Leunig ePowerSwitch 8M+R2, ePowerSwitch 4M+ User Manual

ePowerSwitch 8M+
User guide
Version 03 2011
© Copyright by LEUNIG GmbH – Wilhelm-Ostwald-Straße 17 – D 53721 Siegburg - Germany
Printed in Germany All rights reserved. No part of this documentation, accompanying software or other components of the
described product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than the personal use of the purchaser without the express written permission of LEUNIG GmbH
This documentation, the ePowerSwitch 8M+
, its peripherals, accessories and accompanying software were produced with great care, yet errors are possible. LEUNIG GmbH assumes no responsibility for errors within the documentation, the hardware or the software. LEUNIG GmbH reserves the right to change programs or the documentation from time to time without informing the user, errors and omissions excepted.
All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: To be read before use! ...................................................................................... 3
1. DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Package list ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Configuration through the LAN using the Finder program ................................................................. 7
3.2. Configuration through an RS232 Terminal connection ...................................................................... 9
3.2.1. Serial port configuration ......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2. Restore to default factory settings .......................................................................................... 10
3.2.3. Restore to default administrator password ............................................................................ 10
3.3. Configuration through the LAN using a standard Browser ............................................................... 11
3.3.1. General / IP configuration ...................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2. General / System time ............................................................................................................ 13
3.3.3. General / SNMP ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.4. General / Tools ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.5. Settings / Accounts ................................................................................................................. 16 Settings / Accounts .................................................................................................... 16 Settings / Accounts / Hidden Page account ............................................................... 18
3.3.6. Settings / Groups .................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.7. Settings / Peripherals ............................................................................................................. 23 Settings / Peripherals - ePowerSwitch 8M+R2 .......................................................... 26 Settings / Peripherals - ePowerSwitch Satellite ........................................................ 28 Settings / Peripherals - Analog inputs ....................................................................... 31 Temperature, temp. and humidity, temp. and ambient light sensors ....... 31 AC Current probe ..................................................................................... 34 EnergyMeter ............................................................................................. 36 Settings / Peripherals - Digital Inputs ........................................................................ 38 Digital Input Modules ................................................................................ 38 Temperature and proximity sensors ......................................................... 41 Push Button .............................................................................................. 43
3.3.8. Settings / Rules ...................................................................................................................... 45 Settings / Rules - Schedule Rule .............................................................................. 47 Settings / Rules - Timer Rule .................................................................................... 50 Settings / Rules - Ping Monitoring Rule .................................................................... 52 Settings / Rules - Scan Monitoring Rule ................................................................... 54 Settings / Rules - Power Supply Monitoring Rule ..................................................... 56 Settings / Rules - Digital Input Monitoring Rule ........................................................ 58 Settings / Rules - Analog Input Monitoring Rule ....................................................... 60
3.3.9. Settings / Shutdowns.............................................................................................................. 63
3.3.10. Misc / Control Panel ............................................................................................................. 65
3.3.11. Misc / Rule Panel ................................................................................................................. 66
3.3.12. Misc / Log ............................................................................................................................. 67
3.3.13. Misc / Log Settings ............................................................................................................... 68
4. POWER OUTLET CONTROL AND PERIPHERALS STATUS ............................................................... 69
4.1. Command the Power Outlets through an Ethernet connection ........................................................ 69
4.2. Command the Power Outlets through a serial connection ............................................................... 70
4.3. Command the Power Outlets through the network using simple commands in your own program 71
5. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................... 74
5.1. Sending status information and sensor values using rules .............................................................. 74
5.2. Ping and Scan Methods ......................................................................................................... 75
5.3. Technical Data .................................................................................................................................. 76
5.4. Commonly used Ports ...................................................................................................................... 76
5.5. Syslog Messages: Severity Level Definitions ................................................................................... 77
Statement of Conformity .............................................................................................................................. 78
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: To be read before use!
