LENOVO products, data, computer software, and services have been developed exclusively at private expense and
are sold to governmental entities as commercial items as defined by 48 C.F.R. 2.101 with limited and restricted
rights to use, reproduction and disclosure.
LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: If products, data, computer software, or services are delivered
pursuant a General Services Administration ″GSA″ contract, use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions
set forth in Contract No. GS-35F-05925.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . viii
Web page references . . . . . . . . . . . viii
New features in ImageUltra Builder . . . . . . viii
Features added to versions 2.0 and 2.01 . . . viii
Features added to version 2.2 . . . . . . .ix
Features added to version 3.0 . . . . . . . .x
Features added to version 3.1 . . . . . . . .x
Features of version 4.0 . . . . . . . . . .xi
Back up and Restore Application . . . . . .xi
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder
capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Understanding images . . . . . . . . . . .1
Definition of a Smart Image . . . . . . . . .2
Staging areas . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Types of images supported by a Smart Image . .3
The use and importance of Sysprep . . . . . . .4
Which image types are best for you? . . . . . .4
Ultra-Portable Image . . . . . . . . . . .4
Portable-Sysprep Image . . . . . . . . . .7
Hardware-Specific Image . . . . . . . . .8
Summary of image types . . . . . . . . .9
Chapter 2. An overview of the image
process . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
The five basic steps to develop an image . . . .14
Importing pre-existing maps and modules . . . .14
Importing maps and modules from a service
partition or HPA . . . . . . . . . . .14
Importing maps and modules from repositories,
folders, and CDs . . . . . . . . . . .15
Building a module . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Building a driver module, application module, or
add-on operating-system module . . . . . .16
Creating a base operating-system module . . .17
Creating a partitioning module . . . . . . .19
Creating or modifying base maps and driver maps 20
Base maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Driver maps . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Defining the deployment and installation method 23
Defining service-partition behavior . . . . .24
Enabling the network-sync function . . . . .25
Defining users and administrators . . . . . .25
Defining user information . . . . . . . .26
Deploying Smart Images to target computers . . .26
Installing images on the target computer after
deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Performing a direct-network installation . . . . .30
Advanced functions . . . . . . . . . . .30
Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Chapter 3. Staging-area behavior and
logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Staging areas details . . . . . . . . . . .33
The service partition . . . . . . . . . .33
The network-staging folder . . . . . . . .35
Deployment and installation overview . . . . .35
Standard network-deployment process with local
installation . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
CD, DVD, USB key, or USB hard disk drive
distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Direct-network installation . . . . . . . .37
ImageUltra Builder relationships with the Hidden
Protected Area (HPA) . . . . . . . . . . .38
What is a Hidden Protected Area? . . . . . .38
Recovery impacts . . . . . . . . . . .39
ImageUltra Builder relationships with the Rescue
and Recovery product . . . . . . . . . .39
Security dependencies . . . . . . . . . .41
Staging-area logic . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Chapter 4. Installing the ImageUltra
Builder program . . . . . . . . . . .47
Minimum requirements . . . . . . . . . .47
ImageUltra Builder server computers . . . . .47
ImageUltra Builder console computers . . . .47
ImageUltra Builder target computers . . . . .48
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Installation considerations . . . . . . . . .49
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Installing the ImageUltra Builder 4.0 program . . .50
Installing an ImageUltra Builder console . . . .50
Installing an ImageUltra Builder server . . . .51
Accessing the ImageUltra Builder server . . . .52
Installing an ImageUltra Builder console and
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Changing the default administration password 53
Upgrading from a previous version of ImageUltra
familiar with the information in Chapter 1, “ImageUltra Builder capabilities,” on
page 1 and Chapter 2, “An overview of the image process,” on page 11.
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “ImageUltra Builder capabilities,” on page 1 contains an overview of the
concepts and functions of the ImageUltra Builder program.
Chapter 2, “An overview of the image process,” on page 11 contains an
introduction to the image-building process using the ImageUltra Builder program.
Chapter 3, “Staging-area behavior and logic,” on page 33 contains information
about the staging areas used for deployment and installation and the logic used by
the ImageUltra Builder program to adapt to various conditions on the target
computer that affect the staging area selected.
Chapter 4, “Installing the ImageUltra Builder program,” on page 47 contains
installation instructions for the ImageUltra Builder program, as well as
prerequisites, limitations, and considerations that you need to understand before
you install the program.
Chapter 5, “Working with the ImageUltra Builder interface,” on page 55 introduces
you to the various windows and conventions used in the ImageUltra Builder
Chapter 6, “Map construction overview,” on page 77 focuses on the concepts
behind creating a map tree structure and setting some of the map attributes.
Chapter 7, “Creating maps,” on page 115 provides step-by-step instructions for
creating base maps and driver maps.
Chapter 8, “Preparing source files for modules,” on page 135 provides step-by-step
instructions for preparing the source files, creating repository entries, setting
attributes, and building the module.
Chapter 9, “Specifying the module-installation order,” on page 167 provides
information about the various methods used to control the order in which modules
are installed.
Chapter 10, “Using ImageUltra Builder and Windows Vista,” on page 173 provides
information about using ImageUltra Builder and Windows Vista®.
Chapter 11, “Getting help and support,” on page 181 contains instructions about
getting help and support for the ImageUltra Builder program.
Chapter 12, “Dealing with exceptions,” on page 183 contains helpful information
about working with special cases that affect the image building process.
Chapter 13, “Debugging problems,” on page 191describes ImageUltra Builder’s
tools for debugging and best practices to use when debugging specific problems.
“Notices,” on page 199 contains legal notices and trademark information.
Who should read this guide
This guide is intended for information technology professionals who do the
v Set up and maintain computer images
v Deploy images by CD or across a network
Web page references
This guide provides Web-page addresses for additional information. Web-page
addresses are subject to change. If you find that a Web-page address does not
work, go to the main We b page for the company being referenced (for example,
http://www.lenovo.com) andthensearchfortheappropriatetermorphrase(for
example, ImageUltra Builder).
