Compressor − limited warranty for five years.
All other covered components − one year.
Refer to Lennox Equipment Limited Warranty certificate
included with unit for specific details.
Certified in Accordance with the USE certification
program, which is based on ARI Standard 210/240−2005.
Sound rated in Lennox reverberant sound test room in
Accordance with test conditions included in ARI Standard
Tested in the Lennox Research Laboratory environmental
test room.
Rated According to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
test procedures.
Units and components within bonded for grounding to
meet safety standards for servicing required by UL, NEC
and CEC.
Units are UL and ULC listed.
ISO 9001 Registered Manufacturing Quality System.
SEER up to 13.0.
Heating COP up to 3.68.
HSPF (Region IV) up to 7.70.
3 through 5 tons.
Three−phase power supply.
Vertical air discharge allows concealment behind shrubs
at grade level or out of sight on a roof.
Designed for applications with remotely located indoor air
handler units.
See Air Handlers tab section for unit data.
Units shipped completely factory assembled, piped and
wired. Each unit is test operated at the factory insuring
proper operation.
Installer must set outdoor unit, connect refrigerant lines
and make electrical connections to complete job.
For expanded ratings, see
Outdoor Coil Fan
Direct drive fan moves large air volumes uniformly
through entire outdoor coil for high refrigerant cooling and
heating capacity.
Vertical air discharge minimizes operating sounds and
eliminates damage to lawn and shrubs.
Fan motor has sleeve bearings and is inherently
Motor totally enclosed for maximum protection from
weather, dust and corrosion.
Rain shield on motor provides additional protection from
Louvered steel top fan guard furnished as standard.
Fan service access accomplished by removal of top
Copper Tube/Enhanced Fin Coil
Lennox designed and fabricated coil.
Ripple-edged aluminum fins.
Copper tube construction.
Lanced fins provide maximum exposure of fin surface to
air stream resulting in excellent heat transfer.
Fin collars grip tubing for maximum contact area.
Flared shoulder tubing connections/silver soldering
Coil is factory tested under high pressure to ensure
leakproof construction.
Entire coil is accessible for cleaning.
PVC coated steel wire coil guard furnished as standard.
TP − 3 to 5 Ton R−22 Heat Pump Outdoor Units / Page 2
Expansion Valve − Outdoor Unit
Designed and sized specifically for use in heat pump
Sensing bulb is located on the suction line between the
reversing valve and the compressor to sense evaporator
suction temperature in any cycle.
Factory installed and piped.
High Capacity Liquid Line Drier
Factory installed in the liquid line, the drier traps moisture
or dirt that could contaminate the refrigerant system.
100% molecular−sieve, bead type bi−flow drier.
Reversing Valve
4-way interchange reversing valve effects a rapid change
in direction of refrigerant flow resulting in quick
changeover from cooling to heating and vice versa.
Valve operates on pressure differential between outdoor
unit and indoor unit of the system. Factory installed.
Check/Expansion Valve Kits
Must be ordered extra and field installed on certain indoor
See ARI Ratings tables.
Chatleff−style fitting.
High Pressure Switch Kit
Protects the system from high pressure conditions that
can be a result of fan failure or a blocked/dirty coil.
Manual reset.
Loss of Charge Kit
Helps protect the compressor from damage due low
refrigerant charge conditions.
SPST, normally−closed switch, automatic reset switch
mounted on suction line.
Refrigerant Line Kits
Refrigerant lines (suction & liquid) are shipped refrigeration
clean. Lines are cleaned, dried, pressurized and sealed at
Suction line fully insulated.
Lines are stubbed at both ends.
Not available for −060 models and must be field fabricated.
Copeland Scrollt Compressor
Compressor features high
efficiency with uniform suction
flow, constant discharge flow
and high volumetric efficiency
and quiet operation.
Compressor consists of two
involute spiral scrolls matched
together to generate a series of
crescent shaped gas pockets
between them.
During compression, one scroll
remains stationary while the
other scroll orbits around it.
Gas is drawn into the outer
pocket, the pocket is sealed as
the scroll rotates.
As the spiral movement
continues, gas pockets are pushed to the center of the
scrolls. Volume between the pockets is simultaneously
When pocket reaches the center, gas is now at high
pressure and is forced out of a port located in the center of
the fixed scrolls.
During compression, several pockets are compressed
simultaneously resulting in a smooth continuous
compression cycle.
Continuous flank contact, maintained by centrifugal force,
minimizes gas leakage and maximizes efficiency.
Scroll compressor is tolerant to the effects of slugging and
contaminants. If this occurs, scrolls separate, allowing
liquid or contaminants to to be worked toward the center
and discharged.
Low gas pulses during compression reduces operational
sound levels.
Compressor motor is internally protected from excessive
current and temperature.
Muffler in discharge line reduces operating sound levels.