The ePowerSwitc h devices can only be installed by qualified people with the follo wing installation and
use instructions. The manufacturer disclaims all responsibility in case of a bad utilization of the ePowerSwitch devices and particularly any use with equipments that may cause personal injury or material damage.
This equipment is designed to be installed on a dedicated circuit that must have a circuit breaker or fuse
The electrical power sockets used to plug the power cords of the ePowerSwitch devices must be close
to the ePowerSwitch devices and easily accessible.
Check that the power cords, plugs and sockets are in good condition.
The ePowerSwitch devices can only be connected to three-wire 230 VAC (50-60Hz) sockets.
Always plug the ePowerSwitch devices into properly grounded power sockets (two poles plus ground).
Never exceed 10 Amp total load for each group of 4 power outlets of an ePowerSwitch device.
The ePowerSwitch devices are intended for indoor use only. Do NOT install them in an area where
excessive moisture or heat is present.
Always disconnect the 2 (two) power cords of the ePowerSwitch device if you want to intervene on the
ePowerSwitch device or on the equipment powered from the ePowerSwitch device.
The power outlets of the ePowerSwitch devices are not circuit breakers! If you want to intervene on
equipments connected to an ePowerSwitch device you must disconnect these equipments from the ePowerSwitch device.
Do NOT attempt to disassemble the ePowerSwitch devices, they contain potentially hazardous voltages.
The ePowerSwitch devices contain no user serviceable parts and repairs are to be performed by factory
trained service personnel only.
Always use a shielded cable for the Ethernet connection.
is a power distribution and control unit that enables remote power control over IP or locally through an RS-232 Terminal connection. Its serial interface can be used to control the power outlets over a Terminal connection (KVM Switch, console server...) or to trigger a soft shutdown of a server with shutdown capabilities. An internal Real Time Clock enables to trigger scheduled actions and timestamp all events (logs, SNMP traps and Syslog events).
ePowerSwitch 8M+
is more than a simple power switch, it's also a modular Remote Monitoring
System which enables to increase the security of your facilities and reduces unforeseen downtimes of your equipment. It offers environmental control functions and IP device monitoring with automatic reboot function in case of lock-up. It supports up to 4 peripherals (temperature/humidity/ambient light sensors, current probes, I/O modules, Power Switches…). Supported protocols: HTTP, DHCP, Syslog, SNMP and SNTP.
1.1 Diagram
The front panel of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
A 1 2 3 4 (LEDs)
A Green. Lights up when power applied on group A 1 Red. Status of power outlet 1 (On/Off) 2 Red. Status of power outlet 2 (On/Off) 3 Red. Status of power outlet 3 (On/Off) 4 Red. Status of power outlet 4 (On/Off)
10/100 (RJ45 Connector)
Network connection 10/100 Mbits/sec
Link (LED)
Off = Network connection not detected On = Network connection detected Flashing = the device is sending or receiving data over this port
5 LEDs (group A)
A = power supply A 1 - 4 = Status of outlets 1 - 4
RJ45 connecto
Ethernet Network
SUB-D9F connector
Terminal connection
A-xBus RJ45 connector
xBus Peripheral Connection
5 LEDs (group B)
B = power supply B 5 - 8 = Status of outlets 5 - 8
100 (LED)
Off = 10 Mbits/sec connection On = 100 Mbits/sec connection
RS232 (SUB-D 9F Connector)
Serial port RS232 with DB-9 female connector Pinout
2 = TxD 3 = RxD 5 = Gnd
The RJ45 connector is used for cascading up to 4 peripherals Maximal TOTAL line length: 200 meters
B 5 6 7 8 (LEDs)
B Green. Lights up when power applied on group A 5 Red. Status of power outlet 5 (On/Off) 6 Red. Status of power outlet 6 (On/Off) 7 Red. Status of power outlet 7 (On/Off) 8 Red. Status of power outlet 8 (On/Off)
The back of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
1.2 Package list
The following items are included:
1 ePowerSwitch 8M+
2 power cable, 230 V / 10 Amp, length 1.80 Meters 1 RJ45 M/M cable, 2 Meters 1 serial cable SUB-D 9 points M/F, 1.80 Meters 1 quick installation guide 1 CD with User Guide, Quick Start Guide and Windows configuration program
Power input B
230 VAC – 10 Amp
Power outlets (Group B)
Power outlets 5 – 8
230 VAC max 10 Am
Power outlets (Group A)
Power outlets 1 – 4
230 VAC max 10 Am
Power input A
230 VAC – 10 Amp
Make sure that the ePowerSwitch 8M+R2 is powered off.
