Lenovo DIAGNOSTICS LINUX V4.39.0 User Manual

FIT – Instituto de Tecnologia
Lenovo Diagnostics User Guide
Author: Rafael Rodrigues
March 11th, 2021
Platform: Linux
1.0 Elsa Martins Created according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.29 Mar 15, 2019
1.1 Elsa Martins Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.30 May 23, 2019
1.2 Helano Rocha Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.31 Jul 30, 2019
1.3 Helano Rocha Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.32 Oct 15, 2019
1.4 Helano Rocha Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.33 Jan 17, 2020
1.5 Geisiane Almeida Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.34 Feb 20, 2020
1.6 Júlio Oliveira Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.35 Apr 29, 2020
1.7 Geisiane Almeida Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.35.1 Jun 08, 2020
1.8 Geisiane Almeida Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.36 Jun 29, 2020
1.9 Claudio Pereira Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.37 Oct 21, 2020
1.10 Rafael Rodrigues Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.38 Dec 07, 2020
1.11 Rafael Rodrigues Updated according to Lenovo Diagnostics 4.39 Mar 05, 2021
Author Revision History Date
LENOVO DIAGNOSTICS LINUX V4.39.0 USER GUIDE 1 Lenovo Diagnostics LINUX User Guide 2 Revision History 3 TABLE OF Contents 4 LENOVO DIAGNOSTICS LINUX V4.39.0 USER GUIDE 6
1. Lenovo Diagnostics overview 7
1.1 What is Lenovo Diagnostics? 7
1.2 Understanding the diagnostics 7
2. Performing diagnostics in Lenovo Diagnostics 8
2.1 Lenovo Diagnostics Main screen 8
2.2 Run diagnostic for a module 9
2.2.1 Select Devices and Tests
2.2.3 Run Tests
2.3 See Execution Log 13
3. Lenovo Diagnostics Modules and Tests 15
3.1 Audio 15
3.2 Audio Controller 16
3.3 Battery 17
3.4 Camera 18
3.5 Fan 18
3.6 Processor 18
3.7 Display 20
3.8 Display Interface 21
3.9 Keyboard 22
3.10 Memory 23
3.11 Motherboard 25
3.12 Optical Drive 26
3.13 PCI Express 27
3.14 Mouse Devices 27
3.15 RAID 29
3.16 Storage 30
3.17 Touchscreen 32
3.18 Video Card 33
3.19 Wired Ethernet 35
3.20 Wireless 35
3.21 Sensors 35
3.22 Bluetooth 36
3.23 Fingerprint Reader 36
3.24 Touchpad Devices 37
4.1 Quick tests 39
4.2 Quick tests (customized option) 40
4.3 Full tests 40
4.4 Full tests (customized option) 41
5. 1 Diagnostic Script 42
5.1.1 Create a diagnostic script
5.1.2 Edit a diagnostic script
5.1.3 Execute a diagnostic script
5.2 System Information 47
5.3 Log History 47
5.4 Recover Bad Sectors 48
5.5 SMART Tool 48
5.6 Temperature Tool 49
5.7 Temperature Tool 49
6. Glossary 50
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Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
1.1 What is Lenovo Diagnostics?
Lenovo Diagnostics is a diagnostic tool that tests various devices in Lenovo computers providing feedback to the users about their machines health. Lenovo Diagnostics is composed by Modules that allows performing diagnostics for a group of devices and by Tools to create custom executions (diagnostic script), see detailed information about each device (system information) and consult the results for the tests performed in a machine (Log History).
1.2 Understanding the diagnostics
Each module contains one or more tests that may be performed under one or more devices resulting in a diagnostic. This structure is displayed in the image below:
When a diagnostic is finished, Lenovo Diagnostics displays the results for each performed test and create two results codes resuming the test execution.
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
The tests on Lenovo Diagnostics may have the following statuses:
Not Applicable
The generated codes are:
Result Code
Final Result Code Contains information about the machine serial number, system platform and execution
On the next section, you will learn how to use Lenovo Diagnostics to perform the diagnostics.
When the test algorithm is executed and no failure is found. When the test identifies the diagnosed device is defective. When the test indicates the diagnosed device may have some defect but the
result is not conclusive. When the test is canceled in the middle of test execution.
