ULD-360DMX and ULD-360DMX-HP
©Copyright Leprecon LLC. 2005
All rights reserved
Publication 21-1045 Rev D
This docum ent is the property of Leprecon LLC, and is provided for service and instructi onal purposes
only. Possession does not imply or convey rights to use any information herein. T his infor mation is
proprietar y , and may relate to patents or patents pending that are the properties of CAE, Inc . other than
the use of product s manufact ur ed by CAE, Inc.

Table of Contents
Endplate Illustration – ULD-360DMX-HP .......................................................... 3
1) Introduction........................................................................................................ 4
2) Specifications..................................................................................................... 4
Power Connection............................................................................................... 4
Ambien t Temperature .......................................................................................... 4
Power Capacity................................................................................................... 4
Control input....................................................................................................... 5
3) Installation......................................................................................................... 6
Mounting............................................................................................................. 6
Power Connection............................................................................................... 6
Load Connection................................................................................................. 6
4) Turning on Power............................................................................................... 6
5) Front Panel Controls .......................................................................................... 7
Resetting the ULD-360 to default values: ............................................................ 7
Channel Mode Menu........................................................................................... 8
Status Menu........................................................................................................ 9
Configuration Data.............................................................................................11
6) Error conditions ................................................................................................11
7) Service..............................................................................................................12
Service policy.....................................................................................................12
Warranty Information.........................................................................................12
8) DMX 512 Information ......................................................................................13
Cable type..........................................................................................................13

Endplate Illustration – ULD-360DMX-HP
d 0 0
Data In
Line A
ULD Series
Data Out
Line B

1) Introduction
The new ULD series dimmer is designed to be a capable and reliable sol ution
for temporary and portable dimming requirements. Wi th the menu-based
interface, the dimmer can be configured for different applications, including
stand-alone use without a controller. Default values can be restored at any time,
clearing the internal memory back to the standard values.
Please take a few minutes to review the specifications and operating features of
the ULD-360 dimmer.
The ULD-360 dimmer is designed for use with conventional incandescent
fixtures. Transformer loads, such as low voltage devices using a step-down
transformer, may require an additional load to be connected to the same circuit
to operate properly.
For operating florescent fixtures, see the section regarding Front Panel Controls.
2) Specifications
Power Connection
Unless otherwise indicated, your ULD-360 dimmer is designed for connection to
standard US power systems, 120 VAC 60 Hz. Lamp connections must be 120 V
devices only. Line voltages over 135 VAC will trigger the overvoltage protection
circuit and shut off the dimmer pack.
Ambient Temperature
The ULD-360 dimm er i s desi gned for use i n a cool, venti lated area. Ambient
air temp er at ure must be less than 40 degrees Celsius, or about 104 degrees
Power Capacity
The ULD360 DMX is unique in the market of small portable dimmers. A single
breaker is used on the pack instead of individual fuses per each channel. As a
result, the limits of the dimmer are pack limits, not channel limits. The following
guidelines should be followed:
Pack Limit: 15 Amps
Pack Limit: 15 Amps per line cord, or 30 amps total
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