Connection instructions
1. Use a shielded
RJ45 network cable to connect your ePowerSwitch 8M+R2 to the network.
2. Use appropriated three-wire power cords (two poles plus ground) to connect your electrical devices to the ePowerSwitch 8M+
3. Plug each power cable into a grounded
socket. The power supply LEDs light on to confirm that power
is on.
4. You can now configure the ePowerSwitch 8M+
by following the indications of the chapter
"Configuration of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
To use the ePowerSwitch 8M+
on your network, you must first configure its network parameters. Ask
your network administrator for the parameters to use. There are three methods to configure the network parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
3.1. Configuration through the LAN using the Finder program
It is the simplest and fastest configuration method if you use Windows as operating system. It allows to configure your ePowerSwitch 8M+
through your local network even if its network parameters are not
compatible with those of your PC.
1. Start the Finder.exe program
contained on the CD-ROM.
2. Open the File menu and choose SCAN (or click on the first left button in the tool bar) to discover the ePowerSwitch 8M+
connected on your LAN.
3. Open the File menu and choose CONFIGURE (or click on the second left button in the tool bar) to configure the network parameters.
This page enables to define all IP parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
device and displays the version of the Firmware. The HTTP protocol is enabled and the Finder program is authorized at factory settings.
!!! To achieve the highest security level we suggest to disable the configuration using the Finder program after the first installation.
Check this box is you want to obtain the IP address, the subnet mask and the default gateway for your ePowerSwitch 8M+
via DHCP.
Use of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) requires a DHCP host to be set up on the network.
IP Address:
IP address of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
, default is Subnet Mask: Subnet Mask of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
, default is
Generally the address of your router, default is blank. DNS 1: Primary DNS (Domain Name Server), default is blank. DNS 2: Secondary DNS, default is blank.
Firmware version of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
Port Number:
Port number: default is 80 (HTTP).
Finder authorized:
The Network parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
can be configured through a Local Area Network using the provided Finder Program. It is a simple and fast configuration method if you use Windows as operating system.
!!! The Finder Program is enabled as default value. For security reasons we suggest to disable the Finder program after the first configuration.
3.2. Configuration through an RS232 Terminal connection
1. Use the provided RS232 cable to connect the ePowerSwitch to an available serial port of your PC.
2. Run a Terminal program such as Windows HyperTerminal or the Micro Terminal program on the CD.
3. Configure the appropriate serial port @ 9.600, n, 8, 1 and no flow control. If you use the MicroTerminal
program on the CD (folder miscellaneous) you only have to choose the used serial port, this program is already configured at 9600,n,8,1.
4. On your computer, press <ENTER> until the menu appears on your screen.
5. Press the “M” on your keyboard and follow the menu to configure the network parameters of your
ePowerSwitch 8M+
-----------------------------------------------------------­NETWORK INTERFACE PARAMETERS: IP address on LAN is LAN interface's subnet mask is IP address of default gateway to other networks is IP address of primary DNS server is IP address of secondary DNS server is MISCELLANEOUS: HTTP Port is 80 Finder program is enabled HARDWARE PARAMETERS: MAC Address is nn.nn.nn.nn.nn.nn
Configuration menu
Special commands (type /? or /Help) /viewlog Displays the log file /initlog Clears the log file /initadminaccount Restores default administrator password /restorefactconf Restores to factory default settings /help /? Displays this help
3.2.1. Serial port configuration
Connector: SUB-D9 female connector
Pin configuration RS232 parameters
Pin 2 = TxD (transmit data to the PC) Speed: 9600 bauds Pin 3 = RxD (receive commands) Parity: No Pin 5 = GnD Format: 8 bits Stop bit: 1 Flow control: no
The serial cable provided with the ePowerSwitch-is a standard straight extension cable with DB9 connectors. This cable is intended to connect the serial port of the ePowerSwitch to a serial port of a PC.
