Lennox XC14, XC14-018, XC14-024, XC14-030, XC14-036 Engineering Data

ELITE® Series
Bulletin No. 210484
November 2010
Supersedes October 2010


X C 14 - 036 - 230 - 2
Refrigerant Type
X = R-410A
Unit Type
C = Air Conditioner
SEER up to 16.50
1.5 to 5 Tons
Cooling Capacity - 16,900 to 58,000 Btuh
Minor Revision Number
Nominal Cooling Capacity
018 = 1.5 tons 024 = 2 tons 030 = 2.5 tons 036 = 3 tons 041 = 3.5 tons 042 = 3.5 tons 047 = 4 tons 048 = 4 tons 060 = 5 tons


AHRI System Matches................................................11
Dimensions ...................................................................9
Electrical Data...............................................................6
Field Wiring ...................................................................8
Installation Clearances .................................................8
Model Number Identication .........................................1
Optional Accessories ....................................................6
Outdoor Sound Data ....................................................8
Specications ...............................................................6
Compressor - limited warranty for ten years in residential installations and ve years in non-residential installations.
All other covered components - ve years in residential installations and one year in non-residential installations.
Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certicate included with unit for specic details.
SEER up to 16.50.
1.5 through 5 ton.
Single-phase power supply.
Vertical air discharge allows concealment behind shrubs at grade level or out of sight on a roof.
Matching add-on furnace indoor coils or air handlers provide a wide range of cooling capacities and applications. See AHRI Ratings table. See Indoor Coils and Air Handlers sections for data.
Units shipped completely factory assembled, piped and wired.
Each unit test operated at the factory ensuring proper operation. Installer must set air conditioner, connect refrigerant lines and make electrical connections to complete job.
Certied in Accordance with the USE certication program, which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240-
Sound rated in Lennox reverberant sound test room in Accordance with test conditions included in AHRI Standard 270-2008.
Tested in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental test room. Rated According to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) test procedures.
Units and components within bonded for grounding to meet safety standards for servicing required by UL, NEC and CEC.
Units are UL listed and CSA certied.
ISO 9001 Registered Manufacturing Quality System.
EnErgy Star® certied units are designed to use less
energy, help save money on utility bills, and help protect the environment.
For expanded ratings, see www.lennoxdavenet.com
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 2
R-410A Refrigerant
Non-chlorine, ozone friendly, R-410A. Unit pre-charged with refrigerant. See Specication table.
Outdoor Coil Fan
Direct drive fan moves large air volumes uniformly through entire condenser coil for high refrigerant cooling capacity.
Vertical air discharge minimizes operating sounds and eliminates damage to lawn and shrubs.
Fan motor has sleeve bearings and is inherently protected.
Motor totally enclosed for maximum protection from weather, dust and corrosion.
Fan guard constructed of corrosion-resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated steel.
Fan service access accomplished by removal of fan guard.
Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil
Lennox designed and fabricated coil.
Ripple-edged aluminum ns.
Copper tube construction.
Lanced ns provide maximum exposure of n surface to air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer.
Fin collars grip tubing for maximum contact area.
Flared shoulder tubing connections/silver soldering construction.
Coil is factory tested under high pressure to ensure leakproof construction.
Entire coil is accessible for cleaning.
Refrigerant Flow Control
Units applicable to expansion valve systems or RFC systems when matched with specic evaporator coils.
(On Coil)
High Capacity Liquid Line Drier
Furnished with unit for eld installation.
Approved for use with R-410A systems.
Traps any moisture or dirt that could contaminate the refrigerant system.
High Pressure Switch
Shuts off unit if abnormal operating conditions cause the discharge pressure to rise above setting.
Protects compressor from excessive condensing pressure.
Manual reset.
Expansion Valve Kits
Must be ordered extra and eld installed on certain indoor units.
See TXV/Orice Usage table.
Chatleff-style ttings.
Installs on or near the vapor line of the indoor coil or on the suction line.
Senses suction line temperature and cycles the compressor off when suction line temperature falls below it’s setpoint.
Opens at 29°F and closes at 58°F.
Loss of Charge Switch Kit
Helps protect the compressor from damage due low refrigerant charge conditions.
SPST, normally-closed switch, automatic reset switch mounted on suction line.
Refrigerant Line Kits
Refrigerant lines (suction & liquid) are shipped refrigeration clean.
Lines are cleaned, dried, pressurized and sealed at factory.
Suction line fully insulated.