New features in ImageUltra Builder
Features added to versions 2.0 and 2.01
The following features were added to ImageUltra Builder versions 2.0 and 2.01
v Redesigned Repositorywindow:TheRepositorywindowhasbeenredesignedto
help you organize, categorize, and sort large numbers of maps and modules.
v Repository searchfeature:Arepositorysearchfeaturehasbeenaddedtohelp
you find specific maps and modules. The search engine enables you to pick
predefined values or use free-form text to search for strings or phrases
associated with map settings or module attributes. To help facilitate the
free-form text search, a comment field has been added to the module attributes
General tab and the map settings General tab. An advanced repository-search
feature enables you to find maps or modules that share a common characteristic.
For example, you can find all modules not used in any map or all maps that use
a specific module.
v Export Wizard:AnExportWizardhasbeenaddedtoenableyoutoarchive
maps and modules in a folder outside of the repository. The archived maps and
modules can be restored to a repository, if needed, through the use of the Import
v Import Wizard:AnImportWizardreplacestheimportprocessandprovidesthe
extended capabilities of importing individual modules and maps to the
repository from a variety of sources. When importing maps and modules from a
source computer, instead of creating and using import media, you simply install
the ImageUltra Builder program on the source computer, connect to the target
repository, select Import from the Main window menu bar, and then follow the
instructions provided by the Import Wizard.
viii ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
v Deploy Wizard:ADeployWizardsimplifiestheprocessofcreatingdistribution
CDs, and network-deployment CDs.
v Redesigned Mapwindow:TheMapwindowhasbeenredesignedsoyoucan
select and manipulate multiple items in a map.
v Variable support:Supportforvariablesinthemenusystemhasbeenaddedto
allow dynamic flow processing and increased flexibility based on user responses
during the image-installation process.
v Enhanced controlofthemodule-installationsequence:You cannowcontrolthe
installation sequence and execution of individual modules.
v Customized behaviorforamoduleinamap:Youcannowalterthebehaviorof
a common module on a map-by-map basis through a new Customization field.
v Additional menu-customizationcapabilities:Younowhavebettercontrolover
the appearance and behavior of the installation menus. You can select
background colors, set margins, do window shadowing, enable and disable the
Ctrl+Alt+Del key sequence while menus are being viewed, define text to be
used in the status line, specify a key to exit the current menu, define a key for
returning to a previous menu, define a keyword that takes the user to a hidden
system menu, and more.
v Module passwordprotection:Yo u canpasswordprotectmodulessothatonly
ImageUltra Builder processes have access to the source files inside of a module.
v Custom service-partitionsize:Inthebasemap,youcannowspecifythesizethat
you want the service partition to be after the image has been deployed and
installed. This feature is useful to streamline the Rapid Restore® PC installation
processes. By specifying extra room in the service partition, you can eliminate
the time required by the Rapid Restore installation process to rearrange data and
resize the service partition to accommodate the backup files.
v Support fortheHiddenProtectedArea(HPA):ManynewThinkPad®and
ThinkCentre® computers use an HPA for recovery and diagnostic purposes
instead of the service partition used by their predecessors. The HPA provides
increased security, protection, and recovery capabilities. The ImageUltra Builder
2.0 program supports importing maps, modules, and containers from an HPA
and sourcing device-driver modules from an HPA during the installation process
when a driver map is not used. The import and deployment support for service
partitions also remains.
v Direct-network installationtotheCpartition:Thisfeatureenablesyoutodeploy
and install an image from the network directly to the C partition without having
to copy the maps and modules to a service partition.
Features added to version 2.2
The following features have been added to ImageUltra Builder version 2.2:
v Enhancements totheDeployWizard:Yo u cannowusetheDeployWizardto
create distribution discs on CD or DVD media, network-deployment discs on
CD or DVD media, and ISO images without third-party CD-burning software.
Another new feature eliminates the need to create a network-deployment
diskette before you create a network-deployment CD. In addition, you can
optionally set a static IP address for the target computer instead of depending
on one being assigned by a DHCP server.
v Network-deployment CDs now support multiple network cards.
v Enhanced flexibility in sequencing module installation order: The module
Options tab now supports up to 9999 install slots for greater control of the
module-installation sequence.
Preface ix
v New moduletemplates:TemplatesareprovidedforthenewI386moduleand
the unattend.txt module. These templates are in-built modules that can be
modified, imported, or exported. Or if you prefer, you can create your own
template modules.
v Enhanced flexibilityinmaps:You cannowcreatemenuitemsthatexclude
modules that were added to the installation list by previous menu selections.
v Enhanced debuggingcapabilities:Alogisnowcreatedonthetargetcomputer
during the deployment process that indicates when a module installation process
is started and completed as well as the result of the filter expressions used in the
menu items.
Features added to version 3.0
ImageUltra Builder 3.0 has implemented significant changes on how base maps are
displayed at the target computer during deployment. These changes are a result of
ImageUltra Builder 3.0 using the Windows® Preinstallation Environment (PE) as its
deployment environment instead of the DOS operating system used by previous
versions. Under DOS, a base map was displayed to users in full-screen,
console-like mode. Now, through Windows PE, base maps are presented to users
within an actual window.
The following features were added to ImageUltra Builder version 3.0:
v There arenewandupdatedmapsettingsandpropertytabswithinThe
ImageUltra Builder 3.0 Graphical User Interface (GUI) menu-driven application,
which control the appearance of deployment and installation screens at the
target computer.
v Improved MapMenuProgram:TheSystemMenuKeywordfieldhasbeen
moved from the Menu Appearance tab to the General tab. Since this only
applies to base maps, it is hidden when the settings dialog applies to a driver
v The useofIBM®Cloudscape®,aclient-server,object-relationaldatabasesystem,
instead of the previous file-based database system.
v The useofanewbootloaderontheImageUltradeploymediathatallowsthe
install process to continue without requiring the user to remove or deploy
v The useofasplashwindow.Thesplashwindowisusedtodisplaythecontents
of a log file. A message-box dialog displays messages to users as it moves
around the screen.
v The newMigrateRepositoryWizardthattakesusersthroughthedifferentstages
to migrate from a previous version of an ImageUltra repository.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of ImageUltra you need to know the
v Portable Sysprep modules need to be rebuilt in ImageUltra Builder 3.0 format.
v Ultra-Portable base maps need to be redesigned to follow the ImageUltra Builder
3.0 format.