3.2.2. Restore to default factory settings
If you want to restore the ePowerSwitch to factory settings, you can reset it to default value using following procedure:
1. Use the supplied RS232 cable to connect the ePowerSwitch-to an available serial port of your PC.
2. Run a terminal program such as Windows HyperTerminal or the Micro Terminal program on the CD.
3. Configure the appropriate serial port with the following settings @ 9.600, n, 8, 1 and no flow control. If
you use the MicroTerminal program on the CD (folder miscellaneous) you only have to choose the used serial port, this program is already configured at 9600,n,8,1.
4. On your computer, press <ENTER> until the menu appears on your screen.
5. Type in following command:
/restorefactconf (the command MUST be preceded with a slash). Now you can log in using admin as Login name and password.
The login values are case sensitive.
3.2.3. Restore to default administrator password
If you have forgotten your administrator password, you can reset it to default value using following procedure:
1. Use the supplied RS232 cable to connect the ePowerSwitch-to an available serial port of your PC.
2. Run a terminal program such as Windows HyperTerminal or the Micro Terminal program on the CD.
3. Configure the appropriate serial port with the following settings @ 9.600, n, 8, 1 and no flow control.If
you use the MicroTerminal program on the CD (folder miscellaneous) you only have to choose the used serial port, this program is already configured at 9600,n,8,1.
4. On your computer, press <ENTER> until the menu appears on your screen.
5. Type in following command:
/initadminaccount (the command MUST be preceded with a slash). The system answers:
System is restarting... System Started
Now you can log in using admin as Login name and password.
The login values are case sensitive.
3.3. Configuration through the LAN using a standard Browser
During the first installation, change temporarily the network settings of your PC according to the default network settings of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
Factory network settings of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
: IP Address: - Port: 80 Gateway:
1. Open your Web browser and type following IP address:
2. Enter the administrator name and password (default for both = admin)
3. The home page appears, allowing you to configure all settings of your ePowerSwitch 8M+
3.3.1. General / IP configuration
This page enables you to define all the IP parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
DHCP Client enabled:
Check this box if you want to obtain the IP address, the subnet mask and the default gateway for your ePowerSwitch 8M+
via DHCP. Factory default setting for this option is disabled.
Use of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) requires a DHCP host to be set up on the network.
IP Address:
IP address of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
, default is
Subnet Mask:
Subnet Mask of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
, default is
Default Gateway:
Generally the address of your router, default is blank.
Primary DNS Address:
Primary DNS (Domain Name Server), default is blank
Secondary DNS Address:
Secondary DNS, default is blank
Finder Program enabled:
The Network parameters of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
can also be configured through a Local Area Network using the provided Finder Program. It is a very simple and fast configuration method if you use Windows as operating system. The Finder Program is enabled as default value.
!!!For security reasons we suggest to disable the Finder program after the first configuration.
HTTP Port:
Port number: default is 80.
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
Click "Discard Changes" at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page.
Click "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page to save changes.
3.3.2. General / System time
The system time of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
is used for synchronizing scheduling actions and to timestamp SNMP traps, Syslog information and internal logs. The system time can be set manually with the browser time of the connected computer or can be automatically synchronized with one or two NTP timeservers.
Current System Time:
This field shows the current system time of the ePowerSwitch 8M+
As the system time is displayed through the browser, a small difference (1 to 2 sec) can appear as compared to the exact hour. The system time is nevertheless correct.