Lines are stubbed at both ends.
Not available for -060 models and must be eld fabricated.
Accurately meters refrigerant in system.
Refrigerant control is accomplished by exact sizing of refrigerant metering orice.
The principle involves matching indoor coil with proper bore size of orice in metering device.
Equalizes pressure shortly after compressor stops, unit starts unloaded, eliminating need for additional controls.
Furnished with air conditioner.
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 3
Scroll Compressor
Compressor features high efciency with uniform suction ow, constant discharge ow and high volumetric efciency and quiet operation.
Compressor consists of two involute spiral scrolls matched together to generate a series of crescent shaped gas pockets between them.
During compression, one scroll remains stationary while the other scroll orbits around it.
Gas is drawn into the outer pocket, the pocket is sealed as the scroll rotates.
As the spiral movement continues, gas pockets are pushed to the center of the scrolls. Volume between the pockets is simultaneously reduced.
When pocket reaches the center, gas is now at high pressure and is forced out of a port located in the center of the xed scrolls.
During compression, several pockets are compressed simultaneously resulting in a smooth continuous compression cycle.
Continuous ank contact, maintained by centrifugal force, minimizes gas leakage and maximizes efciency.
Scroll compressor is tolerant to the effects of slugging and contaminants. If this occurs, scrolls separate, allowing liquid or contaminants to be worked toward the center and discharged.
Low gas pulses during compression reduces operational sound levels.
Compressor motor is internally protected from excessive current and temperature.
Compressor is installed in the unit on specially formulated, resilient rubber base for improved sound dampening and vibration-free operation resulting in quieter operating sound levels. See Outdoor Sound Data table for details.
Compressor Crankcase Heater (048 & 060 Models)
Protects against refrigerant migration that can occur during low ambient operation.
Factory Installed
Compressor Sound Dampening System
A polyethylene compressor cover containing a 2 inch thick batt of berglass insulation for better sound dampening.
All open edges are sealed with a one-inch wide hook and loop fastening tape.
Compressor Crankcase Heater (018 thru 042 models)
Protects against refrigerant migration that can occur during low ambient operation.
Compressor Hard Start Kit
Single-phase units are equipped with a PSC compressor motor. This type of motor normally doesn’t need a potential relay and start capacitor.
In conditions such as low voltage, this kit may be required to increase the compressor starting torque.
Compressor Low Ambient Cut-Off
Non-adjustable switch (low ambient cut-out) prevents compressor operation when outdoor temperature is below 35°F.
Indoor Blower Off Delay Relay
Delays the indoor blower-off time during the cooling cycle.
See AHRI System Matches for usage.
Low Ambient Kit
Air conditioners operate satisfactorily down to 45°F outdoor air temperature without any additional controls.
Low Ambient Control Kit can be eld installed, allowing unit operation down to 30°F.
Freezestat should be installed on compressors equipped with a low ambient kit.
A compressor lock-out thermostat should be added to terminate compressor operation below recommended operation conditions
Thermostat not furnished with unit. See Thermostat bulletins in Controls Section and Lennox Price Book.
Compressor Timed-Off Control
Kit prevents compressor short-cycling and allows time for suction and discharge pressure to equalize.
Permits compressor start-up in an unloaded condition.
Automatic reset with 5 minute delay between compressor shut-off and start-up.
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 4
Heavy-gauge steel construction
Pre-painted cabinet nish.
Painted base section.
Control box is conveniently located with all controls factory wired.
Corner patch plate allows access to compressor components.
Drainage holes are provided in base section for moisture removal.
High density polyethylene unit support feet raise the unit off of the mounting surface, away from damaging moisture.
SmartHinge™ Louvered Coil Protection
Steel louvered panels provides complete coil protection.
Panels are hinged to allow easy cleaning and servicing of coils.
Panels may be completely removed.
Interlocking tabs and slots assure tight t on cabinet.
Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets and
Service Valves
Suction and liquid lines are located on corner of unit cabinet and are made with sweat connections.
See dimension drawing.
Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion and provide access to refrigerant system. Suction valve can be fully shut off, while liquid valve may be front seated to manage refrigerant charge while servicing system.
Refrigerant line connections and eld wiring inlets are located in one central area of the cabinet.
See dimension drawing.
