indoors, place Bark Free in a room where the dog is often known to bark.
Note: If you place the unit in a room and your dog is in another room, Bark Free
can be effective but results may not be as significant.
Mounting Outdoors:
Bark Free is weather resistant, but not waterproof. It comes with a vinyl cover to
protect against rain, sprinkler systems, and other sources of water. Direct exposure to water will temporarily reduce the sensitivity of the microphone and speakers. Outdoors, Bark Free may be triggered by loud sounds other than barking. Try
to avoid mounting in damp and high wind areas. If water enters the unit through
the speaker holes, lay the unit down to allow water to drain out. If the unit stops
working when wet, it will resume operation when dry. Controls can be used without
removing the vinyl raincoat. This clear cover is resistant to heat, cold, and ultraviolet light. The bracket includes mounting slots and screws for fastening unit to a
tree or post.
Bark Pick-Up Sensitivity Adjustments:
This adjustment allows you to control how loud the bark must be to trigger the correction tone, while eliminating any false triggering. Make this adjustment on a calm
day if the system is mounted outdoors. To adjust the sensitivity, first set the audible
sound selector (located above the sensitivity switch) to audible. This lowers the
correction tone frequency, so that you hear the tone. Move away from the unit and
listen. If you do not hear the tone each time you hear barking, adjust to the higher
sensitivity level or move the unit closer to the dog. If you hear the tone without
hearing the barking, adjust to the lower sensitivity level. Larger dogs react better to
lower tones while smaller dogs have a better reaction to higher tones. When you
have the sensitivity adjusted, reset the switch to “ultrasonic” (if desired). Use the
lowest possible sensitivity setting that will respond consistently to barking. If it is
set to high other sounds, may trigger the unit. The “Novel Stimulus” aspect of the
tone will then be lost and your dogs will learn to ignore Bark Free. Also be sure that
the background noise level is not to high or it will cause
Bark Pick-up Adjustment
•High •Low
Audible Sound Selector
•Ultrasonic •Audible
Speaker Left & Right
Bark Activation Microphone
Audible Frequency Test Button
Vinyl protective
•Up to 25 ft. radius coverage area
•50 ft. outdoor power extension
•Twin dual piezo-ceramic transducers
•2 year manufacturer warranty
Dear Custom
Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of this
ingenious device. This product is the latest in new tech-
nology from Lentek
. W
e back our product with a one
(1) year lim
ited warranty. Your satisfaction is very
important to us.
Visit our website at: and view the rest
of our products, such as our Silã
line, Pet Appliance
and PestContro
pest control devices. W
you’re there, register your new purchase, sign up to
receive our newsletter, and learn more about our compa-
Questions can also be asked on our website, or you can
call: 1-888-3-LENTEK, or 407-857-8786 or contact your
local Lentek dealer.
e look forward to serving you, now and in the future.
Joe Lou
Joe Durek Lou Lentine
CEO President
Mounting Locations:
The best place to locate the Bark Free system is slightly above and facing the
dogs. The Bark Free will detect barking up to 25 feet away, so mount the unit for
dogs within the 25 feet. Be sure that your dogs cannot reach the unit, they may
chew it up. Also be sure that extension cords are not within their reach. The Bark
Free can be mounted or placed free standing in a desirable location. If using