Lenze MC Series Drives Modbus Communications User Manual

MC Series Drives
Modbus Communications Reference Guide
About These Instructions
This documentation applies to the use of an MC 1000 Series and an MC 3000 Series Variable Frequency Drive in a Modbus Network and should be used in conjunction with the MC Series Installation and Operation Manual (Document M101 or M301, respectively) that shipped with the drive. These documents should be read in their entirety as they contain important technical data and describe the installation and operation of the drive.
© 2003 Lenze AC Tech Corporation
No part of this documentation may be copied or made available to third parties without the explicit written approval of Lenze AC Tech Corporation. All information given in this documentation has been carefully selected and tested for compliance with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out. Lenze AC Tech does not accept any responsibility nor liability for damages that may occur. Any necessary corrections will be implemented in subsequent editions.
1 Safety Information .............................................................................................................1
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ..............................................................................1
1.1.1 General ....................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Application ...............................................................................................1
1.1.3 Installation ...............................................................................................1
1.1.4 Electrical Connection ................................................................................2
1.1.5 Operation .................................................................................................2
1.2 Reference and Links .............................................................................................2
2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................3
2.1 Modbus Details .....................................................................................................3
2.2 Universal Registers ...............................................................................................4
3 Data Representation - Internal and External .......................................................................5
3.1 Register Format ....................................................................................................5
3.2 Data Types ...........................................................................................................5
3.3 AC Tech Drive Registers........................................................................................5
4 MC Drive Setup & Operation ..............................................................................................6
4.1 Serial Address ......................................................................................................6
4.2 Serial Communications Parameter ........................................................................6
4.3 Control Parameter .................................................................................................6
4.4 Unlocking & Locking Controls ...............................................................................7
4.5 Unlocking & Locking Programming Parameters only .............................................7
4.6 Watchdog Timer ...................................................................................................8
4.7 Monitoring Only Operation ....................................................................................9
4.8 Normal Control Operation Sequence .....................................................................9
4.9 Start/Stop, Speed Control and Parameter Change Operation .................................9
5 MC Drive Control Registers ................................................................................................10
5.1 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................11
5.2 Drive Control - Register #1....................................................................................12
5.3 Drive Size - Register #21 ......................................................................................13
5.4 Drive Status - Registers #24-29 ............................................................................14
5.4.1 Reading Register #24 ...............................................................................14
5.4.2 Operational Status - Registers #24 & 26 ...................................................15
5.4.3 Actual Rotational Direction - Registers #24 & 27 ......................................15
5.4.4 Control Mode - Registers #24 & 27 ..........................................................15
5.4.5 Speed Command Source - Registers #24 & 28 .........................................16
5.4.6 Speed Reference - Registers #24 & 28 .....................................................16
5.4.7 Present Fault - Registers #24 & 29 ...........................................................17
5.4.8 Commanded Rotational Direction - Registers #24 & 29 ............................17
5.5 Motor Volts - Register #30 ....................................................................................17
5.6 Keypad Speed - Register #40 ...............................................................................18
5.7 Total Run Time - Registers #36 & 37 (MC3000 only) .............................................18
5.8 PID Commands - Registers #38, 39, 41 & 43 ........................................................18
5.10 Unlock Commands - Register #48 .........................................................................18
5.11 Unlock Parameters - Register #49 ........................................................................18
5.12 Register Version ....................................................................................................19
6 MC Programming Parameters ...........................................................................................20
6.1 Format ..................................................................................................................20
6.2 Parameter List ......................................................................................................21
7 Quick Start Instructions .....................................................................................................28
7.1 Initial Settings .......................................................................................................28
7.2 Drive Control .........................................................................................................28
7.3 Basic Drive Commands .........................................................................................29
7.4 Basic Drive Status .................................................................................................30
7.5 Basic Drive Network Programming ........................................................................30
1 Safety Information
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes
1.1.1 General
Some parts of Lenze controllers (frequency inverters, servo inverters, DC controllers) can be live, moving and rotating. Some surfaces can be hot.
Non-authorized removal of the required cover, inappropriate use, and incorrect installation or operation creates the risk of severe injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled personnel (IEC 364 and CENELEC HD 384 or DIN VDE 0100 and IEC report 664 or DIN VDE0110 and national regulations for the prevention of accidents must be observed).
According to this basic safety information, qualified skilled personnel are persons who are familiar with the installation, assembly, commissioning, and operation of the product and who have the qualifications necessary for their occupation.
