C:\LEPMIS\PRD\PS3-SAP\MNL\Issue 7\PS3-SAP_MNL_7.doc Page 3 of 8
The LEPMIS PlayStation3 Switch Access Pod (PS3-SAP) replaces the standard controller of the
SONY™ Playstation3 (or other games consoles by adding a cross-converter device) to enable
gamers of all physical ability to use accessible switches and joysticks to enjoy a huge choice of
videogames plus subscription film & music and social media.
Your current accessible switches and analogue joysticks can be used with PS3-SAP to play
videogames – but you will need a joystick adaptor to match PS3-SAP analogue port specification
(described in this manual). LEPMIS or a suitably qualified technician can produce the adaptor, or
LEPMIS can provide a suitable joystick from our wide range of uniquely sensitive and responsive
LEPMIS can perform a home clinical assessment that will identify the best way to access your
abilities (Assessment may be dependent on the location of the user). We can manufacture custom
switch set-ups and joystick units to meet your particular needs. For more information, contact
LEPMIS (contact details at the end of this document).
PS3-SAP is classed as an “accessory to a Medical Device” for the purposes of the European
Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC 14th June 1993, as it compensates for an injury or
The PS3-SAP case resists the ingress of dust, moisture and interference from radio signals, but
there are no particular features to prevent water entering the unit. Do not soak the unit or attempt to
“wash” it in any way. Wipe sparingly with a barely damp cloth and mild detergent if really
The unit is intended to be used in a home or school environment, and due to its lack of full
environmental protection, must not be subjected to exposure to the elements.
The unit is rated for continuous operation but you are advised to consult the games console
documentation on the length of time the unit should be used or left ON.
Operating temperature range is as per your game console operating instructions.
No unauthorised access or dismantling of the unit allowed! Tampering will terminate your warranty.
Compentent technicians requiring internal access to PS3-SAP must apply to the manufacturers –
LEPMIS, in writing stating their aim and seeking authorisation to proceed.
Videogaming is enjoyable and can be addictive. It is not recommended that you play computer
games for extended periods of time without breaks.