Lenovo E75 User Manual

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First Edition (August 2006)
This publication could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are made periodically to the information herein; these changes will be made in later editions. Lenovo may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or program(s) at any time.
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Further Help
If you are unable to correct the problem yourself, you may seek further help as follows:
Call the Customer Support Center.
In the US call 1-800-426-7378
In Canada (Toronto Only) call 416-383-3344
In Canada (all others) call 1-800-565-3344
If possible, stay by your
computer. Your Technical Support Representative may wish to go through the problem with you during the call.
In other countries contact your dealer, retailer, or other Lenovo authorized Servicer.
Before calling, please have available as much of the following information as possible:
1. Model and serial number from the label on your monitor.
2. Purchase receipt.
3. Description of problem.
4. Computer type and model.
5. System configuration (hardware fitted, etc.).
6. System BIOS version number.
7. Operating System and version number.
8. Display driver version number.
9. Video Adapter Type.


Packing list ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
Installation Instructions - ------------------------------------
Power cord -----------------------------------------------------
Video cable ------------------------------------------------------
base ---------------------------------------------------
Operating Instructions ---------------------------------------
General instructions --------------------------------------------­Front pane l control --------------------------------------------­How to adjust a setting -------------------------------------------­Adjusting the picture ------------------------------------------
Features ---------------------------------------------------------
Green monitor ---------------------------------------------------­Plug and play ------------------------------------------------------
Technical Support (FAQ) -----------------------------------
Appendix A – Specifications --------------------------------
12 12
Appendix B – Factory Preset Timing Table --------------
7 7 8 8
9 9
Installing the Device Driver. -----------------------------------------18
Installing the Device Driver for Windows 95 or Windows 98 . --------------18 Installing the Device Driver for Windows 2000 or Windows Me . ------------19 Installing the device driver in Windows XP. --------------------------------20
Installing the device driver in Windows Vista -------------------------------------- 21
The product package should include the following items:
1. Monitor
2. Quick set up guide
3. Power cord
4. Swivel base
5. CD manual
Monitor safety, troubleshooting, and warranty guide
PRECAUTIONS Workplace preparation
Positioning the monitor
Choose a suitable place to position the monitor where it is not near fluorescent desk lighting or any equipment that produces magnetic fields that could cause interference. Ensure that the furniture or equipment can support the weight of the monitor. Allow at least 2 in. (50 mm) ventilation space around the monitor.
The monitor should be positioned so that the top of the screen is slightly below your eye level when you sit at your workstation.
Choose a position that gives the least reflection from lights and windows, usually at a right angle to any windows. Position the monitor directly in front of you so that you do not have to twist your body. Tilt the monitor to a comfortable viewing angle.
Work Practices
Caring for your Monitor
Be sure to disconnect the power cord from your monitor before you perform any maintenance on the monitor. Clean your monitor as follows:
• Gently wipe the covers and the screen with a soft cloth, do not use solvents or abrasives.
• Never drop water or other liquid into your monitor.
• Remove finger marks and grease with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
• Never use flammable cleaning materials to clean your Lenovo monitor or any other electrical apparatus.
• Do not rub, touch, or tap the surface of the screen with sharp or abrasive items such as a ballpoint pen or screwdriver. This type of contact may result in a scratched picture tube.
• Do not use any type of cleaner containing an anti-static solution or similar additive as this may scratch the screen's coating.
• Never apply detergent or other liquid directly to the screen. Dampen the cloth and then wipe.
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