Use Browser Time:
If you want to set the system time using the current Browser time of your PC, select this option and click on the "Set System Time" button.
Use NTP Server:
If you want to set the system time using an NTP timeserver, select this option, choose a refresh interval and enter the IP address of the timeserver you wish to use in the "Primary" field. The address of a second timeserver can be specified in the "Secondary" field. The secondary timeserver is optional and is used only if the primary timeserver is not available.
You can enter either the hostname (in that case you must have specified a DNS server on the IP configuration page) or the IP address of an NTP server. NTP uses port 123/UDP.
Time Zone:
Set the time zone corresponding to your location. The system clock will subsequently show local time. Without setting this, the system clock will show UTC/GMT time. Setting a time zone is only relevant if you are synchronizing with an NTP server.
Daylight Saving Time:
If you want to set Daylight Saving dates, check this box and specify the date you want to use.
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
Click "Discard Changes" at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page.
Click "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page to save changes.
3.3.3. General / SNMP
The ePowerSwitch 8M+
provides a built-in SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) agent, which
enables you to manage the ePowerSwitch 8M+
through SNMP-based network management systems.
The ePowerSwitch 8M+
MIB file enables to remotely read out the status of all power outlets and the values of all sensors (temperature, humidity, ambient light). It also enables to control individually all power outlets and all groups of power outlets. The MIB file is stored on the ePowerSwitch 8M+
and can be
downloaded from the General / Tools Page.
SNMP enabled:
Check this box if you want to enable the SNMP protocol.
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Contact field. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "contact".
Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Name field. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "name".
Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Location field. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "location".
Read Commu n ity:
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Read Community field. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "public".
Write Community:
Check this box if you want to be able to control the power outlets through a MIB browser. In the following field, enter the name you want to give to the Write Community. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "private".
Trap Community:
Check this box if you want to configure the ePowerSwitch 8M+
SNMP agent to send traps to a community. In the following field, enter the name you want to give to the Trap Community. The name can be from 1 to 64 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters. Default name is "trap".
Trap Destination 1:
Check this box and enter the primary SNMP Server address the traps will be sent to.
Trap Destination 2:
Check this box and enter the secondary SNMP Server address the traps will be sent to.
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
Click "Discard Changes" at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page.
Click "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page to save changes.
3.3.4. General / Tools
This page enables you to:
- download and save the current settings of your ePowerSwitch 8M+
on your PC,
- upload an existing configuration file to your ePowerSwitch 8M+
- restore the factory settings,
- download the ePowerSwitch 8M+
MIB file on your PC.
Click this button to save the current system settings onto your local hard drive.
Click this button and select a settings file you want to download to the ePowerSwitch 8M+
Click this button if you want to restore the factory default settings.
Save MIB:
Click this button if you want to download the ePowerSwitch 8M+
MIB file onto your local hard drive.
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
3.3.5. Settings / Accounts Settings / Accounts
This page is used to create, activate, deactivate, modify and delete up to 40 accounts.
- To activate or deactivate an account, check or uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
- To modify an account, click on "Edit" next to the corresponding account.
- To delete an existing account, click on "Delete" next to the corresponding account.
- To create an account, click on "Add a New Account" on the right side of the page. A new page appears, allowing you to set all the parameters of the account.
User Name:
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the user. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters.
Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this field, enter the password you want to give to the user. The password can be from 4 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters.
Confirm Password:
In this field, enter the password again.
IP Address Control:
Check this checkbox and specify an IP address or a range of IP address if you want to restrict the access of this account.
This field is used to add or remove groups to the current account. To add Groups to the current account, press the Ctrl key and click on the displayed Groups. The selected Groups are marked dark blue and their IDs are listed at the right side of the Groups field.
This field appears only if you have already created at least one group (Settings/Groups Tab).
In this drop-down list, choose a device from which you want to add Inputs or Outputs to the current account.
