Lenovo Intel Unite Solution User Guide [en, ar, bg, cs, da, el, es, fi, he, hr, hu, nb, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru, sh, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, uk, zh]

Intel Unite® Solution
User Guide
Enterprise and Education
Version 3.2.2
Oct 2017
Legal Disclaimers & Copyrights
All information provided here is subject to change without notice. Contact your Intel representative to obtain the latest Intel product specifications and roadmaps.
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Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, as well as any warranty arising from course of performance, course of dealing, or usage in trade.
Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Core and Intel vPro and Intel Unite are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others
© 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
November 24, 2014
February 13, 2015
Update Table Of Contents
April 6, 2015
April 23, 2015
Review and update
April 27, 2015
Update images and added peer to peer
April 11, 2015
Name changed
May 19, 2015
Update images
June 9, 2015
Added new features according to Release Notes
July 7, 2015
Minor grammar / description changes to guide
September 8, 2015
Update Legal Disclaimers
December 7, 2015
Update users guide and some screen shots for 2.0
December 14, 2015
Update screenshots, added Appendix for Client installation instructions and added section for Mac Client
January 15, 2016
Update screenshots, Removed Mac section, minor changes in instructions.
January 21, 2016
Trademark, Grammar and layout fixes before localization.
May 11, 2016
Update features for v3.0 (Sections 4.6, 4.8 and 4.9) Added details in Section 5 for Intel Unite Application Settings Added Appendix B for Intel Unite Plugin for Microsoft® Outlook.
May 31, 2016
Adding screenshots for Mac client
June 1, 2016
Added section 5 for iPad
June 2, 2016
Fix formatting and minor additions to new features after group rev, added Client Compatibility Table
June 23, 2016
Update screenshots for v3.0
June 27, 2016
Fixed errors of Client Compatibility Table (checkmarks)
February 28, 2017
Changed Intel Unite branding, added terminology to use solution on education environment, update compatibility table, add Chromebook and Android clients, updates to iOS, combine Windows, macOS and Chromebook feature, combine iOS and Android Features, deleted client installers for Windows, added Moderator feature.
March 15, 2017
Update screenshots, added detailed information.
March 20, 2017
Include reviewed items
March 22, 2017
Added Disconnect User for Android, iPad, and details to join scheduled meetings
April 13, 2017
Replaced screenshots on section, 2.2, 4.1
May 26, 2017
Added a note on section 3.10 (host from your device)
June 6, 2017
Added supported docs that can be presented for iOS & Android devices on section
4.1. Added Notes on section 3.1.2 (tips to present from the app). Changed format for tables. Added the Revision History.
Revision History
Sep 22, 2017
Added new capabilities to present and new UI for iOS devices. Updated new features for software version 3.2 including macOS Accessibility capabilities and the speaker/mute audio icon for Windows devices. Added Chromebook & Linux section.
Oct 19, 2017
Minor format and text changes, replaced Mac, iPad, Android and Chrome outdated images, changed iOS min req from 9.3 to 10.1
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Audience................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Intel Unite Solution Terminology & Definitions ............................................................................ 7
1.3 Client Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Client Compatibility Table............................................................................................................................ 9
2 Launching and connecting to the Intel Unite® application ................................................................. 10
2.1 Launching the application for the first time ................................................................................. 10
2.1.1 Windows* and macOS* Client devices ...................................................................... 10
2.1.2 iOS*, Android* and Chromebook* Client devices ............................................. 10
2.2 Connecting to a Screen ............................................................................................................................... 12
3 Intel Unite Solution Features – Windows* & macOS* Client Devices ......................................... 14
3.1 Presenting Content ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Presenting on the Extended Display ............................................................................ 15
3.1.2 Presenting Applications ......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 View Presentation ............................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Take Over a Presentation .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Annotation ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.5 Share a File .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Video Playback with Audio Support .................................................................................................... 24
3.7 Disconnect User ................................................................................................................................................ 25
3.8 Meeting Lock ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.9 Scheduled Meetings ....................................................................................................................................... 29
3.10 Host from Your Device ................................................................................................................................. 30
3.11 Connection Status Indicator .................................................................................................................... 31
3.12 Intel Unite Application Settings ............................................................................................................. 32
3.13 Moderated Sessions ....................................................................................................................................... 34