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General Data
Connections (sweat)
Refrigerant Outdoor
Liquid line (o.d.) - in. 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Suction line (o.d.) - in. 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8
R-410A charge furnished 5 lbs. 11 oz. 6 lbs. 8 oz. 6 lbs. 11 oz. 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Net face area - sq. ft. 13.22 18.67 21.00 21.00
Tube diameter - in. 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16
Outdoor Fan
Shipping Data - lbs. 1 pkg. 163 203 215 217


Line voltage data - 60hz 208/230V-1ph 208/230V-1ph 208/230V-1ph 208/230V-1ph
Maximum overcurrent protection (amps) 25 30 30 30
Minimum circuit ampacity 15.7 17.9 17.2 18.7
Compressor Rated load amps 9.0 13.4 12.9 14.1
Locked rotor amps 48 58 64 77
Outdoor Fan Motor Full load amps 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.1
Locked rotor amps 1.4 2.1 2.1 2.1
Compressor Hard Start Kit 88M91 Compressor Low Ambient Cut-Off 45F08 Compressor Time-Off Control 47J27 Freezestat 3/8 in. tubing 93G35
5/8 in. tubing 50A93 Low Ambient Kit 34M72 Refrigerant Line
L15-41-20 L15-41-40 L15-41-30 L15-41-50
Indoor Blower Off Delay Relay 58M81
NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage.
Refrigerant charge sufcient for 15 ft. length of refrigerant lines.
HACR type breaker or fuse.
Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements.
Model No. XC14-018 XC14-024 XC14-030 XC14-036
Nominal Tonnage 1.5 2 2.5 3
No. of rows 1 1 1 1
Fins per inch 26 26 26 26
Diameter - in. 18 22 22 22
No. of blades 3 3 3 3
Motor hp 1/10 1/6 1/6 1/6
Cfm 2270 3160 3160 3160
Rpm 1050 850 850 850
Watts 165 215 215 215
Power factor 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.98
           
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 6
General Data
Connections (sweat)
Refrigerant Outdoor
Net face area - sq. ft. Outer coil 21 16.33 22 21.00 22.00
Liquid line (o.d.) - in. 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Suction line (o.d.) - in. 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1-1/8
R-410A charge furnished 10 lbs. 1 oz. 8 lbs. 10 oz. 11 lbs. 3 oz. 10 lbs. 0 oz. 12 lbs. 0 oz.
Tube diameter - in. 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16
Outdoor Fan
Shipping Data - lbs. 1 pkg. 253 243 284 272 290
Line voltage data - 60hz 208/230V 208/230V-1ph 208/230V 208/230V-1ph 208/230V-1ph
Maximum overcurrent protection (amps) 35 40 45 50 60
Minimum circuit ampacity 22.8 24.1 26.7 29.0 34.8
Compressor Rated load amps 16.7 17.9 19.9 21.8 26.4
Locked rotor amps 79 112 109 117 134
Outdoor Fan Motor
Locked rotor amps 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.1 2.9
Compressor Hard Start Kit 88M91 Compressor Low Ambient Cut-Off 45F08 Compressor Time-Off Control 47J27 Freezestat 3/8 in. tubing 93G35
5/8 in. tubing 50A93 Low Ambient Kit 34M72 Refrigerant
L15-65-40 L15-65-40
Line Sets
Indoor Blower Off Delay Relay 58M81
NOTE - Extremes of operating range are plus 10% and minus 5% of line voltage.
Refrigerant charge sufcient for 15 ft. length of refrigerant lines.
HACR type breaker or fuse.
Refer to National or Canadian Electrical Code manual to determine wire, fuse and disconnect size requirements.
Model No. XC14-041 XC14-042 XC14-047 XC14-048 XC14-060
Nominal Tonnage 3.5 3.5 4 4 5
Inner coil 20.25 15.71 21.33 20.25 21.33
No. of rows 2 2 2 2 2
Fins per inch 22 22 22 22 22
Diameter - in. 22 22 26 22 26
No. of blades 4 4 4 4 4
Motor hp 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/4 1/3
Cfm 3600 3500 4400 3600 4400
Rpm 825 825 825 825 825
Watts 310 310 310 310 310
Power factor 0.97 0.94 0.97 0.95 0.98
Full load amps 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8
           
Field Fabricate
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Octave Band Sound Power Levels dBA, re 10-12 Watts
Center Frequency - HZ
Model No.