This field is used to add/remove Inputs or Outputs to/from the current account. To add Inputs or Outputs to the current account, press the Ctrl key and click on the Inputs/Outputs of the device selected in the previous field. The selected Inputs/Outputs are marked dark blue and their IDs are listed at the right side of the Input/Output field. The ePowerSwitch 8M+
supports number of peripherals which are clearly identified by specific ID
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
Click "Discard Changes" at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page.
Click "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page to save changes.
18 Settings / Accounts / Hidden Page account
This account is intended for developers who want to implement the power outlet control in own programs. If activated, they can access to a special page named hidden.htm and control individually the power outlets using simple commands.
- To activate or deactivate this account, check or uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
- To modify the Hidden page account, click on "Edit" next to the corresponding account. A new page appears, allowing you to set all the parameters of the account.
This check box must be checked to activate the Hidden Page Account. It enables to deactivate temporarily this account while keeping all its settings for a later use. The Hidden Page Account cannot be deleted.
User Name
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the Hidden Page Account. The user name can be up to 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric char acters.
Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this field, enter the password you want to give to the Hidden Page Account. The password can be up to 32 characters long and contain alphanumeric characters.
Confirm Password
In this field, enter the password again for confirmation.
IP Address Control
Network security can be increased by IP address filtering. Check this checkbox and specify an IP address or a range of IP addresses which has the right to access to the Hidden Page Account.
This field appears only if at least one group has already been created. To create a group, go to the Settings/Groups Page.
- To add an existing group of Power Outlets to the current account, select the group you want to add in the left field and click on the Arrow button, the group will then appear in the right field.
- To remove a Group from the current account, select the group you want to remove in the right field and click on the Arrow button, the group will then appear in the left field.
Each group is clearly identified by its own ID (G1, G2, G3...) followed by the name given during the configuration. If the symbol "!" appears between brackets behind the ID Code that means that the Group is not activated. To activate it, go to the "Settings/Groups" page.
In this drop-down list, choose the device from which one you want to add Inputs or Outputs to the current account.
- Only properly connected devices or devices which already have been connected to the Power
Switch appears in this field.
- Each peripheral is clearly identified by its own ID followed by the name given during the
configuration. Behind the ID can appear a character between brackets which has following meaning:
- "!" means that the corresponding device is properly connected to the Power switch but not
activated. To activate it, go to the "Settings/Peripherals" page.
- "X" means that the corresponding device has already been connected to the Power switch but
is currently no longer connected to the Power Switch.
- This field is used to add/remove Inputs or Outputs to/from the current account.
- To add an Input or Output to the current account, select the Input / Output you want to add in the left field
and click on the Arrow button, the selected Input / Output will then appear in the right field.
- To remove an Input or Output from the current account, select the Input / Output you want to remove in
the right field and click on the Arrow button, the selected Input / Output will then appear in the left field.
Accessing to the Hidden Page Account
To be able to access to the Hidden Page, you must have configured the Hidden Page Account and activated it. For the first tests, simply check the Activated check box, start your browser and type into your browser's address bar the IP address of your power switch followed by the name of the hidden page.
Example: if the IP address of your Power Switch is, type in:
followed by <ENTER>.
Your Web browser will now display:
Hidden Page 21 Dec 2010 01:50:03 ePowerSwitch 8M+ R2 Version:
Controlling Power Outlets
Only Power Outlets which have been selected can be controlled over the Hidden Page. To select Power Outlets, go to the "Settings/Accounts" page and edit the Hidden Page Account. In the Inputs/Outputs field, selected the Power Outlets you want to control and click on the Arrow button next to the Inputs/Outputs field. The selected Power outlets appear in the right field, click on Apply Change to validate the configuration.
Example: if you have selected power Outlets 1 to 4 and the IP address of your Power Switch is, type in:
followed by <ENTER>.
