mm (8 mil)
m=0.25 mm (10 mil)
0 1020304050607080 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
0 1020304050607080 90 100 110
BCL 8 SN 100 BCL 8 SN 550
BCL 8 SN 102 BCL 8 SN 552
Reading field width in mm
Distance in mm
Code 2/5 int. Ratio 1:2.5 Class A acc. to ANSI
Beam exit at the front
Lateral beam exit
Figure 4.4: Reading field of BCL 8 S N … with N-optics (high density)
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Accessories / Order Designation

5 Accessories / Order Designation

5.1 Accessories overview

Designation Part No. Short description
MA 8.1 connector unit for BCL 8,
MA 8.1 50101699
MA 8-01 50104790
BT 8-0 50036196 Mounting device with dovetail
BT 300M.5 50118543 Mounting bracket, stainless steel
BTU 300M-D10 50117253
BTU 300M-D12 50117252
BTU 300M-D14 50117251
BTU D12M.5-150 50119323 Rod Ø 12 mm, length 150mm, stainless steel
BTU D12M.5-250 50119324 Rod Ø 12 mm, length 250mm, stainless steel
BTU D12M-D12-A090 50119323 90°-connectors for 2 rods Ø 12mm
BTU D12M-D12-B090 50119333
BTP 300M-D10 50117827
BTP 300M-D12 50117826
BTP 300M-D14 50117825
Reflective tape no. 4 100 x 100mm
Table 5.1: Accessories / order codes
Download at www.leuze.com
RS 232 point-to-point connection, 1 switching input and 1 switching output, 24V DC
MA 8-01 connector unit for BCL 8, RS 485 point-to-point connection, 1 switching input and 1 switching output, 24V DC
Sensor mounting bracket for rod Ø 10mm or cheek
1.5 … 4mm
Sensor mounting bracket for rod Ø 12mm or cheek
1.5 … 4mm
Sensor mounting bracket for rod Ø 14mm or cheek
1.5 … 4mm
Mounting bracket for rods Ø 12mm, system-side mounting bracket 2 x M6, hole spacing 27mm … 45mm, diecast aluminum
Sensor protective cover for rod Ø 10mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
Sensor protective cover for rod Ø 12mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
Sensor protective cover for rod Ø 14mm or cheek 1.5 … 4mm
Reflective tape as reflector for AutoReflAct operation (see chapter 10.7 on page 54)
Configuration software
20 BCL 8 Leuze electronic
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