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
XC14-018 52.0 59.5 64.5 65.5 60.5 54.5 45.5 71 XC14-024 55.0 60.0 66.0 66.0 62.5 57.5 47.5 71 XC14-030 55.0 62.0 65.5 66.5 60.0 52.5 45.0 71 XC14-036 53.0 61.0 64.5 65.0 59.5 53.5 48.5 70 XC14-041 56.5 62.0 68.0 68.5 63.5 56.5 49.5 73 XC14-042 58.5 64.0 68.5 68.5 63.5 56.5 50.5 73 XC14-047 59.5 62.5 67.5 66.0 63.0 57.5 51.5 73 XC14-048 56.5 62.0 68.0 68.5 63.5 56.5 49.5 73 XC14-060 59.5 62.5 67.5 66.0 63.0 57.5 51.5 73
NOTE - the octave sound power data does not include tonal correction.
Tested according to AHRI Standard 270-2008 test conditions.


(By Others)
(By Others)
Service clearance of 30 in. (762 mm) must be maintained on one of the sides adjacent to the control box.
A - Two Wire Power (not furnished) B - Two Power (not furnished). See Electrical Data C - Four Wire Low Voltage (not furnished). 18 ga. minimum D - Five Wire Low Voltage (not furnished). 18 ga. minimum
All wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and local electrical
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 8
Clearance to one of the other three sides must be 36 in. (914 mm)
Clearance to one of the remaining two sides may be 12 in. (305 mm) and the final side may be 6 in. (152 mm).
A clearance of 24 in. (610 mm) must be maintained between two units.
48 in. (1219 mm) clearance required on top of unit.
8−1/2 (216)
8−3/4 (222)
5−1/2 (140)
4−3/4 (121)
9−1/2 (241)
8−1/4 (210)
2 (51)
1 (25)
Model No.
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
XC14-018 31 787 27 686 28 711 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­XC14-024 35 889 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524 XC14-030 39 991 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524 XC14-036 39 991 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524 XC14-041 39 991 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524 XC14-042 31 787 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524
XC14-047 35 889 35-1/2 902 39-1/2 1003 16-7/8 429 8-3/4 222 3-1/8 79 30-3/4 781 4-5/8 117 3-3/4 95 26-7/8 683
XC14-048 39 991 30-1/2 775 35 889 13-7/8 352 7-3/4 197 3-1/4 83 27-1/8 689 3-5/8 92 4-1/2 114 20-5/8 524
XC14-060 35 889 35-1/2 902 39-1/2 1003 16-7/8 429 8-3/4 222 3-1/8 79 30-3/4 781 4-5/8 117 3-3/4 95 26-7/8 683
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 9
Model No. Refrigerant Metering
Orice (RFC)
Order No. Orice Size
XC14-018 97M74 0.053 37L51
XC14-024 97M75 0.057 37L51
XC14-030 10W99 0.065 37L51
XC14-036 11W02 0.071 39L72
XC14-041 97M77 0.074 91M02
XC14-042 97M78 0.076 39L72
XC14-047 10W86 0.080 91M02
XC14-048 11W07 0.083 91M02
XC14-060 11W11 0.093 91M02
CX34 upow coils and all Lennox air handlers (except CB26UH “R”) are shipped with a factory installed TXV. In most cases, no change out of the valve is needed. If a change out is required it will be listed in the “TXV SUBSTITUTIONS” table. The correct TXV must be ordered and eld installed. C33 coils and all horizon­tal and downow coils are shipped without a TXV. The TXV must be ordered and eld installed. .
Thermal Expansion Valve (TXV)
Outdoor Unit Model No.
XC14-018 CX34-25
XC14-024 CX34-31
XC14-030 CX34-31
XC14-036 CX34-38
XC14-041 CX34-49
XC14-042 CX34-49
XC14-047 CX34-62C
XC14-048 CX34-62C
XC14-060 CX34-62C
Indoor Unit Model No
Indoor Coils/Air Handlers with factory installed expansion valves that require eld replacement
Model No. Indoor Coil or Air
XC14-030 CBX27UH-036 37L51
XC14-036 CX34-31 39L72
XC14-036 CX34-36 39L72
XC14-036 CX34-38 39L72
XC14-036 CX34-49 39L72
XC14-036 CX34-50/60 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32M-030 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32M-036 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32M-042 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32M-048 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32MV-036 39L72
XC14-036 CBX32MV-048 39L72
XC14-036 CBX40UHV-036 39L72
XC14-036 CBX40UHV-048 39L72
XC14-042 CX34-36 39L72
XC14-042 CX34-38 39L72
XC14-042 CBX27UH-048 39L72
XC14-042 CBX32M-036 39L72
XC14-042 CBX32M-042 39L72
XC14-042 CBX32M-048 39L72
XC14-042 CBX32MV-048 39L72
XC14-042 CBX40UHV-048 39L72
XC14-048 CX34-43 91M02
XC14-048 CX34-44/48 91M02
* CX34 coils and all air handlers (except CB26UH “R”) - the factory installed expansion valve must be replaced with the expansion valve listed (ordered separately). If the combination is not listed above, the factory installed TXV is used. C33 and CH33 coils and CB26UH “R” air handlers - use the RFC shipped with the outdoor unit or replace the factory installed RFC with the expansion valve listed in the Thermal Expansion Valves Table. CR33 and CH23 - use the RFC shipped with the outdoor unit or use the expan­sion valve listed in the Thermal Expansion Valves Table.