1.1.2 Application
Safety Information
Drive controllers are components designed for installation in electrical systems or machinery. They are not to be used as appliances. They are intended exclusively for professional and commercial purposes according to EN 61000-3-2. The documentation includes information on compliance with EN 61000-3-2.
When installing the drive controllers in machines, commissioning (i.e. the starting of operation as directed) is prohibited until it is proven that the machine complies with the regulations of the EC Directive 98/37/EC (Machinery Directive); EN 60204 must be observed.
Commissioning (i.e. starting drive as directed) is only allowed when there is compliance to the EMC Directive (2004/108/EC).
The drive controllers meet the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC. The harmonised standards of the series EN 50178/DIN VDE 0160 apply to the controllers.
The availability of controllers is restricted according to EN 61800-3. These products can cause radio interference in residential areas. In the case of radio interference, special measures may be necessary for drive controllers.
1.1.3 Installation
Ensure proper handling and avoid excessive mechanical stress. Do not bend any components and do not change any insulation distances during transport or handling. Do not touch any electronic components and contacts. Controllers contain electrostatically sensitive components, which can easily be damaged by inappropriate handling. Do not damage or destroy any electrical components since this might endanger your health! When installing the drive ensure optimal airflow by observing all clearance distances in the drive's user manual. Do not expose the drive to excessive: vibration, temperature, humidity, sunlight, dust, pollutants, corrosive chemicals or other hazardous environments.
1.1.4 Electrical Connection
When working on live drive controllers, applicable national regulations for the prevention of accidents (e.g. VBG 4) must be observed.
The electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with the appropriate regulations (e.g. cable cross-sections, fuses, PE connection). Additional information can be obtained from the regulatory documentation.
The regulatory documentation contains information about installation in compliance with EMC (shielding, grounding, filters and cables). These notes must also be observed for CE-marked controllers.
The manufacturer of the system or machine is responsible for compliance with the required limit values demanded by EMC legislation.
1.1.5 Operation
Systems including controllers must be equipped with additional monitoring and protection devices according to the corresponding standards (e.g. technical equipment, regulations for prevention of accidents, etc.). You are allowed to adapt the controller to your application as described in the documentation.
Safety Information
• After the controller has been disconnected from the supply voltage, do not touch the live components and power
connection until the capacitors have discharged. Please observe the corresponding notes on the controller.
• Do not continuously cycle input power to the controller more than once every three minutes.
• Close all protective covers and doors during operation.
Network control permits automatic starting and stopping of the inverter drive. The system design must incorporate adequate protection to prevent personnel from accessing moving equipment while power is applied to the drive system.
Table 1: Pictographs used in these instructions
Pictograph Signal word Meaning Consequences if ignored
Warning of Hazardous Electrical
Impending or possible danger
for persons
Possible damage to equipment Damage to drive system or its surroundings
Useful tip: If observed, it will
make using the drive easier
Reference to an imminent danger that may
result in death or serious personal injury if the
corresponding measures are not taken.
Death or injury
1.2 Reference and Links
MC Series Variable Frequency Drives visit: http://www.lenze-actech.com
Modbus-IDA visit: http://www.modbus.org
2 Introduction
This document defines the specifics required for Modbus serial communication with a Lenze-AC Tech standard MC 1000 or MC 3000 Series drive for control, status monitoring, and programming parameters. A familiarity with normal drive capabilities and operations is assumed. If this is not the case, refer to the MC Series Installation and Operation manual (M101 or M301, respectively) for more information.
2.1 Modbus Details
A. AC Tech Drives running the Modbus communication protocol use the RTU (Remote Terminal Unit)
transmission mode and are slaves only. Therefore, the device communicating with the drives must be a Modbus Master. The baud rate is 9600, no parity (two stop bits). The bit sequence is:
Start bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop bit Stop bit
B. At this time the AC Tech drives do not support the broadcast function of the protocol.
C. IMPORTANT NOTE: Modbus 3X and 4X Registers are numbered starting at 1. However, when
transmitted to a slave over the serial link, the actual address transmitted is one less. This is because the addresses are numbered starting from 0. AC Tech register numbers are also numbered starting from 0. Therefore, AC Tech register numbers always correspond exactly with the address transmitted. As a result, MODBUS REGISTER NUMBERS ARE ALWAYS ONE GREATER THAN AC TECH REGISTER NUMBERS. WHENEVER THE WORDS “REGISTER #xx” APPEAR, IT SHOULD BE ASSUMED THAT THEY MEAN “AC TECH REGISTER xx” and the Modbus Register number will be one larger. In some instances we may show both for clarity. For example: “Register #24 (Modbus Register #25) . . .”
