A Lernout & Hauspie Company
Quick Start
When you see this...
Installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking
See page 2
Teaching the program how you speak
See page 4
Beginning to dictate
See page 8
Command Quick Reference
See inside back cover
Quick Start 03-208-50-01
Dragon NaturallySpeaking lets you talk to your computer instead of typing. You can talk to Microsoft
Word, Corel®WordPerfect®, e-mail, chat, and virtually any other program in which you normally type. Talking to a program while Dragon NaturallySpeaking types what you say is called “dictating.”
...you can talk
to your favorite
f you want to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking with
Microsoft®Word or Corel®WordPerfect®, install the word processor and run it at least once before installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
If you have an earlier version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, see page 15 for upgrade information.
1. If you’re running a virus checker (for example,
McAfee®VirusScan®or Symantec™Norton AntiVirus™), turn it off. Sometimes installation can trigger a false virus report.
2. Put the Dragon NaturallySpeaking CD into
your CD-ROM drive. Setup begins automatically.
If installation does not begin automatically, use Windows Explorer to find your CD-ROM drive; then double-click Setup.exe to start the installation.
3. Follow the instructions on your screen to
complete the installation.
The product CD Key you’ll need to complete the
installation is located on a sticker on your CD sleeve.
4. Select the installation option that suits your
computer. You can choose from the following installation options:
If you choose not to install some components, you can install them later by running Setup again, and choosing Modify.
5. Dragon Systems recommends that you register
online now, if you can, so we can notify you of product upgrades and other offers.
6. If installation prompts you to restart your
computer, select Yes to restart before you launch Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
Installing Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Typical Recommended for most users.
Installs files appropriate for your processor, memory, and geographic region setting, including Help files and the online Tutorial. Requires 170 MB of disk space.
Compact Use this option if you have limited (Preferred and disk space. Does not install text­higher editions) to-speech files, the online Tutorial,
or electronic versions of the documentation. Requires 150 MB of disk space.
Custom Intended for advanced users. (Preferred and Allows you to specify installation higher editions) options, including speech files for
multiple dialects, text-to-speech files, and Help files. Can require up to 250 MB of disk space.
NotesInstall Option
Connecting Your Microphone
efer to the following diagram to connect your microphone to your computer.
Not all systems use the same icons for input and output jacks. If you have questions, consult the user’s manual that came with your computer.
1. Insert the RED or PINK plug into the MIC
input jack on your computer sound card. Sound cards vary, but the microphone jack is usually red and has a picture of a microphone. If your sound card does not have a MIC jack, use the LINE IN jack.
2. Insert the BLACK or BROWN plug into the
LINE OUT jack on your computer sound card. If your sound card does not have a LINE OUT jack, use the SPEAKER or HEADPHONE jack.
3. If your headset microphone includes an amplifier
box, install batteries in the box. See your microphone documentation for complete instructions.
Positioning Your Microphone
o talk to programs using Dragon
NaturallySpeaking, you need to speak into the microphone that came with your software. It’s very important that the microphone be in just the right position, so that Dragon NaturallySpeaking can hear you loud and clear. Whenever you use Dragon NaturallySpeaking, start by making sure your microphone is in the right position.
If the microphone is out of place, Dragon NaturallySpeaking won’t be able to hear you as clearly and may make more mistakes.
It’s a good idea to sip water when you do a lot of dictating, so you don’t get hoarse. If you drink through a straw, you won’t have to move the microphone out of place.
Positioning a Headset Microphone
Position the microphone about a half-inch from your mouth and a little off to the side. The microphone should not touch your mouth, but it can be almost touching your lips.
It’s okay to touch the foam covering while you’re adjusting the microphone, but don’t touch the microphone while you’re talking.
The side of the microphone that you should speak into may be marked with a colored dot or the word “Talk.”
If you need to move the microphone out of the way, you can lift the “boom” up and over your head, rather than bending it out of position or removing the headset.