Order No.
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 10


NOTE - For the latest up-to-date system matches please visit the AHRI web site at http://www.ahridirectory.org
Model No.
XC14-018-230 RFC 18,100 13.20 11.70 C33-19 1236140 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,300 13.50 11.70 C33-25 1236139 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,500 13.70 12.00 C33-31 1236141 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,000 13.00 11.70 CH33-19 1236145 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,000 13.00 11.70 CH33-24/30 1236148 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,300 13.50 11.70 CH33-25A 1236146 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,200 13.20 11.70 CH33-25B 1236147 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,200 13.50 11.70 CH33-36 1236149 XC14-018-230 RFC 17,800 13.00 11.50 CR33-18 1236142 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,200 13.20 11.70 CR33-24 1236144 XC14-018-230 RFC 18,400 13.70 11.70 CR33-30/36 1236143 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,200 13.95 11.70 C33-19 3009822 XC14-018-230 TXV 17,700 13.20 11.20 C33-24 3009823 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,500 14.20 12.00 C33-25 3009824 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,000 13.55 11.40 C33-30 3009825 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 14.20 12.00 C33-31 3009826 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,400 14.35 12.05 CB26UH-018 3009827 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 14.35 12.05 CB26UH-024 3009828 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,400 14.00 12.00 CBX26UH-018 3009834 XC14-018-230 TXV 19,000 16.20 13.50 CBX27UH-018 3009835 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,400 14.20 11.70 CBX32M-018/024 3009836 XC14-018-230 TXV 19,100 15.00 12.50 CBX32M-030 3009837 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 15.20 12.70 CBX32MV-018/024 3009838 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,800 15.50 12.70 CBX32MV-024/030 3009839 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 15.20 12.70 CBX40UHV-024 3291605 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,800 15.50 12.70 CBX40UHV-030 3291625 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,100 13.50 11.50 CH33-19 3009840 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,100 13.50 11.50 CH33-24/30 3009841 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,600 14.20 12.00 CH33-25 3009842 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,400 14.00 11.50 CH33-25B 3009843 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,400 14.00 11.50 CH33-36 3009844 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,000 13.50 11.50 CR33-18 3009845 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,300 13.50 11.50 CR33-24 3009846 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 14.20 12.00 CR33-30/36 3009847 XC14-018-230 TXV 17,700 13.00 11.00 CX34-18/24 3009848 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,200 14.00 11.70 CX34-19 3009849 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,500 14.20 12.00 CX34-25 3009850 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,000 13.50 11.00 CX34-30 3009851 XC14-018-230 TXV 18,700 14.20 12.00 CX34-31 3009852 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,400 13.50 11.50 C33-19 3130410 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,400 14.20 12.50 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-045 3130425 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,400 14.20 12.50 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-070 3130426 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,400 14.20 12.50 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-071 3130466 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.50 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-045 3130429 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.70 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-070 3130430 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.70 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-071 3130467 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 13.70 11.70 C33-25 3130408 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 14.50 12.70 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-045 3130433 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 14.50 12.70 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-070 3130434 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 14.50 12.70 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-071 3130468 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,200 13.00 11.50 C33-30 3130409 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,800 15.70 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-045 3130437 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,800 15.70 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-070 3130438 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,800 15.70 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-071 3130469 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 14.00 12.00 C33-31 3130407 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.20 13.00 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-045 3130441 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.50 13.00 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-070 3130442 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.50 13.00 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-071 3130470
TXV = Matched with Thermostatic Expansion Valve. RFC = Matched with RFC metering device.