Features added to version 3.1
The following features were added to ImageUltra Builder version 3.1:
v The use of sequencing modules in driver maps.
v The Map Report includes information on customer first boot installation point.
v Updates for replacing modules.
x ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
v Updates tothesplashwindow.UserscannowpressShift+Ctrl+Ctobringupa
command prompt window.
v The useofasplashwindow.Thesplashwindowisusedtodisplaythecontents
of a log file. A message-box dialog displays messages to users as it moves
around the screen.
v The newMigrateRepositoryWizardthattakesusersthroughthedifferentstages
to migrate from a previous version of an ImageUltra repository.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of ImageUltra you need to know the
v Portable Sysprep modules need to be rebuilt in ImageUltra Builder 3.1 format.
v Ultra-Portable base maps need to be redesigned to follow the ImageUltra Builder
3.1 format.
Features of version 4.0
The following are features of ImageUltra Builder version 4.0:
v Support for Windows Vista.
v Support for USB keys:
– Burning images to a USB key.
– Deploying images from a USB key.
– Deploying images from a USB hard drive.
– Back up and Restore Application.
Back up and Restore Application
The Back up and Restore application enables you to back up and restore the server
databases. The application can be run by using the wizard, or by using a script file.
To start the wizard, click Start, then click Programs, then ThinkVantage®, then
BackupandRestore. ClickHelp to viewtherelevanthelptopic.To useascript
file, go to the command prompt and call C:\Program Files\ThinkVantage\ImageUltraBuilder4.0\iurbr.ini. Passinthescriptfilebelowasaparameter.
Required fields:
Operation = Backup or Restore
Backup = c:\MyBackup
Silent = Yes
Log = c:\MyBackup
v Operation key is the back up or restore option.
v Backup key is the full path name where the data will be stored.
v Store key is the full path name of the database that was previously backed up.
For example, C:\MyBackup\2007-10-08-AT-11-57-20-AM.ZIP.
v Silent keyistheflagtoruntheapplicationsilently.TheflagcanbeYesorNo.It
is an optional flag. The default is No (off).
v Log keyisthelocationofthelogfile.Itisanoptionalkey.Ifthiskeyisnotset,
the log file will be created in the same location where the iurbr.exe is installed.
Preface xi
xii ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder capabilities
The ImageUltra Builder program provides new methods of creating, deploying,
and installing custom images. This chapter provides information to help you
understand the concept of building images and the various types of images that
the ImageUltra Builder program supports.
Understanding images
An image consists of several components: an operating system, applications, device
drivers, and other related files needed to successfully run a computer. In most
cases, information technology (IT) departments within corporations or system
integrators create images on source computers, extract the images and store them
in a central location. Then, they deploy the images to multiple computers either
across a network or from a set of image CDs. This enables an IT department to
develop standardized images and control the versions of software and device
drivers used throughout the company.
Developing and deploying images in this way ensures that every computer within
a company maintains a high level of image consistency. However, because images
created by this method are hardware dependent, a significant amount of time is
spent creating, testing, and transferring images from multiple source (donor)
computers to accommodate various hardware configurations and variations of
supported software. In many cases, in order to accommodate specific software
requirements, a base image is deployed and specific application programs are
added manually on a system-by-system basis after the image has been installed.
As a result, IT departments often have multiple images to manage. Whenever a
change is required to accommodate new hardware, an operating-system update, a
device-driver update, an additional language, or a new or changed application
program, many images must be rebuilt.
The major challenges most IT departments face are as follows:
v Reducing the amount of time spent creating and testing images.
v Finding a way to build and deploy images that provides increased flexibility to
meet specific software requirements that might vary from department to
v Finding a way to build and deploy images across a wider range of hardware.
v Reducing or minimizing the total number of images that have to be maintained.
the tools needed to develop, deploy, install, and maintain a variety of images
efficiently. Through new tools and techniques, the ImageUltra Builder program
enables you to break down images into reusable subcomponents (called modules)
and use maps to construct Smart Images that can be deployed across a broad range
of hardware platforms.
The ImageUltra Builder program enables you to store a variety of image-related
files as reusable modules in a repository. Typically, there is a module for each
operating system, application, and device driver. These modules are organized by
maps to meet the needs of specific users, groups, or an entire enterprise. A single
base map can contain multiple operating systems and applications, as well as
variations based on language. A single driver map can contain device drivers for a
single hardware platform, or through the use of filters, device drivers for a variety
of hardware platforms.
Delivering the maps and modules to a target computer involves two steps:
deployment and installation. Atthebeginningofthedeploymentprocess,the
installer selects which base map and driver map to use. The selected maps and the
modules defined within the maps are copied to a staging area. The compilation of
maps and the modules defined within the maps is called a Smart Image.
A Smart Image has the following characteristics:
v It is the source from which a specific image is installed on the target computer.
v It provides a menu system during the installation phase. The person controlling
the installation process makes selections from the menu system to define the
content of the image to be installed. The menu entries are defined in a base map.
v A singleSmartImagecancontainmultipleimagesorcomponentsthatmakeup
a variety of images.
v If desired,aSmartImagecanresideonatargetcomputerafterinstallationand
be used for console-side recovery without any dependencies on an active
network connection.
v Smart Imagescanbedevelopedtoprovidevaryingdegreesofportability across
different hardware platforms. Portability is the degree in which you can use a
single image for different types of computers.
Staging areas
A staging area is a workspace used during deployment and installation. It is where
certain modules defined by a map are unpacked, where ImageUltra Builder
installation files are stored, and where installation logs are created. The ImageUltra
Builder program can use two types of staging areas:
vService partition: The servicepartitionisahiddenprimarypartitionthatis
protected against normal, end-user read and write operations. This partition is a
standard Lenovo® factory-installed feature on many Lenovo ThinkPad,
NetVista®, and ThinkCentre computers. As shipped from the factory, the service
partition provides built-in recovery and diagnostic capabilities. When a
pre-existing service partition is used in conjunction with the ImageUltra Builder
program, the deployment phase deletes the factory-installed recovery modules
and replaces them with appropriate modules and maps for the image being
deployed. If a service partition does not already exist, the ImageUltra Builder
program creates one, if needed, as part of the deployment process. After the
deployment is complete, the person controlling the installation process (end user
or IT professional) can initiate the installation process from the service partition
immediately after deployment or at any point in the future without any
dependencies on a network connection.
installation only. A direct-network installation combines the deployment phase
and installation phase into a single operation, which in almost all cases results in
2 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
a faster overall deployment/installation cycle. Speed is affected by the amount
of network traffic and certain map settings.