D. The function codes supported by AC Tech drives are:
03 Read Holding Registers (4X references). In general we can read only one register at a time. However,
there are a few limited exceptions.
Exception One: Register #24 - 29 (Modbus Register #25 - 30) can also be read as a group of 6 words.
Exception Two: AC Tech uses a method of reading a group of related registers that may not be consecutive within the drive memory map. When this is done for the registers below, the response from the drive will be for the number of words requested but will not be with consecutive registers.
Register #100 (Modbus Register #101), Fault history, should be read as a group of 4 words.
Register #101 (Modbus Register #102), Software version, should be read as a group of 4 words.
04 Read Input Registers (3X references). As with function 03, we read one register at a time except
where noted.
06 Preset Single Register (4X references). Write single register.
16 Preset Multiple Registers (4X references). Although the function is for multiple registers, we will
accept only a single register to be written.
Note: Since we do not differentiate between 4X and 3X references, function codes 03 and 04 are treated identically.
E. Exception codes:
01 - Command rejected, Illegal function
02 - No such register
03 - Data out of range
04 - Wrong data format
06 - Slave device busy. In Keypad Programming mode, cannot write registers.
F. The AC Tech drive will most nearly conform to the Modicon® Micro 84 in capabilities. This may be of
importance when configuring networks for DDE Servers.
G. Modbus® and Modicon® are registered trademarks of Schneider Electric. For more information about
the Modbus Protocol please refer to the Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide. Web resources: http://www.Modbus-IDA.org and http://www.schneider-electric.com.
2.2 Universal Registers
Lenze-AC Tech manufactures several drive families. Currently the QC, MC, MCH, SC, TC, Series drives support Modbus based communications. Since each drive family has different parameters and size ranges, the parameter (register) definitions are in many cases quite different. In order to facilitate communication in a network with a mix of drive types, certain AC Tech Register locations have been made universal among AC Tech drives. While their locations are consistent, their contents may vary as defined in Table 2.
AC Tech Reg # Function
1 Drive Control (WRITE ONLY). Not all drives will have all control functions but when the function is
available it will be at a defined bit location within Register #1. Drive Family and register Configuration Number dependent.
- 64 -- QC family - 67 -- - 70 -- TC family
- 65 -- MC family - 68 -- MCH family - 71 --
- 66 -- SC family - 69 --
21 Drive Size (READ ONLY). Code to identify Power (HP/KW) and Line Voltage of the drive. Family
dependent. For the MC series drive size refer to section 5.3.
24 Drive Status (READ ONLY). Various operational variables.
48 Unlock Control (WRITE ONLY).
49 Unlock Writing of registers (WRITE ONLY).
50 Parameter Configuration Number (READ ONLY).
Table 2: Contents of Universal Registers
family - 72 -- SMV family
smd, Tmd
and SMV
Data & Register Format
3 Data Representation - Internal and External
3.1 Register Format
All registers are 16 bits. The data within these registers can take on the following forms:
Individual bit commands (16 per register). Example: Register #1 (Modbus Register #2).
Individual bit flags (16 per register).
A chain of two 8 bit unsigned integers.
A 16 bit unsigned integer.
This unsigned integer could represent many different types of data with various scaling rules and units, which are defined by the DATA TYPE of the register.
3.2 Data Types
Data passed in registers across the Modbus communications link are always in INTERNAL units. The drive itself may show the information in alternate DISPLAYED units. For Example: drive speeds are always stored internally as hundredths of a Hz but the drive may display that speed in terms of RPM's using programmed conversion factors. Table 3 lists examples of the internal units used on the MC series.
The data type "PID" requires further explanation. The internal range of any data of PID type is 0 to 32736. Many variables can be controlled in a PID system (pressure, temperature, flow, etc.). To simplify drive calculation, the drive programmer enters the type and range of the controlled variable (actually it is the range of the feedback device that we are scaling) and this range is mapped to the internal range (0-32736). If the feedback device measured 0 to 200 PSI, then 0 PSI is 0 internal units, and 200 PSI is 32736 internal units. To command a setpoint of 100 PSI the LOCAL PID command (Register #41) can be written with the value 16368 (32736*100/200). Thus to control PID operations using real world units, the Modbus Master must have knowledge of the range of the feedback device.