Ratings are certied in accordance with USE certication program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240; 95°F outdoor air temperature, 80°F db / 67°F wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. of connecting refrigerant lines. All ratings include the use of a blower time delay relay (TDR). All Lennox variable-speed furnaces and Air Handlers have time delay capabilities. Other Furnaces and Air Handlers may require an optional time delay relay (58M81) for eld installation. See furnace or air handler specications to determine if relay is needed. Also see Expansion Valve Kit Usage Table.
Expansion Device
Capacity SEER EER
Coil or Air Handler
AHRI Reference
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 11
NOTE - For the latest up-to-date system matches please visit the AHRI web site at http://www.ahridirectory.org
Model No.
XC14-024-230 RFC 23,600 13.70 11.70 C33-36 3130411 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.20 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-045 3130463 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.50 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-070 3130464 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.50 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-071 3130471 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 14.20 12.00 C33-38 3130421 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 13.50 11.70 CH23-41 3130420 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,400 13.20 11.50 CH33-19 3130414 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,200 13.20 11.50 CH33-24/30 3130415 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.20 13.20 CH33-25 G61MPV-36B-045 3130451 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.50 13.20 CH33-25 G61MPV-36B-070 3130452 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,400 15.50 13.20 CH33-25 G61MPV-36B-071 3130474 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,800 13.70 11.70 CH33-25 3130416 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 14.00 12.00 CH33-31A 3130417 XC14-024-230 RFC 25,000 15.70 13.50 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-045 3130455 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,800 16.00 13.20 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-070 3130456 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,800 16.00 13.20 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-071 3130475 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 14.20 12.00 CH33-31B 3130418 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.20 13.00 CH33-36 G61MPV-36B-045 3130459 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.50 13.00 CH33-36 G61MPV-36B-070 3130460 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 15.50 13.00 CH33-36 G61MPV-36B-071 3130476 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,600 13.70 11.70 CH33-36 3130419 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,200 14.70 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-045 3130445 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,000 15.00 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-070 3130446 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,000 15.00 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-071 3130473 XC14-024-230 RFC 23,600 13.50 11.70 CR33-24 3130413 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.50 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-045 3130443 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.70 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-070 3130444 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,600 15.70 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-071 3130472 XC14-024-230 RFC 24,000 13.70 11.70 CR33-30/36 3130412 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.70 13.20 C33-19 SL280UH070V36A 4035250 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.70 13.20 C33-19 SL280UH070XV36A 4037849 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,400 13.70 11.70 C33-19 3131763 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.55 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-045 3131767 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.50 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-070 3131768 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.50 C33-24 G61MPV-36B-071 3131769 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.00 12.70 C33-24 SL280UH070V36A 4035251 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.00 12.70 C33-24 SL280UH070XV36A 4037850 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,000 15.00 12.70 C33-24 SL280UH090V36B 4035252 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.20 12.70 C33-24 SLP98UH070V36B 4020349 XC14-024-230 TXV 22,600 13.35 11.20 C33-24 3131931 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.50 13.00 C33-25 CBWMV-36B-070 3131772 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-045 3131775 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-070 3131776 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 C33-25 G61MPV-36B-071 3131777 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-25 SL280UH070V36A 4035253 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-25 SL280UH070XV36A 4037851 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 16.00 13.20 C33-25 SL280UH090V36B 4035254 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.20 13.50 C33-25 SLP98UH070V36B 4020350 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.00 11.70 C33-25 3131771 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.50 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-045 3131782 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.70 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-070 3131783 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.70 C33-30 G61MPV-36B-071 3131784 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.50 C33-30 G61MPV-36C-090 3131785 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.20 12.70 C33-30 SL280UH070V36A 4035255 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.20 12.70 C33-30 SL280UH070XV36A 4037852 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,400 15.20 12.70 C33-30 SL280UH090V36B 4035243 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.50 13.00 C33-30 SLP98UH070V36B 4020351 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.50 13.00 C33-30 SLP98UH090V36C 4020352
TXV = Matched with Thermostatic Expansion Valve. RFC = Matched with RFC metering device.
Ratings are certied in accordance with USE certication program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240; 95°F outdoor air temperature, 80°F db / 67°F wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. of connecting refrigerant lines. All ratings include the use of a blower time delay relay (TDR). All Lennox variable-speed furnaces and Air Handlers have time delay capabilities. Other Furnaces and Air Handlers may require an optional time delay relay (58M81) for eld installation. See furnace or air handler specications to determine if relay is needed. Also see Expansion Valve Kit Usage Table.