When the test is not applicable for the selected device.
Contains information about the machine serial number, system platform and test execution status and date. This code is generated for each tested device.
date. This code reports also the module where the tests were performed and the tests with failed status.
2.1 Lenovo Diagnostics Main screen
By opening the Lenovo Diagnostics, you will see the main screen with the tabs Diagnostics and Tools.
Diagnostics: here, you can see the modules provided by Lenovo Diagnostics and select one of them to perform tests. As you will using the application. The modules with not supported devices are disabled, like the modules RAID, Sensors and Wireless on the image below. On this tab, you can also select the option “Run All” to perform the diagnostic for all available modules
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
Refresh button : you must update the modules after plug or unplug any device.
Sound Notice button : you must choose if you want to be advised regarding tests execution.
Tools: By selecting this option, you can access additional Lenovo Diagnostics features like Diagnostic Script, System
Information, Log History screen, Recover Bad Sectors and SMART tool.
2.2 Run diagnostic for a module
The diagnostic for a module in Lenovo Diagnostics is based on the following steps:
2.2.1 Select Devices and Tests
By selecting a module in the Diagnostics tab, you will be directed to a screen where you can select which devices and tests will be performed. On this step, all devices and tests supported by the selected module are displayed and you may select one or more of them to perform the tests. It is also possible to select the number of times to run the set of tests in a range from 1 to 999 times.
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
By clicking to See Device Information, you can view detailed information about the device. The properties displayed depends on the selected module.
By clicking to See test description, you can view a brief description of the test and the estimated time to run the test, as the screen below.
If a test supports parameters customization, the icon is displayed next to the test name. By clicking on this icon, a popup to set the values is displayed. See in the image below the customization for the Linear Read Test from Storage module:
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
After the devices and test selection, you are able to run the diagnostic. The test execution is detailed in the next section.
2.2.3 Run Tests
After configuring the tests execution and clicking to Run Test, you will be directed to the Execution screen. This screen is displayed for both Recommended and Custom tests.
In the image below, you can see a screen of the test execution:
Once you have pressed OK, the tests execution begins. See in the image below that all devices selected in the previous steps are displayed with their respective tests. You can follow each test execution by tracking the individual
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
test progress and see the test status of each one. In addition, you can see the overall test progress and time that reports the progress for all devices and tests selected.
If you have selected Custom Tests with more than one iteration, you will be able to see amount iterations that fail navigate around these iterations in order to see the executions already finished and the executions not started yet.
Some tests have specific guidelines that should be followed by the user to assure the correct execution. In this case, before to begin the execution of these tests, the application displays a popup with the test instructions. For instance, the Audio Playback test asks the user to make sure the output device is working correctly and advises a probably loud sound will played.
If you chose to continue by pressing the OK button, the execution continues normally. If you clicking on Cancel, the current test is canceled and the execution proceeds to the other tests not executed yet.
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
If you want to abort the whole test execution, you can click on Stop tests. In this case, the current test and all tests waiting for execution are canceled, including those from the next iterations. At the same way, the overall status for the current iteration and for all next iterations are changed to Canceled.
After all tests to being finished, system displays the screen below where is possible to analyze the test results.
In this above image, you can see each test results, information about machine, final result code and test date. This section also display a QR Code that containing all those information.
2.3 See Execution Log
After a diagnostic execution, Lenovo Diagnostics generates a log with detailed information about the devices and their test results. This log is composed by the following sections:
General information: contains information about machine, test date and final result. This section also displays a QR Code containing those information.
Device information: displays the technical details of each tested device and their respective result codes.
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
Test Results: displays the results and execution time of each performed test.
Lenovo Diagnostics Linux v4.39.0 – User Guide
This section provides information about all modules available in Lenovo Diagnostics and their respective tests. Here, you will understand the approach implemented by each test and how these tests should be performed for assure the correct diagnostic of your machine.
3.1 Audio
The Audio module is composed by the following tests:
Test Test type Attendance
Audio Playback Test Quick Attended
Microphone Interactive Test Quick Attended
Audio Playback Test
The audio playback test tries to play random numbers through the audio hardware and asks the user in what order the numbers were played.
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