Positioning a Handheld Microphone
Hold the microphone one to three inches from your mouth and a little off to the side.
If the volume display on the DragonBar turns red, try holding the microphone slightly farther from your mouth.
tart Dragon NaturallySpeaking, if it’s not already running. Here’s how:
Double-click the desktop icon for Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Or go to the Start menu, point to Programs, and click Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
The first time you start Dragon NaturallySpeaking, the program automatically starts the New User Wizard. This wizard takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a personal speech profile called a “user.”
A user stores information the program needs to recognize your speech, for example, information about how you pronounce different words. If more than one person will be using Dragon NaturallySpeaking on this computer, each one must create a unique user.
The rest of this section explains each step in the New User Wizard. If you have difficulty with any step, this section can help answer your questions.
Create a User
1. Name this user with your name or any other
unique name.
2. Choose a language (dialect). The English version
of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 5 ships with five dialects: US English, UK English, Australian English, Indian English, and Southeast Asian English. Choose the dialect that most closely matches your accent when you speak English.
Teaching the Program How You Speak
Some commands behave differently for different dialects depending on the Regional Settings of your computer. If you have problems dictating times or currency, set the Regional Settings in your Windows Control Panel to match the language dialect you selected in this step. See your user’s guide for more information.
3. Choose a dictation source. If you will be
dictating into a headset or handheld microphone connected to your computer, choose “Microphone plugged into Mic-In Jack.” If you will be using another type of microphone, a mobile recorder, or a USB microphone, select the option that matches your dictation source from the drop-down list.
Some microphone options are available only in Dragon NaturallySpeaking Preferred or Professional. If you are using a microphone or recorder not supplied with your program, check the Hardware Compatibility List on the Dragon Systems website (www.dragonsystems.com) to see if your version supports the microphone you plan to use.
4. Choose a vocabulary. Most adult users should use
the default choice, “General.” Younger speakers of U.S. English (aged 9–15) should select the “Teens” vocabulary. Most users should not need the Advanced option.
Check your audio settings
efore beginning this step, make sure your microphone is properly connected and positioned.
If your computer has more than one sound card, you will be asked to select one in this step.
1. Check your microphone volume by clicking Start
Volume Check, then read aloud the text in the box. When the program beeps to indicate it has finished checking the volume, click Next.
2. Check your sound quality. Click Start Quality
Check and then read aloud the text in the box. When the program beeps to indicate it has finished checking the volume, click Next.
Train Dragon NaturallySpeaking
o two people sound exactly alike, so before you
can start talking to the computer, you have to teach Dragon NaturallySpeaking how you pronounce different words.
It usually takes only about five minutes to teach the computer how you speak, but you have to do this the first time you use Dragon NaturallySpeaking. You do this by reading aloud part of a book or a story into your microphone (you can choose from several texts). Information about your voice is saved in the user file you just created.
If you are using a mobile recorder to dictate, the process of teaching Dragon NaturallySpeaking how you speak has a few more steps and takes longer. See Appendix A in your user’s guide for more information, or click on the Help button in the New User Wizard.
1. A yellow arrow shows you where to start reading.
To take breaks while you’re training the program, just click Pause.
2. To advance through the first two screens, you
must say the sentences without pausing. For the rest of the screens, it’s okay to pause in the middle of a sentence.
When the words turn black, it means the computer has heard and recognized them. If you keep reading the same words, and the computer still doesn’t get it, just click Skip.
3. Click Next to continue.
4. Choose a text to read aloud. In Dragon
NaturallySpeaking version 5, you only need to read for about five minutes to train the computer to recognize your speech. Sometimes, a new text will begin at the end of the one you chose; this is because the program needs a little more information about how you speak.
If you are using an array microphone, you will need to train the program for at least 20 minutes to recognize your speech.
You can take breaks while you’re training the computer. Just click Pause.
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