3.13.1 Using Self Promote mode .................................................................................................... 34
3.13.2 Using Strict mode ..................................................................................................................... 37
4 Intel Unite Solution Features – iOS* and Android* Client Devices ............................................... 39
4.1 Presenting Content ......................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.1 Presenting Content on iOS Client Devices .............................................................. 39
4.1.2 Presenting Content on Android Client Devices .................................................... 40
4.2 View Presentation ............................................................................................................................................ 41
4.3 Moderated Sessions ....................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4 Scheduled meetings ...................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 Auto-Reconnect................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.6 Disconnect User ................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.7 Disconnect ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
4.8 Connection Status Indicator .................................................................................................................... 44
5 Intel Unite Solution Features – Chromebook* and Linux* Client Devices ............................... 45
5.1 Presenting Content ......................................................................................................................................... 45
5.2 View Presentation ............................................................................................................................................ 46
5.3 Moderated Sessions ....................................................................................................................................... 46
5.4 Take Over a Presentation .......................................................................................................................... 47
5.5 Video Playback with Audio Support .................................................................................................... 48
5.6 Scheduled meetings ...................................................................................................................................... 48
5.7 Disconnect User ................................................................................................................................................ 48
5.8 Meeting Lock ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
5.9 Connection Status Indicator .................................................................................................................... 49
5.10 Disconnect ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
Appendix A: Intel Unite Plugin for Microsoft* Outlook ............................................................................................................. 51
1 Introduction
Intel Unite® application is an easy-to-use solution to have smarter conference rooms, classrooms, faculty rooms or any room dedicated to peer collaboration. Meetings or sessions start quickly with wireless technology that connects immediately to new or existing displays, projectors, or interactive whiteboards – no cables needed. Intel Unite application users can share and edit content in real time, whether they are in the room or in a remote location.
The solution is designed to allow fast wireless screen sharing and collaboration in three steps:
1. Launch the Intel Unite app or join through a meeting invite.
2. Enter a PIN to connect to a specific session.
3. Click on Present, Present Screen or Present Application to share content or click on View to
see what others are presenting.
1.1 Audience
This guide focuses on enabling users to launch and get familiar with the Intel Unite application and its features. The following areas will be addressed in this document:
o Launching and connecting to the Intel Unite application o Feature description in the Intel Unite application
This guide does not focus on installing and deploying the complete solution. For information on installation and deployment of the solution, refer to the Intel Unite® Solution Enterprise Deployment Guide if your organization is a large Enterprise or an Educational system.
If your organization is a Small Business, refer to the Intel Unite® Solution Small Business User Guide, formerly known as Standalone User Guide, as the available features differ in both software versions.
1.2 Intel Unite Solution Terminology & Definitions
Enterprise Server (Server) – This term refers to the PIN service running on the server that will assign
and resolve pins, providing a download page for the Client devices. The Server setup and configuration are not included in this guide but in the Deployment Guide (addressed to IT Administrators).
Client This term refers to a device that will be used to connect to a monitor or display (Hub). Supported devices include Windows*, macOS*, Chromebooks*, iPads*, iPhones, Android* tablets and phones.
Hub This term refers to a mini form factor PC with Intel® vPro™ technology that is connected to an interactive flat panel display or projector in a conference room, classrooms or any room used for peer collaboration running the Intel Unite application. This is where the app configuration takes place, most features are configured and managed by the IT administrator.
Plugin This term refers to a software component that is installed on the Hub which extends the functionality of the Intel Unite solution, i.e. Skype for Business, Protected Guest Access, Whiteboard, or other vendor’s additional functionality. Check with your IT Administrator to know more about plugins installed on your organization.
1.3 Client Requirements
Make sure the following requirements are met by your Client device, according to your operating system:
Microsoft Windows* 7, 8.1 or 10
o Recommended latest patch level
Microsoft .NET* 4.5 or greater macOS* 10.10.5 or greater iOS* 10.1 or higher Android* 5.x and above (Lollipop) Chromebook* Linux Linux* Fedora 26, Ubuntu 16 LTS, 17 NonLTS , Elementary OS (Loki 0.4) Intel Unite® application installed
7, 8.1, 10
or greater
iPhones &
iOS iPads
10.1 or
tablets &
View Presentation
  