During the deployment phase, a unique network staging-folder is created on the
network for the target computer. The person controlling the direct-network
installation (typically an IT professional) first selects the base map and driver
map. Then, only those modules required to control the installation of the
selected maps are obtained from the repository and unpacked into the
network-staging folder. When the required modules are unpacked, the person
controlling the installation makes selections from the installation menu system to
define the specific image required for the target computer. When the image is
defined, installation to the target computer automatically begins. All modules
that are required to create the image content are obtained from the repository,
unpacked dynamically to the C partition of the target computer, and run
through a series of setup programs to create the image on the target computer.
When the installation is complete, the network-staging folder is deleted from the
network. Depending on the settings in the base map being used, any of the
following actions can occur at the end of the installation process:
– Pre-existing recovery files in the service partition can be updated to contain
the complete Smart Image, thereby providing console-side recovery for any
image contained within the Smart Image
– Pre-existing recovery files in the service partition can be updated to contain
the maps and modules required to recreate the installed image only, thereby
providing console-side recovery for the installed image only.
– Pre-existing recovery files in the service partition can be deleted, thereby
eliminating console-side recovery.
Types of images supported by a Smart Image
A Smart Image can contain three different types of images, each achieving different
levels of portability:
vUltra-Portable Image: This typeofimagecontainshardware-independent
operating-system modules, application modules, and device-driver modules that
are either developed by Lenovo or created through the ImageUltra Builder
Using operating-system modules that you develop through the ImageUltra
Builder program, you can create Smart Images that can be used on virtually any
personal computer platform, regardless of manufacturer. The only limiting factor
is the licensing agreement between you and the Microsoft® Corporation related
to the Product ID (PID) you assign to the operating-system module.
Using ImageUltra-developed operating system modules, you can create Smart
Images that can be used across the Lenovo branded product line of personal
computers. For a listing of Lenovo branded HIIT-enabled personal computers,
visit the ImageUltra We b site at
vPortable-Sysprep Image: This typeofimageiscreatedbyathird-party
image-cloning tool, such as Symantec Norton Ghost, Symantec DeployCenter or
Microsoft ImageX, but modified by ImageUltra Builder tools to enable the
installation of additional modules created and managed by the ImageUltra
Builder program. The additional modules can be device-driver modules to
enhance portability across various hardware platforms or application modules to
provide additional flexibility to meet the needs of individual departments.
vHardware-Specific Image: This typeofimageiscreatedbyathird-party
image-cloning tool, such as Symantec Norton Ghost or Symantec DeployCenter.
It is a self-contained image, which does not enable the installation of additional
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder capabilities 3
modules. The hardware configuration of the target computer must be the same
as the hardware configuration of the source computer used to create the image.
If you intend to use Portable-Sysprep Images or Hardware-Specific Images, you
must have a thorough knowledge of the Microsoft Sysprep tool. Unlike
Ultra-Portable Images, Portable-Sysprep Images and Hardware-Specific Images are
based on images extracted from a source computer that have gone through a
Windows setup operation. Therefore, specific user and hardware information must
be removed from the source computer using the Sysprep tool before the image can
be deployed to other computers.
Which image types are best for you?
The types of images you choose to deploy using the ImageUltra Builder program
depend on the mix of PCs used by your company, the investment you have in
images created by third-party image-cloning software, and the willingness of your
IT staff to learn new methods for creating and modifying images.
For example:
v To maintain existingPCsforwhichyoualreadyhaveimages,youmightchoose
to convert existing Hardware-Specific Images into modules that can be stored
and deployed using the ImageUltra Builder program.
v If youareplanningtoinstallassortedmodelsofLenovobrandedPCsonly,you
might consider developing Ultra-Portable Images using imported
ImageUltra-developed operating-system modules that can be used across the
Lenovo branded product line regardless of hardware variations.
v If youplantoinstallamixofPCsfromvariousmanufacturersandwantto
minimize the number of images you want to maintain and have the maximum
portability across various PC manufacturers’ platforms, your best bet is to
develop Ultra-Portable Images using operating-system modules that you create
using the ImageUltra Builder program.
v If youplantoinstallamixofPCsfromvariousmanufacturers,andyouarenot
ready to make the jump to developing Ultra-Portable Images, consider using the
ImageUltra Builder program in conjunction with third-party image-cloning
software to create Portable-Sysprep Images that enable the installation of
application or device-driver modules so that the image can be deployed across a
wider range of PCs.
Because Smart Images support all three types of images, you can use combinations
of images within a single base map.
Each image type has its own characteristics. The following sections provide a brief
overview of the function, advantages, and disadvantages of each type of image
that can be deployed as part of a Smart Image.
Ultra-Portable Image
The Ultra-Portable Image is the most portable of the three types of supported
images. Because an Ultra-Portable Image is deployed in an uninstalled state and
uses the full Windows setup for hardware detection during installation, the image
is virtually hardware independent. However, the high portability of an
4 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
Ultra-Portable Image comes with a cost; this type of image takes more than 50
minutes to install. Nevertheless, the life-cycle of an Ultra-Portable Image is
typically longer than Portable-Sysprep Images and Hardware-Specific Images
because the image can be used across a wide range of personal computer platforms
regardless of the core chip set and other hardware variations.
v When usingimportedImageUltra-developedbaseoperating-systemmodules,
you can use the same Ultra-Portable Image across the entire Lenovo branded
product line of personal computers, but you cannot use the same Ultra-Portable
Image on non-Lenovo branded computers.
v When usingI386baseoperating-systemmodulesthatyoudevelopusingthe
ImageUltra Builder program, you can use the same Ultra-Portable Image across
multiple manufactures’ personal computers. The only limiting factor is the
licensing agreement between you and the Microsoft Corporation related to the
PID you assign to the operating-system module.
v Microsoft deliversWindowsVistaimagesinSysprepform.Youwillneedto
provide a PID and other customization in an UNATTEND.XML file.
Anatomy of an Ultra-Portable Image
An Ultra-Portable Image consists of several modules that are either developed
using the ImageUltra Builder program or imported from the service partition or
the Hidden Protected Area (HPA) of a source Lenovo branded computer.