Expansion Device
Capacity SEER EER
Coil or Air Handler
AHRI Reference
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 12
NOTE - For the latest up-to-date system matches please visit the AHRI web site at http://www.ahridirectory.org
Model No.
XC14-024-230 TXV 23,000 13.50 11.50 C33-30 3131779 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.00 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-045 3131791 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.00 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-070 3131792 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.00 13.20 C33-31 G61MPV-36B-071 3131793 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.50 C33-31 SL280UH070V36A 4035244 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.50 C33-31 SL280UH070XV36A 4037846 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.20 13.50 C33-31 SL280UH090V36B 4035245 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.50 13.70 C33-31 SLP98UH070V36B 4020353 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 14.00 12.00 C33-31 3131788 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.00 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-045 3131798 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-070 3131799 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-36 G61MPV-36B-071 3131800 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.50 13.00 C33-36 G61MPV-36C-090 3131801 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-36 SL280UH070V36A 4035246 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 C33-36 SL280UH070XV36A 4037847 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.20 C33-36 SL280UH090V36B 4035247 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.00 13.50 C33-36 SLP98UH070V36B 4020354 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.20 13.50 C33-36 SLP98UH090V36C 4020355 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 13.70 11.70 C33-36 3131795 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 15.70 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-045 3131807 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-070 3131808 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.20 C33-38 G61MPV-36B-071 3131809 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.20 13.70 C33-38 SL280UH070V36A 4035248 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.20 13.70 C33-38 SL280UH070XV36A 4037848 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.70 C33-38 SL280UH090V36B 4035249 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.50 13.70 C33-38 SLP98UH070V36B 4020356 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 14.20 12.00 C33-38 3131804 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.50 12.20 CB26UH-024 3131811 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.50 12.20 CBX26UH-024 3131819 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.20 CBX27UH-024 3131820 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.50 CBX27UH-030 3131821 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 14.20 11.70 CBX32M-018/024 3131822 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 14.70 12.50 CBX32M-030 3131823 XC14-024-230 TXV 25,400 15.20 12.70 CBX32M-036 3131824 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.50 12.00 CBX32MV-018/024 3131825 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.00 CBX32MV-024/030 3131826 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.00 CBX32MV-036 3131827 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.50 12.00 CBX40UHV-024 3291606 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.00 CBX40UHV-030 3291626 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.00 CBX40UHV-036 3291675 XC14-024-230 TXV 22,400 13.20 11.20 CH23-31 3131828 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 14.00 11.70 CH23-41 3131829 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 15.70 13.20 CH33-19 SL280UH070V36A 3929104 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 15.70 13.20 CH33-19 SL280UH070XV36A 4037837 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 13.70 11.50 CH33-19 3131831 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 15.20 13.00 CH33-24/30 SL280UH070V36A 3929105 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 15.20 13.00 CH33-24/30 SL280UH070XV36A 4037838 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 13.50 11.50 CH33-24/30 3131833 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CH33-25 SL280UH070V36A 3929106 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CH33-25 SL280UH070XV36A 4037839 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 16.00 13.20 CH33-25 SL280UH090V36B 3929107 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.00 13.50 CH33-25 SLP98UH070V36B 4020365 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.00 11.70 CH33-25A 3131834 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.00 CH33-25B G61MPV-36B-045 3131836 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-25B G61MPV-36B-070 3131837 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-25B G61MPV-36B-071 3131838 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 13.70 11.70 CH33-25B 3131840 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.50 CH33-31 SL280UH070V36A 3929108
TXV = Matched with Thermostatic Expansion Valve. RFC = Matched with RFC metering device.
Ratings are certied in accordance with USE certication program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240; 95°F outdoor air temperature, 80°F db / 67°F wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. of connecting refrigerant lines. All ratings include the use of a blower time delay relay (TDR). All Lennox variable-speed furnaces and Air Handlers have time delay capabilities. Other Furnaces and Air Handlers may require an optional time delay relay (58M81) for eld installation. See furnace or air handler specications to determine if relay is needed. Also see Expansion Valve Kit Usage Table.
Expansion Device
Capacity SEER EER
Coil or Air Handler
AHRI Reference
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 13
NOTE - For the latest up-to-date system matches please visit the AHRI web site at http://www.ahridirectory.org
Model No.
XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.50 CH33-31 SL280UH070XV36A 4037840 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.70 CH33-31 SL280UH090V36B 3929109 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.20 13.50 CH33-31 SL280UH090V48B 4249216 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.50 13.70 CH33-31 SLP98UH070V36B 4020366 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 14.20 12.00 CH33-31A 3131842 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.20 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-045 3131844 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.50 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-070 3131845 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,800 16.00 13.50 CH33-31B G61MPV-36B-071 3131846 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 14.20 12.00 CH33-31B 3131848 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-36 SL280UH070V36A 3929110 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-36 SL280UH070XV36A 4037841 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.20 CH33-36 SL280UH090V36B 3929111 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.00 13.50 CH33-36 SLP98UH070V36B 4020367 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 13.70 11.70 CH33-36 3630174 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.00 CH33-36B G61MPV-36B-045 3131851 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-36B G61MPV-36B-070 3131852 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CH33-36B G61MPV-36B-071 3131853 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.20 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-045 3131856 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.20 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-070 3131857 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.20 12.70 CR33-24 G61MPV-36B-071 3131858 XC14-024-230 TXV 22,800 14.70 12.20 CR33-24 SL280DF070V36A 3929112 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,000 15.00 12.70 CR33-24 SLP98DF070V36B 4020368 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,400 13.70 11.50 CR33-24 3131855 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 15.70 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-045 3131863 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.00 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-070 3131864 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,600 16.00 13.20 CR33-30/36 G61MPV-36B-071 3131865 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CR33-30/36 SL280DF070V36A 3929114 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.00 13.50 CR33-30/36 SL280DF090V48B 3929115 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.20 13.50 CR33-30/36 SLP98DF070V36B 4020369 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 16.20 13.50 CR33-30/36 SLP98DF090V36C 4020370 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.00 11.70 CR33-30/36 3131860 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.20 CX34-18/24 G61MPV-36B-045 3131870 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.50 CX34-18/24 G61MPV-36B-070 3131871 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 14.70 12.50 CX34-18/24 G61MPV-36B-071 3131872 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.00 12.70 CX34-18/24 SL280UH070V36A 3929265 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.00 12.70 CX34-18/24 SL280UH070XV36A 4037843 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,000 15.00 12.70 CX34-18/24 SL280UH090V36B 3929266 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,200 15.20 12.70 CX34-18/24 SLP98UH070V36B 4020357 XC14-024-230 TXV 22,600 13.20 11.20 CX34-18/24 3131867 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.70 13.20 CX34-19 SL280UH070V36A 3929264 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.70 13.20 CX34-19 SL280UH070XV36A 4037842 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,400 13.70 11.70 CX34-19 3131874 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 15.50 13.00 CX34-25 CBWMV-36B-070 3131877 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CX34-25 G61MPV-36B-045 3131880 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CX34-25 G61MPV-36B-070 3131881 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 15.70 13.20 CX34-25 G61MPV-36B-071 3131882 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CX34-25 SL280UH070V36A 3929267 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,200 15.70 13.20 CX34-25 SL280UH070XV36A 4037844 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,000 16.00 13.20 CX34-25 SL280UH090V36B 3929268 XC14-024-230 TXV 24,400 16.20 13.50 CX34-25 SLP98UH070V36B 4020358 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,800 14.00 11.70 CX34-25 3131876 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.50 CX34-30 G61MPV-36B-045 3131888 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.70 CX34-30 G61MPV-36B-070 3131889 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.70 CX34-30 G61MPV-36B-071 3131890 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.50 CX34-30 G61MPV-36C-090 3131891 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.00 12.50 CX34-30 O23V2/3-70/90 3131884 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.20 12.70 CX34-30 SL280UH070V36A 3929269 XC14-024-230 TXV 23,600 15.20 12.70 CX34-30 SL280UH070XV36A 4037845
TXV = Matched with Thermostatic Expansion Valve. RFC = Matched with RFC metering device.
Ratings are certied in accordance with USE certication program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240; 95°F outdoor air temperature, 80°F db / 67°F wb entering evaporator air with 25 ft. of connecting refrigerant lines. All ratings include the use of a blower time delay relay (TDR). All Lennox variable-speed furnaces and Air Handlers have time delay capabilities. Other Furnaces and Air Handlers may require an optional time delay relay (58M81) for eld installation. See furnace or air handler specications to determine if relay is needed. Also see Expansion Valve Kit Usage Table.
Expansion Device
Capacity SEER EER
Coil or Air Handler
AHRI Reference
XC14 - 1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditioner / Page 14
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