  
Present Content
  
  
Present Physical Extended Display
Present Virtual Extended
Present Applications
Take Over a Presentation
  
  
Share a File
Meeting Lock
Auto Disconnect (close lid)
View Attendees
  
  
Host from your device (Intel vPro technology only)
Video with Audio Playback (screen sharing)
Scheduled Meetings
  
  
Moderator Controls
  
  
1.4 Client Compatibility Table
Use the following table as a guide when using available features in the Intel Unite application according to each Client Operating System (your laptop or device used as the Client).
Note: The following features represent what is available in version 3.2 of the Intel Unite Solution, some of the features on the table are not available for all devices in previous software versions (v2.0, v3.0 or 3.1).
2 Launching and connecting to the Intel
Unite® application
2.1 Launching the application for the first time
Follow the process to install the Intel Unite application according to the client device you have. After the app has been installed, you will not need to repeat this step.
2.1.1 Windows* and macOS* Client devices
To launch the Intel Unite application for the first time, you will need to enter the web link provided by your organization in your browser and follow the installation wizard instructions provided by the app. The link is normally shown on the display or monitor connected to the Hub running the Intel Unite application where the meeting or session is taking place.
See example below:
If there’s not a download link, check with the IT Administrator as the application may have to be installed using the Client installer, to find detailed information please refer to the Deployment Guide or the IT Administrator.
2.1.2 iOS*, Android* and Chromebook* Client devices
To launch the Intel Unite application for the first time, you will need to download the app from the Apple store or the Google store before you can continue. You will need to be connected to your company/ group network (or VPN) in order to find the Server where the Client device will connect to.
Once the app has been downloaded, open the app on your device and add the information needed to connect, see below according to your device. iOS*
If this is the first time you open the app, you may go to the Settings by clicking on the gear
icon located on the upper right corner.
Enter your Screen Name and add the server information. Server Configuration: the default setting is Automatic for the device to look up the service
automatically in your environment, or if you want to connect to a specific server, click on Manual and enter the server you want to connect to (only if you know your Enterprise Server).
Click on Save. You may connect to the Hub by entering the PIN displayed on the monitor or screen. Android*
If this is the first time you open the app, you may go to the Settings by clicking on the gear
icon located on the upper right corner.
Enter your Screen Name and add the server information. Server Configuration: the default setting is Automatic for the device to look up the service
automatically in your environment, or if you want to connect to a specific server, click on Manual and enter the server you want to connect to (only if you know your Enterprise Server).
Click on Save Settings. You may connect to the Hub by entering the PIN displayed on the monitor or screen. Chromebook* and Linux*
If this is the first time you open the app, you may go to the Settings by clicking on the gear
icon located on the upper right corner.
Under the Profile tab, enter the information according to your profile, starting with your
Screen Name and Email.
Moderator Token URL: In this field, copy and paste the invite URL assigned to you to use the
Moderator functionality.
Enterprise Server: use the default setting to look up the service automatically in your
Click on Save Settings.
You may connect to the Hub by entering the PIN displayed on the monitor or screen.
The About tab displays the Copyright information. The Show debug console link located underneath Save Settings is there to help your IT
department to debug any issues in the app.
2.2 Connecting to a Screen
Once the Intel Unite application has been installed or downloaded on your client device, launch the application by clicking on the shortcut created, or by opening the app.
To connect to the Hub running the application (a screen, monitor or display) and join a session, enter the six digit PIN displayed on the screen.
The Intel Unite Solution is compatible with multiple operating systems, below you will find the window displayed according to your client device.
Alternatively, if you received a meeting invite including a link to join a meeting/session, click on the link Join Intel Unite or on Connect with scheduled session URL if you have an Android* or an iOS* device. If you are the first attendee in an Intel Unite solution enabled room you will enter the PIN displayed on the Hub, otherwise, you will join the session automatically.
3 Intel Unite Solution Features – Windows* &
macOS* Client Devices
Once the client device connects to a Hub, the solution provides useful collaboration features. This section will provide instructions on how to use the features included with the Intel Unite solution on Windows and macOS client devices.
The macOS app version 3.2.0 of the Intel Unite® solution now includes Accessibility capabilities. All program tasks are usable via Voice Over and are reachable via keyboard controls.
3.1 Presenting Content
The Intel Unite solution allows you to quickly present content to the Hub display to which you are connected. To present your screen:
1. Connect a Client to a Hub.
2. In Windows, click Present Screen; in macOS, click Present Display to present the content of
your primary display.
3. To stop presenting, click Stop Presenting.
In addition to being able to present your primary display, the Intel Unite application will allow you to share content - according to your operating system - in the following ways:
Present a physical extended display (Windows and macOS) Present a virtual extended display (only Windows) Present selected applications (Windows and macOS)
3.1.1 Presenting on the Extended Display
If your system has multiple physical monitors connected, which are configured as extended displays, the Intel Unite application will allow you to share those extended desktops while keeping your primary desktop private. The Physical Extended Display feature is available on Windows and macOS client devices.
If your system has only one display, an additional option to create a virtual extended display will be available. The Virtual Extended Display feature is only available on Windows Client devices.
To present an extended display on Windows:
1. Click on the More (…) button next to Present Screen.
2. Select the display/screen you want to present from.
NOTE: To change your selection, you can click the (…) button next to Stop Presenting.
3.1.2 Presenting Applications
This option allows you to select one or multiple applications to present while keeping the rest of the content on your display private. Please note that only one application is shared at a time. If multiple applications are selected, only the active application window will be shared to the Hub.
To present an application:
1. Click on Present Application.
2. Select the application you want to share from the list and click OK.
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