Image for Windows XP and Windows 2000, and needs to be placed in the
These modules are stored in the ImageUltra Builder repository. One type of
module is the base operating-system module. The base operating-system module
contains all of the files required for a specific operating system. An ImageUltra
developed base operating-system module resides in the service partition or HPA of
the source Lenovo branded computer and is part of a container module that also
holds add-on operating-system modules for hot fixes, patches, updates, and service
Additional modules, such as application modules and device-driver modules also are
located in the service partition or HPA. Any of the modules contained in the
service partition or HPA can be imported into the ImageUltra Builder repository.
Additionally, the ImageUltra Builder program enables you to import modules from
ThinkCenter and ThinkPad Product Recovery CDs and build your own application
modules, device driver modules, and operating-system modules.
An Ultra-Portable Image enables you to use a common base module with various
combinations of device-driver and application modules to produce
department-unique or user-unique images. Because of the modular construction
and reuse of modules, Ultra-Portable Images are much more efficient to store than
traditional images.
As you are developing an Ultra-Portable Image, the ImageUltra Builder program
also enables you to predefine default user settings through an UNATTEND.TXT
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder capabilities 5
file in Windows XP or an UNATTEND.XML file in Windows Vista, or implement a
process that prompts the person installing the image to provide all necessary user
settings near the beginning of the installation process. The settings are stored and
provided to the Windows setup program when needed. This feature minimizes the
amount of time that someone needs to be present at a target computer during the
installation process.
Ultra-Portable Images are typically limited to a single-partition installation. During
the installation process, any unused disk space is made into a single C partition,
and the Ultra-Portable Image is installed in that partition. However, if you need to
create one or more additional partitions, you can create a unique type of
operating-system module called a partitioning module and set the sequence of the
installation so the partitioning module is installed before the base operating-system
module. The partitioning module contains all of the information required to create
the additional partition and all of the data to be placed in the additional partition.
You also use partitioning modules to delete one or more existing partitions on a
target computer before the new image is installed.
For more information about preparing modules, see Chapter 8, “Preparing source
files for modules,” on page 135.
Portability of an Ultra-Portable Image
From a technical perspective, the same base operating-system module and most
application modules can be used on virtually any personal computer. The high
portability of the Ultra-Portable Image is limited only by the PID assigned to base
operating-system module.
v I386 baseoperating-systemmodulesorMicrosoftVistaUNATTEND.XML
modules that you develop through the ImageUltra Builder program are virtually
hardware independent and limited only by the licensing agreement between you
and the Microsoft Corporation that is associated with the PID you assign. Yo u
specify the PID in an associated UNATTEND.TXT module in Windows XP or an
UNATTEND.XML module in Windows Vista either as the Product ID setting in
the Windows 2000 version of the UNATTEND.TXT file or the ProductKey setting
in the Windows XP version of the UNATTEND.TXT file. Additional information
about the UNATTEND.TXT and UNATTEND.XML modules, and
UNATTEND.TXT and UNATTEND.XML source files is discussed later in this
user guide.
v ImageUltra-developed base-operating-systemmodulesthatyouimportfroma
new Lenovo branded personal computer can be used on other Lenovo branded
personal computers only, not on non-Lenovo branded computers.
For a listing of Lenovo branded HIIT-enabled personal computers, visit the
ImageUltra Web site at
Note: Do notinstallanUltra-PortableImagethatcontainsanimported,
ImageUltra-developed base operating-system module on a non-Lenovo
branded computer. If you attempt to install an Ultra-Portable Image on a
non-Lenovo branded computer, the deployment and installation should
complete without error; however, you might be violating terms of the
Microsoft Windows End User License Agreement and the license
agreement for this product. Also, in the case of Windows XP, an
Ultra-Portable Image containing an imported ImageUltra-developed base
operating-system module will work for only 30 days after installation on
a non-Lenovo branded computer. After 30 days, Microsoft will require
you to register the operating system and computer to activate the image.
6 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
The same Ultra-Portable Image will only work for 14 days when installed
on a non-Lenovo branded Windows Vista computer. After 14 days,
Microsoft will require you to register the operating system and computer
to activate the image.
device drivers deployed at the target computer. However, if you are deploying the
image to Lenovo branded personal computers, you have the option of using the
Lenovo-factory-installed device drivers already contained in the service partition or
the Hidden Protected Area (HPA) of the target computer. Using the
factory-installed device drivers simplifies the image building process because you
do not have to concern yourself with driver maps and device-driver modules.
However, for all practical purposes, using the factory-installed device drivers limits
the portability of the image to Lenovo branded personal computers because those
are the only personal computers that have a service partition or HPA that contains
device drivers. In most cases, it is best to manage your device drivers through a
driver map. Not only does using a driver map enhance portability, but it enables
you to standardize device drivers, thereby reducing diagnostic time if a problem
An added benefit of using your own driver map is that you can use the
Image-Ultra Builder program for recovery purposes if a hard disk fails and
requires replacement. Because the driver map deploys the device drivers as part of
the Smart Image, no preexisting drivers need to be present at the target computer.
Therefore, by using a driver map, the Smart Image can be installed on a new hard
disk drive.
Portable-Sysprep Image
Using the supported third-party image-cloning tools (Symantec Norton Ghost,
Symantec DeployCenter, or Microsoft ImageX) in conjunction with the ImageUltra
Builder program, you can create a Portable-Sysprep Image that can be deployed
across a wider range of hardware than a traditional image.
Anatomy of a Portable-Sysprep Image
In contrast to an Ultra-Portable Image, a Portable-Sysprep Image is a “snapshot” of
a source computer hard disk contents. The source computer is set up to match the
desired configuration of the target computers. However, because Windows setup
has been run on the source computer, specific user and hardware information
(such as the user ID, passwords, and network settings) is recorded in the source
computer registry. The Microsoft Sysprep tool must be run on the source computer
to erase this information before third party imaging software is used to extract the
By implementing a few minor variations during the development of a traditional
image, you can enable the image to use application or device-driver modules to
append the image during the deployment and installation process. These variations
are discussed in detail in Chapter 8, “Preparing source files for modules,” on page
After creating the image using Symantec Norton Ghost or Symantec DeployCenter,
you use the ImageUltra Builder program to create and build a base
operating-system module from the image. The module is automatically stored in
the ImageUltra Builder module repository during the module-building process.
