L:\PRD\SAP-JAS\MNL\SAP-JAS_MNL.doc Page 1 of 2
Joystick Arcade Switched - User Guide
The LEPMIS SAP-JAS is a very robust, switch-based joystick for use with LEPMIS PS3-SAP Switch Access
Pod. It can also be used with any computer access device that accepts switch inputs.
The switched outputs are available from jacks marked ‘U’, ‘D’, ‘L’ and ‘R’ (short for ‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’, and
‘Right’) as you move the joystick in the relevant direction. ‘Up’ is towards the cable exit position. Plug the
jacks into your device sockets as suits you.
Note: SAP-JAS is normally supplied to switch in 8 directions: U, D, L, R, plus U&L, U& R, D&R, D&L. Please
contact us if you wish it set as just 4 directions - as this involves some disassembly.
This joystick will provide years of trouble-free operation despite prolonged heavy use, but please note:
- avoid repeatedly plugging the connector in and out in order to preserve the socket contacts.
- LEPMIS offer PS3-SAP servicing to maintain joystick response after many years of use.
Please contact LEPMIS for repairs or maintenance. Our address and telephone number are listed on the last page
of this user manual.
WARNING: This device must not be used for controlling a powered wheelchair or
any device for human mobility or transportation.
This symbol (right) means that the SAP-JAS must be re-cycled when no longer required. Please do not
throw away in the general refuse. Please request from LEPMIS a pre paid label for it’s return to us, or
take it to your council recycling facility.