Compressor is installed in the unit on resilient rubber
mounts for vibration free operation.
Compressor Crankcase Heater
Protects against refrigerant migration that can occur
during low ambient operation.
Compressor Low Ambient Cut−Off
Non-adjustable switch (low ambient cut-out) prevents
compressor operation when outdoor temperature is
below 35°F.
Compressor Sound Cover
A reinforced vinyl compressor cover containing a 1−1/2
inch thick batt of fiberglass insulation.
All open edges are sealed with a one−inch wide hook and
loop fastening tape.
TP − 3 to 5 Ton R−22 Heat Pump Outdoor Units / Page 3
Defrost Control
Solid-state time/temperature defrost control is furnished
as standard equipment.
Control initiates a defrost cycle every 30, 60 or 90 minutes
of compressor on" time at outdoor coil temperatures
below 42°F (factory setting 90 minutes).
Anti−short cycle, timed−off control incorporated into the
High and low pressure switch monitoring with five−trip
Diagnostic LED’s furnished as an aid in troubleshooting.
Conveniently located in control box.
Installs on or near the vapor line of the indoor coil or on the
suction line.
Senses suction line temperature and cycles the
compressor off when suction line temperature falls below
it’s setpoint.
Opens at 29°F and closes at 58°F.
L Connection
See L Connection Engineering Handbook Bulletin in
Controls section for details.
Low Ambient Control
Air conditioners operate satisfactorily down to 45°F
outdoor air temperature without any additional controls.
Two low ambient control options are available for field
The Low Ambient Control Kit allows unit operation down
to 30°F.
The second control option allows unit operation down to
0°F. This option requires that the outdoor fan motor and
capacitor be changed. See Low Ambient Control Option
table, page 7, for ordering information.
Freezestat should be installed on compressors equipped
with a low ambient kit.
A compressor lock−out thermostat should be added to
terminate compressor operation below recommended
operation conditions (on/off operation, 30°F or modulating
operation, 0°F).
Mild Weather Kit
Heat pump units operate satisfactorily in the heating
mode at outdoor air temperatures up to 75_F.
Mild Weather Kit can be field installed, allowing heating
operation above 75_F.
Monitor Kit − Service Light
Contains ambient compensating thermistor and service
light thermostat.
For use with thermostats requiring input for indicator lights.
Outdoor Thermostat Kit
An outdoor thermostat can be used to lock out some of the
electric heating elements on indoor units where two stage
control is applicable.
Outdoor thermostat maintains the heating load on the low
power input as long as possible before allowing the full
power load to come on the line.
Thermostat kit and mounting box must be ordered extra.
Thermostat not furnished with unit. See Thermostat
bulletins in Controls Section and Lennox Price Book.
Time Delay Relay Kit
Delays the indoor blower−off time during the cooling cycle.
See ARI Rating Tables for usage.
Heavy gauge steel cabinet with five station metal wash
Powder paint finish provides superior rust and corrosion
Painted base section.
Control box is conveniently located with all controls
factory wired.
Corner patch plate allows access to compressor
Drainage holes are provided in base section for moisture
Refrigerant Line Connections, Electrical Inlets,
Service Valves
Sweat connection vapor and liquid lines are located on
corner of unit cabinet.
Fully serviceable brass service valves prevent corrosion
and provide access to refrigerant system. Vapor valve can
be fully shut off, while liquid valve may be front seated to
manage refrigerant charge while servicing system.
Refrigerant line connections and field wiring inlets are
located in one central area of cabinet for easy access. See
dimension drawing.
Hail Guards
Constructed of louvered heavy gauge steel painted to
match cabinet.
Surrounds unit on all four sides to prevent damage to the
Mounting Base
Provides permanent foundation for outdoor units.
High density polyethylene structural material is
lightweight, sturdy, sound absorbing and will withstand the
rigors of the sun, heat, cold, moisture, oil and refrigerant.
Will not mildew or rot.
Can be shipped singly or in packages of 6 to a carton.
Unit Stand-Off Kit
Black high density polyethylene feet are available to raise
unit off of mounting surface away from damaging
Four feet are furnished per order number.
TP − 3 to 5 Ton R−22 Heat Pump Outdoor Units / Page 4
Intuitive Touchscreen Interface − Two Stage Heating / Two Stage Cooling Conventional or
Heat Pump − Seven Day Programmable − Four Time Periods/Day − Economizer Output − Title 24
Remote sensors for C0STAT02AE1L can be applied in the following combinations: (1)
C0SNZN01AE1−, (2) C0SNZN73AE1−, (2) C0SNZN01AE1− and (1) C0SNZN73AE1−, (4)
C0SNZN01AE1−, (3) C0SNZN01AE1− and (2) C0SNZN73AE1.
Intuitive Interface − Automatic Changeover − Simple Up and Down Temperature Control