After a Portable-Sysprep Image has been deployed to the target computer hard
disk, a mini-setup runs during the installation process. Any device drivers that are
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder capabilities 7
defined in the driver map are copied to the C drive and made available to the
mini-setup. The mini-setup prompts for specific user information and performs a
limited hardware query. Although the mini-setup makes allowances for minor
variations in the hardware (such as audio, video, and so on), it does not deal
effectively with different core chipsets. Because a Portable-Sysprep Image does not
have to go through a complete Windows setup, the Windows setup time is
typically reduced to 10 minutes or less. The ImageUltra Builder program enables
you to predefine default user settings or implement a process that prompts the
person installing the image to provide all necessary user settings near the
beginning of the installation process. These settings are stored and provided to the
mini-setup program when needed.
Upon the successful completion of the mini-setup, any additional applications
defined by the base map are installed. The actual setup time for a complete image
installation varies depending on the size and number of application modules
defined in your base map.
Portability of a Portable-Sysprep Image
Although Portable-Sysprep Images can be used with Lenovo branded and
non-Lenovo branded computers and provide increased portability by enabling
additional device drivers and applications to be installed, there are still hardware
limitations. As a general rule, a Portable-Sysprep Image is for use on identical or
similar computers, and in many cases, the Portable-Sysprep Image is manufacturer
There are various factors in determining what constitutes a similar computer:
v If youaredeployingaPortable-SysprepImagetoatargetcomputerthathasthe
identical system board (motherboard) as the source computer, the image will
install and work successfully.
v If youaredeployingaPortable-SysprepImagetoatargetcomputerthathasa
different system board, but the same core chip set as the source computer, there
is a high probability that the image will install and work successfully.
v If youaredeployingaPortable-SysprepImagetoatargetcomputerthathasa
different system board and a different core chip set from the source computer,
there is a low probability that the image will install and work successfully.
Hardware-Specific Image
The least portable image is the Hardware-Specific Image. Hardware-Specific
Images can be developed for, deployed to, and installed on Lenovo branded and
non-Lenovo branded computers, but each image must be unique to a specific
hardware and software configuration.
Anatomy of a Hardware-Specific Image
A Hardware-Specific Image is similar to a Portable-Sysprep Image, but it does not
have the ability to append itself with additional modules. It is essentially a
“snapshot” of a source computer hard disk after the Microsoft Sysprep program
has been run. When deployed to a target computer, the Hardware-Specific Image
performs a limited hardware query, but the hardware it can support is limited to
the device drivers that were provided by the source computer. A
Hardware-Specific Image requires that the source and target computers contain the
exact same hardware with little or no variations. It also requires that any variation
in applications be handled separately from the image-deployment process and
image-installation process.
8 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
Portability of a Hardware-Specific Image
A Hardware-Specific Image is for use on identical computers. Hardware variations
are limited to plug-in devices and peripherals for which device drivers were
provided on the source computer. No variation in software content can be handled
by the deployment process. If additional device drivers or application programs
are required by the target computer, they must be installed manually or through
some other software-deployment mechanism.
Summary of image types
The following table summarizes the characteristics associated with an
Ultra-Portable Image:
Note: Windows VistadoesnothaveanUltra-PortableImage.OnlyWindowsXP
has Ultra-Portable Images.
Table 1. Characteristics of an Ultra-Portable Image
v Completely modular
v Unpacked atthetarget
computer before Windows
setup is run
v Uses afullWindows
unattended setup, which
uses Plug-n-Play hardware
v User informationcanbe
v When usingimported
modules, you have
maximum portability
across the Lenovo branded
product line of personal
v When usingmodulesyou
develop through the
ImageUltra Builder
program, you have
maximum portability
v Initial setupatthetarget
computer can take 50
minutes to install the
Windows operating
system, plus the time it
takes to install all
across Lenovo branded
and non-Lenovo branded
hardware platforms
v Extremely reliable
v Application programs and
device drivers are added
independent of the base
operating-system module.
Therefore, a common base
operating-system module
can be used with various
combinations of driver
modules and application
modules to produce many
variations of an image.
v Longer life-cycleofthe
v No hardware
v Easy tomaintain
The following table summarizes the characteristics associated with a
Portable-Sysprep Image:
Chapter 1. ImageUltra Builder capabilities 9
Table 2. Characteristics of a Portable-Sysprep Image
v Semi-modular (supports
the installation of separate
application modules and
driver modules to append
the base image)
v Setup isrunonceona
source computer
v Sysprep cleansoutuser
information and some
information from the
v Performs alimited
hardware query at the
target computer (Windows
Plug-n-Play function)
v User informationcanbe
v Initial setupatthetarget
computer is typically 10
minutes or less for a base
image, plus the time it
takes to install all
v Some portability(suchas
video, audio, network, and
so on)
v Supports Lenovobranded
and non-Lenovo branded
v Base operatingsystem
module can include some
large core applications
(such as office suites),
which speeds installation
v Image isusedonlyfor
identical or similar
hardware, and in most
cases is manufacturer
Portable Sysprep images are
hardware independent.
The following table summarizes the characteristics associated with a
Hardware-Specific Image:
Table 3. Characteristics of a Hardware-Specific Image
v Setup isrunonceata
source computer
v Applications anddrivers
are part of the base image
v Sysprep canberunto
clean out user information
v Initial setupatthetarget
machine is typically 10
minutes or less
v Images canbedeveloped
for, deployed to, and
installed on Lenovo
branded and non-Lenovo
branded computers, but
each image must be
unique to a specific
hardware and software
v One imageperhardware
v Image isforuseon
identical computers only
v Unique imagemustbe
created for each set of
applications, or
applications must be
added manually after
v No portability
10 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
Chapter 2. An overview of the image process
This chapter will help you understand the various processes and components
associated with the ImageUltra Builder program and how they relate to each other.
For step-by-step instructions on how to complete any of the processes described in
this chapter, refer to the ImageUltra Builder help system.
The ImageUltra Builder program stores individual image components as modules
in the ImageUltra Builder repository. A module is a packaged, compressed,
self-contained unit that often can be combined with other modules in the
repository to make one or more images. Each application is a module, each device
driver is a module, each operating system is a module, and so on.
Note: A modulecreatedfromaHardware-SpecificImagecannotbecombinedwith
any other modules to enhance its function. A module created from a
Portable-Sysprep image already contains device drivers and applications, but
can be combined with other application modules and device-driver modules
to enhance its function.
