Model Lumens Modes Run Time Weight Length Diameter
MX-100 Xenon Bezel 60 / 120
Single 1 hr 3.2oz 2.0” 1.37 ”
MX-200 LED Bezel 80 Single 4/61 hrs 3.2oz 2.25” 1.37 ”
MX-300 Multi- Mode Hunter 10 / 80 / 145 / 25 Low / Med / High / S OS 30/40
hrs 3.8oz 2.25” 1.56”
MX-400 Mult i-Mode Tactical 10 / 145 / 145 / 25 Low / High / Str obe / SOS 30 /40
hrs 3.8oz 2.25” 1.56”
MX-001 Multi -Mode Tail Switch • Half Press / On- Off • 0.9oz 1.35” 1.1”
MX-020 Two Cell Maint ube • • • 2.4oz
3.12 5” 1.1”
MX-030 Thre e Cell Maintube • • • 4 .1oz
4.37” 1 .1”
MX-121 Xenon Bezel & 2 Cell 60 Single 1 hr 6oz
5.25” 1. 37”
MX-221 Multi-Mo de LED Bezel & 2 Cell 80 Single 4 hrs 6oz
5.5” 1.37”
MX-321 Two Cell Flashlig ht
(Actual Size)
Xenon Bezel
Singl e mode, X enon bul b. Preci sion
reflector for a brig ht, focused beam.
MX-2 00
LED Bezel
Single mode, True White™ LED for a lo ng
run time. Precision ref lector for a bright,
focused beam.
MX-3 00
Multi-Mode LED Hu nter
Multi-mode, True White™ LED. S.O.S.
mode for emergency situ ations.
Soph istica ted mag netic sensor array seals
inte rnal co mponen ts. Id eal for varyi ng
light or signaling.ies
MX-40 0
Multi-Mode LED Tactica l
Multi-mode, True White™ LED. S.O.S. and
high i ntensit y stro be modes . Sophi sticat ed
magne tic sens or arr ay seals interna l
compo nents. Intend ed for t actica l, public
safety, and general dut y.
Dual Mode Switch
Clicking, dual mode swit ch for constant
or momentary activation.and a 1/8th turn
button lockout f unction.
Three Cell Maintu be
3 CR123a high output lithium c ell tube.
Machined from solid T-60 61 aerospace
grad e alumin um. Ha rd anod ized to exceed
military specifi cations. Aggressive
knurling ensures a posi tive grip,
regardless of conditions.
MX-02 0
Two Cell Maintube
2 CR123a high output lithium c ell tube.
Machined from solid T-60 61 aerospace
grad e alumin um. Ha rd anod ized to exceed
military specifi cations. Aggressive
knurling ensures a posi tive grip,
regardless of conditions.
2 / 3 cel l maintube | 2 Lo west setting with 2 / 3 cell maintube
Weight with CR 123a Lithium Batte rries
Actual runtim e may vary due to temperatu re, lifetime use of the bulb or L ED, and /
or actual capac ity of the batteries , as different manufac turers have different r ated
capacities. R untime numbers are approx imate for a given output, an d each flashlight will
provide useful li ght output far beyond the r ated runtime.