3.3 AC Tech Drive Registers
Registers #0 - #50: (Modbus Reg #1 - #51) Reserved for configuration and control Registers #51 - #260 (Modbus Reg #52 - #261) Reserved for drive's programming mode parameters Programming Mode Parameters are the parameters accessible from the local keypad on the drive. There is a direct correspondence between the MC Drive Programming Mode Parameter number and the AC Tech Register number (and consequently, the Modbus register number):
AC Tech Register # = (MC Programming Parameter #) + 51 Modbus Register # = (MC Programming Parameter #) + 52
Table 3: MC Series Internal Units
Type Unit Example
SPEED .01 Hz 60.00 Hz = 6000 TIME .1 Sec 30.0 Sec = 300
The Table 6 entries are based on MC Drive Software # 213-083 Revision 13 (Parameter Configurations = 188, 189 & 190). If a later revision of software were to change register definitions, drive operation could be seriously affected. Examine Register #50 (Parameter Configuration Number) for revision. The number displayed at power up on drive display also identifies it. If it is not 188, 189 or 190, writing to any register on the drive MUST NOT BE ATTEMPTED
unless your Controller has been setup to support the new configuration.
Drive Setup & Operation
4 MC Drive Setup & Operation
4.1 Serial Address
All AC Tech drives have a Serial Address Parameter that must be programmed prior to attempting to operate the serial interface (Programming Parameter #58 / AC Tech Register #109).
TIP - Avoid using address 1. Most Modbus devices ship with a default address of 1. As duplicate addressing on a Modbus network is not allowed, this can lead to conflicts when replacing and commissioning nodes. To avoid this it is recommended that you do not set the slave address to 1.
4.2 Serial Communications Parameter
All AC Tech drives have a Serial Communications Parameter that governs the operation of the Serial Link. On MC drives this is #57 SERIAL LINK (register #108). Table 4 lists the selections for MC Parameter 57, SERIAL LINK.
Table 4: MC Parameter 57 Selections
Setting Description Watchdog Timeout Period
01 WITH TIMER 10 sec
Explanation of Terms:
DISABLED serial link not operational
WITH TIMER serial link allows reading & writing of both control & programming parameters.
WITHOUT TIMER serial link allows reading & writing of both control & programming parameters.
Prior to attempting to communicate with the drive, Serial Communications Parameter must be appropriately programmed.
4.3 Control Parameter
The Control Parameter on MC drives (Programming Parameter #30 / AC Tech Register #81) determines how much control a user has over a drive via the serial link. The Control Parameter must be appropriately programmed for a particular application. Refer to the MC Series Installation and Operation Manual (M101 or M301, respectively) for a detailed explanation on programming the drive parameters.
TIP - For most serial applications, CONTROL is set to LOCAL on the MC1000 and SERIAL on the MC3000. Refer to Table 5 for Control settings.
Watchdog timer is enabled (refer to section 4.6,
Watchdog timer is disabled (refer to section 4.6,
Watchdog Timer
Watchdog Timer
Drive Setup & Operation
MC1000 MC3000
Setting Description Setting Description
00 LOCAL (default) 00 LOCAL (default)
All control options are subject to the Parameter and Control Locking/Unlocking procedures.
4.4 Unlocking & Locking Controls
Registers #48 and #1 are used in Unlocking and Locking Controls.
A write to Register #48 (Unlock Controls) with a value of 0 will unlock controls. This enables the writing of Register #1 – the Drive Control Register.
Table 5: Control (Parameter #30)
If Register #48 (Unlock Controls) is written with a value that is the Drive’s Programming Password, then in addition to Register #1(Drive Control), writing to all other writeable registers is enabled (e.g.: register #52 -- Preset Speed #1). The factory default password for MC series drives is 19.
Once Register #48 (Unlock Controls) has been written, Controls are unlocked until the Lock Security flag (Bit 1 of Register#1) has been set or until a Watchdog Timeout occurs.
Writing to Register #1 (Drive Control) with bit 1 set will Lock both Controls and Parameters (prevents writing to any register).
The serial drive control can only be unlocked when the drive is not in programming mode.
When LOCK is asserted, the drive drops out of SERIAL control and reverts back to the previous source
of control.
Even though drive might be locked, and thus parameters and control cannot be written, parameters and status can always be read. Refer to section 4.7,
Monitoring Only Operation
4.5 Unlocking & Locking Programming Parameters only
Registers #49 and #1 are used in Unlocking and Locking Programming Parameters.
Writing to any writeable register other than #1 can be enabled by writing the Drive’s Programming Password to Register #49 (Unlock Parameters). This would be done when Drive Control (start, forward/ reverse, keypad speed control, etc.) is not required.
The Factory Default password is 19.
Once Register #49 (Unlock Parameters) has been written, the writing of parameter registers is enabled
until Bit 1 of Register #1 has been set.
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