Modules fall into the following basic categories:
vOperating-system modules: There arethreetypesofoperatingsystemmodules:
– Base operating-system modules: These modules contain all of the components
that are part of the core operating system. Base-operating system modules can
be imported from the service partition or Hidden Protected Area (HPA) of a
source Lenovo branded computer or can be created from any of the
- Hardware-Specific Images
- Portable-Sysprep Images
- The I386 folder of a Windows installation CD
Note: The I386baseoperating-systemmoduleisforusewith
Ultra-Portable Images only. Whenever a I386 base operating-system
module is added to a base map, it must be accompanied by the
ImageUltra Customizations module, the Sysprep module, and the
appropriate primary partitioning module (Win2000 Primary
Partition, WinXP Home Primary Partition, or WinXP Pro Primary
Partition) for the operating system you are installing. The Sysprep
module is used in conjunction with building an Ultra-Portable Image
for Windows XP and Windows 2000, and needs to be placed in the
If you want this I386 base operating-system module to install
unattended, you must also create an UNATTEND.TXT module and
include it in your base map. For more information about these
modules and for step-by-step instructions on preparing source files
and creating a module, see Chapter 8, “Preparing source files for
modules,” on page 135.
The Windows Vista operating system module, when added to a base
map, must be accompanied by the following:
If you want this Windows Vista operating-system module to install
unattended, you must also create an UNATTEND.XML module and
include it in your base map. For more information about these
modules and for step-by-step instructions on preparing source files
and creating a module, see Chapter 8, “Preparing source files for
modules,” on page 135.
Base operating-system modules from Hardware-Specific Images and
Portable-Sysprep Images are typically created by and installed through an
imaging tool, such as Symantec Norton Ghost, Symantec DeployCenter, or
Microsoft ImageX. Imported ImageUltra-developed base operating-system
modules and base operating-system modules developed from the I386 folder
(hereafter called I386 base operating-system modules) go through a complete
Windows installation.
– Add-on operating system modules: These modules include items such as
operating-system hot fixes, service packs, patches, and updates that install
through a standard setup process, similar to applications.
– Partitioning modules: You use these modules to add one or more partitions
beyond the C partition, delete one or more pre-existing partitions, or create a
partition that can be used with I386 base operating-system modules or
Microsoft Vista operating-system modules. You can have multiple partitioning
modules in a base map to accomplish various results.
When you use a partitioning module to create additional partitions with data,
the module contains all of the information required to create the additional
partition and all of the data to be placed in the additional partition. These
types of partitioning modules are typically created using an imaging too such
as Symantec Norton Ghost, Symantec DeployCenter, or Microsoft DiskPart. If
you just want to add an empty data partition, you can create a simple batch
file and use it as the source file for your partitioning module.
For Hardware-Specific Images and Portable-Sysprep Images, you can set the
installation sequence to add or delete partitions before or after the new C
partition is installed. However, to add a partition after the C partition is
installed, you must have created your C partition to leave enough unused
disk space to accommodate the additional partition.
Ultra-Portable Images using imported ImageUltra-developed base
operating-system modules are typically limited to a single-partition
installation because they are designed to use all available disk space. If you
need to create one or more additional partitions, you must create a
partitioning module and set the installation sequence so the partitioning
module is installed before the base operating-system module.
Ultra-Portable Images using I386 base operating-system modules or Microsoft
Vista images created by users require that you include the appropriate
Primary Partition partitioning module for the operating system you are
installing. The Win2000 Primary Partition, WinXP Pro Primary Partition, and
WinXP Home Primary Partition modules are prebuilt partitioning modules
provided as part of the ImageUltra Builder program.
The deployment and installation of operating-system modules are controlled by
vApplication modules: Each ofthesemodulescontainsallofthecomponents
associated with a specific application program.
12 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
– If you are building an Ultra-Portable Image or a Portable-Sysprep Image, you
can use application modules. The deployment and installation of the
applications modules are controlled by base maps.
– If you are building a Hardware-Specific Image, you cannot use application
modules in conjunction with that image. All applications must be part of the
Hardware-Specific Image.
vDevice-driver modules: Each ofthesemodulescontainsallofthecomponents
associated with a specific device driver.
– If you are building an Ultra-Portable Image or a Portable-Sysprep Image, you
can use device-driver modules. The deployment and installation of the
device-driver modules are controlled by driver maps.
– If you are building a Hardware-Specific Image, you cannot use device-driver
modules in conjunction with that image. All device drivers must be part of
the Hardware-Specific Image.
map to deploy. This enables you to maintain device-driver modules and driver
maps independently of the operating-system and application content defined by
base maps.
In addition to modules, the ImageUltra Builder program enables you to create
containers in therepository.Acontainerisaspecialtypeofmodulethatenables
you to group other modules together under a single identifier. All modules in a
container must be of the same type. For example, you might want to group all of
the device drivers used for a specific machine type into a device-driver container.
Or, you might want to group a Windows 2000 base operating-system module with
all of its associated add-on modules into an operating-system container.
If you build an I386 base operating-system module, you might want to group the
I386 base operating-system module, the appropriate Primary Partition partitioning
module, the ImageUltra Customizations module, the Sysprep module, and the
UNATTEND.TXT module into a single operating-system container to ensure all
required components are kept together.
The use of containers is optional, but you might find containers helpful when
creating maps because you can simply insert the container module into your map
instead of inserting each individual module.
All maps and modules are stored in a repository. When the repository is viewed
through the ImageUltra Builder interface, the maps and modules are identified by
descriptive names. The actual file names are assigned by the ImageUltra Builder
program. The following is a list of file extensions used for the files in the
v .CRI: Metadataaboutthemodule.Thisinformationisusedwithinthe
ImageUltra Builder interface.
v .DMA: Driver maps
v .BMA: Base maps
v .IMZ: Compressed module source
v .WIM: ImageX file
Chapter 2. An overview of the image process 13
The five basic steps to develop an image
There are five basic steps to developing an image:
The Import Wizard copies pre-existing maps and modules into your repository.
You can import maps and modules from any of the following sources:
v A service partition on a computer
v The Hidden Protected Area (HPA) on an Lenovo branded computer
v A directory on a computer
v A different repository
v A set of ImageUltra Builder Distribution CDs or ThinkCenter and ThinkPad Recovery
v An ImageUltra export package
v A previous version of an ImageUltra repository
Importing maps and modules from a service partition or HPA
To import modules from a source computer, you must first install the ImageUltra
Builder program on the source computer and set up the source computer so it has
access to the central repository. After the ImageUltra Program is installed, open the
ImageUltra Builder program, open the Repository window for your central
repository, then start and use the Import Wizard to import the desired modules to
your central repository.