Your Web browser will now display:
Hidden Page 21 Dec 2010 02:29:01 ePowerSwitch 8M+ R2 Version: M0:O1=On M0:O2=On M0:O3=On
M0:O4=On Each Power Outlet support individually 3 commands: On, Off and Restart using following syntax: M0:Ox=[ON], [OFF], [RESTART]
M0: ID of your Power Switch Ox: Outlet number of your Power Switch ON: ON command OFF: OFF command RESTART: Restart command
The first command must be preceded by a "?" Commands can be concatenated using the character "&" Commands can be specified in upper case, lower case or mixed case The Hidden Page functionality also allows to control peripherals connected to the A-xBus (all senso rs, Digital I/O Modules, Power Switches, Current probe...).
Example: if you want to switch to OFF the Power Outlet #1 and 3, type in:
Your Web browser will now display:
Hidden Page
21 Dec 2010 02:42:08
ePowerSwitch 8M+ R2
3.3.6. Settings / Groups
This page is used to create, modify and delete groups of power outlets which can be controlled by the ePowerSwitch 8M+
. This functionality is particularly useful if you have to control the power supply of devices using redundant power supplies. You can create groups including several power outlets distributed on several ePowerSwitch Satellite devices.
- To delete an existing group, click on "Delete" of the corresponding device.
- To add or remove power outlets to/from an existing group, click on "Edit" of the corresponding device.
- To add a new group, click on "Add a New Group" on the right side of the page. A new page appears, allowing you to set all parameters of the group.
This check box must be checked to activate the group. It enables to deactivate temporarily a group of Power outlets while keeping all its settings for a later use.
Group Id:
The ePowerSwitch 8M+
automatically creates an ID Code to clearly identify each group of power outlets.
All the ID Codes used to identify groups start with the letter "G".
Group Name:
In this field, enter the name you want to give to the selected group. The name can be from 1 to 32 characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters.
Do not use quotes or special characters in labels!
In this drop-down list, choose an ePowerSwitch from which you want to add power outlets to the selected group.
Power Outlets:
This field is used to add and remove power outlets to/from the group.
- To add power outlets to the group, press the Ctrl key and click on the power outlets of the ePowerSwitch
selected in the field above. The selected power outlets are marked dark blue. Then click the arrow button between the power outlets fields. The names of the selected power outlets are listed at the right field "Power Outlets".
- To remove a power outlet from the group, press the Ctrl key and click on the power outlet you wish to
remove in the right field of “Power Outlets”.
Click "Logout" at the bottom of the page to exit the session without saving changes.
Click "Discard Changes" at the bottom of the page to discard all the changes you have made on this page.
Click "Apply Changes" at the bottom of the page to save changes.
3.3.7. Settings / Peripherals
The Peripherals page is used to enable and configure the xBus peripherals which have been connected to the ePowerSwitch 8M+
. This page is also very useful to give an overview of all the peripherals which are
or have been connected to the ePowerSwitch 8M+
Up to 4 peripherals can be connected to the ePowerSwitch 8M+
This unit supports following peripherals:
Environmental monitoring units:
- temperature sensor (T-Sensor)
- temperature and humidity sensor (TRH-Sensor)
- temperature and ambient light sensor (TL-Sensor)
- temperature and proximity sensor (TP-Sensor)
- temperature sensor (Tiny T-Sensor)
- liquid detector (KIT LIQ DET)
Controlled IEC power outlets:
- power control units, 1 outlet (ePowerSwitch 1XS)
- power control units, 8 outlets (ePowerSwitch 8XS)
- power control units, 8 outlets and 2 16A inputs with current probe (ePowerSwitch 8XS 32)
I/O modules:
- extension module with16 inputs for dry contacts (XBUS DIM)
- extension module with 8 relay outputs (XBUS DOM)
Manually actions triggering:
- Push Button
Power consumption management:
- current probe, 1 outlet IEC (CP IEC)
- consumption measuring: kWh, A, Volts (EnergyMeter)
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