Pro Lighting Equipment
LP-X48 Quick Start VGA/Touchscreen Mode Operation
There are three separate modes of operation for the LP-X48:
• VGA Mode makes good use of the expanded viewing area of a larger screen while also offering
trackball & keyboard support for programming.
• VGA Mode with the Touchscreen capability gives you the features of the VGA with the added
benefit of touch activation.
• LCD Mode does not require any peripheral devices for programming making it ideal for
programming in spaces where real estate is at a premium.
This document will cover programming with VGA Mode alone.
To start it is recommended that you start with a new show. To do so enter the ‘Set up’ section > go to
‘Erase’ icon > select ‘Entire Show’.
Moving Light or Color Scroller Assignment- The first 200 of the 1024 DMX Channels are reserved for
conventional fixtures therefore the console defaults to DMX Channel 101 on Universe A when assigning
moving lights/LTP Instruments. The ‘Reserve List’ may be altered if required, see instructions beginning on
Page 38 for a more detailed example.
To begin:
1) Enter the ‘Set Up’ section located in the upper left-hand corner of the console.
2) Select- ‘Instrument’ icon
3) Using the trackball or touchscreen point to the first empty slot and select
4) Choose fixture manufacture and double click/tap on the model.
5) Once the fixture has been selected the console will load the profile and look for the
first available Slot and DMX starting channel. You can either alter or accept as
6) The buttons beneath the control faders are instrument select buttons in ‘Record’ or
‘Edit’ mode and they are also Bump Buttons for the conventional fixtures in ‘Run’
Selecting Intelligent Instruments- the LP-X48 has the ability to control up to 48 intelligent
instruments. Instruments can be selected with the ‘Instrument selects’ located beneath the control
faders or in the Programmer screen with the trackball or touchscreen. Fixtures 1thru 48 can be
selected via the numerical keypad or with the trackball or touchscreen on the VGA.
The status indicators are as follows:
Selected: Responds to Programmer
Yellow on VGA Screen/ Blinking LED on ‘Instrument select’

Pro Lighting Equipment
Standby: In the cue, holding position
Blue on VGA Screen/Lighted LED on ‘Instrument select’
Cleared: Not in the cue
White on VGA Screen/LED out on ‘Instrument select’
To select instruments for programming:
Via Instrument selects on console
1) Simply press the button to activate the fixture. The fixture will default to its’ Home
position, shutter open, & color will be white.
2) Press the same button again the place the fixture into Standby mode in the cue.
3) Press ‘Clear’ then the instrument select again to clear the fixture form the
Via the trackball or touchscreen
1) Use the trackball, point & click on the desired fixture or with the touchscreen simply
press the desired fixture.
2) Press again to place the fixture in standby
3) To clear the fixture from the cue, hold down the clear button or click on the ‘Clear’
icon then click on the fixture.
Via the numerical keypad.
1) Select the ‘Fixture’ button located above the numerical keypad.
2) Select- the fixture number with the keypad then press the ‘+’ key to add fixtures & ‘-‘
key to remove fixtures.
Ready to program- Place the console in ‘Record’ mode
Set the ‘Display’ button to ‘ML’ to view information for intelligent instrument settings. Bring the ‘Programmer ‘
fader to full to view the changes ‘live’, keep it down to make changes ‘blind’.
There are two different methods for programming intelligent fixtures, Label Programming & Attribute
Programming. Label Programming is the use of preset Labels (Palettes) for Color, Beam, or Focus
properties. Attribute Programming is the manipulation of a fixture on a channel by channel basis.
Most fixtures have built in personalities for Color & Beam properties. Focus labels must be created
prior to programming. It is strongly recommended that you create Focus Labels to speed up
programming while also making updating & editing easier.