The Import Wizard provides a categorized view of all application modules,
device-driver modules, filter modules, utility modules, base maps, and driver maps
that are in the source computer service partition or HPA. It enables you to select a
category and import all modules within that category, or select only those modules
or maps that you want to import.
In many cases, the operating-system modules are in a container and the entire
container must be imported. As part of the import operations, the Import Wizard
prompts you to select the folder in the repository where you want the maps and
modules to reside. You can use an existing folder in your repository, create a new
folder in your repository, or just put the imported modules in the root entry of
your repository.
The advantages of importing modules, as opposed to building your own, are as
v ImageUltra-developed moduleshavebeentestedbyLenovoandarereadyfor
deployment on Lenovo branded computers.
vBase maps and drivermaps are automaticallycreatedbytheImageUltraBuilder
Import Wizard based on the modules you select to import. You can use these
14 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
maps as they are, create new maps based on the maps created by the Import
Wizard and modify the maps to meet your particular needs, or discard the maps
and create your own maps.
v If basemapsanddrivermapsalreadyexistintheservicepartitionofasource
computer, you can import those maps. Maps exist in a service partition only if
the source computer contains a Smart Image that was deployed by the
ImageUltra Builder program.
v ImageUltra-developed modulescontainapplicationsandsigneddevicedrivers
that conform to Microsoft certification requirements, ensuring device-driver
v Importing ImageUltra-developedmodulesfromtheservicepartitionofanew
Lenovo branded computer provides a streamlined path for creating
Ultra-Portable Images that can be used across the entire product line of Lenovo
branded computers.
Importing maps and modules from repositories, folders, and
In addition to importing from the service partition or HPA (as discussed in the
previous section), you also can use the Import Wizard from any ImageUltra
Builder console to import maps and modules from a folder, ImageUtra Builder DistributionCD, ThinkCentreandThinkPadProductRecoveryCD, oradifferent
Note: You can orderasetofThinkCentre andThinkPadProductRecoveryCDs
vWhen importingfroman ImageUltra BuilderDistributionCDora ThinkCentre and
ThinkPad Product Recovery CD, the Import Wizard provides a categorized view of
all the application modules, device-driver modules, filter modules, utility
modules, base maps, and driver maps that are available and enables you to
select all items in that category or select only those modules or maps that you
want to import. In most cases, the operating-system modules are in a container
and the entire container must be imported.
v When importingfromafolder,theImportWizardprovidesacategorizedview
of all the operating-system modules, application modules, device-driver
modules, filter modules, utility modules, base maps, and driver maps that are
available and enables you to select all items in that category or select only those
modules or maps that you want to import.
v When importingfromadifferentrepository,youcanchoosetouseeithera
categorized view or a view of the entire repository as it is currently structured
and select only those maps or modules that you want to import.
Building a module
In addition to importing modules, you can create your own modules for operating
systems, applications, and device drivers. However, there are a few limitations:
v Application modulesanddevice-drivermodulesareforuseinUltra-Portable
Images and Portable-Sysprep Images only; they cannot be used in conjunction
with Hardware-Specific Images. Hardware-Specific Images must have all
required applications and device drivers installed on the source computer before
the image is created.
through your local customer support center team. On many Lenovo branded
personal computers announced after 2003, you can create your own set of
ThinkCentreandThinkPadProductRecoveryCDs using theAccessIBMor
ThinkVantage toolset.
Chapter 2. An overview of the image process 15
v Base operating-systemmodulescanbecreatedfromHardware-SpecificImages,
Portable-Sysprep Images, Windows Vista WIM images, or from the I386 folder of
a Windows installation CD. The base operating-system module created from an
I386 folder (called an I386 base operating-system module) is for use with
Ultra-Portable images only and must be used in conjunction with the
appropriate Primary Partition partitioning module (Win2000 Primary Partition,
WinXPHomePrimaryPartition, orWinXPProPrimaryPartition), ImageUltra
Customizations module, and the UNATTEND.TXT module.
to a base map must be accompanied by the following
– ImageUltra Builder 4.0 Vista Customization module
– ImageUltra Builder 4.0 Vista Servicing tools
– Appropriate Windows Vista Partition module
If you want this Windows Vista module to install unattended, you must also
create an UNATTEND.XML module and include it in your base map. For more
information about these modules and for step-by-step instructions on preparing
source files and creating a module, see Chapter 8, “Preparing source files for
modules,” on page 135.
Note: The Sysprepmoduleisusedinconjunctionwithbuildingan
Ultra-Portable Image for Windows XP and Windows 2000, and needs to
be placed in the C:\SWWORK\SYSPREP folder.
partition of a new Lenovo branded personal computer. However, imported
ImageUltra-developed base operating system modules are limited to deployment
on Lenovo branded personal computers only.
Building a driver module, application module, or add-on
operating-system module
Preparing files for a device-driver module is different from preparing files for an
application module or an add-on operating-system module:
vApplication filesandadd-onoperating-systemmodules: In general,any
application or add-on operating-system component that you intend to use for a
module must have a silent-install capability for unattended installation. Before
you build a module, prepare the application or add-on operating-system
component for unattended installation so that the installation process does not
require any user interaction. In most cases, the Microsoft Software Installer (MSI)
and InstallShield programs allow for these types of automated installations.
The ImageUltra Builder program does make allowances for applications and
add-on operating-system components that do not allow for an unattended
installation. These types of application programs and add-on operating-system
components can be deployed as modules, but cannot be automatically installed.
Instead, you can have the ImageUltra Builder program copy the installable files
to the target computer and put an icon on the desktop that enables the user to
launch the setup program and install the program manually.
vDevice-driver files: When buildingadevice-drivermodule,youmustusethe
standard Microsoft Plug-n-Play. INF installation method, which is usually
unattended in nature. The device driver itself must be certified by the Microsoft
Windows Hardware Qualification Lab (WHQL) and signed. Failure to use
signed, WHQL-certified device drivers will result in interruptions during the
installation process because of Windows-generated information messages, which
require user interaction to bypass.
16 ImageUltraBuilderVersion4.01:UserGuide
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